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1、1 / 18必修一 UlFriendship.add up (主語一般為人)合計(jì);把加起來Add up all the money I owe you.Add , - to把力口入Add to (數(shù)量,規(guī)模,困難,快樂的)增加,添加Add up to總計(jì)為Eg: Will you add more sugar to your coffee?The piece of music adds to your enjoyment .Little steps add up to big dreams.【注意】add to =increase , 多用于抽象意義add up的主語一般為人add up to

2、的主語一般為事物(如所有的費(fèi)用,總額,數(shù)字,數(shù)目等)add用于直接引語或接that從句時(shí),一般表示“補(bǔ)充說”John said, I wanted to help ,but I was afraid I would add fuel to the fire. Perhaps it would add to their misunderstanding .“dd up these figures ,and you will know my income adds up to 800 dollars . He added.Your friend comes to school very upset

3、.=your friend comes to school and he/she is very upset.Upset在此是adj.做主語補(bǔ)足語,說明 your friend的心情形容詞做主語補(bǔ)足語She sat there ,silent.The tiger was caught alive形容詞做主語補(bǔ)足語時(shí),形容詞修飾謂語動(dòng)詞,用作伴隨狀語,讓步狀語,或結(jié)果狀語,常用逗號與句子 的其他成分隔開。Eg: They spend seven days in the wind and snow, cold and hungry.Unhappy, she returned to work.The

4、 dog fell down,dead.1 / 182 / 18.upset .(1) adj.心煩意亂的;不安的;煩惱的;不快的;沮喪的Be upset aboutBe upset that .Eg: Try not to get too upset about it .Debbie was upset that her good friend ignored her today when he passed by her .He had an upset stomach.(2)vt .使.不安,使心煩;打翻;使生氣;擾亂Eg :I am sorry if I have upset you

5、.My father was a gentle man who didnt let small things upset him.She upset our plan .她擾亂我們的計(jì)劃【辨析】upset指由于某事的發(fā)生而感到心煩意亂,相當(dāng)于 rather unhappyEg: losing the gold watch made him upset.nervous指心情難以放松,有一種緊張,害怕的感覺,相當(dāng)于 rather afraidEg: I m always nervous when I have to make a speech in public.anxious指由于擔(dān)心某事發(fā)生而

6、感到焦急,相當(dāng)于 worried.calm - down (使)平靜下來,使鎮(zhèn)靜下來Eg: I took a deep breath to calm myself down .The excited football fans calmed down at last.Lucy tried to calm the frightened children down.Calm (1) v.(使)平靜,(使)鎮(zhèn)定He calmed a little quickly .(2)adj.平靜的,鎮(zhèn)壓的,沉著的;海洋風(fēng)平浪靜的;天氣無風(fēng)的Remain/stay/keep calm 保持鎮(zhèn)靜表示危急,危險(xiǎn)情景中

7、保持“鎮(zhèn)靜”,用 calm表示一個(gè)人的性情穩(wěn)定和外表安靜常常用quiet2 / 183 / 18表示某人站,坐,躺的姿勢:靜止,不動(dòng)用 still o表示沒有聲音,沉默,不講話則用silentEg: you should stay calm even in the face of danger.Could you keep the kids quiet while I m on the ?Keep still. The photographer is ready.He was silent for a moment, and then began his answer.be concerned

8、 about/for =concern oneself about 關(guān)心,掛念Eg: she is concerned about her sons future.=she concerns herself about her son s future .As/so far as sb /sth is concerned就而言Be concerned with 與有關(guān); 涉及Eg: As far as I am concerned ,educators should be concerned about the problems that are concerned with the heal

9、thy growth of the children and concern themselves with /in the work of education.A concerned adj.做前置定語,意為“憂慮的,擔(dān)憂的,擔(dān)心的”做后置定語時(shí),意為“有關(guān)的,涉及的”A concerned look 擔(dān)憂的表情The people concerned 有關(guān)的人員Concern (1)vt.(使)擔(dān)心Her illness concerns her parents.(2)vt.涉及;關(guān)系到;影響的The story concerns a friend of mine.This matter

10、concerns the interests禾1J益 of people .(3)n.擔(dān)心,憂慮,關(guān)注;利害關(guān)系With concern 關(guān)切地Feel/show concern about /for 擔(dān)心,關(guān)心,掛念Have no concern for 對毫不關(guān)心3 / 184 / 18Have no concern with 與 無關(guān)My father is looking at me with concern .They showed great concern about her safety .在時(shí)間,條件,讓步,方式等狀語從句中,如果主從句主語一致(或者從句主語為表示模糊概念的i

11、t),且從句謂語動(dòng)詞含有助動(dòng)詞be ,可以省略從句的主語和be,Eg: if (it is) heated, water can turn into vapour.When (it is)necessary ,you can look up the word in a dictionary .Don t come in until (you are ) asked to.Though (he was) surprised to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+have doneMust have done 過去一定做過May/

12、might have done 過去可能/也許做過Could have done過去本能夠做到Cant/couldn t have done 不可能做過Should/ought to have done過去本應(yīng)該做卻未做Shouldnt /ought not to have done過去本不應(yīng)該做卻做了Neednt have done 過去本沒必要做卻做了Would have done 過去本來會做,卻未做Eg: You should have finished your homework last night.You shouldn t have gone without telling u

13、s. We were really concerned about you.It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.I needn t have bought so much wine,-only five people came.go through(1)經(jīng)歷,經(jīng)受He went through many difficulties before he succeed(2)仔細(xì)檢查,審查4 / 185 / 18You must go through your papers before you hand them in.(3)

14、仔細(xì)研究They spent several days going through all related materials.完成,做完How long will it take you to go through the task ?用完,耗盡The woman has gone through all her savings in order to help a sick child.(6)通過through 為副詞Our plan on how to spend our summer holidays didnt go through .【拓展】Go ahead開始做;先走; 請吧,說

15、吧Go by逝去;過去Go over仔細(xì)檢查Go in for愛好,從事Go against背叛;違背;違反Go down水平,數(shù)量等下降;下跌Go out外出;火,燈熄滅Go without沒有也好. set down(1)記下,寫下;放下I set down everything that happened then .Pls set it down to my account .The young man set down a series of science fiction on the desk.制定,規(guī)定We have to set down rules to make sure

16、 that the children are taken good care of .5 / 186 / 18登記How shall I set myself down in the hotel register. 薄【拓展】Set about doing 著手去做某事Set aside不顧;把置于一旁Set out (for)出發(fā)去,動(dòng)身去Set out to do 開始做某事=set about doing sthSet off動(dòng)身,出發(fā);使爆炸Set up豎起;創(chuàng)建;開辦10.I wonder if /whether 意為我不知道是否,該句型多用于口語中,表示有禮貌的詢問某事或請 求幫助

17、Eg: I wonder if whether you can help me to calm the little boy down. I wonder if I could set down what you said just now.【拓展】Wonder +wh-to do =wonder +wh-clause 想知道 ;對 .感至U疑惑(its) no wonder (that) 不足為奇;難怪 .Its wonder that .令人驚奇的是 .Eg: I wonder where to spend the holidays.=I wonder where I should spe

18、nd the holidays.It was no wonder (that )Lucy was so upset. She failed maths.It is a wonder (that) no one got hurt in the accident.強(qiáng)調(diào)句:構(gòu)成:it is/was +被強(qiáng)調(diào)部分+that /who+ 其他成分。如果被強(qiáng)調(diào)的部分是人,可用 who代替that ,該句型 可對主語,賓語,狀語等進(jìn)行強(qiáng)調(diào)Eg: The mountain climber was rescued with the help of the local guide .6 / 187 / 18,,t

19、 was the mountain climber that was rescued with the help of the local guide. It was with the help of the local guide that the mountain climber was rescued .【注意】(1)被強(qiáng)調(diào)部分可以是除謂語動(dòng)詞以外的其他成分,當(dāng)被強(qiáng)調(diào)部分指人時(shí),可以用 who代替that ,其他情 況一般用thatEg: it is my father that /who will have a face-to-face talk with me .(2)not .un

20、til.結(jié)構(gòu)中,強(qiáng)調(diào)until引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語從句時(shí),需連 not 一起提前強(qiáng)調(diào),其句式結(jié)構(gòu)是:It is /was not until.that.,that后的謂語動(dòng)詞要用肯定形式Eg: itwas not until she told me the truth that I forgave him.It was not until near the end of the letter that she mentioned her own plan.(3)若強(qiáng)調(diào)主語,that/who之后的謂語動(dòng)詞在人稱和數(shù)上與句子的主語保持一致(4)判斷句子是否為強(qiáng)調(diào)句的方法:去掉 it is /was .t

21、hat/who ,剩余部分結(jié)構(gòu)完整.There was a time when .曾經(jīng)有一段時(shí)間 .,曾幾何時(shí)”為固定句式,when引導(dǎo)定語從句Eg: There was a time when girls couldn t go to school .There was a time when this country was one of the strongest countries in the world.There was a time when I was getting along well with my classmates .12.on purpose =by desig

22、n =deliberately故意地,有意地反義詞短語:by accident =by chance偶然地;意外地With/for the purpose of 目的是 ;為了 .Eg: In my opinion, he didn t upset you on purpose .bn order to為了 toJ句首,句中So as to句中Eg: Its cold. Lets walk fast in order to keep warm.She got up early in order not to be late.=she got up early in order that she

23、 would not be late.7 / 188 / 18He put on his glasses to see it clearly.=To see it clearly he put on his glasses .=In order to see it clearly ,he put on his glasses .=He put on his glasses in order to see it clearly .=He put on his glasses so as to see it clearly .13.power n./vt.(1) n.能力;力量;權(quán)利;電力I lo

24、st my power of speech for a while after the accident .The Party has been in power for eight years.The power went off. 停電了(2)vt.給提供動(dòng)力;驅(qū)動(dòng)The cutting machine is powered by the engine.這個(gè)切害U機(jī)是由這個(gè)這個(gè)弓I擎驅(qū)動(dòng)的【辨析】power /force/strength/energypower主要指“動(dòng)力,能力,影響力,權(quán)力”如: power station 發(fā)電站,同源形容詞:powerful強(qiáng)大的force主要指武力

25、,暴力,外力”,如: by force通過武力,同源形容詞:forceful adj.使用武力的strength主要指“體力,力氣, He has plenty of strength.同源形容詞:strong強(qiáng)壯的energy主要指能量,能源;活力,精力”如: a form of energy能量的一種形式同源形容詞:energetic adj.充滿活力的,精力充沛的Energyly【拓展】Be in power 掌權(quán)權(quán)力Come to power 上臺執(zhí)政Beyond one s power超出某人的能力Within one s power在某人的能力以內(nèi)In one s power在某人

26、的控制下8 / 189 / 18Have power over 對.有控制權(quán);能支配It /This/That is the first/second.time that意為這/那是第一/二.次.。注意that從句的時(shí)態(tài);如果主句的be是is,從句用現(xiàn)在完成時(shí);如果是 was ,從句用過去完成時(shí),that可以省略Eg: It is the first time that I have walked with my parents .That was the third time that I had been to America.【拓展】It /This/That is one s firs

27、t/second time to do sth這/那是某人第一次/二.次做某事Its time that sb did /should do sth=it s time for sb to do sthEg: It is Linda s first time to come to China.face to face 面對面地Heart to heart 貼心地;坦誠地Back to back背靠背地Shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地Side by side 并排地One by one 一個(gè)一個(gè)地Step by step 逐步地;一步一步地Hand in hand 手拉手地Ar

28、m in arm 臂挽臂地. (1) it is/was +n.+doing sth 該句型中的名詞詞組 no use ,no good, no pleasure ,no fun ,a waste of time /moneyIts no use arguing with him.Its no good smoking .you d better give it up.Its a waste of time waiting here.9 / 1810 / 18誤區(qū)警示該句型中it為形式主語,習(xí)慣上用doing sth,不用to do sthIt is /was no use doing sth

29、It is /was no good doing sth做某事是沒有好處的It is/was a waste of time/money doing sth.(2) look through透過看識破,看穿快速查看,瀏覽【拓展】Look into 向一里看Look up查詢;查閱;抬頭向上看Look on as 把一看作Look back on 回憶Look around /round 環(huán)顧Look down on /upon sb輕視某人;瞧不起某人Look out (for sth) 當(dāng)心;注意.Section B1.settlevt.安家,定居;停留His uncle chose to

30、settle in the countryside .(2)vt./vi解決分歧,糾紛等;結(jié)束爭論,爭端等Settle an argument /a matterWe firmly believe that war never settle anything.(3)vt.最終決定,確定,安排好Its all settle They re leaving at nine o clock by plane.10 / 1811 / 18【拓展】Settle down在某地定居下來;使某人安靜下來Settle down to sth開始認(rèn)真對待某事;定下心來做某事Settle in /into sth

31、適應(yīng)新環(huán)境,新工作,新生活Settle on sth 決定/選定某事物【辨析】settle與solveSettle :通常指解決某一爭端,其賓語多為issue ,argument, quarrel ,differenceWe hope that they will be able to settle their difference by peaceful means.Solve:側(cè)重給出一個(gè)答案,其賓語多為problem ,mystery ,puzzle, difficultyIt is so clever of you to have solved the problem.2.suffer

32、(1)vi.因疾病,痛苦,悲傷等受苦,受難,受折磨Suffer from 患.病;因而受苦Eg: She has been suffering from loss of money since she had that car accident .Most of the major cities of the world suffer from traffic jam.(2)vt.遭受,蒙受The car suffered heavy damage in the accident.【注意】Suffer 后的賓語多為 pain ,defeat, loss, damage ,poverty, pu

33、nishment 等,表示所受之苦,Suffer from后的賓語表示受苦的原因Suffer (from ) 一般不用于被動(dòng)語態(tài)3.recover(1)vt.恢復(fù) vi.痊愈,恢復(fù)常態(tài)Recover from 從 恢復(fù)Eg: The patient recovered his health quickly after the operation .11 / 1812 / 18He was told that it would be at least three more months before he could recover and return to work.In the good

34、care of the nurses, the boy is gradually recovering from his heart operation .(2)vt .重新獲得;找回Recover - from 從.找回Eg: He recovered his football from the neighbour s garden.【拓展】Recovery n.恢復(fù),痊愈;復(fù)蘇;取回,收回Cover vt.覆蓋; 包括; n.蓋子Discover vt.發(fā)現(xiàn)Uncover vt.揭露;揭去的蓋子(前綴re表示“再” “又” “重”等含義,由它可以派生出許多單詞)Recover onesel

35、f 靜下心來Eg: The coach seemed upset in the beginning but quickly recovered himself soon.get/be/feel tired of 對 厭煩、厭倦Eg: I get tired of this game. let s play something else.I dont know about you, but Im sick and tired of this weather.Be /feel/get tired out 筋疲力盡(身體上)Be/feel/get tired from (doing) sth 因(做

36、)某事而勞累、疲倦(身體上)Be/feel/get tired of (doing ) sth 厭煩(做)某事(心理上)Eg: You may be tired from reading, but you shouldnt be tired of it even if you feel tired out after a wholedays work.pack up將東西裝箱打包Eg: It was only 5 am , but my mother had already packed up .Pack away 用完后收拾好A pack of 一幫,一群12 / 1813 / 18It w

37、as going to rain. We packed the tools away.A pack of journalists are eager to question him.SectionC.have trouble with與有麻煩;有困難;.有問題I have trouble with pronunciation .We re having a lot of trouble with the new computer system.Have trouble/difficulty/a problem with sth 某事有困難Have trouble /difficulty /a

38、problem (in) doing sth做某事有困難Have a hard time (in) doing sth 做某事不容易Eg: Frank insisted that he was not asleep although I had great difficulty in waking him up.【注意】在上述短語中 trouble和difficulty為不可數(shù)名詞;problem和time為可數(shù)名詞.get along/on well 與 相處;進(jìn)展 Ben gets along very well with his new classmates.-How are you g

39、etting along with your business ?-Very well. My son wrote to tell me that he was getting on well with his study abroad.【注意】along或on后加well等,意為“同某人相處得很好”或“某事進(jìn)展順利”;若加badly,則意義恰好相反如果不涉及具體事情,with以及后面的內(nèi)容可以去掉Eg: How are you getting on/along?get along with后接sb表示“相處;后接 sth表示進(jìn)展【拓展】Get away (from ) 離開;逃離Get th

40、rough用電話聯(lián)系上Get off下車,飛機(jī)等;脫下13 / 1814 / 18Get down下來;寫下Get on上車,飛機(jī)等;相處,進(jìn)展Get in進(jìn)入;收集;收割莊稼等Get up起床;站起來Get into進(jìn)入;陷入;養(yǎng)成習(xí)慣Get over爬過,越過;克服;超越Get in (口語)明白,理解;猜到.be in love with sb 意為“與某人相愛”,表示狀態(tài),屬于延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞短語,可與一段時(shí)間連用Fall in love with sb 意為“愛上某人”,強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作,屬于非延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞短語They fall in love with each other at first si

41、ght, and they have been in love with each other for eight years.表小動(dòng)作表土狀態(tài)翻譯Lose touch withBe out of trouble with sb與某人失去聯(lián)系Get married toBe married (to sb)與某人結(jié)婚Become/get used to (doing ) sthBe used to doing sth習(xí)慣于做杲事Put on sthHave on sth穿(衣服)Catch a coldHave a cold感冒Go to sleep/fall asleepBe asleep入睡

42、;睡著Fall illBe ill生??;病倒DieBe dead死Get lostBe missing失去.exactly adv.(1)確實(shí)如此,正式14 / 1815 / 18-Do you mean damage adds up to more than 50000 yuan ?-exactly . You have recovered after an operation .Thats exactly what we have been looking forward to .(2)確切地;精確地;準(zhǔn)確地I know exactly how she felt.(3)嚴(yán)格地說,確切地說

43、exactly speaking =to be exactNot exactly (糾正對方剛剛說過的話)不完全如此 Exactly speaking ,I can t remember what she said.-So she told you d got the job?-Not exactly , but she said they were impressed with me .【注意】Exactly與not exactly常用于情景交際中Exactly “確實(shí)如此”,表示對對方觀點(diǎn)的認(rèn)同Not exactly 不完全如此”,表示對對方觀點(diǎn)的部分糾正Exact adj.精確的,準(zhǔn)確的

44、;嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)?,?yán)格的.disagree vi.(1)不同意,有分歧Disagree with sb on/about/over sthDisagree with (doing )sthRg: Even twins disagree sometimes.I disagree with her on that point.(2)不符,不一致;不適合Disagree with sth 與某事物不符、不一致Disagree with sb 事物,氣候等不適合某人Eg: What he said disagree with what he did.15 / 1816 / 18Mutton disagrees

45、 with me .助記Agreement n.disagreement n.Agree v.disagree v.Agreeable adj.-disagreeable adj.Eg: When Jack asked me if my wife agreed to spend the holiday in the north, I said she agreed to my suggestion ,so we agreed on a date for it, and my wife agreed with what we did.【拓展】Agree with同意某人的看法;氣候,食物等相宜;與 一致Agree to同意計(jì)劃,安排,建議等Agree on 就 .達(dá)成一致.do +動(dòng)詞原形表示強(qiáng)調(diào).需用于肯定句Eg: The old man did go through much suffering in the war.The little boy does grow crazy about everything to do with nature.Do come on time.在口語中,若賓語從句的內(nèi)容(除引導(dǎo)詞外)在前文已經(jīng)被提及,該從句可用


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


