1、減震論文翻譯作者:日期:介紹傳統(tǒng)阻尼動力振動減振器簡稱DVA或調(diào)諧質(zhì)量阻尼器簡稱TMD,其基本原理是在通過在主系 統(tǒng)上增加一個附加子結(jié)構(gòu),即吸振器,來這是一種在輔助彈簧質(zhì)點系統(tǒng)之間添加了一個阻尼 減震器在質(zhì)量m和主要質(zhì)量M如圖1所示。它的基本功能是在系統(tǒng)啟動和停止時,降低共振 時,主要質(zhì)量的振動振幅,達到減振的效果。這是rahm在1 911年發(fā)明的。同時在19 28 年,Ormondroyd和Den Hartog指出,DVA的阻尼有一個最佳值的最小化應(yīng)用系統(tǒng)共振的 振幅響應(yīng)。像這樣的優(yōu)化準則被稱為匕優(yōu)化。Den Hartog的不動點理論是常用來確定最 優(yōu)調(diào)諧的頻率和阻尼比的DVA附加到應(yīng)用振動
2、系統(tǒng) 為了增加DVA的應(yīng)用,Cra ndal 1 a nd Mark提出的另一個優(yōu)化原則當隨機激勵作用到主系統(tǒng)時,安裝了吸振器主系統(tǒng)整個頻響 曲線下的面積最小,即輸入主系統(tǒng)的能量最小,被稱為H2動力減振器的優(yōu)化。當振動系統(tǒng)受到隨機激勵,比如風荷載代替諧波激勵時,H2動力減振器的優(yōu)化比H”優(yōu)化效果更好。Th e exac t so 1u ti on of the H2 o ptim i zati on fo r the t r ad i t i o na l DVA attach e d to an und am ped p r ima r y system was der iv e d by
3、W a r b urton 5 and Asami e t al. 6.H2的精確解的優(yōu)化傳統(tǒng)DVA附加到一個主系統(tǒng)無阻尼被W arburton派生5 和A s ami et al。6。oA s am i also derive d wi t h o ther r ese archers 7 the analytica 1 soluti onsto HN and H 2 optimiz a tion p roblems of t he trad i tio n a 1 DVA atta c he d to da mpe d s d of systems.oAsami還與其他研究人員7導出的分析
4、s olutionst o HN和H2優(yōu)化問題傳統(tǒng)DVA附加阻 尼應(yīng)用系統(tǒng)。oCheung and Wong 8 derived t he HN a nd H2 optimum p aramete r s of the t r adi ti on a l DVA f o r suppre ss ing vibra t i o n s i n pl at e s .張黃和8導出環(huán)和H2最優(yōu)參數(shù)的傳統(tǒng)DVA抑制振動的盤子。oTh e re are s e ve r al no n-t r aditional co nfigu r a t ions of dynam i c vibr a ti on
5、 absor b e r s rep o rte d t o have b e 11 er vibration suppr e ssion per f orma nce th an the traditional d e sign o f DVA. o有一些非傳統(tǒng)的配置的動態(tài)振動吸收報道有更好的振動抑制DVA的性能比傳統(tǒng)的設(shè)計。Some e x amples of non-tra d it io nal DVA are s e ries T MD 9, p a r a lle 1 m u 11 ip l e TMD s 1 0, mu 1 tideg r ee-o f -fr ee dom T
6、MDs 11 and t h r ee- o r four-e 1 em e nt TMDs 12.一些非傳統(tǒng)的例子DVA系列TMD 9,并行多個TMDs10,多自由度TMDs11和城三種T MDs1 2。A variant de sign o f the damp ed dynamic vibration absorber as sh own in. Fig. 1 b was prop ose d b y Ren 13, and Liu and Liu 14 r ecen t ly.o阻尼動力減振器的設(shè)計一個變佑如圖1所示b是由任正非提出13,和劉翔,劉翔最近1 4。B a sed on t
7、he fixed po i nts the ory, the HN optimum tuning paramete r s of such a v i bra t i o n ab s orber ha s be e n derive d ana 1 yt i ca 1 l y fo r su p p ressing the re son a n t vibrati on of a sdo f system subjec ted t o fo r ce e xc i tat i o n 15 or ca us e d by g roun d mo tions 1 6 .基于不動點理論,HN最佳
8、調(diào)優(yōu)參數(shù)的減震器派生分析了抑制共振振動的應(yīng)用受到力激發(fā) 15或引起的地面運動16。oIt has b een p r oved t h at t he HN opt i m i zed non t r a d iti o n al a b s or b e r c an resul t i n a larger reduc ti on of the r esonant v ibrat i o n amplitud e o f the pri mar y m a s s than t h e t rad i t i ona 1 dam ped dyn a m i c a b s o rbe r.
9、已經(jīng)證明,HN優(yōu)化非傳統(tǒng)吸收減少會導致更大的主共振振幅的質(zhì)量比傳統(tǒng)阻尼減震器。In t his article, the H2 o p tim u m tuni ng frequ e n c y and d a mp i ng o f a d a mped dynamic vibrat i on a b sorber o f n on -t r adit i ona 1 f orm a s show n i n Fig.1b have been derived f or mini mizing the mean square moti o n o f a s ingle- d e gree-o
10、f-free d om syste m under r ando m f orc e excitation.o在這篇文章中,H2最優(yōu)調(diào)諧頻率和阻尼的阻尼動力減振器的非傳統(tǒng)形式所示Fig.1b派生了 最小化均方隨機力激勵下的單自由度系統(tǒng)的運動。oTo the authors k n ow 1 edg e, there i s no re s e arch report foun d i n litera t ure on this t opi c .作者的知識,沒有關(guān)于這一主題的研究報告發(fā)現(xiàn)在文學。oIt is sh own t h at the pro pos e d ab s or b er
11、 can always pro vide a l a rg e r suppre s s i on o f the me a n s q u a re m o tion of t h e primary s tr uc ture under rand om f orc e excit ation than th e t raditiona 1 absorb e r if it s pa rame ters are o ptim i zed acc ordi n g to th e pro ced u re as d e scri be d i n Sec t ion 3 of thi s a
12、r t i c1 e.結(jié)果表明該吸收器可以提供一個更大的抑制均方運動隨機力激勵下的主結(jié)構(gòu)比傳統(tǒng)吸收器 如果根據(jù)過程參數(shù)優(yōu)化本文的第三節(jié)所述。oThese local mini mum and max imum of tuning ratios would not exist i f.oThe d i men si on 1 ess mean square motion (.) contours of the prim ary mass M of Mode 1 B i s cal c ulate d according to Eq. (8) with ma s s ratio u=0.1 and
13、 the r e sul ts are pl o tted i n Fig. 3.o無因次平均平方運動()輪廓模型的主要質(zhì)量M B的計算根據(jù)情商。(8)與質(zhì)量比u = 0.1 和結(jié)果繪制在圖3。No g 1 ob a l minim u m o f mean sq u ar e moti on exi s ts and the local m i nimum and ma xi mum point s o f t he mean sq u are motion o f mass M are m a rke d i n Fig.3 for i 1 lustra ti on. Eq.(10)is
14、also plot ted i n Fig.3 to s how the optimum damp ing ratio (.) for any chosen freq u ency rati o (.) of the v a rian t DVA leading t o the min imummea ns qu a remo tiono f the mass M o f M o del B. 11 canb e seeni n Fig.3tha t thevariationof th e mean square mot i on is relatively small at any po i
15、 n t on the d otte d line i n F i g. 3 and it means small va r ia t ion of frequen cy ratio o r d ampin g ra t io of t he DVAwou 1d not c a u se ab ig chang e ofthemean s quare motion oftheprimary mass M inMode1 B. Onthe other ha n d,the v a ri ati on of th e mean square m o tion i s relat i vel y h
16、i gh er at t he minimum po i nt in Fi g 2 for th e ca s e o f Mod e1 A. The mean square mo tion con tours of the primary mass M o f Mode 1 B i s c alculate d acco r di ng to Eq. (8) with mass ratio u=0. 2 a nd t he r esult s a re plotted in Fig. 4 for i llust r at i on. o不存在全球最小均方運動和局部最小值和最大值點的平均平方運
17、動質(zhì)量M標記在圖3 i 1 lust ra tion. Eq。(10)也在圖3展示策劃的最優(yōu)阻尼比()對任何選擇的頻率比率()變 體DVA導致最小均方運動模型的質(zhì)量M B .它可以看到在圖3的變化均方運動是相對較 小的在任何時候在圖3中的虛線,這意味著小DVA的頻率比和阻尼比的變化不會引起大的變 化的平均平方運動模型的主要質(zhì)量M B .另一方面,均方運動是相對較高的變異在最小點在圖 2中模型的均方運動輪廓模型的主要質(zhì)量M B的計算根據(jù)情商。(8)與質(zhì)量比u = 0.2和圖 4中的結(jié)果繪制插圖。B. As predicted i n t he t heor etic a l a n a lys
18、i s b e for e , no lo ca l mini m u m or maxim um of the m e an s q uare m o tion e xi st s and the mea n square moti on of t he prima r y mass M decrea se s as frequ e ncy r a ti o or d am p in g ratio increa s e s .oEq。(10)也繪制在圖4顯示最優(yōu)阻尼比()對任何選擇的頻率比率()變體DVA導致的最 小均方運動質(zhì)量M模型b .預(yù)測的理論分析,沒有當?shù)刈畹突蜃罡叩木竭\動存在和
19、均方運動 的主要質(zhì)量降低頻率比和阻尼比增加。oIn p r a ctic e, an as-hi g h- a spos si bl e frequency ra t i o of the DVA s ho ul d be cho s en and th e corres p ond ing dam ping ratio o f the DVA is s hown by t h e dotted line in Figs. 3 and 4 fo r u = 0 .1 and 0.2, respectively, 1 e ad ing to t he min i mum me an square
20、 moti o n of th e prim a ry mass M. espec t ivel y. oThe mass ratio o f the DVA in prac t ice i s about 10- 30%.A s shown i n Fig. 5 the pro posed DVA ca n provid e 35% o r more r eduction of means quare motion of the primary mass M i f the freque n cy ratioischo s enfort he p r oposed DVA. oIn Fig.
21、 6, it showsthat 60%o r more r ed ucti o n of mean s quarem oti on of the pr imar ymass M ifthe frequency ra t i o 3 i s ch osen.I n gen e ral, ifisch os ent obe l ar ger th an one and th e dampin grat i o and mass r at io u a r e kept co n stant,E q . (8) s h ows t ha t the me a n sq u a r e mo t i
22、on of the m a ss M of model B decreas e s as in c r e ases.It i s t h erefore a n as-h ig has-po s si bl e v alue of (.) is re c ommen d ed to be cho se n s u ch th a t a practica l minimum of mean sq u a re m otio n (.)o f the mass M of model B can be a c hieved.o因此as-h igh-a s -possible值()的建議選擇這樣一
23、個實際的最小均方運動()質(zhì)量M的模 型可以實現(xiàn)。C on c l u siono結(jié)論oT he H 2 op t imum parame t ers of a non-traditional DVA attached to a s do f primary system is derived for minimizin g the m e an square motion of a sdof sy s tem unde r r a ndom f o rce exc i t at io n .o非傳統(tǒng)DVA的H2最優(yōu)參數(shù)附加到一個主系統(tǒng)應(yīng)用推導最小化均方應(yīng)用系統(tǒng)在隨機力激勵下 的運動。It ha
24、s been shown that t he perform an c e of the variant DVA ca n be b e tter than t he ordinary one if t he frequency and damping rat i os o f the DVA a re c ho s en properly.已經(jīng)表明,變異DVA的性能可以比普通如果DVA的頻率和阻尼比是正確選擇。oTo the author s knowledge, there is no r esea r ch r ep or t found in li t e r ature on t h
25、is to p i c .o作者的知識,沒有關(guān)于這一主題的研究報告發(fā)現(xiàn)在文學。No g loba l o ptimum tu ni ng c on d i ti o n exists i n the propo s e d absor b e r and it is recommen d e d t ha t a h i gh tu ni n g f r e qu e ncy ra t i o be u s ed i f pos si b le .不存在全球最佳優(yōu)化條件提出了吸收器和建議高調(diào)諧頻率比如果可能的話。Th e bes t va l u e of damping rat i o a
26、f ter selecting t h e tu n ing fre q uency rat i o i s der i v e d and s tated in Eq. (10). o阻尼比的最佳值后選擇調(diào)諧頻率比派生和Eq。( 10)。The opt i mall y tu n ed va r iant DVA a dds both d amp ing and s tif f nes s to the pr imary structure in compa r iso n with the traditiona l DVA and the refor e the mi t ig a tio
27、n of structu r al vibration su bj ecte d to external for c e i s m o re signi f i ca nt for this varian t d yna mic vib r ation absor ber.經(jīng)過調(diào)優(yōu)的變體DVA增加阻尼和剛度的主要結(jié)構(gòu)與傳統(tǒng)DVA相比因此結(jié)構(gòu)振動受到外力的 緩解是更重要的變體動力減振器。oThe comparison revealed th at mode 1 B p r o vid e s a 60 more p er c ent o f red u ction of mea n squ are motion o f t he prima r y mass M t han th e o pt i mized mod e l A if the f r eq u enc y ra t io o f the mo d el B is c h o sen t
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