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1、Sales Success Course銷售成功課程Class 2Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 21Day 1 Recap第一天回顧Who practised last night?Great FutureBeing preparedEffective communicationFitness Profile.誰昨天晚上聯(lián)系了?客戶需求。有效地溝通。健身資料表。Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 22Todays Schedule今天的日程體成分測試參觀俱樂

2、部和私人教練一起工作Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 23PMFP evaluation timeClub ToursWorking with PTsTest time測試時間Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 24Break Time休息時間Time for a breakExcel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 25會籍系統(tǒng)重點:建立標準化的操作流程與數(shù)字化管理體系Step1. 第一印象Step2.

3、 訪客健體記錄Step3. 體成分分析測試儀(私人教練與客人的第一次接觸)Step4. 參觀健身俱樂部Step5. 會籍簡介Step6. 解決擔憂Step7. 高層介入TOStep8. 成交支付合同Step9. 高層介入升級Step10. 私人教練首次銷售(私人教練與客人的第二次接觸)Step11. 免費私教課程 (私人教練與客人的第三次接觸)Step12. 10個轉(zhuǎn)介紹名單會籍系統(tǒng)體成分分析測試1.體驗超過想象的關(guān)鍵2.包裝教練價值3.部門配合,快速響應(yīng)4.通過專業(yè)化解擔憂,引導(dǎo)需求Membership selling experience參觀會所Why are they here?Moti

4、vationDont be a tour guideNever assume,PMFP.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 28他們?yōu)槭裁丛谶@里?動機不要當成導(dǎo)游永遠不要假設(shè)PMFP.Rules of tours參觀守則You are not a tour guide.Show them what they want to buy.Introduce them to people who will help them achieve goals.Make it personalKey Point USE THEIR NAME!E

5、xcel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 29你不是導(dǎo)游.把他們想買的展示給他們.把能幫助他們達到目標的人介紹給他們.私人化重點 使用他們的名字!Magic Secrets of Tours神奇的參觀秘密Understand member needs (PMFP). Tie features to benefits they want.Get them to say it is what they want. Be consistent, thorough and professional every time. Excel Perfo

6、rmance TrainingSales Success Course Day 210了解會員的需要 (PMFP). 他們想獲利的特征.讓他們說出這是他們想要的. 每一次都要全面切專業(yè)的。Pre-tour statement參觀之前的陳述Pre tour statement :“Mr. Wang, I will take you through the club now, showing you the group exercise schedule & rooms, introduce you to a personal trainer to discuss how they can hel

7、p you and then show you through the locker rooms. Was there anything else you wanted to see? After that can go through the membership options, how does that sound”.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 211參觀的陳述 :“王先生,現(xiàn)在我要帶您參觀我們會所, 給您介紹團體課程的教室和日程安排, 請私人教練與您探討一下他們怎樣幫您達到您的目標之后帶您參觀更衣室,然后看看您

8、還要看些什么,這些結(jié)束之后我們來完成會員資料, 這樣可以么?”.為什么這樣說?Why do we lose sales on tours為什么在參觀的時候會銷售失???No connection to club.No connection to facilities.No connection to services.We dont create the need.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 212與俱樂部之間沒有連接.與設(shè)備沒有連接.與服務(wù)沒有連接.我們沒有創(chuàng)造需求.What normally happens一般會發(fā)生什

9、么?Introduce facilitiesCardioWeightsPoolIntroduce servicesGroup exercisePersonal trainingSwimming lessonsExcel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 213設(shè)施介紹有氧力量游泳池服務(wù)介紹集體課程私人教練游泳課程Tie them together把它們聯(lián)系在一起Feature + benefit.Eg. “Mr Wang as you can see we have Imported US Treadmills that have loa

10、ds of great programs to help you burn calories and reach your goal of losing 10kgs of weight”. Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 214特征-益處.例如. “王先生,就像你看到的我們的美國進口的STARTRAC跑步機有許多非常棒的程序來幫助你燃燒卡路里,達到您減去10公斤的目標”. 自己寫下三處.Getting agreement達成協(xié)議Last step prospect agreement.E.g. - “Mr. Wang, ou

11、r class schedule for our spinning studio is one of the best, because we have over 20 classes a week, what that means to you is that you will have the flexibility to come in when it suits you and join in a class. And that means you will be on the way to losing that 10kgs you wanted to. In your opinio

12、n, is that something that works for you?”Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 215最后一步 達成協(xié)議E.g. - “王先生, SPINNING動感單車課程是我們最好的課程之一, 我們每周有20結(jié)課, 這意味著您可以有很靈活的時間來參加課程,也意味著你很快就會完成您見到10公斤的目標,您認為這樣對您有效么?”在協(xié)議單上添加最少3項你做過的.Good and Bad重點Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 216Step4. 參

13、觀健身俱樂部1. 帶參觀的目的不僅僅介紹會所設(shè)施,而是為客人減輕顧慮,強化夢想并創(chuàng)造超過會員卡價格23倍的價值。 2. 示范并帶客人試用適合的器械,量化的、看上去不難實現(xiàn)的數(shù)據(jù)有助于增添客戶的健身興趣。3. 客戶參觀會所時見到的除了器械,他們注意更多的還有正在健身的會員。會籍銷售可以有意識地為他們介紹一些會員 ,普通而真實的案例能夠給訪客親切感,說服力倍增。4. 試用封閉性或選擇性問題。5. 參觀的過程中不能報價。Break Time休息時間Time for a breakExcel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 217Interac

14、tive Information互動信息Feature - Benefit Agreement system.Interactive information.Making them feel like a member.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 218特點 ,益處 ,協(xié)議程序.互動信息.讓他們感覺自己是會員.Interactive information互動信息What is interactive information? E.g. “As you noticed each time you come to club

15、 you need to bring, your membership card for security reasons”. Assuming they will join. Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 219什么是互動信息? 例如 “像你提到的為了安全起見每次你來到會所都要帶會員卡”. 假設(shè)他們會加入會籍. Example舉例Another example “Mr. Wang, the first time you come to XYZ Fitness, a certified PT will look after

16、 you. they will take you through a complete health & fitness assessment, to determine your current level of fitness, he will then design a program based on that and your specific requirements, that way you will be on the way to achieving your goals quickly”.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Co

17、urse Day 220另外一個例子 “王先生,您第一次來到XYZ會所,一個專業(yè)的私人教練會給您一個完整的體能評估,和您現(xiàn)在的健康水平,根據(jù)您的現(xiàn)狀和您的需求他會為您量身定做健身程序幫您更快的達到您的目標”.做3個例子。Practise time練習時間New Profile form. Around room are20 pictures of different club facilities/services. Use these in your “Tour”.Remember Use the Feature benefit agreement system.Use the intera

18、ctive feedback.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 221一個新的資料表. 大約有20張關(guān)于不同會所設(shè)施和服務(wù)的圖片。把它們用在你的“參觀“里面。會籍簡介作為會所參觀與報價之間的過渡,很自然的引出了會籍價格,同時讓客人的腦海里回憶參觀所看到的東西,也會讓客人更全面的了解俱樂部的服務(wù)。Break Time休息時間Time for a breakExcel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 222Session Goals學(xué)習目標Learn how to pres

19、ent the price in a way that increases your closing rate. Simple goal!Sales Success Course Day 223學(xué)習怎樣介紹價錢,增加你的結(jié)束銷售成功率。簡單的目標!Presenting the price展示價格Presenting price important. Final step done right.Done wrong, more work needed.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 224展示價錢很重要. 作對最后一步。.做錯

20、了需要更多的工作量.Investment投資Challenge not to use high pressure discount based sellingHow? Use of words.An example is the “cost of membership” vs. the “investment in yourself”. Build value in club.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 225挑戰(zhàn) 不要上來就報底價如何? 使用語言.一個例子 “會籍的成本” vs. “在自己身上的投入”. 在會所中制造價

21、值.在工作書中練習.Better ways更好的方法e.g. Membership cost/price例如:會籍的成本/價錢Investment in yourself你自己的投入Membership contract會籍合同Paperwork or membership agreement文筆工作或會籍協(xié)議Initial payment首次付款I(lǐng)nitial investment初期投入Join up加入Get you started on the way to achieving your goals.開始完成你的目標Excel Performance TrainingSales Suc

22、cess Course Day 226Membership Options會員選項Different membership options.Two best optionsAlternate choice option, example : 1 or 2 year membership.Not “do you want to join?”Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 227不同的會員選項兩點最好的選項代替選擇選項, 例如 : 1或2年的會籍.不要”你想加入么”?”Shut your mouth閉上你的嘴巴Once you

23、have asked the question SHUT UP DO NOT SPEAK JUST RELAX. Why? Who is buying?Uncomfortable sometimes.Let them answer!Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 228當你問完你的問題,閉上嘴巴不要說話休息一下. 為什么? 誰在購買?有些時候可能不太舒服.讓他們回答!Know your Prices知道你的價值What can you offer members?What discount can you offer?Ask

24、 your manager if not clear?Never give cheapest price to start with.Give yourself opportunity to close with final discount.E.g. “Mr. Wang, if was able to give you a better price would you join today?” Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 229你可以提供給會員什么?你可以提供什么樣的折扣?如果你不清楚,請詢問你的經(jīng)理?永遠不要再一開始

25、的時候給出為便宜的價錢.用最后的折扣結(jié)束銷售之前給自己一個機會.例如. “王先生,如果今天可以給您一個更好的價位你會加入么?” Practise time練習時間Workbooks have sample pricelist.Will you be joining with anyone else?Will you be using the club during off peak times or peak times?Do you want to buy a personal training package with it?Excel Performance TrainingSales

26、Success Course Day 230工作手冊上有價格表的樣本.你會和別人一起加入嗎?你會在健身高峰時間段還是非高峰時間段來健身呢?你想一起購買私人教練課程套裝嗎?Price Options價錢選項1 year membership 2000RMB 一年會籍 7000人民幣2 year membership 3000RMB2年會籍10000人民幣Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 231ORBreak Time休息時間Time for a breakExcel Performance TrainingSales Succe

27、ss Course Day 232Working with Personal trainers與私人教練一起工作Session goals :Learn how to work with personal trainers better to increase membership sales and personal training sales.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 233培訓(xùn)目標 :學(xué)習怎樣更好的與私人教練工作來提高會籍銷售和私人教練銷售.Why work with Personal Trainers?為什么

28、要與私人教練一起工作Why?What is in it for us?Feedback.Answers Upto 40% members use PT.Most clubs give bonus to sell PT.PT can show prospect how goals achieved.PT are professionalAndExcel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 234為什么?里面為我們提供了什么?反饋.答案 有超過40%的會員購買私人教練.大部分會所付給成功私人教練課程的銷售人員獎金.私人教練可以說明如何達成完美的

29、目標.私人教練非常專業(yè)還有Benefits of Personal Training私人教練的好處What are the benefits of personal training? Write in handbook 5 minutes.Many benefits as can see.Main benefit is : The personalized attention to each personal training member which is important so that they get to their goal/s in the safest, most effective and fastest way possible.Excel Perf


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