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1、第四講 現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)主講人 燕人行現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)=現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)+進(jìn)行時(shí)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的一種復(fù)合時(shí)態(tài)構(gòu)成 Have/has +been+現(xiàn)在分詞(doing)肯定式Have/has +been+現(xiàn)在分詞(doing)否定式Have/has +not + been+現(xiàn)在分詞(doing) 疑問式Have +主語+been +現(xiàn)在分詞 簡(jiǎn)略回答Yes ,主語 have/has.No ,主語 havent/hasnt.常用時(shí)間狀語All the timeOur friends have been coming around all the time.This week/monthShe has been

2、reading the book Hemingways Farewell this month.All night /all the morning They have been singing and dancing all night.RecentlyI have been practicing riding bicycle recently.Since /forThis is what I have been expecting since my childhood 含義現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)表示動(dòng)作從過去某一時(shí)間開始,一直持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,并可能還要持續(xù)下去。The present perfect

3、continuous tense 用法1)表示從過去某時(shí)開始的動(dòng)作一直延續(xù)到說話時(shí)還在繼續(xù)進(jìn)行,并有可能延續(xù)下去的動(dòng)作。 常和all this time, this week, this month, all night, all the morning, recently等狀語以及since和for引導(dǎo)的狀語連用。 如: She has been reciting the words all the morning. 她整個(gè)上午都在背單詞。 2)表示一個(gè)動(dòng)作從過去某時(shí)開始,一直延續(xù)到說話時(shí)候剛結(jié)束。 如: I have been waiting you for about one hour.

4、我等你大約一個(gè)小時(shí)了。(說話時(shí)等的動(dòng)作剛結(jié)束) She has been working all night long.她工作了一夜。3)表示重復(fù)(只斷斷續(xù)續(xù),而非一直不停) Weve been discussing the matter several times this year. 我們今年已數(shù)次討論那件事。 I have been saying goodbye to some friends today. 我今天同好幾個(gè)朋友告了別4)強(qiáng)調(diào)時(shí)間延續(xù)的長(zhǎng)久,或帶感情色彩,表示過去動(dòng)作對(duì)現(xiàn)在造成的影響。 如: She has been always working like that. 她一

5、貫是這樣工作的。 What have you been doing to my dictionary? 看你把我的字典弄成什么樣子了!(現(xiàn)在字典被弄的不成樣子) She has been doing too much work.她做的工作太多了。(Now he is tired out.)現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)與現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的比較(1)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)表示到現(xiàn)在為止已經(jīng)完成,或者在過去曾經(jīng)發(fā)生過的動(dòng)作;現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)往往表示仍將繼續(xù)下去的動(dòng)作。如:I have written an article.我寫了一篇代章。(已完成)I have been writing an article.我一直在寫一篇代章。(還在寫

6、)They have built a ship.他們建了一艘船。(已完成)They have been building a ship.他們一直在建一艘船。(在進(jìn)行)2)當(dāng)現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)表示剛剛結(jié)束時(shí),現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作的結(jié)果,現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)則強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作在不久以前持續(xù)進(jìn)行的情景,并帶有感色彩。如: Now we have cleaned the room; we can move the things in .現(xiàn)在房子打掃好了,我們可以往里搬東西了。(強(qiáng)調(diào)打掃完了的結(jié)果)You look so tired. What have you been doing?你看起來很累,你干什么了?Ive be

7、en playing football.我踢足球了。(強(qiáng)調(diào)不久前踢球的情景)3)現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)有時(shí)含有感情色彩,而現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)一般是平鋪直敘,現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)是現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的強(qiáng)調(diào)形式。 如:I have been waiting for you for two hours. 我一直等了你兩個(gè)小時(shí)。(可能表示不滿) I have waited for you for two hours. 我等了你兩個(gè)小時(shí)。(說明一個(gè)事實(shí)) 4)現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)可以表示動(dòng)作的重復(fù),而現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)一般不表示重復(fù)性。 如: Have you been meeting him recently? 你最近常和他見面嗎? Have

8、you met him recently? 你最近見到過他嗎? 5)有些表示狀態(tài)、感覺、感情的詞,如:have , exist ,like, hate, hear ,know, sound等動(dòng)詞不能用于現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí),而能用于現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)。如: They have known each other since 1970.自從1970年他們就互相認(rèn)識(shí)了。Have a break !現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)與現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí) 練習(xí)篇One mans meat is another mans poison 各有所愛 People become quite illogical(不合邏輯的) when they try

9、to decide what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten. If you lived in the Mediterranean(地中海地區(qū)), for instance, you would consider octopus(章魚) a great delicacy. You would not be able to understand why some people find it repulsive. On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potat

10、oes in animal fat - the normally accepted practice in many northern countries. The sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we stick to them all our lives.No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail. Cooked in wine, snails are a great

11、 luxury(奢侈的) in various parts of the world. There are countless people who, ever since their early years, have learned to associate snails with food. My friend, Robert, lives in a country where snails are despised(輕視). As his flat is in a large town, he has no garden of his own. For years he has bee

12、n asking me to collect snails from my garden and take them to him. The idea never appealed to me very much, but one day, after heavy shower, I happened to be walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails taking a stroll on some of my prize plants. Acting on a sudden impulse(一時(shí)沖動(dòng)), I co

13、llected several dozen, put them in a paper bag, and took them to Robert. Robert was delighted to see me and equally pleased with my little gift. I left the bag in the hall and Robert and I went into the living room where we talked for a couple of hours. I had forgotten all about the snails when Robe

14、rt suddenly said that I must stay to dinner. Snails would, of course, be the main dish. I did not fancy the idea and I reluctantly followed Robert out of the room. To our dismay, we saw that there were snails everywhere: they had escaped from the paper bag and had taken complete possession of the ha

15、ll! I have never been able to look at a snail since then.參考譯文在決定什么能吃而什么不能吃的時(shí)候,人們往往變得不合情理。比如,如果你住在地中海地區(qū),你會(huì)把章魚視作是美味佳肴,同時(shí)不能理解為什么有人一見章魚就惡心。另一方面,你一想到動(dòng)物油炸土豆就會(huì)反胃,但這在北方許多國(guó)家卻是一種普通的烹任方法。不無遺憾的是, 我們中的大部分人,生來就只吃某幾種食品,而且一輩子都這樣。 沒有一種生物所受到的贊美和厭惡會(huì)超過花園里常見的蝸牛了。蝸牛加酒燒煮后,便成了世界上許多地方的一道珍奇的名菜。有不計(jì)其數(shù)的人們從小就知道蝸??勺霾?。但我的朋友羅伯特卻住在一

16、個(gè)厭惡蝸牛的國(guó)家中。他住在大城市里的一所公寓里,沒有自己的花園。多年來,他一直讓我把我園子里的蝸牛收集起來給他捎去。一開始,他的這一想法沒有引起我多大興趣。 后來有一天,一場(chǎng)大雨后,我在花園里漫無目的散步,突然注意到許許多多蝸牛在我的一些心愛的花木上慢悠悠的蠕動(dòng)著。我一時(shí)沖動(dòng),逮了幾十只,裝進(jìn)一只紙袋里,帶著去找羅伯特。羅伯特見到我很高興,對(duì)我的薄禮也感到滿意。我把紙袋放在門廳里,與羅伯特一起進(jìn)了起居室,在那里聊了好幾個(gè)鐘頭。我把蝸牛的事已忘得一干二凈,羅伯特突然提出一定要我留下來吃晚飯,這才提醒了我。蝸牛當(dāng)然是道主菜。我并不喜歡這個(gè)主意,所以我勉強(qiáng)跟著羅伯特走進(jìn)了起居室。使我們驚愕的是門廳里

17、到處爬滿了蝸牛:它們從紙袋里逃了出來,爬得滿廳都是!從那以后,我再也不能看一眼蝸牛了。A. Correct the following sentences1. All these years they are contributing articles to our magazine.2. I have been drinking five cups of coffee this afternoon.3. What have you been doing before you left Oxford?4. Its a good job. Have you done it all by your

18、self?1. All these years they are contributing articles to our magazine. have been contributed2. I have been drinking five cups of coffee this afternoon. have drunk3. What have you been doing before you left Oxford? Had4.Its a good job. Have you done it all by yourself? Did you do 5. Its a long time

19、since you come to see me.6. Alice didnt see much of Henry lately.7. Im glad to tell you that you passed the exam.5. Its a long time since you come to see me. Came 6. Alice didnt see much of Henry lately. Hasnt seen7. Im glad to tell you that you passed the exam. Have passedB. Complete the following

20、sentences with the right form of the verbs given.1. You know, I _ (look) for a job for three months, and this is my first formal interview. 2. My sister _ (stay) in Beijing for three months last year.3. The little boy is dirty all over because he _ (play) in the mud all the morning.4. I _ (wonder) i

21、f you were free this afternoon.5. Here he is! We _ (wait) anxiously for him since last night. have been lookingstayed has been playing/ has played wondered have been waiting 高考題1. (10安徽34) -Weve spent too much money recently. -well, it isnt surprising. Our friends and relatives _around all the time

22、.A .are coming B. had come C. were coming D. have been comingKey : DCome around1、不及物動(dòng)詞 (visit) 來訪 2、不及物動(dòng)詞(agree)改變態(tài)度 如:She has finally comes around to my idea.3、不及物動(dòng)詞 (reoccur)來到 如:I cant believe Christmas has come around again so fast.4、不及物動(dòng)詞 蘇醒過來2. (10湖南34) Im tired out. . I all afternoon and I do

23、nt seem to have finished anything. A. shopped B. have shopped C. had shopped D. have been shoppingKey:D 句意為:“我現(xiàn)在很累。我整個(gè)下午一直在購物,我好像什么事都沒做成似的。” 由語境可判斷選D項(xiàng)。3.(10江西30) Mother wanted to be a good provider, a role she _ since her marriage to Father. A shoulders B shouldered C is shouldering D has been shoul

24、deringkey: Mother wanted to be a good provider, a role she has been shouldering since her marriage to Father. shoulder a role4.(10天津4) We on this project for four hours. Lets have a rest. A. are working B. have been working C. worked D. had worked答案:B. 句意:我們?cè)谶@項(xiàng)工程上一直工作了四個(gè)小時(shí)了。咱們休息一會(huì)。解析:從句子的時(shí)間狀語for fou

25、r hours和后面的句子Lets have a rest可知,動(dòng)作從過去發(fā)生,到說話的時(shí)候一直在進(jìn)行著,所以此處要用現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)。 5.(10遼寧24) Joseph _to evening classes since last month, but he still cant say “Whats your name?” in Russian. Ahas been going Bwent Cgoes Dhas gone答案:A句意:約瑟夫自從上個(gè)月就一直去夜校,可是他仍然不能用俄語說“你叫什么名字?”。解析:考查時(shí)態(tài)。句中since last month,表示“自從上個(gè)月起”根據(jù)but

26、后的句意,說明動(dòng)作從過去發(fā)生到現(xiàn)在一直在進(jìn)行著,所以要用現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)。6. (10重慶31) -Why do you want to work for our company? -This is the job that I for. A. looked B. am to lookC. had lookedD. have been looking答案D考點(diǎn):考查時(shí)態(tài)。解析:由句意:這就是我一直尋找的工作可知用現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí),表示從過去某個(gè)時(shí)刻發(fā)生的動(dòng)作一直持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,并且有可能持續(xù)下去 7.(08江蘇33)Im sure Andrew will win the first prize in

27、 the final.I think so. Hefor it for months.A. is preparing B. was preparingC. had been preparing D. has been preparing答案 D解析 由句中“for months”與“will”可知,prepare的動(dòng)作應(yīng)發(fā)生在過去而且到目前還在繼續(xù),故用現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)。8、 I have got a headache. No wonder. Youin front of that computer too long. A. work B. are working C. have been working D. worked答案 C解析 由“I have got a headache”可知,空處應(yīng)用現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)表示動(dòng)作“從過去開始持續(xù)至今且還會(huì)進(jìn)行下去”,體現(xiàn)過去開始的動(dòng)作對(duì)現(xiàn)在的影響及結(jié)果。No wonder 不足為奇,怪不得9.(07湖


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