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1、v1.0可編輯可修改 專四常見動詞短語五組第一組be about to do 剛要,即將be friends with 與友好bear in mind 記住bring into effect 實行;使生效bring into operation 實施;使生效can not help禁不住,忍不住carry into effect施行;使生效cast light on/upon 闡明,使了解catch fire 著火,燒著catch ones breath 帚氣,松口 氣;屏息、catch ones eye 弓 I 人注 目catch sight of 看到,發(fā)現(xiàn)come into effect

2、 生效;實施come into operation 施行,實行,生效come to ones senses醒,暗;蘇醒come true 實現(xiàn)could not help 禁不住,忍不住cut short 中斷,打斷do ones best盡力,努力enjoy oneself過得快活fall in love with愛 上find fault(with)找岔gain an advantage over 勝過,優(yōu)于get hold of 得到,獲得get rid of丟棄,擺脫,get the best of 戰(zhàn)勝get the better of 戰(zhàn)勝,占上風get together會面,裝配

3、give rise to引起,導致give way 讓路,讓步go ahead 開始,進行go into effect 施行,實行,生效go into operation 生效,實施go wrong 出錯,出故障had better 應該would rather 寧愿would rather than 寧愿而不愿have an advantage over 勝過,優(yōu)于have in mind想至U ;記彳導;打算have nothing to do with 和毫無關系have(something/much/little)to do with和(有些/ 有很大 /沒有什么)關系help one

4、self 自用,自取keep an eye on 留意,照看keep in mindt己住.keep ones head保持鎮(zhèn)靜keep ones word 守信用keep pace(with)( 與)齊步前進lead the way 引路,帶learn by heart 記住,背誦leave alone不打擾,不干預let alone更另J提,不打擾let go (of) 放,松手lose heart失去勇氣,喪失信心lose ones head 慌亂,倉皇失措lose ones temper 發(fā)脾氣,發(fā)努lose sight of忘記,忽略;看不見make a /the differenc

5、e 有影響,起作用make friends 交朋友make fun of 取笑,嘲弄make ones way 去,前往make sense 講得通,言之有理make sure 查明;務必make the best of 充分利用make the most of 充分利用make up ones mind下決心,打定主意make use of 使用,利用make way讓路,讓出地方may as well 還不如,不妨never mind不要緊;不用擔心pay attention to 注意piece together 拼合play a part(in)起作用,參于put into effec

6、t實施;使生效put into operation 實施;使生效put into practice實施;實行put to use 使用see to it that 注意,務必,保證see that 注意,務必,保證set fire to 使燃燒,點燃takefor 把認為是take a chance 冒險,投機take(a)delight in 以為樂take advantage of禾 1 用,趁之機take care 當心,注意take care of 照顧,照料take charge管理,接管take effect生效,起作用take into account考慮take for gra

7、nted 認為理所當然take ones time不著急,不著慌take pains 努力,盡力,下苦功take part (in) 參力口,參于take place 發(fā)生,進彳t ,舉行take the place of代替,取代take turns 依次,輪流tahorw light on闡明,使了解think better of經考慮改變對的看法try ones best 盡力,努力專四常見名詞和介詞搭配短語from 缺席,不在 如:His long absence from work delayed his promotion.他長期不上班,把他的提升給耽誤了。absence of 缺

8、乏 如:In the absence of my commanding officer, I acted on my own initiative.指揮官不在場,我主動見機行事。In the absence of their teacher the class was in a state of anarchy.教師不在,班上一片混亂.access to 的入口,通路 如:The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.要到那農舍去唯有穿過田地。She was forbidden access to the club.人家不允許她到那

9、個俱樂部去。acquaintance with 相識,了解 如:I have only a nodding acquaintance with Japanese.我對日語僅略知一二。The guide has some acquaintance with Italian.導游懂得一點意大利語。action on sth 對的作用 如:Evidences of glacial action on the rocks巖石上的冰河留下的痕跡addition to sth 增加 如:She is a beautiful addition to the family.她是我們家漂亮的新成員。Can we

10、 finance the addition to our home我們可以為你提供經費。admission to /into進入,入(場,學,會) 如:How does one gain admission to the Buckingham Palace怎樣才能獲準進入白金漢宮Admission to British universities depends on examination results.英國大學入學以考試成績?yōu)閼{。admission of sth 承認,如:His admission of guilt surprised everyone.他供認犯罪使大家感到意外。The

11、write of the letter is ipso facto an admission of guilt.寫此信的本身就是一種認罪。advance in 改進,進步,如:An advance in genetic engineering.遺傳工程學方面的進展To advance in years.年紀增長advantage over 優(yōu)于的有利條件,如:Now we have won an advantage over the enemy.我們現(xiàn)在經贏得了對敵人的優(yōu)勢。affection for/towards 愛,喜歡,如:Yearby year their affection for

12、 each other grew stronger.他們相愛逐年加深.He felt great affection for his sister.他很疼他的妹妹.answer to 的答案,如:The answer to his problem was staring him in the face.他那個問題的答案是明擺著的。Do you know the answer to this question你知道這道題的答案嗎?anxiety for sth 渴望,如:His anxiety for knowledge is to be praised.他對知識的渴應該受到稱贊。apology

13、 to sb for sth 道歉,如:He made an apology to me for hurting my feelings.他因傷害了我的感情而向我道歉。At last we convicted him of his errors and made him offer an apology to her.我們終于使他認識到自己的過失而且還讓他身她道了歉。appeal to sb for sth 懇求,呼吁,如:appealThe company is prepared to trade off its up-market image against a stronger to t

14、eenage buyers.該公司擬改變只售高檔商品的形像,以吸引青少年顧客.His lawyer decided to take an appeal to a higher court.他的律師決定向高一級法院上訴。appeal for 魅力,吸引力,如:Does jazz hold any appeal for you你對爵士樂有興趣嗎?The radio operator sent (out) an appeal for help to headquarters.無線電報務員向司令部發(fā)出求救信號.appetite for 對的欲望,如:Reading travel brochures w

15、hets ones appetite for a holiday.看了旅游手冊就巴不得去度假.Why dont you go for a walk Itll give you an appetite for your lunch.你怎麼不出去散散步散散步午飯時就有食欲了 .application of 把應用于 如:application of microwave energy微波能應用application of computers in chemistry計算機在化學中的應用approach to 類似,辦法,通道,如:Her approach to the job lacks purpo

16、se.她干這項工作缺乏毅力.She is extremely professional in her approach to her job.她對工作極為精通.argument against 贊成/反對的理由,如:There are strong arguments against these measures.有一些有力的論據反對這些措施。arrangement for 對的安排,如:We hatched all the arrangement for the dance.我們?yōu)槲钑隽艘恍┌才?。We are busy in making arrangement for Christmas

17、.我們正忙著做圣誕節(jié)的準備attack on對白進攻,評擊,如:Ann then sailed in with a furious attack on the chairman.安隨彳友嚴詞抨擊董事長。She made a vehement attack on the governments policies.她強烈譴責政府的政策。attempt at 嘗試,企圖,如:A halfhearted attempt at writing a novel.并不熱心的試圖寫一部小說My first attempt at a chocolate cake tasted horrible.我首次試做的巧克

18、力蛋糕難吃極了。attention to 對的注意,如:A teacher cant give individual attention to each pupil if his class is large.如果班上的人數(shù)多,老師就不能給予個別輔導了。I hope you will pay attention to this problem.希望你對此給予關注。attraction for 對的吸引力,如:Do you feel any attraction for this book你感覺這書有什麼吸引力嗎?The television has little attraction for

19、me.電視對我沒有什么吸引力.balance between 之間的平衡,如:This teacher tries to strike a balance between work and play.老師試圖使學生們的學業(yè)和娛樂兩全其美。Get the balance between two political force involve a lot of art.達到兩種政治力量之間的平衡需要運用很多計謀。barrier to 的障礙,如:Intolerance is a barrier to understanding.沒有包容心是互相理解的最大障礙。belief in對白M言仰,相信如:

20、Belief in a hereafter.相信死后靈魂的生活Belief in a personal God.信仰人神candidate for候選人,人選,如:He was nominated as a candidate for office.他被提名為這個職位的候選人。The citizens criticized the candidate for not looking presidential.市民批評候選人沒有總統(tǒng)的樣子。check on檢查,阻止,如:Let me check on your order.我查一查你們點的菜。Dont forget to check on yo

21、ur work.別忘記檢查一下你們的工作。claim for sth 要求,如:Claim for delayed delivery延誤交貨索賠Claim for inferior quality由于質量低劣而索賠collision with sb/sth碰撞,沖突,如:His car had a collision with a truck.他的車子興貨車相撞。Their minivan was in collision with an Army lorry.他們的小貨車興軍用卡車相撞。comment on /about 對的評論,如:Whats your comment on our op

22、eras ?你對京劇的評價怎樣?Many customers have high comment on it.許多顧客對此商品的評價很高。connection between; 關系,連接,如:The connection between the two events is remote.這兩件事之間沒有什麼聯(lián)系。complaint of /about 報怨,控告,如:I have a complaint of the chest.我胸部不適。Accept complaint about damage接受貨損抱怨compromise between/on 折中,妥協(xié),如:Progress ha

23、s been made towards a political compromise between the two nations.兩國之間的政治和解已經取得進展。The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful compromise between the need for profitability and the demands of local conservationists.最終的方案是受益者和地區(qū)自然資源保護者之間頗為勉強的相互妥協(xié)concentration on sth 專心,集中精力,如:Too much concentratio

24、n on one aspect of a problem is dangerous.過度專注于問題的一面是危險的。Concentration of emotional energy on an object or idea.聚精會神精神集中于某物或某種想法上concentration of sth 集中,聚集,如:Having a high concentration of acid.酸性的含高濃度酸的They strongly recommended concentration of offer.他們極力建議集中報盤。concern about/for/over 擔心,如:There was

25、 also concern about the adaptation of laws exercise.人們也非常關心關於法律適應化的工作。There was also concern about the adaptation of laws exercise.人們也非常關心關於法律適應化的工作。in 對白M言任,相信,如:I have complete confidence in them.我對他們完全有信心。He inspired confidence in us.他使我們獲得了信心。consent to sth 同意,如:Her parents refused their consent

26、 to the marriage.她的父母不答應這門婚事.His consent to your proposal speaks volumes for his good will.他贊成你的提議充分證明他的友善。contact with sb/sth 接觸,聯(lián)系,如:No, I have no contact with her.沒有。我和她沒有一點兒聯(lián)系。Always maintain eye contact with the interviewer.和雇主要一直保持目光接觸。contest for sth爭奪,競爭,如:A contest for the top job in the un

27、ion為爭取協(xié)會的最高職位而進行的角逐He come second in the contest for deputy leader.在角逐副領導人時,他居第二位。contradiction between矛盾,不一致, 如:There seems to be a contradiction between her word and action.她的言行似乎不一致。Deng: There is no fundamental contradiction between socialism and a market economy.鄧:社會主義和市場經濟之間不存在根本矛盾。contributio

28、n to貢獻,捐獻,促成,如:Einstein make a great contribution to science.愛因斯坦對科學作出了偉大的貢獻。She makes a big contribution to modern sculpture.她對現(xiàn)代雕塑有很大貢獻。conversation with sb 對話,如:Did you have a conversation with him你和他談過話了嗎?I struck up a conversation with this old woman in the shop.我在商店里與這位老婦人攀談起來。danger to sb/sth

29、 危險, 如:Smoking is a danger to health.吸煙對健康有害。He is a danger to society.他對社會是個威脅。credit for sth榮譽,贊揚,如:He got all the credit for the discovery.這一發(fā)現(xiàn)全都歸功於他了。damage to sth 損壞,如:bird and mammal damage to forest森林鳥獸害to/with sth 對比,對照,如:In contrast with their system, ours seems very old-fashioned.我們的制度與他們的

30、相比,顯得過於守舊了 .decision on/against 做/不做的決定,如:A decision on this matter is pending.此事即將作出決定.The committee reversed its decision on import quota.委員會取消了對進口貨物的配額的決定。decrease in sth 的減少,如:A decrease in signal power as measured between two points.信號能量在兩點間測量出來的減小量。There has been a steady decrease in populatio

31、n in this city.這個城市的人口在持續(xù)下降。defence against 防御,保衛(wèi),如:Trees are a defence against the wind.樹是一種防風物。The country put up a strong defence against the enemy s invasion為了抵制敵人的侵略,這個國家布置了堅固的防御工事delegate to 參加的代表,如:He was elected as a delegate to the annual conference.他被選為年會代表。demand for 對的需求,如:Demand for hos

32、pital services remained high.居民對醫(yī)院服務的需求仍然殷切。A fall in demandfor oil tankers has put/placed thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy.油輪需求量下降使造船業(yè)成千上萬的工作職位受到威脅departure from 離開,如:Ordered curry as a departure from his usual bland diet.他沒有點通常吃的淡而無味的食品,而要了咖哩食品The new system is a departur

33、e from our usual methods.這套新辦法不同于我們慣用的方法。desire for sth 渴望, 如:It is obvious that they have no desire for peace.很顯然,他們沒有和平的愿望。They had little desire for wealth/to get rich.他們對財富致富無大欲望.differences between 不同,差異,如:Differences between employers and workers go deep.雇主和工人間的分歧很大。The differences between the

34、 pictures are very slight.這兩幅畫差別很小.dispute about 爭論,辯論,如:It is ridiculous to dispute about such a thing.為這樣的事情而爭論簡直荒謬可笑。There will be a dispute about the rightful succession to her estate.對于她產業(yè)的合法繼承權將有一場爭論。distinction between 區(qū)別,如:He drew a quite artificial distinction between men and women readers.

35、他把男讀者和女讀者硬是人為地區(qū)分開來.We should make a distinction between right and wrong.我們應該分清是非。doubt about 懷疑,如:Theres some doubt about his suitability for the job.他是否適合該工作有些疑問.He told me the whole story in spades and theres no doubt about it.他明確地把整個經過都對我講了,一點不含糊。effect on對的作用,如:Salt has a preservative effect on

36、food.鹽對食物有防腐作用.His passionate speech had an effect on our emotions.他的熱情的演講打動了我們的感情。fancy for sth 喜愛,如:Shes get a fancy for italian wine.她愛喝意大利葡萄酒。I have a fancy for that color.我喜歡那種圖案。emphasis on 對的強調,注重,如:Some schools put/lay/place great emphasis on language study.有些學校極注重語言學習.The teacher laid empha

37、sis on the precision of the translation from the outset.老師從一開始就強調翻譯準確性。encounter with 遭遇,遇到,如:His encounter with the guard dog had completely unnerved him.他遇上了警衛(wèi)犬,把他嚇壞了 .One rainy night the policeman had a chance encounter with a gang of smugglers.在一個雨夜,那個警察正巧碰上了一伙走私犯。enthusiasm about/for 熱情,如:Drum

38、up enthusiasm for the work鼓動人們對這項工作的勁頭Can not work up much enthusiasm for that journey.這次旅行我真提不起勁來。entrance to 的入口 ,入場, 如:Ill meet you at the entrance to the theatre.我在劇院門口和你見面.They were refused entrance to the club.他們被拒於俱樂部門外.envy of sb 嫉妒,如:He couldnt conceal his envy of me/envy at my success.他遮掩不

39、住對我的忌妒對我的成就的忌妒.The boys new toy was the envy of his friends.這男孩的新玩具使他的朋友們很羨慕。exception to 的例外,如:I must say I take great exception to what you said.我得說我對您說的話十分反感。There is always an exception to any rule.任何規(guī)律總有例外。exposure to sth 暴露,如:Exposure to public attention.公諸于眾;faith in對白M言任,信仰,如:I have implicit

40、 faith in your abilities.我完全相信你的能力.Ive got a lot of faith in the team; Im sure they wont fail us.我對這個隊很有信心,我相信他們不會使我們失望的。at 掃視,如:He cast a furtive glance at her.他偷偷瞥了她一眼.He stole a glance at the pretty girl across the table.他偷偷地看了一眼桌子對面那個漂亮的女孩。gratitude to sb 感激,如:Please convey my gratitude to her.請

41、向她轉達我的謝意。She showed her gratitude to her friends.她對她的朋友們表示感謝。guess at sth 猜測,如:He made a conservative guess at the population of London.他對倫敦的人口作了一項保守的估計。Have a guess at the answer.猜一下答案。hatred for/of 仇恨,如:All this filled him with hatred for the exploiting classes.所有這些都使他充滿了對剝削階級的仇恨。He had bitter hat

42、red for the wicked old society.他痛恨那萬惡的舊社會。hazard to 危險,如:A place filled with mud or quicksand that is a hazard to cattle.沼穴充滿泥漿或流沙的地方,可對牛群構成威脅Wet roads are a hazard to drivers.道路濕滑會對司機構成危險.hunger for 渴望, 如:The student has a hunger for learning.這個學生有強烈的求知欲。His hunger for knowledge drove him to the li

43、brary.他對求知的強烈渴望驅使他上圖書館。impact on/ upon 對白撞擊,巨大影響,如:Her speech made a tremendous impact on everyone.她的演說對大家震動很大.The book has a great impact on readers.這本書對讀者產生了巨大影響。improvement on/in 對白改進,提高,如:If word were invented to conceal think, newspaper should be a great improvement on a bad invention.假使語言是為了隱藏

44、思想而被發(fā)明的,那么報紙就是對這不良發(fā)明的一大改進。This essay represents a considerable improvement on your recent work.這篇論文說明你最近的工作取得了相當大的改進。increase in sth 增加,增長,如:We get an automatic increase in pay every year.我們的薪金每年會自動增長。The increase in taxes means that well be 30 a month worse off.加稅彳麥我們每月收入就要少了30英鎊.independence from

45、獨立,自主,如:India gained independence from Britain in 1947.一九四七年印度脫離英國獨立。This money gives me independence from my family.這筆錢使我能離家自立了。influence on 對的影響,如:Smoking has a great influence on our health.抽煙對我們的健康有很大的影響。This had a strong influence on his music.這對他的音樂創(chuàng)作有很大影響。inquiry about 對的查詢,如:We make inquiry

46、about the goods.我們對此商品,已提出詢盤。We are glad to note the inquiry about our service items in your letter dated June 8, 1992.我們高興地注意到貴公司1992年6月8日信中詢及我方提供的服務項目。inquiry into 對的調查,如:They held an official inquiry into this event.他們正式調查了這個事件。Counselors began an inquiry into industrial needs.顧問們開始調查工業(yè)方面的需要。inte

47、raction with sth相互作用,如:Having no significant effect on or interaction with living organisms.在生物器官上沒有顯著作用或反應的It is used to indicate that the interaction with the service is via XML.它用于表示與 web服務之間的交互是通過xml的。inteference in/with 干涉,阻礙introduction to 引言,介紹,入門, 如:This course is designed as an introduction

48、 to the subject.這門課程是作為該科目的入門課而開設的。Brief introduction to the speaker:演講者簡介:memorial to sth 引進(物),如:The church service is a memorial to the disaster victim.該禮拜儀式是悼念這場災難中的受害者。Theyre having a memorial to him put up by public subscription.在各界的資助下,他們正為他建立一座紀念碑。to 邀請,如:We have a standing invitation to visit them when were in the area.他們邀請我們將來到那里時去他們家做客.I feel greatly flattered by your invitation to address the meeting.蒙您邀請在此會上演說,我深感榮幸。investment in sth 投資,如:It fail to stimulate a surge of investment in industry.這沒有能刺激工業(yè)投資的激增。The firm has made a huge investme


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