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1、常年法律顧問合同甲方:地址:電話:傳真:郵編:乙方:地址:電話:傳真:郵編:甲方聘請乙方擔(dān)任其常年法律顧問,為甲方提供常年法律服務(wù),雙方經(jīng)過平等協(xié)商達(dá)成如下協(xié)議,以資雙方共同遵守:一、 乙方為甲方提供下列常年法律服務(wù):1、 為甲方業(yè)務(wù)范圍內(nèi)的經(jīng)營活動提供法律咨詢意見;協(xié)助審閱甲方有關(guān)法律事務(wù)方面的文書并提出修改、補(bǔ)充意見,供甲方參考。2、 為甲方草擬有關(guān)經(jīng)濟(jì)合同,或?qū)追揭巡輸M的經(jīng)濟(jì)合同進(jìn)行認(rèn)真審閱、修改,完善合同的有關(guān)內(nèi)容和條款。協(xié)助甲方建立完善的合同管理制度。3、 根據(jù)中國相關(guān)法律法規(guī)的規(guī)定, 為甲方生產(chǎn)、經(jīng)營、管理方面重大決策的合法性、可行性、風(fēng)險預(yù)測及對策提供法律依據(jù)和法律意見。4、

2、根據(jù)甲方的實際需要,對甲方業(yè)務(wù)人員進(jìn)行常用法律知識培訓(xùn),但每年不超過 8 小時。5、 根據(jù)甲方的要求,就其內(nèi)部管理制度和勞動用工制度進(jìn)行修改和完善,使之既符合法律規(guī)定,又兼顧各方利益。6、 根據(jù)甲方的實際情況,就有關(guān)重大事項在媒體上以甲方的名義發(fā)布相關(guān)信息,所涉及發(fā)布費用由甲方承擔(dān)。7、 向甲方 的債務(wù)人出具律師函,并對甲方可能涉入的訴訟提出策略性意見。8、 根據(jù)甲方的請求,對業(yè)務(wù)客戶進(jìn)行資信調(diào)查,并出具書面調(diào)查報告。9、 根據(jù)甲方的需要,對甲方的重大行為出具法律意見書。10、 參加甲方重大經(jīng)濟(jì)事務(wù)的談判,在談判中擔(dān)任甲方主談人的法律助手。11、 經(jīng)甲方另行委托,擔(dān)任甲方代理人,參加有關(guān)經(jīng)濟(jì)、

3、民事、行政糾紛的調(diào)解、仲裁或訴訟活動。12、 經(jīng)甲方另行委托,代理 甲方 涉及稅務(wù)籌劃、長期投資、融資、重組、購并、股票發(fā)行、上市等專項法律顧問事務(wù) 。備注 :乙方為甲方提供上述第 8 、 9 、 10 、 11 、 12 項法律服務(wù),甲方應(yīng)與乙方另行簽訂委托合同。二、 乙方根據(jù)甲方的要求指派黃剛強(qiáng)律師、郭磊律師為甲方提供本合同項下的常年法律服務(wù),依法維護(hù)甲方的合法權(quán)益。如乙方指派的上列律師因故不能履行前款規(guī)定的 職責(zé),甲方同意乙方另行指派其他律師替代。三、 甲方應(yīng)全面、客觀、詳盡地向乙方律師陳述委托事項的客觀事實,如實提供與委托事項有關(guān)的證據(jù)材料,以便于乙方提供相應(yīng)的法律服務(wù),并確保乙方提供

4、的法律服 務(wù)立足于“以事實為依據(jù)”的基礎(chǔ)之上。四、 乙方接受委托后,受指派的律師無正當(dāng)理由不得拒絕提供本合同項下的法律服務(wù)。五、 如出現(xiàn)下列情況,則乙方有權(quán)書面通知甲方解除本合同,并終止本合同項下的法律服務(wù):1、 甲方委托事項違法;2、 甲方利用乙方提供的法律服務(wù)從事違法活動;3、 甲方隱瞞事實,不提供或不如實提供有關(guān)的證據(jù)材料;4、 甲方逾期支付律師費用經(jīng)催告仍不交納。六、 甲方有權(quán)隨時書面提出解除本合同,但解除本合同前甲方已支付的顧問費,乙方不予退回,乙方接到甲方書面通知之日即行終止提供本合同項下的法律服務(wù)。七、 甲方根據(jù)乙方為其提供法律服務(wù)所需律師人數(shù)、工作時間、復(fù)雜程度、可能承擔(dān)的風(fēng)險

5、和責(zé)任、自身承受能力,同意支付下列律師費用予乙方:1、 年 法律顧問費: 元(大寫)人民幣;2、 市內(nèi)交通費、文件費: 元(大寫)人民幣;3、 上述費用甲方應(yīng)于本合同簽訂 日內(nèi)(即二 00 年 月 日前)付清。4、 應(yīng)甲方要求,乙方提供的法律服務(wù)屬本合同第一條第 1 至第 7 項規(guī)定之列,受聘方不再另行計收律師費;乙方提供的法律服務(wù)屬本合同第一條第 8 至 12 項規(guī)定之列,甲方同意按以下方式向乙方支付額外法律費用:1) 按廣東省律師服務(wù)收費標(biāo)準(zhǔn)價格八折優(yōu)惠收費;或2) 按雙方在個案發(fā)生當(dāng)時達(dá)成的協(xié)議來計付。八、 甲、乙雙方分別依照本合同第四條第二款或第五條之規(guī)定解除本合同的,乙方已收取的本合

6、同約定的費用均不予退還。九、 雙方的責(zé)任1、 甲方的責(zé)任:1) 遵守及履行本合同之規(guī)定;2) 向乙方提供相關(guān)的、全面的、真實的信息數(shù)據(jù);3) 按規(guī)定向乙方支付費用;4) 應(yīng)甲方要求,乙方到甲方企業(yè)辦理法律事務(wù),甲方應(yīng)提供相應(yīng)工作條件。甲方指派以下人員為聯(lián)系人,與乙方保持聯(lián)絡(luò):先生 / 小姐 職務(wù): 聯(lián)系電話:2、 乙方的責(zé)任1) 及時告知甲方完成其指令的工作進(jìn)展;2) 及時并盡力解答甲方的咨詢;3) 告知甲方完成其指令的法律事務(wù)的估算費用;4) 嚴(yán)守甲方提供的商業(yè)信息數(shù)據(jù)及商業(yè)機(jī)密,不得向任何第三方透露;5) 一旦意識到對甲方利益不利的信息,應(yīng)及時告知甲方,并及時向甲方提供參考處理方案。十、

7、除本合同第四條第二款、第五條規(guī)定外,乙方為甲方提供本合同項下法律服務(wù)的期限為 年,自二 00 年 月 日至二 00 年 月 日。十一、 如因本合同發(fā)生爭議,由甲、乙雙方協(xié)商解決;協(xié)商不成,應(yīng)提交廣州仲裁委員會裁決。十二、 本合同自甲、乙雙方簽字或蓋章之日生效,至乙方依照本合同第九條約定終止提供法律服務(wù)且甲方付清本合同規(guī)定的費用后失效。十三、 本合同正本一式四份,甲、乙雙方各執(zhí)兩份,均具同等法律效力。甲 方: 乙 方:法定代表人或負(fù)責(zé)人 : 承辦律師:簽訂日期: 年 月 日Party A:Address:Tel.:Fax:Post code:Party B:Address:Tel.:Fax:Po

8、st code:Party A engages Party B to act as annual retainer as legal advisor thereof to provide permanent legal services for Party A. Both parties, through consultations on the basis of equality, enter into the following agreement and agree to be subject to the following provisions.1. Party B shall pr

9、ovide permanent legal services to Party A.(1) Party B shall provide legal advisory opinions pertaining to operating activities within the business scope of Party A and assist in reviewing relevant documents regarding legal affairs of Party A and make suggestions on revision and supplementary submiss

10、ion for Party As information.(2) Party B shall draft relevant economic contracts for Party A, or earnestly review, amend and improve relevant contents and articles of contracts drafted by Party A. Party B shall assist Party A in establishing improved contract management system.(3) Party B shall, in

11、accordance with Chinese laws and regulations, provide relevant legal basis and legal opinions on legality, feasibility, risk pro approaches to risks with regard to production, business operation and management of Party A.(4) Party B shall, as required by Party A, train operating staff of Party A on

12、legal literacy for not more than 8 hours annually.(5) Party B shall, based on requirements of Party A, make amendment and improvement on internal management system and labor and employment system on the part of Party A to ensure compliance with legal regulations and take in consideration of interest

13、s of parties.(6) Party B shall, pursuant to actual conditions of Party A, release relevant information on major events through the media in the name of Party A with resulting expenses for release to be borne by Party A.(7) Party B shall issue lawyers letter to debtors of Party A and put forward stra

14、tegic and tactical opinions on lawsuits with which Party A is likely to be involved.(8) Party B shall as required by Party A, make credit investigation on relevant customers of Party A and issue written investigation report.(9) Party B shall, as required by Party A, issue legal opinion on major acts

15、 of Party A.(10) Party B shall participate in negotiation of major economic affairs on the part of Party A and serve as legal assistant to chief negotiator of Party A during negotiation.(11) Party B shall, upon separate entrustment of Party A, act as an agent of Party A to participate in relevant me

16、diation, arbitration or litigation with respect to economic, civil and administrative disputes.(12) Party A shall, upon separate entrustment of Party A, act as an agent for special affairs of legal advisor concerning taxation affairs planning, long-term investment, financing, reorganization, merger

17、& acquisition, shares issuance and listing etc.Remark: Party A shall separately sign agency agreements with Party B in case Party B provides legal services in the above-mentioned Article 8, Article 9, Article 10, Article 11 and Article 12.2. Party B shall, as required by Party A, appoint attorneys H

18、uanggang and Guolei to provide permanent legal services under the Agreement and to legally protect legitimate rights and interests of Party A. If the above attorneys appointed by Party B cannot perform the abovementioned responsibilities for any reason, Party A shall agree that Party B separately ap

19、point other attorneys for substitution.3. Party A shall state objective facts of items of trust to attorneys of Party B in an overall, objective and elaborate manner and accurately and truly provide evidence materials relevant to items of trust so that legal services provided by Party B are to based

20、 on facts.4. Attorneys appointed by Party B shall not refuse to provide the legal services under the Agreement without any justified reason after Party B accepts entrustment.5. In the event of the following circumstances, Party B shall have the rights to notify Party A to terminate the Agreement in

21、writing and terminate the legal services under the Agreement.1) The items of trust of Party A are illegal;2) Party A takes advantage of legal services provided by Party B to engage in illegal activities;3) Party A conceals the facts and fails to provide or accurately and properly provide relevant ev

22、idence materials;4) Party A fails to pay attorneys fees within the stipulated period even if being urged.6. Party A shall have the rights to notify Party B to terminate the Agreement in writing. However, Party B will not refund legal advisors fee paid by Party A prior to the termination of the Agree

23、ment. Party B shall refuse to provide the legal services under the Agreement upon receiving written notice from Party A.7. Party A shall agree to pay the following attorneys fees to Party B pursuant to the number, working hours, work complexity of and possible risks and responsibilities to be borne

24、by attorneys provided by Party B as well as financial affordability thereof.a) Annual fees of legal advisors: RMB yuan(amount in words);b) Traveling expenses within the city and document charges:_RMB yuan(amount in words);c) Party A shall pay off the above mentioned expenses within _ days (prior to

25、_ Day _ Month _ Year) upon signing of the Agreement.d) As required by Party A, if legal services provided by Party B fall within the scope of Item 1 to Item 7 in Article 1, Party B shall not separately charge attorneys fees; if legal services provided by Party B fall within the scope of Item 8 to It

26、em 12 in Article 1, Party A shall agree to pay extra legal fees in the following manners.3) Based on 80% of rates of charges and fees of legal services in Guangdong province; or2) Based on the agreement reached by both parties in case of individual case8. Where Party A and Party B terminate the Agre

27、ement respectively pursuant to Item 2 of Article 4 or Article 5 in this Agreement, Party B will not refund received fees agreed in the Agreement.9. Responsibilities of both parties1) Responsibilities of Party Ai. Party A shall abide by and fulfill the regulations of the Agreement;ii. Party A shall p

28、rovide relevant comprehensive and true information and data to Party A;iii. Party A shall pay expenses and fees to Party B as required;iv. Party A shall provide corresponding working conditions when Party B, as required by Party A, comes to the enterprise of Party A to handle legal affairs. Party A

29、shall appoint the following staff to contact with Party B: Mr./Miss Title: Tel.:2) Responsibilities of Party Bi. Party B shall timely notify Party A of the progress of the work based on the instructions thereof;ii. Party B shall timely try best thereof to find solutions to consultations of Party A;i

30、ii. Party B shall notify Party A of estimated expenses resulting from legal affairs handled based on instructions thereof;iv. Party B shall strictly keep commercial information and data and commercial secrets provided by Party A from any third Party;v. Party B shall immediately notify Party A once being aware of information adverse to interests o


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