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1、2021-2022學年中考英語模擬試卷考生請注意:1答題前請將考場、試室號、座位號、考生號、姓名寫在試卷密封線內(nèi),不得在試卷上作任何標記。2第一部分選擇題每小題選出答案后,需將答案寫在試卷指定的括號內(nèi),第二部分非選擇題答案寫在試卷題目指定的位置上。3考生必須保證答題卡的整潔??荚嚱Y(jié)束后,請將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。. 單項選擇1、Why do you want to stay at home?Because I _ good when I am with my family.AsmellBfeelCtasteDsound2、Make sure _the lights before leavin

2、g.Aturn off Bto turn off Cturning off Dturned off3、Its wrong and dangerous to leave children under a(an)_ age alone in the house.AyoungBcertainCmiddleDearly4、Tintin appeared in China in_1980s. He has red hair and _small white dog.Athe; aBa; theC不填;aDthe; 不填5、 exciting film we saw yesterday!I think s

3、o.AWhat a BWhat an CHow an DHow a6、-Do you know Wang Feng? He can remember 100 groups of numbers in five minutes. - Yes. _ man he is!AWhat a smartBHow smartCWhat a stupidDHow stupid7、For all these years I have been working for others. Im hoping I ll _ my own business someday.Aturn up Bfix up Cset up

4、 Dmake up8、Before taking medicine, follow the _ on the package carefully.AinfluenceBinstrumentCinstructionsDinterview9、Im sorry, sir. Ive made lots of mistakes in the monthly exam. Never mind. _, the exam is a bit difficult.AIn allBAbove allCAfter allDFirst of all10、Givemea chance,_Ill give you a wo

5、nderful surprise.AorBsoCandDbut. 完形填空11、 Do you know Parkour? It is an art of movement. It is 1 from free running. It is very 2 in some big cities of China. Many young people do the sport now.Parkour begins in France. 3 founder is a Frenchmen. When people do the sport, they can 4 everywhere in the c

6、ity. The people have a special nameTraceur(酷跑者). For those Traceurs, the 5 city is their training place. They run quickly and climb the houses freely. They look cool. 6 do they do that? Because they want to improve themselves. And it is modem. To be a Traceur, the person must have good physical coor

7、dination(身體協(xié)調(diào)性), or he will hurt 7 ? 一Whats more, the most important is courage(勇氣). He must be brave enough to face the challenge(挑戰(zhàn)). He also has to 8 hard. Some people practise Parkour day and night, 9 their performance is wonderful. But Parkour is also a very dangerous 10 Many people get hurt. S

8、o next time you do it, please be more careful.1AgoodBdifferentCsameDaway2AuselessBpopularCniceDbad3AHerBHisCTheirDIts4AworkBstudyCclimbDrun5AallBbigCwholeDmodem6AWhyBHowCWhatDWhich7AhisBherChimselfDherself8ApracticeBswimCjumpDdance9AbecauseBsoCbutDnext10AsportBstoryCjobDpower. 語法填空12、綜合填空。閱讀下面的短文,在空

9、白處填入一個適當?shù)脑~或填入括號中所給單詞的正確形式。In China, lucky numbers have pronunciations that are similar to words with lucky1(mean). For example, the number 8 is the most favored number 2 in Chinese it is pronounced ba and sounds similar to fa,meaning “getting rich”. Thus 8 is said3 invite great wealth.Maybe the 4(go

10、od) example that shows how Chinese people love the number 8 is the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The Opening ceremony (開模式)5(hold) at 8 minutes and 8 seconds past 8:00 p.m. on the 8th August. This was in expectation of6 (win) the most out of this big competition.Chinese couples also hope that the numb

11、er 8 will bring luck to their children. In 2008, there7 about 17 million newborns, making a record since early 1990s.And many of the 8(baby) were born around August.Chinese peoples love for the number 8 can be seen even in small things such9 number plates(牌照). Number plates 10”8888” can be sold at v

12、ery high prices. When the Chinese choose floor numbers, phone numbers, or dates of events, they prefer numbers with 8 in them, too. 閱讀理解A13、(A)Ma Yun Born in 1964,Hangzhou ZhejiangThe Chairman of Alibaba GroupTu Youyou 85 years old , China The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine1Who is the Ch

13、airman of Alibaba Group?ALang Lang.BLi Yundi.CMa Yun.2What kind of the Nobel Prize did Tu Youyou receive?APhysiology or MedicineBLiteratureCPhysics3Where is Tu Youyou from?AAmerica.BJapanCChinaB14、I often asked my mother for help when I had_to do. But she always said, “Do it yourself, dear.” I was n

14、ot happy about this at all. I thought she was the_mother in the world!For example, one day, I decided to invite some friends of_to my home. My bedroom was in a mess. Books were_, and I didnt make the bed. I asked my mother to help me clean it,_she still said, “Do it yourself.”Because of my “l(fā)azy mot

15、her”, I_to wash my clothes and clean my room. I had to help my parents do_I even had to go to the dentist by_It was really hard for me to do everything well, but I have learned a lot. As time_, I understand my mother. She_me clever and diligent (勤奮的). She is a great mother.1Aeverything easy Banythin

16、g easy Csomething difficult Dnothing difficult2Anicest Bbest Ctallest Dlaziest3AI Bmine Cme Dmy4Ahere Bthere Ceverywhere Dnowhere5Abut Bor Cthough Dso6Avolunteered Bwanted Coffered Dhad7Asports Bchores Cdecisions Dmistakes8Amyself Bherself Courselves Dhimself9Agoes back Bgoes over Cgoes by Dgoes up1

17、0Ahelped Bmade Ctaught DthoughtC15、Have you seen Avatar?Its a popular movie this year. It is three-dimensional(3D), so you may have to wear a special pair of glasses to see it. The 3D glasses make the images(圖像) from the movie look like they are coming straight at you.More and more 3D movies are com

18、ing to theaters. 3D TV sets have been produced in Japan now. Three-dimensional technology can make TV and movies more exciting. But people with eye problems may get headaches if they spend too much time watching 3D movies.When we look at an object(物體), each eye sees it at a different angle(角度). Our

19、eyes send the two images to our brain(大腦), and the brain puts them together. Thats how we see depth(深度). So when we watch a 3D movie, one film projector(投影機) projects a left eye image and the other projects a right eye image. 3D glasses allow us to see a different image in each eye.There are a lot o

20、f people walking around with very less serious eye problems. Under normal situations, the brain can adjust to their eyes so they can see things normally.But when they are watching a 3D movie, the images projected to their eyes cant be put together by their brain. So the brain needs to work harder at

21、 reading the images. That makes it easier for these people to get headaches.Dr John Hagan, an eye doctor in Kansas City, said some people who do not see depth normally cannot see in 3D at all.1When people want to watch a three-dimensional movie, they need .Aa ticket Ba pair of 3D glasses Can earphon

22、e2Three-dimensional technology uses film projector(s) to project one movie at the same time.Aone Btwo Cthree3According to the passage, if we look at an object by only one eye, we cant judge the excatly.Aimage Bangle Cdepth4Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?AIn the near future, people

23、can enjoy 3D movie by watching TV at home.BWhenever you wear a 3D glasses, you can see objects more clearly.CPeople who have something wrong with their brain cant read the images of 3D movie.5The main idea of this passage is .Ahow to use 3D glasses to watch a 3D movie.B3D glasses make the movie seem

24、 aliveCnot everybody can enjoy 3D movies.D16、Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned (禁止) students from carrying mobile phones during school hours.Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for schools. Several children have got mo

25、bile phones from parents and friends as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them.Lucy Bluett, an expert, said mobile phone use was a distraction (分心的事) to students during school hours. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages tocheatduring exams.She said so

26、me schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt call up their children.Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office.Many people say that they understand wh

27、y parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.1Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones _.Awhen they are at homeBwhen they are freeCwhen they are at school2We know

28、 from the passage that some children get mobile phones from .Athe makers and sellersBthe passers-by and strangersCtheir parents and friends3What does the underlined word “cheat” mean in the passage?ABehave dishonestly.BBehave honestly.CBehave correctly.4Some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt

29、 _ during school hours.Ause their mobile phonesBcall up their childrenChelp the teachers with their work5The passage tells us that _.Astudents shouldnt have mobile phones at school except for some special reasonsBmany people cant understand why parents would want their children to have phonesCall pa

30、rents felt unhappy because they couldnt use their phones at schoolE17、 Babies born after 2017 may never need to take a driving lesson because of the development of self-driving cars. Some scientists say that self-driving or driverless cars(無人駕駛汽車)may hit the road within 15 years, and it is possible

31、that driving may become unnecessary, or more relaxing and enjoyable.Companies like Google, Baidu, Apple and Alibaba are working on driverless cars. But, if the tests are successful, these electric self-driving cars could be put into use very soon. This kind of cars may change the way we live in the

32、future. All you have to do is typing in your address!According to Baidu, the driverless technology has the following four advantages. Firstly, driverless cars are actually safer. In China, there are mom than 500 deaths caused by accidents. With driverless cars, the number will decrease by 100 times.

33、 Secondly, driverless cars are more efficient(有效的)than manned cars. Thirdly, driverless cars follow the traffic rules. Therefore, traffic controlling will be easier. At last, the cost of transportation will be reduced as the labor cost becomes less.There are many different technologies needed to mak

34、e a successful self-driving car. The most difficult technologies of all, environmental perception(感知),behavior prediction, planning control, HD mapping, and exact GPS.1According to some scientists, driverless cars may make driving become _.AnecessaryBdifficultCboringDenjoyable2The third paragraph ma

35、inly talks about the _ of driverless cars.AinstructionsBstandardsCadvantagesDtheories3What can we learn from the passage?ADriverless cars may not follow the traffic rules.BThe technologies for driverless cars havent yet well developed.CThe communication between the car and a man is perfect.DDriverle

36、ss cars will have more accidents than man-controlled cats.F18、 We surveyed(調(diào)查)300 young people on what they like to do at weekends . One hundred people are from the ages of 1118 ,one hundred 1926 and one hundred 2735. The following shows their answers:1How many people enjoy playing computer games in

37、 the 1118 group?A20.B50.C60.D75.2The people of 1926 enjoy _most .Awatching TVBgoing to the moviesCplaying computer gamesDtalking a walk3According to the survey , which two activities do most people enjoy doing ?APlaying computer games and watching TV.BPlaying computer games and taking a walk .CWatch

38、ing TV and going to the movies .DGoing to the movies and taking a walk.4From the chart above , we can see the older people are , the more they like _.Awatching TVBtaking a walkCgoing to the moviesDplaying computer games5Which of the following is TRUE according to the chart ?AFewest people like taking a walkBThe people of 1118 like taking a walk most .C90 people like going to the movies in the 1926 group.DThe people of 2735 like playing computer games most .書面表達19、親愛的初三同學,考試來臨


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