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1、Unit 3 Lets Go Further一教學(xué)目標(biāo):進(jìn)一步增強同學(xué)養(yǎng)成良好生活習(xí)慣和學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣的意識;賜予同學(xué)大量的語言輸入;幫忙同學(xué)通過圖片幫忙讀懂一些簡潔的故事;二教學(xué)重點和難點:重點:1. 故事的懂得及復(fù)述;2. 表達(dá)心情的形容詞的懂得和運用;難點: 詞語及句型:1It s /It s time to .2. It . I like it.t like it.It s . I don三教學(xué)策略:1. 以舊引新 , 把新舊學(xué)問有機(jī)地結(jié)合起來 , 在應(yīng)用中積存、開展;2. 運用多媒體教學(xué)和情形的設(shè)置來吸引同學(xué)的留意力 , 激發(fā)他們的學(xué)習(xí)愛好 , 引導(dǎo)同學(xué)發(fā)揮主體作用 , 主動開展;提示詞語

2、及句型:1It s /It s time to .2. It . I like it.t like it.It s . I don四教學(xué)媒體: 圖片 , 表格 , 錄音機(jī) , 多媒體軟件 ,VCD五教學(xué)過程:Step one Warming up1. Chant: Its time to .2. Sing a song: Tick Tock TickStep two Pre-task Leading in復(fù)習(xí)關(guān)于時間的句型 : What time is it. Its .T: Look. What time is it. 老師問同學(xué)當(dāng)時的時間 Ps: Its .T: Right. Its ti

3、me to have our class. Good ,Class. Now, what time is it. 老師出示教具鐘 , 時間顯示為八點半;1 / 6 P1: Its .T: Its in the evening. Is it time to have lunch.Ps: No, T: Right, if you are good boys or girls, you can watch TV at that time. 2. 談?wù)撾娨暪?jié)目并填寫表格;T: Do you often watch TV.P1: Yes, I do.T: What programmes do you l

4、ike.P2: I like cartoons.T: I like cartoons, too. Because its interesting.I don t like news, because its boring. 老師將表達(dá)心情的詞填入下面表格作為子;TV NewsTV CartoonsSport Music ProgrammesPlaysprogrammesprogrammesinterestingboring3. 聽看錄象 , 并答復(fù)以下問題;隱匿故事結(jié)局T: Our friends Piggy and Poggy often watch TV too. Now they are

5、 watching TV. What time is it now. Are the programmes interesting.Do they like them. Listen and watch carefully and then answer, ok.讓同學(xué)猜想故事的結(jié)局;T: Piggy and Poggy dont like the programmes. So what are they going to do. Can you guess.全班同學(xué)跟錄音讀故事;四人小組分角色朗讀故事并把下面短文補充完整;It s _ o clock. Piggy and Poggy wan

6、t to _ _.2 / 6 But the programmes are not _. They are not for _.So theyre both _ at last.Step three While-task 讓同學(xué)依據(jù)提示詞和圖片表演故事;2. 對同學(xué)的表演賜予適當(dāng)?shù)脑u判;針對本故事中 Piggy 和 Poggy 的行為 , 就如何養(yǎng)成良好的生活習(xí)慣讓同學(xué)依據(jù)自己的生活體會進(jìn) 行溝通;Step five Homework用自己的話復(fù)述本故事;依據(jù)自己的生活體會編寫一個新的故事;Module 1 Revision Objectives Should 和 shouldn t 的使用小

7、結(jié)比擬級 practise doing 的運用用語Module 1 Sound families Procedures Game: What can get more apples from the apple tree. Group work: Look at the words and read.cooks, drinks, jumps, skips, drives, leaves, swims, calls, sees, stays, enjoys, borrows, gets, puts, skates, starts, ends, needs, reads, understands,

8、 closes, fishes, washes, catches, watches, flies, studies, goes, does Present a boy. Hes climbing the apple tree. Please give advice to the boy. You shouldn t climb the tree. You should water the tree.Show two more pictures and give advice. shouldn t should Activity book P8 Ex. 5 Summing upshould v.

9、 shouldv. 動詞原形 should/shouldnt do同樣用法的詞仍有 : can/can t do, must/mustnt do, will do, shall do, may do Look at the picture. Jiamin shouldn t swim in the river, he should swim in the swimming pool. Lets call his mother.3 / 6 T: Good morning. May I speak to Mrs Chen.Ps: This is Mrs Chen speaking. Whos th

10、at, please.T: It s Miss Zhou. Jiamin swims in the river. Im worried about him. Ps: Really. He shouldnt swim in the river. He should swim in the swimming pool. Thank you for telling me, Miss Zhou.T: You re welcome. Lets help him together. Bye.Ps: Bye.Make this dialogue in pairs according to the key w

11、ords.Jiamin is naughty, but Sally is a good girl. She likes singing. She enjoys listening to the music, and she practises dancing for an hour everyday.Summing up: Be doing Like doing Enjoy doing Practise doing Activity book P10 Ex.3 3 小結(jié)比擬級:句子里面含有 than ,than前面的形容詞后加上erExercise: Activity book P2 Ex.4

12、 Listening exercise: Activity book: P9 Ex.1-2 Homework: Activity book P10-12 Ex. 3-5 Listen to the tape and read Module 1.Review the new words.Layout Module 1 Our Life should/ shouldnt do practise doing can/ can t do be doing must/ mustn t do like doing will do enjoy doing shall do may do4 / 6 疑問句里動

13、詞用原形 比擬級 adj.+er than Module 2 Seeing a Doctor .Objectives Language skill Can talk about the names of common illness in English.Can express different feelings and symptoms when being ill, and ways of talking to a doctor.Language knowledge Vocabulary 4 skills:f eel, wake, wake up, ill, matter, Whats

14、the matter. quickly, get dress, bad, hot, cold, have a cold, sweet, bath, have a bath, pale, first, medicine, take medicine, time, headache, tooth- ache, fever, pain, youd better= you had better3 skills: plenty, plenty of, checkup, stomachache Drills I feel ill.You should drink plenty of water.You s

15、houldn t go to bed late.d better stay in bed. YouDaily expressions in communications It s time to get up.I don t want to be late for school.Whats the matter.Take the medicine three times a day.I have a cold.Dont eat too much chocolate.To raise awareness of the letter-sound and sound-spelling corresp

16、ondence.Sub-topic Unit 4: Janet Fells IllUnit 5: Janet Goes to the DoctorsUnit 6: Lets Go Further5 / 6 Affects To raise the awareness of fostering healthy living habits.To practise giving advice like “ You should and “ You shouldn t To cultivate pupils creativity.Learning strategy Cognitive strategy.Regulating strategy.Communicative resource strategy.Cultural ConsciousnessTo provide pupils with more information about children s school life in other countries.To provide pupils a chance to think about their own s


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