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1、1.經(jīng)。乘。2.腳3.自行車4.公共汽車5.火車6.飛機7.船8.地鐵9.怎樣10.上學11.交通燈12 交通規(guī)則byfootbikebustrainplaneshipsubwayhowgo to schooltraffic lighttraffic rule13.停,停車站14.等,等待15.到達16.圖書館17.郵局18.醫(yī)院19.電影院20.書店21.科學博物館22.在哪里23.請24.與。相鄰stopwaitget tolibrarypost officehospitalcinemabook storescience museumwherepleasenext to25.北26.南27

2、.東28.西29.轉彎30.右邊31.左邊32.成直線地33.然后34.下周35.今天上午36.今天下午southeastwestturn rightleftstraightthennext weekthis morningthis afternoonnorth37.今天晚上38.今晚39.明天40.去旅行41.閱讀雜志42.去看電影43.漫畫書44.明信片45.報紙46.字典47.購買48.愛好this eveningtonighttomorrowtake a tripread a magazinego to the cinemacomic bookpost cardnewspaperdic

3、tionarybuyhobby49.騎自行車50.跳水51.拉小提琴52.制作風箏53.集郵54.居?。ㄈ龁危?5.教(三單)56.去(三單)57.看(三單)58.讀(三單)59.歌手60.作家ride a bikediveplay the violinmake kitescollect stampslive livesteach teachesgo goeswatch watchesread readssingerwriter61.男演員62.女演員63畫家64.電視臺記者65.工程師66.會計67.男警察68.銷售員69.清潔工70.工作 actoractressartistTV repo

4、rterengineeraccountantpolicemansalespersoncleanerwork71.雨72.云73.太陽74.小河,小溪75.來自76.種子77.土壤78.苗芽79.植物。種植80.應該81.然后 rain cloud sun stream come from seed soil sprout plant shouldthen1.讓我看一下2.看3.乘飛機4.步行5.騎自行車(2)6.乘地鐵7.乘火車8.乘公交車9.乘輪船10.去美國 Let me see第 一 單 元 短 語 look at by planeon foot by bike /ride a bike

5、 by subway by train by bus by ship go to the USA第 一 單 元 句 型A.你怎樣去上學?B.我騎自行車去上學。A。你怎樣去加拿大?B.我乘飛機去。How do you go to school?I go to school by bike.A. How do you go to Canada?B. I go by plane.A.你怎樣去上學?B.我家近。通常我步行上學。有時我騎自行車去。你呢?A.我通常乘公共汽車去上學。A. How do you go to school?B. My home is near. Usually I go to

6、school on foot.Sometimes I go by bike. What about you?A. I usually go to school by bus.看交通燈。記住交通規(guī)則紅燈停黃燈等綠燈行Look at the traffic lights.Remember the traffic rules.Stop at a red light.Wait at a yellow lightGo at a green light.A.我怎樣能到達中山公園?B.你可以乘坐15路公交車去。A.我能步行去嗎?B.當然,假如你喜歡。它不遠。A. How can I get to Zhong

7、shan Park?B. You can go by the No.15 bus.A. Can I go on foot?B. Sure, if you like. Its not far第 二 單 元 短 語11,打擾了12.挨著13.遠離,離。遠14.不客氣15.在中間16.在右邊17.在左邊18.在。前面19.直走20.放學后 Excuse me next to far from Youre welcome in the middle on the right on the left in front ofGo straight after school21.一雙鞋22.上車23.下車2

8、4.向左轉25.向右轉26.。的東面27.附近28.尋找29.在星期六30.在下午六點 a pair of shoes get on get off turn leftturn right east of near here look for on Saturday at 6 pm第 二 單 元 短 語A,打擾了,附近有電影院嗎?B.是的。有A.請問,電影院在哪里?B.挨著醫(yī)院A.離這里遠嗎?B.不,不遠。A.謝謝你B不用謝 me, is there a cinema near here?B. Yes, there is.A .Where is the cinema, please?B, It

9、s next to the hospital. it far from here?, its not far. youA.Youre welcome第 二 單 元 句 型1.我怎樣到達博物館?2.直走五分鐘,然后左轉。How can I get to the museum?Go straight for five minutes. then turn left.第 二 單 元 句 型A.打擾了,郵局在哪里?B.它在電影院的東面。A.那么然后呢?B,在電影院向左轉,然后直走。它在左面。A.謝謝。Excuse me. Where is the post office?Its east of the

10、 cinema.And then?Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. Its on the left.Thank you第 二 單 元 句 型第 三 單 元 短 語31.在周末32.這個周末33.在星期日上午34.拜訪祖父母35.做運動36.看書37.一本英語書38.你想買點什么?39.在3點鐘40.種樹 on the weekendthis weekend on Sunday morning visit grandparents play sports read a book an English book Can I help you? a

11、t 3 oclock plant treesA.周末你打算做什么?B.這個周末我打算去拜訪我的祖父母。A.遠嗎?B.是的,因此我打算乘火車去。What are you going to do on the weekend?Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend.3單元句型Is it far?Yes, so Im going by train.A.你打算做什么?B.我打算去書店買一本英語書。A.你什么時候去?B。今天下午A. What are you going to do?B. Im going to buy an English book

12、 in the bookstore.A. When are you going?B. This afternoonA.今天下午你要去哪里?B.我要去書店A。你打算去買什么?B.我要去買一本漫畫書。A.你什么時候去? B,我三點鐘去。A. Where are you going this afternoon?B. Im going to the bookstore.A. What are you going to buy?B. Im going to buy a comic book.A. When are you going ?B. Im going at 3 oclock.第 四 單 元 短

13、 語41.聽音樂42.看電視43.下象棋44.踢足球45.筆友46.一次郵票展覽47.畫畫48.看起來一樣49.她爸爸的愛好50.每天 listen to musicwatch TVplay chess play footballpen pal a stamp show draw pictureslook the sameher fathers hobbyevery day51.去上班52.在夜晚53.在晚上54.回家55.上床睡覺56.午飯后57.看報紙58.居住在北京59.教數(shù)學60.在電視上第 四 單 元 短 語 go to work at night in the evening go

14、 home go to bedafter lunchread newspaperslive in Beijingteach mathon TVA你的愛好是什么? B.我的愛好是集郵。那你呢?A.我也是。在星期日有一場郵票展覽。讓我們一起去吧。B.我有一個朋友。他也喜歡集郵。他能和我們一起去嗎?A.當然。 Whats your hobby? I like collecting about you? Me too. There is a stamp show on Sunday. Lets go together.I have a friend. He likes collecting stamp

15、s, too. Can he go with us? sure第四單元句型第四單元句型1.你的筆友住在上海嗎? 不,他住在北京。 Does your pen pal live in shanghai? No, he doesnt. He lives in Beijing.A.我的媽媽是一位教師。B她教英語嗎?A不。她教數(shù)學B.她教你數(shù)學嗎?A.是的 My mother is a teacher. No, she doesnt. She teaches math.Does she teach English?Does she teach you math?Yes, she does.61.一位男

16、演員62.一位女演員63.一位會計64.一位畫家65.一位工程師66.sell things67help sick people68.teach lessons69.clean with numbersan actor an actress an accountant an artist an engineer賣東西幫助生病的人 教課打掃街道和數(shù)字打交道第 五 單 元 短 語71.在太陽下72.步行回家73.來自74.在圖片上75.在河里76.等待77.幾天內78.確信79.一月大80.加油81.大量陽光 in the sunwalk homecome fromi

17、n the picturein the riverwait for in several daysmake sureone month oldcome ona lot of sun第 五 單 元 句 型A.你的媽媽是做什么的?B。她是一位會計。A.她在哪里工作?B.她在汽車公司里工作。A.她怎樣去上班?B.她乘公交車去上班。What does your mother do?She is an accountantWhere does she work?She works in a car company.How does she go to work?She goes to work by b

18、us.雨從哪里來? 它來自云。Where does the rain come from?It comes from the clouds.1,首先挖土2.然后,把植物放在土里。3.給它澆水4.等著它長大First, dig the soil.Then, put the plant in the soilWater itWait for it to grow.1.第五2.記住3.然后4.找到5.不同之處6.相同的7.每個8.國家9.總是10.意思是11.駕駛12.右邊13.邊14.英國15.澳大利亞16.但是17.左邊18.假如19.必須20.知道1單元1.look for1.尋找2.乘坐3.開始4.告訴5.聚會6.第十二7.遠的8.超市9.銀行10


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