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1、關(guān)于商鋪租賃合同到期的通知函范本集錦觀賞 關(guān)于商鋪租賃合同到期的通知函范本集錦觀賞對于商鋪租賃雙方, 出租人在商鋪租賃即將到期的之前有義務通知承租方剩余租賃期限,承租方才好打算是否于出租人商議連續(xù)租賃關(guān)系 .下面是關(guān)于商鋪租賃合同到期的通知函范本集 錦觀賞,期望你能喜愛;范本一 XX 先生:就您租用之本人擁有合法產(chǎn)權(quán)的位于XXXXXXXX的商鋪租賃事宜,本人致函如下:一、依據(jù)您與本人簽訂的商鋪租賃合同及其他相關(guān)材料說明:xx 年 x 月,本人與位于 XXXXXXXXXXXXX的商鋪原產(chǎn)權(quán)人 xxx簽訂了房地產(chǎn)買賣合同 ,并于 xxxx 年 x 月正式辦理了該商鋪的 房屋過戶手續(xù),故本人于 xx

2、xx 年 x 月開頭即擁有該商鋪的合法產(chǎn)權(quán);依據(jù)您與本人于 xxx 年 x 月 xx 日簽訂的商鋪租賃合同第一 條明確規(guī)定,您租用之本人擁有合法產(chǎn)權(quán)的該商鋪,租期從 xxxx 年 x 月 xx 日至 xxxx 年 x 月 xx 日; 依據(jù)商鋪租賃合同第六條就 明確規(guī)定,租鋪期滿,本人不同意續(xù)租, 您必需交情全部房租及水費、電話、電視、物業(yè)治理等相關(guān)的任何費用,包括但不限于營業(yè)稅、租 賃稅等的一切稅費, 經(jīng)本人驗收商鋪后本人無息退仍押金給您,本人 收回商鋪,當即終止合同;1 / 11關(guān)于商鋪租賃合同到期的通知函范本集錦觀賞 二、依據(jù)上述事實,本人正式函告如下:本人作為上述商鋪的合法產(chǎn)權(quán)人,您與本

3、人簽訂的商鋪租賃合 同真實、合法有效,雙方的商鋪租賃法律關(guān)系明確,您應恪守合同 規(guī)定之義務;本人明確聲明: 不同意將該商鋪續(xù)租給您, 故您應當依約在 xxxx 年 x 月 xx 日前搬離該商鋪,否就將構(gòu)成嚴峻違約;且您應當向本人 準時足額支付拖欠之兩個月租金, 否就本人有權(quán)依據(jù)商鋪租賃合同第五條其次款之規(guī)定追究您應負之法律責任;另,如您一意孤行,我聘請之律師所將依據(jù)本人的授權(quán),實行一切必要的法律手段追索您的應負法律責任;屆時,您將可能承擔不利的法律后果,如包括但不限于您應當支付的租金、 您的違約行為對本人造成的經(jīng)濟缺失、訴訟費、律師費等;望您能充分考慮本人的上述看法;順頌:商祺. xxxx 年

4、 x 月 xx 日范本二致:XXX 先生您與公司于 XXXX 年 XXX 月 XXXX 日簽訂了XXX 租賃合同, 依據(jù)合同商定租賃期限即將屆滿;現(xiàn)通知如下:您承租的房屋將于XXXX 年 XXX 月 XXXX 日到期,請您于租賃2 / 11關(guān)于商鋪租賃合同到期的通知函范本集錦觀賞期限到期后準時將您自有財物運離并與公司辦理交接,公司將在房屋 交接后按合同商定結(jié)清雙方費用;特此通知;出租人: XXXXX XXXX 年 XXX 月 XX 日 范本三 XX :依據(jù) XX 年 XX 月 XX 日本公司與貴方簽訂的XX 租賃合同,XX 年,至 XX 商定本公司將 XX 處地點 XX 出租于貴方使用,租期年

5、 XX 月 XX 日止,年租金標準為XX 元;該合同租期屆滿后,貴方連續(xù)使用該場地, 并按原租賃合同商定標準支付租金,但貴方未與本 公司續(xù)簽租賃合同,故貴方與本公司之間存在不定期租賃合同關(guān)系;依據(jù)中華人民共和國合同法其次百三十六條之規(guī)定,本公司作為 出租人有權(quán)隨時通知貴方解除租賃關(guān)系;因本公司收到 XX 公司于 XX 年 XX 月 XX 日發(fā)出的搬遷 告知書,該地塊無法連續(xù)租賃, 現(xiàn) 依法通知貴方:一、自本通知函發(fā)出之日起,貴方與本公司之間的不定期場地租 賃關(guān)系終止;依據(jù) XX 租賃合同第九條商定,請貴方在收到本書 面通知函后 7 日內(nèi)最遲在 XX 年 XX 月 XX 日前搬離 XX 地;二、

6、貴方應將租賃的場地及本公司供應的配套設施以良好的狀態(tài) 交仍本公司,貴方在租賃期間合理的裝飾裝修除被要求復原原樣的部3 / 11關(guān)于商鋪租賃合同到期的通知函范本集錦觀賞 格外不得拆除,全部無償交仍本公司;三、貴方應按 XX 租賃合同中商定租金標準支付租金至實際 搬離日止;四、如貴方在上述期限內(nèi)不搬出XX 地,本公司有權(quán)要求貴方承擔相應缺失;本通知函將通過快遞郵寄至貴方 中國郵政 EMS 快遞單號: EXXXXXXXXCS; 特此通知此致通知人 出租人 :XX 公司XX 年 XX 月 XX 日附:XX 公司搬遷告知書副本一份關(guān)于商鋪租賃合同到期的通知函范本集錦觀賞就為大家介紹到這里,是否對您有所啟

7、示呢 里,敬請期望;.更多關(guān)于合同范本的出色內(nèi)容發(fā)布盡在這托付書是人們在工作和社會生活中常常使用的一種文體;下文介紹最新英文版托付函范文 您有所啟示;篇一:_ center: 3 篇精選薦讀,望內(nèi)容對Comrade I unit XXXXX because XXXXX x mission, will be in XXXXX in x x month x country region, stay outside xx 4 / 11關(guān)于商鋪租賃合同到期的通知函范本集錦觀賞days, pay cost of xx. Because of the comrade of the personnel ar

8、chives check your center, entrust the relevant foreign affairs formalities. name of the entity and affix ones seal In x x month x day 篇二:Client: gender: * * * * * * id: * * * * * * * * * * * * * is the principal: gender: * * * * * * id: * * * * * * * * * * * * * For himself in the provincial and the

9、 job is busy, cant personally to deal with * * * * * * * relevant formalities, hereby entrust * * * * as my legal agent, authorized representative I deal with related matters, signed in to the trustor in handling the matters of related documents, I have to be recognized, and bear corresponding legal

10、 responsibilities. Entrust deadline: since the date of signing to the above items is done. The principal: date month year 篇三:M/s. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE having its PRESENTS 5 / 11關(guān)于商鋪租賃合同到期的通知函范本集錦觀賞Head that Office . Ltd., at here-in-after called the company appoint Mr. CL, s/o Mr. ML, r/o , herein

11、after called the attorney as its attorney to do all deed and acts, which the Company is aurthorised to do through an attorney. The said attorney shall have the power to do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The attorney shall be the over all in-charge of the staff. He shall appoint, suspend, and terminat

12、e Manager, Accountant, Steno, Typist and peons etc. as and when he thinks proper in the best interest of the company. 6. The attorney is authorised to enter into any kind of contract, execute and perform all obligations and receive and 6 / 11關(guān)于商鋪租賃合同到期的通知函范本集錦觀賞accept all benefits for and on behalf

13、of the company. The attorney shall manage and supervise manufacture, and sales of the goods in the best interest of the company. The attorney shall work, manage and develop the properties or undertakings in the interest of the firm. The attorney shall purchase or otherwise acquire any movable or imm

14、ovable property in the interest of the company. That attorney shall carry out the business of the company to best of his ability and capacity in the interest of the work. 7. The attorney is authorised to enter into, make, sign and do all such agreements, receipts, payments and contracts, etc. as he

15、thinks proper and expedient in the interest of the company. The attorney can mortgage property if he thinks proper and expedient for carrying on affairs of the company smoothly. 8. The attorney shall adjust, settle, compromise and submit to arbitrators all accounts, debts, claims, demand, disputes a

16、nd matters which may a rise between company and persons/persons from time to time. 9. The attorney shall draw, accept, endorse, negotiate, retire , pay or satisfy any bills of exchange, promissory notes, 7 / 11關(guān)于商鋪租賃合同到期的通知函范本集錦觀賞hundis, cheques, drafts etc. which he thinks necessary and expedient i

17、n the interest of the company. 10. That attorney shall draw, accept , endorse, negotiate, retire, pay or satisfy any bills of exchange, promissory notes, hundis, cheques, drafts etc. which he things necessary and expedient in the interest of the company. 11. The attorney shall borrow from time to ti

18、me any sums properties the company by pledging movable or immovable on such terms and conditions as he thinks proper in the interest of the company. 12. The attorney shall open a bank account in the name of the company in any of the Nationalised Bank and shall operate it as General Manager of the Co

19、mpany. The attorney is authorised to close the bank account, already running, and open the account to some other Nationalised bank as and when he thinks it proper in the best interest of the company. 13. 14. The attorney is empowered to commence and prosecute, and to defend compound and abandon all

20、actions proceedings, suits and claims in relation to the business and property of the company. He is empowered to appoint 8 / 11關(guān)于商鋪租賃合同到期的通知函范本集錦觀賞advocate/advocates to look after the matter in the courts and Government offices. 15. The attorney shall represent the company before any Department of

21、the State Government or the Central Government , or before any local authorities and vote at any meeting in any firms, companies, or Government departments for and on behalf of the company. 16. The attorney shall appoint some insurance agent for insurance of the stock, buildings, plant and machinery and other movable and immovable properties. 17. Generally the attorney shall do all other works concerning with the affairs of the company to the best of his ability in the best interest of the company. 18.The company


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