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1、小升初英語復(fù)習(xí)課件形容詞比較級詳解比較級的句子結(jié)構(gòu)通常是:什么+ 動詞be (am , is , are ) + 形容詞比較級+ than(比)+ 什么 ,如:Im taller and heavier than you. (我比你更高和更重。)An elephant is bigger than a tiger. (一只大象比一只老虎更大。)形容詞的比較級是在形容詞的基礎(chǔ)上變化而來的,它的變化規(guī)則是: 一般的直接在詞尾加er ,如 tall - taller , strong - stronger , 以e結(jié)尾的,直接加r ,如 fine finer , 以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的,先改y為i再加

2、er,如funny - funnier 雙寫最后的字母再加er,如big bigger, thin thinner ,hot hotter注意 比較的兩者應(yīng)該是互相對應(yīng)的可比較的東西。典型錯誤:My hair is longer than you.(我的頭發(fā)比你更長。)比較的兩者是我的頭發(fā)、你(整個人),那么比較的對象就沒有可比性。應(yīng)該改為:My hair is longer than yours. 或My hair is longer than your hair.比較級專項練習(xí): 一、從方框中選出合適的單詞完成句子 heavy tall long big(1) How_ is the Ye

3、llow River?(2) How _ is Mr Green? Hes 175cm.(3) How _ are your feet? I wear size 18.(4)How _ is the fish? Its 2kg.二、根據(jù)句意寫出所缺的單詞(1) Im 12 years old. Youre 14. Im _ than you.(2) A rabbits tail is _ than a monkeys tail.(3) An elephant is _ than a pig.(4) A lake is_than a sea.(5) A basketball is _ than

4、a football.三、根據(jù)中文完成句子.(1) 我比我的弟弟大三歲. Im _ than my brother.(2) 這棵樹要比那棵樹高. This tree _ than that one.(3) 你比他矮四厘米. You are _ than he.(4) 誰比你重? _ than you?四、根據(jù)答句寫出問句(1) _ ? Im 160 cm.(2) _? Im 12 years old.(3) _? Amys hair is 30 cm long.動詞過去式詳解: 動詞的過去式的構(gòu)成規(guī)則有:、規(guī)則動詞 一般直接在動詞的后面加ed如:worked , learned , clean

5、ed , visited 以e結(jié)尾的動詞直接加d:如lived , danced , used 以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的動詞要改y為i再加ed(此類動詞較少) 如:study studied carry carried worry worried (注意play、stay不是輔音字母加y,所以不屬于此類) 雙寫最后一個字母(此類動詞較少)如:stopped 、不規(guī)則動詞(此類詞并無規(guī)則,須熟記)小學(xué)階段要記住以下動詞的原形和過去式:sing sang , eat ate , see saw , have had , do did , go went , take took , buy bought

6、 , get got , read read ,fly flew , am/is was , are were , say said , leave left , swim swam , tell told , draw drew , come came , lose lost , find found , drink drank , hurt hurt , feel felt動詞現(xiàn)在分詞(動詞的ing)形式詳解:動詞的ing形式的構(gòu)成規(guī)則: 一般的直接在后面加上ing , 如:doing , going , working , singing , eating 以e 結(jié)尾的動詞,要先去e再加

7、ing, 如:having , writing 雙寫最后一個字母的(此類動詞極少) 如:running , swimming , sitting , getting人稱和數(shù):人稱代詞物主代詞主格賓格第一人稱單數(shù)I(我)memy(我的)復(fù)數(shù)we(我們)usour(我們的)第二人稱單數(shù)you(你)youyour(你的)復(fù)數(shù)you(你們)youyour(你們的)第三人稱單數(shù)he(他)himhis(他的)she(她)herher(她的)it(它)itits(它的)復(fù)數(shù)they(他們/她們/它們)themtheir(他們的/她們的/它們的)句型專項歸類 :1、肯定句:是指用肯定的語氣來陳述的句子,如:I

8、m a student. She is a doctor. He works in a hospital. There are four fans in our classroom. He will eat lunch at 12:00. I watched TV yesterday evening. 2、否定句:含有否定詞或表示否定意義詞的句子,如:Im not a student. She is not (isnt) a doctor. He does not (doesnt) work in a hospital. There are not (arent) four fans in o

9、ur classroom. He will not (wont) eat lunch at 12:00. I did not (didnt) watch TV yesterday evening. 注意:否定句主要是在肯定句的基礎(chǔ)上加上了否定詞 “not”。 有動詞be的句子把“not”加在be后面,可縮寫成“isnt,arent”,但am not 一般都分開寫。沒有動詞be的句子則要先在主要動詞的前面加一個助動詞(do,does,did),然后在它后面加上“not”,也可以縮寫成如“dont , doesnt , didnt )。其中“does”只用于一般現(xiàn)在時主語是第三人稱單數(shù)的情況,而“

10、did”只用于一般過去時,不論主語是什么人稱和數(shù),都用“did” 。3、一般疑問句:必須用“yes”,或“no”來回答。Are you a student? Yes, I am / No, Im not. Is she a doctor? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. Does he work in a hospital? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. Are there four fans in our classroom? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. Are you going to bu

11、y a comic book tonight? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. (Yes, we are. / No, we arent.)Will he eat lunch at 12:00? Yes, I will. / No, I will not(wont). Are they swimming? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.Did you watch TV yesterday evening? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.注意:一般疑問句是在肯定句的基礎(chǔ)上,把動詞be調(diào)到首位,其他照寫,末尾標(biāo)點符號變成

12、問號即可。沒有動詞be的句子則要在句首加上一個助動詞(do,does,did)再把緊跟在后面的動詞變回原形,末尾標(biāo)點符號變成問號即可?!癲oes”只用于一般現(xiàn)在時主語是第三人稱單數(shù)的情況,而“did”只用于一般過去時,不論主語是什么人稱和數(shù),都用“did” 。一般疑問句有個重要的原則就是問和答要一致,即問句里的第一個單詞(助動詞)和簡略答句里的這個詞是一致的。4、特殊疑問句:以特殊疑問詞(what , where , who , which , when , whose , why , how等)開頭引導(dǎo)的句子. 此類句子應(yīng)該問什么就答什么,不能用“yes 、no”來回答。如:What is

13、this? Its a computer.Where are you going? Im going to Beijing.Who played football with you yesterday afternoon? Mike. Which season do you like best? Summer.When do you usually get up? I usually get up at 6:30.Whose skirt is this? Its Amys.Why do you like spring best? Because I can plant trees. How d

14、id you go to Xinjiang? I went to Xinjiang by train.其中how又可以和其他一些形容詞連用組成特殊疑問詞組用來提問,如:how many多少(數(shù)量), how much多少(錢), how tall多高, how long多長, how big多大, how heavy多重例句:How many pencils do you have? I have three pencils.小結(jié):how many 用來提問可數(shù)名詞的數(shù)量,主要有以上三種句式搭配:How many + 名詞復(fù)數(shù) + do you have? 你有多少? How many + 名

15、詞復(fù)數(shù) + can you see?你能看見多少? How many + 名詞復(fù)數(shù) + are there?有多少? 七:完全、縮略形式: Im=I am hes=he is shes=she is theyre=they are youre=you are theres=there is theyre=they are cant=can not dont=do not doesnt=does not isnt=is not arent=are not lets=let us wont=will not Ill=I will wasnt=was not總結(jié):通常情況下,m即am,s即is re

16、即are ,nt即not (但cant=can not) (但 lets不等于let us), 八:與字母相關(guān)的題型 ( 注:五個元音字母是 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu )1.將所給字母的大小寫寫在四線格上 Hh Rr Xx Gg Mm Uu Zz Ff Qq Ii 2.寫出下列字母的左鄰右舍。 1.( ) Hh ( ) 2.( ) Bb ( ) 3.( ) Ll ( ) 4.( ) Rr ( ) 5.( ) Qq ( ) 6.( ) Ww ( ) 3.用小寫字母抄寫下列單詞。1.ROOM( ) 2.UNDER( ) 3.PLEASE( ) 4.PICTURE( ) 5.WHERE( ) 6

17、.TWINS( ) 7.EXCUSE( ) 8.HOW( ) 9.CAKE( ) 10.SMALL( ) 4.將全是元音字母的那一組圈起來 1. a c e 2. i e o 3. v u k 4. e u I 5. J B I 6. E T V 7. E I O 8. A U E 5.寫出與所給單詞發(fā)音相同的字母(大小寫)。 1.bee ( ) 2.sea ( ) 3.tea ( ) 4.are ( ) 5.why ( ) 6.you ( )形容詞(adj.): big大的small小的long長的tall高的short短的;矮的young年輕的old舊的;老的strong健壯的thin瘦的

18、active積極活躍的 quiet安靜的nice好看的kind和藹親切的strict嚴(yán)格的smart聰明的funny滑稽可笑的tasty好吃的sweet甜的 salty咸的 sour酸的 fresh新鮮的 favourite最喜愛的clean干凈的tired疲勞的excited興奮的angry生氣的happy高興的 bored無聊的 sad憂愁的 taller更高的 shorter更矮的 stronger更強(qiáng)壯的 older年齡更大的 younger更年輕的bigger更大的heavier更重的longer更長的thinner更瘦的smaller更小的 better更好的higher更高的go

19、od好的fine好的great很好的 heavy 重的new新的fat胖的 happy快樂的 right對的 hungry饑餓的 cute逗人喜愛的little小的lovely可愛的beautiful漂亮的 colourful色彩鮮艷的pretty漂亮的 juicy多汁的 healthy健康的 cheap便宜的 expensive昂貴的 tender嫩的 helpful有幫助的 ill有病的high高的easy簡單的proud驕傲的sick有病的介詞(prep.):in 在里 on 在上;在時候 under 在下面near 在的旁邊 behind 在后邊next to 與相鄰over 在上面i

20、n front of 在前面代詞(pron.):I 我 we 我們 you 你;你們he 他 she她 it 它 they 他(她,它)們 my 我的our 我們的your你的;你們的his他的 her她的 its 它的 their他(她,它)們的動詞(v.):play(.ed)玩;踢swim(swam)游泳skate滑冰fly(flew)飛jump跳walk走run(ran)跑climb爬fight(fought)打架swing(swung)蕩 eat(ate)吃 turn轉(zhuǎn)彎 sleep(slept)睡覺 like像,喜歡 have(had)有;吃buy(bought)買 take(too

21、k)買;帶live居住teach(taught)教go(went)去study(studied)學(xué)learn學(xué)習(xí)sing(sang)唱歌dance跳舞row劃do(did)做do homework做作業(yè)do housework做家務(wù) watch TV看電視 read(read) books讀書 cook the meals做飯water the flowers澆花 sweep(swept) the floor掃地 clean the bedroom打掃臥室 make(made) the bed鋪床set(set) the table擺飯桌 wash the clothes洗衣服do the d

22、ishes洗碗碟 do morning exercises晨練;做廣播操eat breakfast吃早飯 eat dinner吃晚飯go to go shopping買東西 play the piano彈鋼琴visit grandparents看望(外)祖父母 go hiking去遠(yuǎn)足fly kites放風(fēng)箏 make a snowman堆雪人plant trees種樹 draw(drew) pictures畫畫cook dinner做飯 read a book看書answer the phone接 listen to music聽音樂clean the room打掃房間 write(wrot

23、e) a letter寫信write an e-mail寫電子郵件 drink(drank) water喝水take pictures照相 watch insects觀察昆蟲pick up leaves采摘樹葉 do an experiment做實驗catch butterflies捉蝴蝶 count insects數(shù)昆蟲collect insects收集昆蟲 collect leaves收集樹葉write a report寫報告 play chess下棋have a picnic舉行野餐 get to到達(dá)empty the trash倒垃圾 put away the clothes收拾衣服

24、play chess下棋 make kites制作風(fēng)箏 take a trip去旅行ride(rode) a bike騎自行車play the violin拉小提琴collect stamps集郵meet(met)見面welcome歡迎thank謝謝love愛work工作drink(drank)喝taste嘗smell聞feed(fed)喂養(yǎng)shear剪milk擠奶 look看 guess猜help幫助pass傳遞show展示use使用clean打掃open打開close關(guān)上put放paint繪畫tell(told)告訴kick踢bounce反彈ride(rode)騎stop(stopped)

25、停 wait等find(found)尋找到drive(drove)駕駛fold折send(sent)寄wash洗shine照耀become變成feel(felt)感覺到think(thought)思考meet(met)遇見fall(fell)落下leave(left)離開wake(woke) up醒來put on穿上take off脫掉hang up掛起wear(wore)穿go home回家go to bed上床睡覺play computer games玩電腦游戲get off下車read a magazine讀雜志go to the cinema去看電影go straight向前直走數(shù)詞(

26、numbers): one一two二three三four四five五six六seven七eight八nine九ten十eleven十一twelve十二thirteen十三fourteen十四fifteen十五sixteen十六seventeen十七eighteen十八nineteen十九twenty二十thirty三十forty四十fifty五十sixty六十seventy七十eighty八十ninety九十 forty-two四十二hundred百one/a hundred and thirty-six一百三十六first第一second第二third第三fourth第四fifth第五eig

27、hth第八ninth第九twelfth第十二twentieth第二十thirtieth第三十fortieth第四十fiftieth第五十sixtieth第六十seventieth第七十eightieth第八十ninetieth第九十fifty-sixth第五十六六年級下冊1. -Im 11 years old.- Im 12. Im one year older than you.我12歲,比你大一歲。2. Youre taller than your brother. 你比你的弟弟高。3. Im 160 cm tall. Hes 159 cm tall. 我身高160厘米,他身高159厘米。

28、4. -Which monkey do you like?你喜歡哪只猴子?- I like the yellow one.5. -Which monkey is stronger? 哪只猴子更強(qiáng)壯? -The brown monkey is stronger. 棕色的那只。6. I think the little monkey is only 40cm tall. 我想那只小猴子只有40厘米高。7. His tail is longer. 它的尾巴更長。8. -Whats the matter, Mike?邁克,你怎么了? -I feel sick. I have a fever.我生病了,

29、我有點發(fā)燒。9. -How do you feel? 你感覺怎么樣? -I feel sick. 我感覺生病了。10. -How does Amy feel? 艾米感覺怎么樣? -Shes tired. 她感覺很疲勞。11. I am excited.我太激動了。12. I failed the math test. 我數(shù)學(xué)考試不及格。13. Im sorry to hear that.聽到那件事我很難過。14. -What did you do last weekend?上周末你做了什么? - I played football.我踢足球了。 - Did you read books?你看書

30、了嗎?- Yes, I did.是的,我看了。15. -Where did you go on your holiday? 你假期去了哪里? -I went to Xinjiang .我去了新疆。 -How did you go there? 你怎樣去那里的? -I went by train. 我坐火車去的。1.- How do you go to school? 你怎么去上學(xué)? - I go to school on foot. 我步行去上學(xué)。2. My home is near. 我家很近。3. We can go to the bus stop on foot. Then we go

31、to the park by bus. 我們可以先步行到車站,然后坐車到公園。4. See you then. See you at 2 oclock. 那再見了,我們兩點見。5.-Can I go on foot? 我可以步行去嗎- Sure,Its not far.當(dāng)然可以,并不遠(yuǎn)的.6. -Excuse me. Where is the library?打擾一下,請問一下圖書館在哪里? - Its near the post office在郵局附近。7. -Is it far from here? 離這里遠(yuǎn)嗎?-No, its not far. 不遠(yuǎn)的。8. -How can I go

32、to the hospital? 我怎么能到醫(yī)院? -You can go by the No.301 bus. Ger off at the cinema. 你可以坐301路車過去。在電影院下車, Then walk straight for three minutes. The hospital is on the left. 然后筆直走3分鐘就到了。醫(yī)院在左邊。9. -How can I go to the mesume? 我怎么能到博物館?-Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left.筆直走5分鐘,然后向左拐.10. -Where is t

33、he post offfice? 郵局在哪里?- Its east of the cinema. 在電影院的東邊。六年級上冊11. -What are you going to do this evening? 今天晚上你將做什么? -Im going to the cinema. 我去看電影。12. -When are you going?你什么時候去?- This evening. 今天下午。13. I want to be a science teacher one day.長大后我想做一名科學(xué)老師。14. -Whats your hobby? 你的愛好是什么? -I like coll

34、ecting stamps. 我喜歡集郵。15. There is a stamp show Sunday. 星期天有一個郵展。16. Her father works in a school. 她爸爸在一所學(xué)校工作。17. -Does your pen pal live in Shanghai? 你的筆友住在上海嗎? -No, he doesnt. He lives in Beijing.不,他住在北京。18. -What does your father do?你爸爸是做什么的? - Hes a teacher.他是老師。19. How exciting! 太令人激動了!20. -How

35、does he go to work?他怎么去上班? -He goes to work by bike. 他騎自行車去上班。21. -Where does the rain come from? 雨是從哪里來的? -It comes from the clouds. 來自云。22.First, put the seeds in the soil. Water them. In several days, you can see the sprout. 首先把種子放在泥土里.給它們澆水.幾天之后你就可以看見新芽。五年級下冊1. -When do you get up?你通常什么時候起床?- I

36、usually get up at 6:30.我通常在6:30起床。2. - What do you do on the weekend? 你周末都做什么? -I often go shopping.我經(jīng)常購物。 -How about you? What about you? 你呢?你怎么樣? -I often play football. 我經(jīng)常踢足球。3. -Whats your favorite season? 你最喜歡哪個季節(jié)? -Winter, I like winter.冬天。我喜歡冬4. -Which season do you like best? 你最喜歡哪個季節(jié)?-Spri

37、ng. I like spring best. I can fly kites.春天。我可以放風(fēng)箏。5. -Why do you like summer? 你為什么喜歡夏天? -Because I can swim.因為我可以游泳。6. -When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么時候? -Its May 4th. 5月4日。7.-Whats the date? 今天是幾月幾號 -Its October 1st.今天是10月1號。8. -Is her birthday in June? 她的生日在6月嗎?-Yes.是的。9. -What are you doing? 你正在干

38、什么? -Im reading a book. 我正在看書。10. -What is your father doing?你爸爸正在做什么? -Hes writing an E-mail.他正在寫一封電子郵件。11. -What is she doing? 她正在干什么? -She is singing. 她正在唱歌。12. -What is it doing? 它正在干什么? -Its running. 它正在跑步。13. -What are they doing?他們正在干什么? -Theyre drinking water.他們正在喝水。14. -Are they catching bu

39、tterflies?他們正在捉蝴蝶嗎? -Yes, they are.是的,他們正在捉。15. -Are you eating lunch? 你們正在吃午飯嗎? -No, we arent. 不,我們沒有。16. -Is he taking pictures?他正在拍照嗎? -Yes, he is.是的,他正在拍。17. -Is she writing a report? 她正在寫一個報告嗎? -No, she isnt.不,她沒有 五年級上冊1. -Whos your art teacher?你的美術(shù)老師是誰?- Mr Wu. 吳老師。2. -Whats he like?他看起來怎么樣? -

40、Hes very kind. Hes short and thin.他很善良。他又矮又瘦。3. -Is she strict? 她很嚴(yán)格嗎?-Yes, she is. 是的,她很嚴(yán)格。4. -What day is it today? 今天星期幾?-ItsMonday. 今天是星期一。5. -What do you have on Mondays? 星期一你們有什么課? -We have English, science and P.E. 我們有英語課,科學(xué)課和體育課。6. -What do you do on Saturdays?星期六你做什么? -I often do my homewor

41、k.我通常做作業(yè)。7. -What would you like for lunch? 午餐想吃什么? -Id like some tomotoes and mutton. 我想吃一些西紅柿和羊肉。8. -What do you have for lunch today? 今天的午飯你吃了什么? -I have eggplant and tomotoes. 我吃了茄子和西紅柿。9. -Whats your favourite food? 你最喜歡的食品是什么? -Fish. Its tasty. 魚。味道很好。10. I dont like grapes. Theyre sour.我不喜歡葡萄

42、,它們很酸。11. -Are you helpful at home? 你在家樂意幫忙嗎? -.當(dāng)然是的。12.-What can you do? 你會做什么? -I can sweep the floor. 我會拖地板。13. Mother goat is ill.山羊媽媽病了。14. This is my new bedroom. 這是我的新臥室。15.-Can you do housework? 你會做家務(wù)嗎? -No, I cant.不,我不會做。16. There is a big closet and a new air-conditioner. 這里有一個大衣櫥和一臺新空調(diào)。17

43、. Therere blue curtains. 有藍(lán)色的窗簾。18. I love my new room very much. 我非常喜歡我的新房間。19. The trash bin is behind the door. 垃圾桶在門后面。20.-Whats your room like? 你的房間時怎么樣的? -Theres a bed, a closet and a desk.有一張床,一個衣櫥和一張桌子。21.-Is there a river in the park? 公園里有小河嘛-Yes, there is.是的,那里有。22. I like my village. 我喜歡我

44、的村莊。23.-Are there any bridges in your village? 你的村莊里有橋嗎? -No, there arent.不,那里沒有。24. The water is clean. The air is fresh. The sky is blue. The clouds are white.水很清澈,空氣很清新,天是藍(lán)色的,云朵是白色的。四年級下冊1.-Where is the canteen?餐廳在哪里? -Its on the first floor. 它在一樓.2. This is the teachers office. 這是教師辦公室。3. That i

45、s my classroom. 那是我的教室。4.-Do you have a library? 你們有圖書館嗎?-Yes. 有的。5. This way, please. 這邊請。6.-Is this the library? 這是圖書館嗎?-Yes, it is. 是的,它是.7.-Is that the art room? 那是藝術(shù)教室嗎?-No, it isnt. 不是。8.-What time is it? 幾點了?-Its nine oclock. 9點。9. Its time for English class.現(xiàn)在是上英語課的時間了。10. Its time to go to

46、school. 上學(xué)的時間到了。11. Breakfast is ready. 早餐已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好了。12. Im ready.我準(zhǔn)備好了。13.-Is this your jacket? 這是你的夾克衫嗎?-No, its Johns不,那是約翰的。14. -What color is it? 它是什么顏色的?-Its blue藍(lán)色的。15. -Whose shirt is this? 這是誰的襯衫? -Its my brothers我兄弟的。16. These are your baby pants. 這些是你嬰兒時穿的衣服。 They are so small. 好小啊。17. -Can I

47、 wear my new shirt today?今天我可以穿新襯衫嗎? -Yes, you can. 可以,你可以穿。18. Its warmcoldhot today. 今天是暖和的寒冷的炎熱的。19. Those are my shoes. 那些是我的鞋子。20.-Where are they?它們在哪里?-They are on your feet.它們在你的腳上。21.-Whats the weather like in Beijing? 北京的天氣怎么樣?-Its rainy.在下雨22. -Is it cold?現(xiàn)在冷嗎? -No, its hot. 不,不冷。23. -Can

48、I help you? 我能幫你做點什么? -Yes, I want that dress. 是的,我想要那條裙子。24-How much is this dress? 這條裙子多少錢?-Its ninety yuan.90元。25-Are they nice? 它們漂亮嗎?-Yes, they are.是的,很漂亮。26. -How much are they? 它們要多少錢? -They are thirty-five yuan.35元。27-What are they?它們是什么 -They are goats.它們是山羊28.-Are these/those sheep?這些/那些是綿

49、羊嗎? -Yes, they are. 是的,它們是綿羊。29.-How many cows do you have? 你有多少頭牛?-One hundred.100頭。30.-How many horses are there?那邊有多少匹馬?-Twelve. 12匹。四年級上冊-Whats in the classroom?教室里有什么? - A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. 一塊寫字板,兩盞電燈,很多桌子和椅子。2. We have a new classroom.我們有一個新教室。3. -Lets clean the classro

50、om. 讓我們一起打掃新教室。 -Good idea. 好主意。4. -What color is it? 它是什么顏色的?-Its black and white.黑色和白色。5. Let me clean the window. 我來擦窗戶。6. -My schoolbag is heavy. 我的書包很重。 -Whats in it? 里面是什么?7. He has short black hair and big eyes. 他有黑短的頭發(fā),大眼睛。8. -Whats his name?他叫什么名字? -His name is Zhang Peng.他叫張鵬。9. -Whats her name?她叫什么名字? -Her name is Amy. 她叫艾米。10. She likes m


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