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1、2022-2023學年中考英語模擬試卷請考生注意:1請用2B鉛筆將選擇題答案涂填在答題紙相應位置上,請用05毫米及以上黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆將主觀題的答案寫在答題紙相應的答題區(qū)內(nèi)。寫在試題卷、草稿紙上均無效。2答題前,認真閱讀答題紙上的注意事項,按規(guī)定答題。. 單項選擇1、-I preferspeakingtolisteninginEnglishlearning.-Oh.really?Ithinkyoushouldbegoodat ofthem.AbothBneitherCsomeDall2、I saw a number of pancakes in the plate, but now th

2、ere is _ left in it.AnoneBsomethingCnothingDno one3、 I hope to be a volunteer on weekends. You could help to _ the city parks.Acheer up Bmake upCtake up Dclean up4、You can tell from the posters and photos_the wall that Chen is a big fan of Jay Chou.Ain Bon Cbetween Dabove5、The passage and checked ca

3、refully before it was open to the public.ApolishedBwas polishedCpolishes6、When did tour grandfather come to this city?He came here when he was in his thirties.Athirty years agoBat the age of thirtyCmore than thirty7、China is Asian country. It lies in east of AsiaAan, theBan, anCthe, theDthe, an8、In

4、France, you are supposed to put your bread on the _.AplateBtableCdesk9、-Can you write to me if you are free? -No problem, _is your address?AwhereBwhichChowDwhat10、Alice, together with her classmates punished for breaking the school rules last week.AisBareCwasDwere. 完形填空11、 Many Chinese students find

5、 it difficult to learn English, but not Chinese, because Chinese is their mother language. In fact, Chinese is much more difficult to 1 than English.Still some students in other countries can speak Chinese very 2 . If you dont see them, you will think they are Chinese. What 3 them successful?“For me

6、, conversation is the most helpful. I try to speak in 4 . If you only listen to what others speak, you will be good at 5 . But if you talk as 6 as you can, you will find you can speak good Chinese,” says Jenny Brown, an English girl. Now she is 7 Chinese at Peking University. She is interested in Ch

7、ina and 8 history. She thinks that to learn a language, one must try to know 9 about the country.Chinese is different from English, 10 we can use the same way in learning it. It is conversation that matters.1AtalkBsayClearnDknow2AwellBgoodCbadDbadly3AmakesBmakeCletDlets4AEnglishBJapaneseCFrenchDChin

8、ese5AlistenBtalkClisteningDtalking6AlittleBmuchClessDmore7AtellingBwritingCstudyingDteaching8AitBitsCheDshe9AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything10AsoBandCalsoDbut. 語法填空12、閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入一個適當?shù)脑~,或填入括號中所給單詞的正確形式。One day the Prince of Wales wanted to go hunting with his men. He told his dog, Gelert, to

9、stay at home and1(look)after his baby son. The baby was in a wooden cradle, which was like 2small bed.When the Prince came back from hunting, Gelert ran out to meet his master. He wagged his tail and 3(jump) up to put his paws on the Princes chest. Then the Prince saw the blood on Gelerts jaws and h

10、ead.“What have you done?” the Prince said. He rushed into his house and looked for his baby son. The cradle was lying on its side on the floor. The clothes were torn and there was blood4 them.“ So you have killed my son?” the Prince said 5(angry). “You unfaithful dog!” He took out his sword and kill

11、ed the dog. Just as Gelert was dying, he managed to bark. Then the Prince heard a baby 6(call) to the dog.The Prince ran back into the house and saw his son 7(lie)on the ground unhurt. Near him was a dead wolf. Then the Prince knew that Gelert had defended the baby and killed the wolf.The Prince ran

12、 back into the house but he was too late. Gelert was 8(dead). The Prince was very sad indeed. Tears ran9 his face when he realized he had killed his faithful friend. The Prince carried the body of his brave dog to the top of a mountain and buried him there. After this, the Prince never smiled again.

13、 Every morning at dawn, he walked up the mountain and10(down) by the dogs grave for a few minutes. 閱讀理解A13、Cats sense of smell is very important to their health. Many cat owners have seen a cat smell the food and refuses it. Careful sniffing( 嗅) tells the cat if something is safe to eat.Cats have a

14、pair of vomeronasal organs(犁鼻器) on the roof of the mouth. When the cat wants to sniff, she will breathe the air in through her mouth. At this moment, she will often squint(斜視) her eyes and maybe even flatten(使平坦) her ears. This makes her look like she is making faces. The vomeronasal organs will the

15、n analyze(分析)the smell-almost as if the cat is tasting the smell.When you come home from outside the house, your cat can smell what you had for lunch and for a mid-afternoon snack. She can smell the people you shook hands with and your neighbour you stopped to talk to and hug. She can smell the gras

16、s brought under your shoes as you took a shortcut across the lawn. Your cats sense of smell is so good that she can smell difference between a gallon of water with a teaspoon of salt in it and plain water. In comparison, we think of salt as completely tasteless.Cats have scent glands(臭腺) on each sid

17、e of the forehead, on the chin, the lips and next to the tail. When your cat rubs up against your hand, your leg, the sofa, and your bed, she is leaving her scent in those things. She will then use her sense of smell to recognize “her” things, people and even other pets in the home.If you want to ha

18、ve fun with your cats sense of smell, take some small bits of different things, such as a bit of chicken, some flowers and some fish. Place each different scent under a piece of paper towel(so your cat cannot see any of them) and encourage your cat to investigate and find what kind of food she likes

19、 to eat best.1Cats know whether the food is fit to eat or not with their_.Asense of touch Bscent glandsCorgans of smell Dsense of taste2The third paragraph was written mainly to prove that _.Acats are very smartBcats have a good sense as dogsCsalty water has a special smellDcats sense of smell is ex

20、cellent3What does your cat do when it rubs against your foot?AShe puts her scent on it.BShe shows respect to you.CShe asks you to play with her.DShe smells where you were just now.4What does the word “investigate” mean in the last paragraph?ASmell. BSee. CLook. DSend.5The passage mainly tells us _.A

21、cats are one of our best friendsBcats have sharp sense of smellCsense of smell is very importantDcats know if something is safe to eatB14、The 2014 FIFA World Cup will be the 20thWorld Cup, which is expected to take place between June 12 and July 13,2014 in Brazil. It will be the second time for the

22、country to host the competition, the first being the 1950 FIFA World Cup. Brazil will become the fifth country to have hosted the Fifa World Cup twice, after Mexico, Italy, France and Germany.Brazil is the greatest football nation in the world. There are 100 million Brazilians. How many of them are

23、football fans? 100 million! All of them think that they know all about football. This makes life very difficult for the Brazilian team manager. When things go badly for the Brazilian team, the newspaper would demand (要求)that the team manager should leave his job. “If we win, they put me in heaven(天堂

24、),”as a manager once said, “If we lose, they put me in hell(地獄).”You cant escape football in Brazil. There are football matches on every street and beach. On television, the results of the football matches come before the main news programs. There are six television Channels in Rio de Janeiro(里約日內(nèi)盧)

25、. On Sundays each channel shows a different football match.Brazil is not the richest country in the world,but the government spends much money on football. It cost more than one billion pounds to prepare for the 1950 World Cup. Thats 10 pounds for every Brazilian. And many Brazilians dont earn as mu

26、ch as 10 pounds a week. Is it worth it?“Brazil must have a great football team.” says one reporter. “If it costs one billion pounds, thats all right. If the government doesnt give a good football team, then it will become unpopular._.”1Which of the following countries hasnt hosted the FIFA World Cup

27、 twice yet so far?AMexico BItalyCFrance DBrazil2It is the that come before the main news programs on television.Afootball matchesBresults of football matchesCfootball matches on the streetsDfootball matches on the beaches3The underlined sentence means “In Brazil .”Apeople like football very much,Bth

28、ere is something else in football.CPeople like competition.Dfootball has influences on the politics(政治)and economy(經(jīng)濟)of the nation.C15、A baby carrier is like a backpack for carrying a baby. Ann Moore introduced the idea of a baby carrier to American people nearly 50 years ago.Ann spent two years in

29、 Africa in the early 1960s. She worked as a nurse there. Ann saw babies wrapped in bright cloth tied to their mothers backs. The babies snuggled (依偎) close to their mothers, and the mothers could use their hands to do other things.In 1964, Ann had her own baby. She tried making a carrier like the on

30、e African mothers used. The carrier was like a backpack. Everywhere Ann went with her baby in the carrier, people asked, “Where can I buy one?” In 1965, Ann and her mother began to sell handmade carriers. Ann received a patent (專利) for the baby carrier in 1969. By that time, the baby carrier had leg

31、 holes and straps (帶子) that could be made longer or shorter. It could also be worn on the back or front.By 1979, the baby carriers were made in a factory. These baby carriers cost less to make and more than 25,000 were sold every month.When Ann made her first baby carrier, she just wanted to keep he

32、r baby close and still have her hands free to do other things. Now all over the world babies ride in baby carriers, close to their parents, safe and happy.根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案,并將其標號填入題前括號內(nèi)。1Ann Moore made her first baby carrier in .A1964 B1965C1969 D19792People asked Ann where they could buy a carrier becau

33、se .AAnn looked kind and friendlyBAnn knew where to buy itCthey liked it and wanted to have oneDthey couldnt go to Africa3What did Anns baby carrier look like?AIt was a bag made of bright cloth.BIt was a bright cloth tied to the mothers back.CIt was a big backpack which could be worn on the back or

34、front.DIt was like a backpack with leg holes and adjustable (可調(diào)節(jié)的) straps.4From the passage we can learn that people usually invent new things to .Astart a family businessBshow they are better than othersChelp people in poor areasDmake their lives easier5Whats the passage mainly about?ABaby carriers

35、 in AfricaBThe mother of the baby carrier.CAnn Moores family businessDHow to make a baby carrier.D16、Making a turtle feel welcomeOn a cold, rainy day, a boy found a turtle(烏龜) along the river. He was very happy, hoping to raise the turtle as his lovely pet. He put the turtle on a stone and watched i

36、t for a long time. But the turtle didnt move. Out of curiosity(好奇), the boy started to examine it to find out what was wrong with it. But the turtle pulled in its head and firmly closed its shell. The boy was upset. He grabbed the turtle and began to shake it. But the turtle still stayed in its shel

37、l. The boy picked up a stick to try to pry it open.The boys uncle was watching all of this.“No, thats not the way,” he yelled.“In fact, you may kill the turtle before you make it open up with a stick.” The boys uncle took the turtle into the house and set it near the fireplace. The turtle didnt move

38、 at all until it got warm. Then it pushed out its head, stretched out its legs and began to crawl. “Turtles are like that,” said the uncle, “and people, too.”1What did the boy do when he couldnt open the turtle shell?He grabbed it and shook it. He broke the shell.He tried to open it with a stick. He

39、 put it near the fireplace.A B C D2Which of the following can replace the underlined word “pry” in Paragraph 2?Ashake Bsteal Cforce Dclose3Whats the meaning of the last sentence in the story?ALike humans, turtles like to stay in warm places.BTurtles will like humans only if they are warm-hearted.CLi

40、ke humans, turtles like to be treated nicely.DThere are many similarities between humans and animals.4Which of the following statement is TRUE?AThe boy found a turtle in the river when he was swimming.BThe boy was angry because the shell didnt open.CThe boys uncle put the turtle into the fireplace.D

41、The turtle prefers a warm place to a cold placeE17、 Today, an increasing number of people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down. These people are called the “ Heads-down Tribe . Are you a heads-down tribe member ? Heads-down tribe members now can be seen everywhere.More and

42、 more traffic accidents are happening because more drivers use mobile phones when they are driving. In order to make drivers pay more attention to driving, some new traffic rules have been made. For example, heads-down tribe members who use mobile phones while driving in Taiwan are fined. Car driver

43、s and motorcyclists(騎摩托車的人)who break the traffic rule will be fined NT$3,000 and NT$1,000 respectively.As we can see above, using mobile phones may cause accidents and even cost a lot of money. Besides, more and more interesting and strange facts happen to the “Heads-down Tribe”. Lets have a look at

44、 an interesting TV report. A man in America kept using his mobile phone on his way home. As a result, he bumped into(撞上)a big lost bear. When he lifted his eyes from the phone, he was so scared that he turned around and ran away as quickly as possible. Another fact is that we can often see people in

45、 the restaurant eating face to face but looking at their own mobile phones. Its strange that they dont talk to the ones who sit opposite to them during the meal. Some of them even have fun communicating with others on the phone.Mobile phones are helpful and necessary tools for modern life. Are mobil

46、e phones good or not ? It depends on how people use them. Lets be “healthy” users and try to be the “Heads-up Tribe”.1What do we know about the “ Heads-down Tribe ” ?AThey are cool kids.BThey are dangerous drivers.CThey are good at using the Internet.DThey are always looking at their mobile phones.2

47、What does the underlined word “ respectively” mean in Chinese ?A分別地B迅速地C特意地D逐漸地3Where did the American probably bump into the bear ?AIn the forest.BAt a zoo.COn the street.DAt a park.4According to the passage, what do the “ Heads-down Tribe” do when they eat in a restaurant ?AThey enjoy their meals.

48、BThey take photos of their meals.CThey dont talk to the people who sit opposite.DThey talk to the strangers who sit next to them.F18、For Iris grace, the world used to be a lonely place. The autistic (自閉癥的) five-year-old girl seldom spoke and she often got nervous while being with other children.Iris

49、 has been taught art since she was three years old. She spends most of her time painting. She paints so well that her works sell for at least 1, 500 pounds each. However, nothing could stop her loneliness until a cat called Thula came to live with the family last February. After Thula arrived, Iriss

50、 parents have noticed Iris adding images like a cats eyes or nose to her paintings. At first, they thought Iris drew them by accident, but now they believe Iris is expressing her love to Thula in her paintings.While Iris is painting, Thula always sits at her side and watches her with great interest.

51、 And when the family go out in the car, Iris always takes Thula with her.Thula is having an influence on Iriss relationships with others, too, and her parents find it easier to encourage her to speak when Thula is around Iriss mother said, “Thanks to Thula, Iris is a lot happier than ever before.”1When did Iris begin to learn art?ALast February.BAt the age of 2.CAt the age of 3.DAt the age of 5.2Iris Grace paints so well that her works sell for _ pounds each.Amore than 1,500Bonly 1,500Cabout 1,500Dless than 1,5003How does Iris express


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