



1、課題Unit 4 where is my schoolbag課時第1課時Teaching aimsTeaching keypointsTeaching difficultpointsTo learn in, on, under and ask where are the things、 Where*s.? 一Its in/on/under.、 Where*re.? 一Theyre in/on/under.To enable to ask where things areTo enable to talk about where things areStep 1 Warming一upEnjoy

2、a song : Where is my ruler?Step 2 Present new words(l)Show a picture of a room and present things around the houseT: Look at the big picture on the screen. This is a big nice room. What can youshow the prepositions on ,in ,under.play a game . Let students do the exercisers of hands.Step 3 Present ne

3、w sentencesPractice the conversations : Where is my pencil box? Its in the schoolbag Where is my computer game? Its under the bed.Practice the conversations: Where9re my keys? They are under the chairWhere9re my pencil boxes? They, re on the desk.Step 4 ListeningLet Ss listen to a conversations and

4、fill in the black with on ,in ,underStep5 pair workLet Ss to help Hurry Porter to find the treasures in the room.Step6. Role-playPractice the conversation with your partner.Step7 writingLet students to write an article to introduce a room .Step8 HomeworkHealthy food 口語教學設計Teaching Objectives (教學目標):

5、一、知識技能目標:.認識并掌握有關食物及健康飲食習慣的單詞、詞組;.用英語表達哪些是健康食物,哪些是垃圾食物,以及為什么;.總結平衡膳食的定義,并且能提出一些健康建議。二、情感態(tài)度目標:了解有關營養(yǎng)飲食的基本常識和培養(yǎng)健康的飲食習慣。三、文化意識目標:了解外國的不同飲食習慣,培養(yǎng)和擴大文化意識。 教學重難點:.教學重點:加何區(qū)分健康食品以及垃圾食品并且會用英語表達;.教學難點:教會學生如何自如表達自己的意見和建議并且?guī)椭鷮W生總結出平衡膳食的定義。教學方法:Pair work and Group work (小組合作,交流式教學)Discussion and cooperative learni

6、ng (自主探究、合作探究)Task-based approach (任務式教學)教學步驟:導入(Warming up).以一句話:uEverybody needs foods, so do I”及麥當勞、肯德基的相關飲食引入話題。(1-2分鐘)(For example: Have you had lunch or breakfast in McDonald, s or KFC? Do you like the food there? Which one do you prefer?” The purpose of this part is to stimulate Ss interest a

7、nd call their attention to the topic.)知識展示(presentation)1、在電腦屏幕上展示食物的圖片,然后把學生分成兩組競賽,看哪組的同學認識的食物單詞多, 然后教師教導朗讀(5-6分鐘)2、老師先展示如何使用句型:“I think that (or the food name) is junk/healthy food because 來描述什么是健康食品,什么是垃圾食品。然后把學生按4人分成一組進行討論練習,老師給出了 對話該涉及的內容范圍:What is the name of the food? / What nutrition (營養(yǎng)物質)does it mainly contain? (10 分鐘)Part 3:活動任務-做調查報告(10分鐘)給學生發(fā)一張表格,引導學生按照表格詢問周圍3個左右的同學,了解同學間的飲食習慣,并能提 出一些健康建議,提問兩個左右的同學課堂展示。調查的表格如下:Name (名字)Breakfast (早 餐)Snacks (零食)Lunch (午餐)Dinner (晚 餐)了解國外一些飲食習慣(5分鐘左右)通過課間上的文字以及圖片了解一些國外,比如英國,美國的飲食習慣。定義平衡膳食(5分鐘左右)老師在課件上展示物金字塔圖,讓學生了解飲食的營養(yǎng)


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