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1、Unit 1 How can I get there?Lets talk第一PPT模板網(wǎng)-WWW.1PPT.COM餐館 restaurant比薩餅 pizza大街 street跟著 followPPT模板:/moban/ PPT素材:/sucai/PPT背景:/beijing/ PPT圖表:/tubiao/ PPT下載:/xiazai/ PPT教程: /powerpoint/ 資料下載:/ziliao/ 范文下載:/fanwen/ 試卷下載:/shiti/ 教案下載:/jiaoan/ PPT論壇: PPT課件:/kejian/ 語文課件:/kejian/yuwen/ 數(shù)學(xué)課件:/kejian/

2、shuxue/ 英語課件:/kejian/yingyu/ 美術(shù)課件:/kejian/meishu/ 科學(xué)課件:/kejian/kexue/ 物理課件:/kejian/wuli/ 化學(xué)課件:/kejian/huaxue/ 生物課件:/kejian/shengwu/ 地理課件:/kejian/dili/ 歷史課件:/kejian/lishi/ 有趣的 interesting交給 give-gave far較遠的tell告訴2.意大利的3.餐館4.比薩餅6.到達7.全球定位系統(tǒng)8.交給9.特點10.跟著11.較遠的12.告訴tellItalianrestaurant pizza getfollowf

3、arstreetGPSfeaturegave1.有趣的interesting5.大街riddle(謎語)1. I want to eat some p ( ) . 2.Is the cinema f from here? ( ). 3. There is the r .Lets go to eat. ( ).4. Its next to the park on Dongfang S ( ).5.How can I g there? ( ). 1. I want to eat some p ( pizza ) . 2.Is the cinema f from here? ( ). 3. Ther

4、e is the r .Lets go to eat. ( ).4. Its next to the park on Dongfang S ( ).5.How can I g there? ( ). 1. I want to eat some p ( pizza ) . 2.Is the cinema f from here? ( far ). 3. There is the r .Lets go to eat. ( ).4. Its next to the park on Dongfang S ( ).5.How can I g there? ( ). 1. I want to eat so

5、me p ( pizza ) . 2.Is the cinema f from here? ( far ). 3. There is the r .Lets go to eat. ( restaurant ).4. Its next to the park on Dongfang S ( ).5.How can I g there? ( ). 1. I want to eat some p ( pizza ) . 2.Is the cinema f from here? ( far ). 3. There is the r .Lets go to eat. ( restaurant ).4.

6、Its next to the park on Dongfang S ( Street ).5.How can I g there? ( ). 1. I want to eat some p ( pizza ) . 2.Is the cinema f from here? ( far ). 3. There is the r .Lets go to eat. ( restaurant ).4. Its next to the park on Dongfang S ( Street ).5.How can I g there? ( get ). turn 轉(zhuǎn)彎turn left 轉(zhuǎn)彎turn l

7、eft turn right轉(zhuǎn)彎turn left turn rightgo straight轉(zhuǎn)彎vocabularyin the middle 在中間 on the right 在右邊 on the left 在左邊 in front of 在前面 (外部)near=next to 附近 Im hungry now.Im hungry now.Go to theIm hungry now.Go to theresraurantExcuse me?Excuse me, where is the restaurant?Excuse me, where is the restaurant?Its

8、next to the park on Dongfang Street.cinemabookstorepost officeschoolparkrestaurantTurn leftat thego straightHow can I get there?hospitalbookstorepost officeschoolparkrestaurantTurn leftgo straightHow can I get there?Turn left at the bookstore, then go straight. Turn right at the hospital.at thecinem

9、abookstorepost officeschoolparkhospitalTurn leftThen go straight.on the leftat theHow can I get to school?cinemabookstorepost officeschoolparkhospitalTurn leftThen go straight.on the leftat theHow can I get to school?Turn left at the park, then go straight. Its on the left.Have a matchScience Museum

10、BookstorePost officeCinema Hospital Library Turn left at the cinema,then go straight.Its on the left.Guess what place it is.Walk south for three minutes,you can see it. Its next to the library.Three minutesLibrary Cinema bookstoremuseumparkhospitalMike and Wu Yifan want to go to the restaurant .Now

11、please read this dialogue.Have a checkLook and write. 根據(jù)括號里提示的漢語完成句子。1. -How can I get to the (醫(yī)院)? -Go , then turn at the post office.(直走,然后左拐)2. -Where is the school?-Its to the (在電影院附近)。Read and Choose. 讀一讀,選一選( )1. Then walk straight five minutes.A. of B. for C. to D. off( )2. The bookstore is t

12、he left. A. on B. in C. at D. to( )3. Is it far here? A. from B. about C. for D. in( )4. , is a post office near here?A. Excuse me B. sorry C. Excuse D. No( )5.I want go to the park.A. to B. of C. by D. for ( )6.The park is front of our school. A. on B. in C. at D. under ( ) 7. -Where did you buy it

13、? -_. A. Twenty yuan B. In the store C. OK. Lets go. ( ) 8. -Where is the museum? -_ in front of the hospital. A. It B. There is C. ItsRead and write. 按要求回答1. Is the bookstore far from here? (改為陳述句) here .2. I am near the door. (對劃線部分提問)。 are you ?3.Is there a zoo near the supermarket?(做否定回答) , .4.J

14、ohn goes to school on foot.(對劃線部分提問) John to school?5.He can see the science museum on the left。(改為一般疑問句) the science museum on the left?Read and judge. 閱讀對話,判斷對“T”,錯“F”。Liu Yun : Excuse me. Where is the Zhongbai Supermarket, please?Policeman: Its west of the hospital.Liu Yun: Is it far from here?Po

15、liceman: Yes.Liu Yun: How can I get there?Policeman: First, turn left and take the No. 16 bus at the bus shop. Next, get off at the hospital. Then , cross(穿過)the street .Youll be in front of the post office. Liu Yun : Thank you.Policeman: Youre welcome. ( ) 1.The pose office is next to the supermark

16、et.( ) 2.The supermarket is west of the hospital.( ) 3.liu Yun goes to the supermarket on foot.( ) 4.Liu Yun asks a policeman for help .( ) 5.Liu Yun must take the No.16 bus, then get off at the post office. Thank you for coming !PPT模板下載:/moban/ 行業(yè)PPT模板:/hangye/ 節(jié)日PPT模板:/jieri/ PPT素材下載:/sucai/PPT背景圖片:/beijing/ PPT圖表下載:/tubia


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