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1、九年級上冊單詞巧記句型語法剖析Unit 1 How do you study for a test三點(diǎn)剖析單詞巧記典句考點(diǎn)fdoud 9;JaUd “Al 出言地【巧記提示】a+loud ( adj .大聲地)【經(jīng)典例句】Reading aloud is necessary for every English learner.朗讀對每一個英語學(xué)習(xí)者來說都是必要的?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】1 )當(dāng)朗讀課文時(shí),一定要用aloud 。如:Reading aloud is different from reading loudly.朗讀課文與大聲2)與 aloud如:地讀課文是有區(qū)別的。意思相近的詞為loudly

2、 。當(dāng)表示“大聲地”時(shí)兩個詞可以相互代替Who is knocking at the door loudly (aloud)?誰在大聲地敲門?memorize ,memSralz it 記憶;背誦【巧記提示】memor(y)( n. 記憶力)+-ize ( 動詞后綴)【經(jīng)典例句】 He is the person who can memorize everything he sees.他就是那個過目不忘的人?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】 掌握它的名詞memory 的用法。1 )作“記憶,紀(jì)念”講時(shí),memory是不可數(shù)名詞。如:In memory of Lei Feng,we made a film.為了紀(jì)念

3、雷鋒, 我們拍了一部電影。2)當(dāng)memory 指的是“個人的記憶力或記憶的事情”時(shí),是可數(shù)的。如:He has a bad memory for dates.他對 日 期 的記憶力很差。memories of childhood童年時(shí)的記憶。diHbereolly dlfarantl原由一不同地;西區(qū)別地【巧記提示】different( adj .不同)+-ly(副詞后綴)【經(jīng)典例句】 Trying to act differently can not be always right.舉止與眾不同,不會總是對的。【考點(diǎn)聚焦】注意 different adj “differencen.及 dif

4、ferently adv的詞性的不同。如:Everyone is different from the others.每一個人都與其他的人不同。I can not tell the differences我說不出這兩幅圖之間的區(qū)別。between these two pictures.He always thinksdifferently .他的想法總是與眾不同?!净顚W(xué)活用】1.請用different的適當(dāng)形式填空1)How many can you see2)If you do it ,maybe you will find a new way.3)The twins look . quic

5、kly m IIadm 迅速地【巧記提示】quick ( adj.快的)+- ly(副詞后綴)【經(jīng)典例句】You must passthe ball as quicklyas you can.你必須盡可能快地傳球?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】請認(rèn)真把握quickly與fast的區(qū)別。1) quickly 與fast兩者都可以表示速度快,此時(shí)它們可以相互代替。如:You speak too fast(quickly).你說得太快了。當(dāng)表示鐘表的時(shí)間快,比某人快多少時(shí)間時(shí),只能用 fast。如:My watch is five minutes fast.我的表快 5 分鐘。當(dāng)表示動作迅速時(shí),我們只能使用quick

6、ly 。如:Come here quickly.快來這兒。exritrd | Ik-Hd adf.興奮的【巧記提示】excite ( v.興奮)+-d (形容詞后綴)【經(jīng)典例句】Toby is excited about playing computer games.托比對玩電腦游戲很是興奮?!究?/聚焦】 1 ) be excited to do something 與 be excited about doing something 都是“對做什么事情感到興奮”的意思,兩者可以作為同義句 相互轉(zhuǎn)換。2)注意區(qū)別exciting 與excited 。單詞后面加-ing的是修飾事物的,單詞后加

7、-ed是形容人的感受的。如:Surfing is exciting.沖浪是很刺激的。I felt excited when I heard the exciting news.當(dāng)我聽至 這個 肖息時(shí)我感到很興奮?!净顚W(xué)活用】2.根據(jù)漢語提示,寫出下列單詞的正確形式1)Tom is in Chinese.( 興趣)2)That story book is(無聊)3)How it is to watch TV.(放松)4)We were all about his coming.(興奮)答案:1.1)differences 2) differently 3) different2.1 ) inte

8、rested 2) boring 3) relaxing 4) excited3.Aspoken adj. 口語的【巧記提示】spoken( 口語的)spot(看見)【經(jīng)典例句】 Your spoken English needs improving.你的英語口語需要提高?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】spoken English意思是“英語口語”;English speakingcountries 意思是“說英語的國家”,請注意兩個詞組的意思的區(qū)別。【活學(xué)活用】3.(2010四川成都模擬)Britain,Australia and NewZealand are countries.A.English spea

9、king D.speak English challenge n. 挑戰(zhàn)【巧記提示】ch+all( 【經(jīng)典例句】Can you你能挑戰(zhàn)他玩反恐嗎?B.English speakC.spoken English者 B)+engechallenge him to play CS【考點(diǎn)聚焦】1 ) challenge 可以作為名詞使用。如:The population problem is a great challenge of the world today.人口問題是當(dāng)今世界的一個巨大挑戰(zhàn)。2 ) challenge可以作為動詞使用。如: He challenged me to playano

10、ther tennis game.他向我挑戰(zhàn)要我跟他再打一場網(wǎng)球。v.學(xué)習(xí))+-er(名詞后綴)learner電 學(xué)習(xí)者【巧記提示】learn (【經(jīng)典例句】 He is a good English learner.他是一個很會學(xué)英語的人 【考點(diǎn)聚焦】1 ) learn 以作為形容詞使用,意為 He is a learned man.2 )注意把握動詞learn的過去式有兩種:learned 或learnt 。 learned 可“博學(xué)的”,此時(shí)不能用 他是一個博學(xué)的人. 與介詞搭配的不同用法。learnt 。如:You must learn everything by heart.He i

11、s our example,we should learn from him.我們應(yīng)該向他學(xué)習(xí)。與之變化相似的詞還有l(wèi)istener,talker如:你必須用心學(xué)任何事情。他是我們的榜樣,O如:He is not a good talker.He is a good listener.unless Snips* couj.如果不;除非【巧記提示】un ( 沒有)他不太會說話他是個很好的傾訴對象(他樂意聽人說話)+less (【經(jīng)典例句】My baby sister?。﹏ever cries unless she is hungry.我剛出生的妹妹除非餓了,她是從來不哭的?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】unles

12、s引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句,從句一定要用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)代替將來時(shí)。除非明天下雨,如:I ll go to the movie unless it rains tomorrow.否則我要去看電影。re瘠rd irgci:rd也 將視作【巧記提示】regard(【經(jīng)典例句】He regards 視作)reward( 獎勵) money as his life.他視財(cái)如命。將視作。如:我視他為我最好的朋友?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】1 )掌握詞組regard as I regard him as my best friend.regard用于信尾表示問候,要用復(fù)數(shù)。如:請把我最美好的問Please give my best

13、 regards to your brother.候帶給你的哥哥。duty JdjiiTtl m【巧記提示】【經(jīng)典例句】 誰值日?【考點(diǎn)聚焦】責(zé)任;義務(wù)I duty( 責(zé)任)beauty(美麗)I Who is on duty ?情是某人的職責(zé)固定句型It is one”。如:s duty to do sth.意思是“做事保持It is our duty to keep the classroom clean and tidy.教室干凈整潔是我們的責(zé)任。practice l& 門一發(fā)正練習(xí)【巧記提示】【經(jīng)典例句】 熟能生巧?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】pr+act(Practice活動)+ice ( 冰)ma

14、kes perfect.practice后接動詞時(shí),應(yīng)該用動詞的-ing形式。eadly II adv.容易地【巧記提示】easi(y【經(jīng)典例句】I can Alert.(adj .容易的)+-ly (PK 4 hardenemies副詞后綴)easily in the game Red個冷酷的敵人。,意思是“容易的”。如: 說起來容易,做起來難。點(diǎn)也不在紅色警戒游戲中,我能輕松干掉 4 【考點(diǎn)聚焦】其形容詞形式是easySaying is easier than doing.短語巧記典句考點(diǎn)not at all【經(jīng)典例句】I dont like him at all.元一京郁小自 【考點(diǎn)聚焦

15、】對中文,他一點(diǎn)都不感興趣。v | Llj o) at all用于否定句中,表示“一點(diǎn)也不”。如:He is not interested in Chinese at all.2)at all用于肯定句中,表示“最少程度的”If you are at all worried,you needn如你感到有絲毫的擔(dān)心,你就不需要做這件事be afraid to do不敢做【經(jīng)典例句】I used to be afraid to 我過去晚上害怕一個人出去?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】固定搭配be afraid to do sth.如:t do it.go out alone at night.與 be afraid

16、 of doingsth.可以互相替換。如:He is afraid of falling off the tree.他害怕從樹上掉下來。He is afraid of quarrelling with his father.他不敢同他的爸爸爭吵。take notest 己筆 t 己【經(jīng)典例句】 As a student,you shouldtake notes in class.作為一個學(xué)生,你應(yīng)該上課記筆記。我的記憶卡記住與take 相關(guān)的詞組take with 隨身帶take an active part in積極參力口take your time慢慢來take care of 照顧ta

17、ke place 發(fā)生take off 脫下take away 拿走 take to 帶至Lbe angry with對某人生氣【經(jīng)典例句】 He is angry with everybody and at everything.他看任何人任何事都不順眼?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】1 ) be angry with后面加入,be angry at 后面加事物。2)be angry 當(dāng)中的be 動詞也可以為get 或者become )意思是“變得對 某人或者某事生氣”。如:When he heard the bad news,he became angry with me.當(dāng)他聽到這個壞消息時(shí),他開始生我的

18、氣。deal with 對付;處理deal with an armed burglar不但有“對付”的意思,還有“與某人有生意往來”【經(jīng)典例句】How would you你怎樣對付武裝了的強(qiáng)盜?【考點(diǎn)聚焦】1 ) deal with 的意思。如:Do you deal with Smith?你跟史密斯有生意往來嗎?2) deal 可以作為名詞使用,意為“交易”。如:Well,you help learn English,and I help you learn Chinese.It s a deal.好,你幫我學(xué)英語,我?guī)湍銓W(xué)漢語,就這么定了。句子,剖析,拓展Lin Chang said th

19、at joining the English club at school was the best way to improve English.林昌說,加入學(xué)校的英語俱樂部,是提高英語的最好方式。【剖析】1 )這是一個含有動名詞的賓語從句,主句是 Lin Chang said ,從旬是 joining the English club at school was the best way toimprove English 。2 ) joining the English club at school是動名詞短語作從句的主語?!就卣埂窟€可以使用不定式作句子的主語。如:To walk in

20、the light rain is a romantic thing.在小雨中散步是一件浪漫的事情。First of all,it wasn t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class.開始的時(shí)候,當(dāng)這個老師跟同學(xué)們講話的時(shí)候,我理解起來有點(diǎn)困難。【剖析】1 )主句 it wasn t easy for me to understand the teacher 在這句子當(dāng)中,it 作形式主語。真正的主語是不定式to understand theteacher 。2) when she talked t

21、o the class 是一個 when引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語從句?!就卣埂坑袝r(shí)也會遇至U It is+ adj .+of somebody to do something.這一句式。如:It is shy of you to say nothing.什么都不說,你真害羞。Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar that I am learning.然后,我開始用我所學(xué)的語法,來描繪我自己母語當(dāng)中的句子?!酒饰觥? )這是一個分詞短語作狀語,狀語中含有定語從句的句子。2) 句子主干是 Then I star

22、ted to write my own original sentences using the grammar是現(xiàn)在分詞短語作狀語, the grammar that I amlearning 是一個定語從句,先行詞是 the grammar ?!就卣埂?過去分詞也可以作狀語。如:Seen from the top of the mountain,the city looks beautiful.從山頂上看,這個城市看上去很漂亮。語法剖析verb+by doing.掌握verb+by doing本單元這一最基本的句式結(jié)構(gòu),它表示 “通過方式,做事情”。如:How do you learn E

23、nglish?I learn it by reading aloud every day.你怎樣學(xué)英語How do you go to school?I go你怎樣上學(xué)?我乘車上學(xué)。How do you know so much?I你是怎樣知道這么多的?我是上網(wǎng)知道的to school by taking the bus.know it by surfing Internet.讀下面的小對話,用practice的適當(dāng)形式填空。答案:practicing.by后加名詞,意為“通過,用”對采取的手段、方式等作出說明。如:We want to settle thisby direct negotia

24、tion with them.我們想通過和他們直接談判解決這個問題。We have to express our thoughtby們的思想。The money will be checkedby check.Time devours all things.時(shí)間吞噬萬物。.by后加數(shù)字、百分?jǐn)?shù)表示增減的程度。 如:The number increased by 200 every month.速度增加。action.我們要用行為表達(dá)我這筆錢將用支票支付。數(shù)字以每月200的Production fell by 30%.產(chǎn)量減低了 30% 。典題精講例 1(2010 北京海淀)I study fo

25、r a test workingwithA.in B.by C.at D.to思路解析:本題考查介詞區(qū)別。四個選項(xiàng)都有介詞的詞性,但只有 by途徑”的介詞,故應(yīng)選Bo例 2 (2010 天津)The sports meet will continue it afternoon.a group.是表示方式,rains thisA.if B.since 思路解析:A項(xiàng)if意為C.as soon as D.unless“是否”之意,如果”,引導(dǎo)一個條件狀語從句,它也可作 引導(dǎo)一個賓語從句。B項(xiàng)意為“自從”,引導(dǎo)一個時(shí)間狀語從句,也可表 “因?yàn)椤敝?意,引導(dǎo)一個原因狀語從句。C項(xiàng)意為“一就”,引導(dǎo)一個

26、時(shí)間狀語從句;D項(xiàng) 意為“除非,如果不,引導(dǎo)一個條件狀語從句。只有D項(xiàng)符合句意“運(yùn)動會將繼續(xù), 除非今天下午下雨”。例 3 (2010 陜西模擬)There are many ways to make a living.EdisonGreen does it by newspaper.A.sell B.to sellC.selling D.sale思路解析:by后面加動詞ing 形式,意思是“通過”。句子的意思是“有很多種 方式可以謀生,愛迪生格林的謀生手段是賣報(bào)紙”。例 4Listen! She is practicing bananas. A.cut upB.cutting up C.cu

27、ting up D.to cut up思路解析:practice后加動詞的-ing 形式,cut力口-ing時(shí)要雙寫t。答案:B黑色陷井:本題有兩處陷阱:一是知道practice 后用doing,但句中的 practicing容易迷惑學(xué)生,認(rèn)為前面有ing形式了,后面就忽略了; 二是cut加-ing應(yīng)該雙寫t,即cutting 。綠色通道:像practice 一樣,后面加動詞-ing 形式的單詞、詞組還有 enjoy,finish,mind,have fun以一個元音字母加輔音字母結(jié)尾的重讀閉音節(jié)單詞加-ing 時(shí),應(yīng)該雙寫末尾的輔音字母。如: stopping,swimming,gettin

28、g,digging。例 5 I have learned about that.A .a lotB.a lot of C.lots ofD.a lots of思路解析:四個選項(xiàng)中只有a lot有副詞詞性可以修飾動詞learn 。D項(xiàng)是錯誤的表述,B、C兩項(xiàng)只修飾名詞。答案:A綠色通道:表示“多少”,修飾動詞時(shí),除了 a lot 外還有much,little,a little 。 如:I know much about it.對那件事情,我知道很多。(此時(shí)much, 可以換為 a lot )如:She usually thinks little for others.她常常幾乎不為別人著想。例

29、6 Time by.He became old and helpless.A.go B.goes C.went D.gone思路解析:由后面的動詞became 可以推斷,本題是過去時(shí)態(tài),D項(xiàng)是過去分詞 句子的意思是“隨著時(shí)間的流逝,他變得又老又無助。答案:C例 7 His brother the Communist Party when he was twenty.C.joined in D.joined to后面加活動,join后加由人組成的團(tuán)體、意思是“共產(chǎn)黨”,表示“組織”。答案:AA.joinedB.took part in思路解析:join in=take part in 組織。因?yàn)?/p>

30、 Communist Party 原創(chuàng)題閱讀下面五小段短文,找出能代表本段主題的最佳選項(xiàng)met with you for the next time on a bus on my wayto my office.But you didn t see me (perhaps you didn tknow me at all).At the cinema you got off and I followed you until you went in a clothing shop.I asked one of your workmates and knew you worked here.Tha

31、t morning I was late but I was quite happy.2.I think you shouldn t worry at all.Maybe she s just asshy as you.What about giving her some flowers or just a short message?Say something like this:T d really like to knowyou but I don t know how. She ll probably be excited to know she s got a fan!3.When

32、I was watching TV,I knew most people in a small country were short of food and some of them died of hunger.I came to the country and told the officials(官員)about it.Ofcourse they were very happy and took me to the poorest place.to the houses of4.I was a newspaper boy when I was fourteen years old.I u

33、sually got up early and sent newspapers the people in all kinds of weather.I had more and more customers because of my hard work.Sometimes I got tips from them!pay!A.Talking about oneB.Helping others,helpC.Talking about one5.I m forty nine.I once worked in a middle school,but I thought I was badly p

34、aid and found work in an office when I was forty three.I worked hard,but I was still got a lowers falling in love ng yourselvess problemsD.Working but feeling happyE.Giving suggestions參考答案:1.A 2.E3.B4.D5.C思路解析:1.結(jié)合常識,根據(jù)敘述的語氣及“That morning I was late butI was quite happy.”可知,A是本段落的主題句。.從 “What about

35、giving her some flowers or just a shortmessage?Say something like this: 及 “She ll probably beexcited to know she s got a fan! ”可知,本段是給陷入戀愛困境的人提建議,所以選 E(Giving suggestions)。.救助貧困中的人們,我從中得到了快樂,所以 B(Helping others,helping yourselves )是本段落的主題句。.從 “I usually got up early and.in all kinds of weather. ” 及a

36、because of my hard work.可知“我”工作非常勤奮,I hadmore and more customers” 和 a Sometimes I got tips fromthem! ”表明“我”工作著并快樂著!所以 D(Working but feeling happy ) 是本段落的主題句。5.I m forty-nine.butI thought I was badly paid and found work in an office when I was forty-three.I worked hard,butI was still got a lower pay!

37、表明“我”對工作及薪水非常不滿,為此 “我” 很苦惱,所以 C(Talking about one s problems )是本段落的主題句。綠色通道:如何尋找主題句、把握文章或段落主旨是重要的閱讀能力之一。主題句在 文章中的位置要視文章的結(jié)構(gòu)、題材及體裁而定,但有時(shí)也不明顯,需要對文章或段 落進(jìn)行分析、加工、概括、提煉。如本題中的幾個段落都需要讀者一定的歸納、概括 能力。巧學(xué)法園地需要用定冠詞的名詞歌訣:獨(dú)一無二最高級,山河海島奏樂器。 階級黨派上報(bào)紙,國家組織上雜志。 已說過的人或事,同一東西大家知。姓氏前是“一家子”,序數(shù)前表“第幾九年級上冊單詞巧記十句型語法剖析Unit 10 By t

38、he time I got outside the bus had already left單詞巧記典句考點(diǎn)rush rAj v.奔;便倉促行動【巧記提示】rush( 奔)rubbish(垃圾)【經(jīng)典例句】The children rushed out of the school gate after school.放學(xué)后,孩子們爭先恐后得跑出學(xué)校大門。我的記憶卡rush away (off/out) to do sth. 沖出去做某事rush sth.through匆忙處理rush sb.使某人倉促行動【活學(xué)活用】1.找出左邊詞組的釋義1 ) rush sth.through crowded

39、a.busy hours,usuallyrush sb.rush hours答案:1) b 2) cluck 1。小;v.曲i,鎖:鎖上【巧記提示】lock(【經(jīng)典例句】Lock3) put sth.under lock and key意為“妥善保管某物如:b.handle sth.quicklyc.make sb.hurry to do sth.3) a鎖)clock ( 鬧鐘)the stable door after the horse has been stolen. 亡羊補(bǔ)牢。【考點(diǎn)聚焦】1)詞組lock sb.in (out )意思是“把某人鎖在里面(外面) 如:After the

40、 quarrel,she locked herself in the room and her husband out.爭吵后,她把自己鎖在房間里,把她丈夫鎖在外面。2) keep sth.locked意思是“使某物一直鎖著。如:You must keep the box locked.你必須讓這個箱子一直是鎖著的。You must put this document under luck and key.你必須妥善保管這份文件。fool 機(jī)4M.愚弄;欺騙【巧記提示】fool(愚弄)tool(工具)【經(jīng)典例句】 If you go onfooling with that gun,there

41、will bean accident.如果你繼續(xù)玩弄那槍,就會發(fā)生意外。【考點(diǎn)聚焦】1 ) fool可以作動詞使用。如:He fooled her out her money.他騙走了 她的錢。fool作名詞時(shí),是“愚人、呆子”的意思。如:make a fool of sb.愚弄某人,an April fool一個愚人節(jié)被愚弄的人3)其形容詞形式是foolish ,意思是“愚蠢的”。如:How foolish of you to do that.做那件事情你真傻?!净顚W(xué)活用】2.用fool的適當(dāng)形式填空Everyone is not .So don t try to anyone.答案:foo

42、lish,fooldescribe dl skralb v,描述【巧記提示】de (down ) +scribe (寫)【經(jīng)典例句】 Words can not describe the beauty of the scene.這美景無法用語言描述。【考點(diǎn)聚焦】固定搭配:describe sth.for(to) sb.將某事描述給某人Can you describe it for me?你能把它描述給我聽嗎?describe as 說(某人或某物)有某種性質(zhì)He described himself as a doctor.他稱他 自 己是個醫(yī)生?!净顚W(xué)活用】3.(2010 連云港模擬)The

43、US describes itself theSavior( 救世主).A.as B.for C.in D.with答案:AconviiKC -kOrfvlnb也 使相信【巧記提示】con (加強(qiáng)語氣)+vince(克服;征服)【經(jīng)典例句】I m convinced of his honesty.我深信他的誠實(shí)?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】1 )掌握詞組convince sb.of 使某人相信We couldn t convince him of his mistake.我們無法使他明白他的錯誤。2)其形容詞形式是convincing ,意思是“令人信服的”。如:His words are convincin

44、g.他的話令人信服。marry mrrrl 上 結(jié)婚【巧記提示】marry (結(jié)婚)Mary (瑪麗)【經(jīng)典例句】 She dreamed tomarry off all her daughters.她夢想把她的女兒都嫁出去?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】1) “嫁給某人;娶了某人用marry sb.來表示,一定記住不需要 加to 。2)固定搭配get married 結(jié)婚;marry with跟某人結(jié)婚。tiirill Qrll:恥&也使非常激動;激動【巧記提示】thrill(激動)chill(打顫)【經(jīng)典例句】The film thrilled the audience.電影給觀眾帶來很大刺激?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】

45、1)形容詞thrilling 意思是“刺激的”。如:There was a thrilling finish to the end.最后一段,非常緊張刺激。thrill也可用作名詞,意為 “激動”。如:It gave her quite a thrill to shake hands with the princess.同公主握手使她倍感興奮?!净顚W(xué)活用】4.用thrilled,thrilling填空I m at the news.答案:thrilled , thrillingendiimssir G/baQ8m令人為責(zé)的【巧記提示】embarrass (v.使為難)+-ing(形容詞后綴)【

46、經(jīng)典例句】 Lending money is an embarrassing problem.借給別人錢是個令人為難的問題?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】 記住 embarrassed 與 embarrassing 的區(qū)別: embarrassed形容人的感受,embarrassing修飾事情。如:His embarrassing words made everyone embarrassed.他那令人窘迫的話使每個人都感到窘迫。He stays embarrassed by lack of money.他因缺錢而窘迫。短語巧記典句考點(diǎn)go off(鬧鐘)響of【經(jīng)典例句】He kept lying in be

47、d in spite of the going off the clock.盡管鬧鐘響了,他仍然躺在床上。【考點(diǎn)聚焦】記住go off的其他意思:1)表示“槍支走火”。如:這槍走火了。食物開始變質(zhì)她昏倒暈迷過去。貨物很快就賣完了。go off 的意思The gun went off by accident.2)表示“食物變質(zhì)”。如: The food has started to go off.表示“暈迷”。如:She went off into a faint.4)表示“貨物賣完”。如:The goods went off quickly.【活學(xué)活用】5.判斷下列各句中Sorry,the c

48、lothes you want havegone offIn summer,meat is easy togo offListen! The clock isgoing off答案:1)賣完 2)變質(zhì) 3)鬧響break down損壞;壞掉【經(jīng)典例句】 What was worse,my carbroke down .更糟糕的是,我的車拋錨了?!究键c(diǎn)聚焦】掌握break down的其他含義和用法:1)表示“計(jì)劃失敗”。如:Our plan broke down.我們的計(jì)劃失敗了。2)表示“身體、精神衰弱”。如:His health broke down.他的身體衰弱了。3)表示“情緒失控”。如

49、:She broke down when she heard the bad news.她聽了那個消息大哭起來。4)表示“機(jī)器壞掉,壞毛病”。如:There was a breakdown on the railway and the trains were delayed.鐵軌出了毛病,火車延誤了?!净顚W(xué)活用】6.(2010寧夏模擬)His health .A.turned downB.broke downC.fell downD.came down答案:B set off 激起;引起【經(jīng)典例句】 Panic set off across the whole country.整個國家陷入恐慌

50、中。【考點(diǎn)聚焦】詞組set off 還有“出發(fā)”之意。如:They set off on a rainy night.在一個下著雨的晚上,他們出發(fā)了。show up 出席;露面【經(jīng)典例句】She never show up at balls.她從不在舞會上露面。【考點(diǎn)聚焦】請注意show 作動詞,意為“出示”時(shí)的使用。如:Please show me your tickets.請把你 的票給我看看。句子,剖析,拓展In 1938,a radio program by actor Orson Welles announced that aliens from marts had landed o

51、n the Earth.1938 年,演員奧森書爾斯主持的一個收音機(jī)節(jié)目宣稱,來自火星的外星人已經(jīng)在 地球上登陸。【剖析】1 )這是一個賓語從句,主句是 a radio program by actor Orson Welles announced 。從旬是 that aliens from marts had landedon the Earth.2)介詞短語by actor Orson Welles 作定語,限定前面的a radio program c He described where they had landed and told how they were moving acro

52、ss the United States.他描述了外星人登陸的地方,并告訴人們,外星人將在美國如何移動?!酒饰觥?)這是一個含有兩個賓語從句的句子,兩個賓語從句的主句的主語都是He c2)第一個賓語從句的主句是He described ,從旬是 where they hadlanded ;第二個賓語從句的主句是 He told, 從旬是how they were moving across the United States。語法剖析過去完成時(shí)態(tài)過去完成時(shí)態(tài)表示在過去某一時(shí)間以前已經(jīng)發(fā)生了的動作,即發(fā)生在“過去的過去”。 構(gòu)成過去完成時(shí)由“助動詞had(通用于各種人稱和數(shù))+過去分詞構(gòu)成。用法

53、過去完成時(shí)表示在過去某一時(shí)間或動作之前已經(jīng)發(fā)生或完成了的動作。主要表示過去某時(shí)前已發(fā)生的動作或情況(也可說是“過去的過去”)。與by、before 等構(gòu)成的短語連用。陳述旬主語+助動詞had (通用于各種人稱和數(shù))+過去分詞They had already had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel.在他們到達(dá)旅館之前,他們已經(jīng)吃早飯了。從旬中arrived at 到達(dá)在“過去”的時(shí)間,而had already had吃早飯的動作發(fā)生在到達(dá)之前,因此主句的時(shí)態(tài)為“過去的過去”。如:I had finished writing my compos

54、ition by 10:00 this morning.今天上午10 : 00點(diǎn)以前,我已經(jīng)寫完了我的作文。She had searched the Internet for two hours when shefound an ad for the Canon digital camera.當(dāng)她找到了佳能數(shù)碼照相機(jī)的廣告時(shí),她已經(jīng)在因特網(wǎng)上查詢了兩個小時(shí)。I went over what I had written again and again so thatI wouldn t make any mistakes.我一遍又一遍地檢查了我所寫的內(nèi)容,以至我沒有出現(xiàn)任何錯誤。 否定句主語+助

55、動詞had (通用于各種人稱和數(shù))+not+過去分詞He said that he had not seen such a beautiful bird before.他說他以前從來沒有看過這樣美麗的鳥 疑問句助動詞had (通用于各種人稱和數(shù))+主語+過去分詞?How many English flushed had you seen by the end of last term?到上學(xué)期期末為止,你們看了多少部英文片?Had you reached the station before ten o clock?到十點(diǎn)以前,你們已經(jīng)到達(dá)火車站了嗎?注:如果時(shí)間狀語從句的動作發(fā)生在前,則從句

56、用過去完成時(shí),主句用一般過去時(shí)。 如:When he had finished his work,he left his office.After I had done my homeworkwent to bed.巧學(xué)過去時(shí) 過去完成時(shí)態(tài)不算難 形式要向完成時(shí)態(tài)看Have 變成had 不怠慢斷定過去之前是關(guān)鍵典題精講(2010 陜西)Dolphins are not fish.They are mammals(哺孚L動物).They live in groups and speak to each other in their own language.But they are quite

57、different from almost all land animals.Their brain(大月齒)is as big as men s and theylive a long lifeat least 20 or 30 years.Like some animals,dolphinsuse sounds to help them findtheir way around.They also use these sounds to talk to each other and to help them find food.They do not use their ears to r

58、eceive sounds,but use the jawthe lower part of themouth.It is strange that dolphins are friendly to men,and for thousands of years,there are many stories aboutdolphinsand men.In the 19th century,in a dangerous part of the sea near New Zealand,there was a dolphin.The seamen liked him very much and ga

59、ve him a very good name Jack.From 1871 to 1903,Jack met every boat in the area and showed it the way.In 1903 a passenger on a boat with the name Penguin shot and hurt Jack.Luckily the dolphin didn t die,and after a long time he was well again.He guided the ships through the area for nine more years,

60、but he refused to help the boat The Penguin.Today,some people still kill dolphins,but many countriesin the world now protect them.In these places, people are not allowed to kill them.例 1 The word “jaw ” in the second paragraph means in Chinese.A.下顆 B.嘴巴 C.嘴唇 D.鼻子思路解析:本題是詞義推測題。根據(jù)文中對jaw 的解釋the lower p


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