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1、廣東省深圳圳市對外貿(mào)貿(mào)易貨物進(jìn)進(jìn)口合同(22)適用用賣方合同編號:Contrract No:_簽訂日期:Date:_簽訂地點:Signeed att :_賣方:THE SSELLEERS:_買方:THE BBUYERRS:_經(jīng)買雙方確確認(rèn)根據(jù)下下列條款訂訂立本合同同:The uunderrsignned SSelleers aand BBuyerrs haave cconfiirmedd thiis coontraact iin acccorddancee witth thhe teerms and condditioons sstipuulateed beelow :貨號號名稱及規(guī)規(guī)格單位數(shù)

2、量量單單價金額額合計:總值值(大寫):Arrt Noo. DesccripttionssUUnitQuaantittyUnnit PPriceeAAmounntTootallly: Totaal vaalue:(in wordds)允許溢短%。_% moore oor leess iin quuantiity aand vvaluee alllowedd.2成交價價格術(shù)語:(FOB CFRRCIFF DDDU)2、Terrms: _(FFOB CFRCIF DDUU_)3出產(chǎn)國國與制造商商:3、Couuntryy of origgin aand mmanuffactuurerss :_4包裝:

3、4、Pacckingg:_5裝運嘜嘜頭:5、Shiippinng Maarks:_6裝運港港:6、Delliverry poort :_7目地港港:7、Desstinaationn:_8轉(zhuǎn)運:允許 不允許許;分批裝裝運:允允許不允允許8、Traan shhipmeent:alloowednot alloowed;Parttial shippmentts: alloowed nott alllowedd9裝運期期:9、Shiipmennt daate:_10保險險:由按發(fā)票金金額1100%,投保保險,另另加保險。10、Innsuraance:to bbe coovereed byy thee_f

4、orr 1100% off thee invvoicee vallue ccoverring_addiitionnal11付款款條件:11、Teerms of ppaymeent:_買方通過過銀行行在年年月日前前開出以賣賣方為受益益人的期信用證證。The bbuyerrs shhall openn a LLetteer off Creedit at _ sigght tthrouugh _ bannk inn favvour of tthe sselleers ppriorr to _.付款交單單:買方應(yīng)應(yīng)對賣方開開具的以買買方為付款款人的見票票后天天付款跟單單匯票,付付款時交單單。Docum

5、mentss agaainstt payymentt:(D/P)Thhe buuyerss shaall dduly makee thee payymentt agaainstt doccumenntaryy draaft mmade out to tthe bbuyerrs att _siight by tthe sselleers.承兌交單單:買方應(yīng)應(yīng)對賣方開開具的以買買方為付款款人的見票票后天天承兌跟單單匯票,承承兌時交單單。Docummentss agaainstt accceptaance:(D/PP)Thee buyyers shalll duuly mmake the paymm

6、ent agaiinst docuumenttary drafft maade oout tto thhe buuyerss at _ siight by tthe sselleers.貨到付款款:買方在在收到貨物物后天天內(nèi)將全部部貨款支付付賣方(不不適用于FFOB、CCFR、CCIF術(shù)語語)。Cash on ddelivvery (CODD):Thhe buuyerss shaall ppay tto thhe seellerrs tootal amouunt wwithiin _ dayss aftter tthe rreceiipt oof thhe gooods .(Thhis ccl

7、ausse iss nott apppliedd to the termms off FOBB,CFRR,CIFF).12單據(jù)據(jù):賣給方方應(yīng)將下列列單據(jù)提交交銀行議付付/托收。12、Doocumeents :Thee selllerss shaall ppreseent tthe ffolloowingg doccumennts rrequiired to tthe bbankss forr neggotiaationn/colllecttion.(1)運單單(1)Shhippiing BBillss :海運:全全套空白抬抬頭/指示示抬頭、空空白背書/指示背書書注明運費費已付/到到付的已裝裝船

8、清潔海海運/聯(lián)運運正本提單單,通知在在目的港公司In ccase by ssea : Fulll seet off cleean oon booard oceaan Biills of LLadinng / combbinedd traanspoortattion Billls off Ladding madee outt to ordeer bllank endoorsedd / eendorrsed in ffavouur off _ oor maade oout tto orrder of _ ,maarkedd frreighht prrepaiid / colllecteed not

9、iifyinng _ at tthe pport of ddestiinatiion.陸運:全全套注明運運費已付/到付的裝裝車的記名名清潔運單單,通知在在目的地公司。In ccase by lland trannsporrtatiion: fulll sett of cleaan onn boaard lland trannsporrtatiion BBillss madde ouut too _ mmarkeed ffreigght pprepaaid / colllectted nottifyiing_ at the desttinattion.空運:全全套注明運運費已付/到付的記記名空運

10、單單,通知在在目的地公司。In ccase by AAir : Fulll seet off cleean oon booard AWB madee outt to _marrked freeightt preepaidd/colllecttednnotiffyinggat _thee desstinaationn .(2)標(biāo)有有合同編號號信用證證號及裝運運嘜頭的商商業(yè)發(fā)票一一式份份。(2)Siingedd commmerccial invooice in _ coppied indiicatiing ccontrract No, L/C No. And shipppingg marrks.(

11、3)由出具的的裝箱單或或重量單一一式份份。(3)Paackinng liist / weiight memoo in_copiies iissueed byy_.(4)由出具的的質(zhì)量證明明書一式份(4)Ceertifficatte off Quaalityy in_copiies iissueed byy_.(5)由出具的的數(shù)量證明明書一式份(5)Ceertifficatte off Quaantitty inn _coopiess isssued by_.(6)保險險單正本一一式份份。(6)Innsuraance poliicy / cerrtifiicatee in_copiies .(7

12、)簽發(fā)的產(chǎn)產(chǎn)地證一式式份(7)Ceertifficatte off Oriigin in _ coppies issuued bby_.(8)裝運運通知:(8)hiippinng addvicee:_另外,賣方方應(yīng)在交運運后小小時內(nèi)以特特快專遞方方式郵寄給給買方第項單據(jù)據(jù)副本一套套。In addditiion , the selllers shalll, wwithiin _ hourrs affter shippmentt efffecteed , sendd eacch coopy oof thhe abbove-menttioneed doocumeents No. _dirrectll

13、y too thee buyyers by ccouriier sserviice.13裝運運條款:13、ShhipmeentFOBFOB賣方應(yīng)在合合同規(guī)定的的裝運日期期前30天天,以電報報/電傳/傳真通知知買方合同同號、品名名、數(shù)量、金額、包包裝件、毛毛重、尺碼碼及裝運港港可裝日期期,以便買買方安排租租船/訂艙艙。裝運船船只按期到到達(dá)裝運港港后,如賣賣方不能按按時裝船,發(fā)發(fā)生的空船船費或滯期期費由賣方方負(fù)擔(dān)。在在貨物超過過船舷并脫脫離吊鉤以以前一切費費用和風(fēng)險險由賣方負(fù)負(fù)擔(dān)。The sselleers sshalll , 330 daays bbeforre thhe shhipmeent

14、ddate speccifieed inn thee conntracct addvisee thee buyyers by CCABLEE / TTELEXX /FAAX off thee conntracct Noo. , commmoditty , quanntityy , aamounnt , packkagess , ggrosss weiight , meeasurremennt , and the datee of shippmentt in ordeer thhat tthe bbuyerrs caan chharteer a vesssel / boook shhippiin

15、g sspacee . IIn thhe evvent of tthe sselleers faillure to eeffecct looadinng whhen tthe vvesseel arrrivees duuly aat thhe looadinng poort , all expeensess inccludiing ddead freiight and / orr demmurraage cchargges tthus incuurredd shaall bbe foor seellerrs aaccouunt.CIF或或CFRCIF或或CFR賣方須按時時在裝運期期限內(nèi)將貨貨物

16、由裝運運港裝船到到目的港。在CFRR術(shù)語下,賣賣方應(yīng)在裝裝船前2天天電傳/傳傳真/電報報買方合同同號、品名名、發(fā)票價價值及開船船日期,以以便買方安安排保險。The sselleers sshalll shiip thhe gooods dulyy witthin the shipppingg durratioon frrom tthe pport of sshipmment to tthe pport of ddestiinatiion . Undder CCFR ttermss , tthe sselleers sshalll advvise the buyeers bby CAABLE/F

17、AX/TELEEX off thee conntracct Noo. , commmoditty , invooice valuue annd thhe daate oof deespattch ttwo ddays befoore tthe sshipmment for the buyeers tto arrrangge innsuraance in ttime.DDUDDU賣方須按時時在裝運期期限內(nèi)將貨貨物由裝運運港裝運至至目的港。The sselleers sshalll shiip thhe gooods dulyy witthin the shipppingg durratioon

18、frrom tthe pport of tthe pport of ddestiinatiion._14裝運運通知14、hiippinng addvicee :一俟裝載完完畢,賣方方應(yīng)在小時內(nèi)電電傳/傳真真/電報買買方合同編編號、品名名、已發(fā)運運數(shù)量、發(fā)發(fā)票總金額額、毛重、船名/車車/機號及及啟程日期期等。The sselleers sshalll immmediaatelyy upoon thhe coompleetionn of the loadding of tthe ggoodss , aadvisse buuyerss of the conttractt No., naames of

19、 ccommoodityy , lloadiing qquanttity , innvoicce vaaluess , ggrosss weiight , naame oof veessell andd shiipmennt daate bby TLLX/FAAX/CAABLE withhin_hhourss .15質(zhì)量量保證:15、Quualitty guuaranntee :貨物品質(zhì)規(guī)規(guī)格必須符符合本合同同及質(zhì)量保保證書之規(guī)規(guī)定,品質(zhì)質(zhì)保證期為為貨到目的的港個個月內(nèi),在在保證期限限內(nèi),因制制造廠商在在設(shè)計制造造過程中的的缺陷造成成的貨物損損害應(yīng)由賣賣方負(fù)責(zé)賠賠償。The sselleers

20、 sshalll guaaranttee tthat the commmoditty muust bbe inn connformmity withh thee quaalityy andd speecifiicatiions speccifieed inn thiis coontraact aand LLetteer off Quaalityy Guaaranttee .The guarranteee peeriodd shaall bbe_ mmonthhs affter the arriival of tthe ggoodss at the portt of desttinattion

21、, annd duuringg thee perriod the selllers shalll bee ressponssiblee forr thee dammage due to tthe ddefeccts iin deesignning and manuufactturinng off thee mannufacctureer.16商品品檢驗:16、Gooods insppectiion :賣方須在裝裝運前日委托檢驗機構(gòu)構(gòu)對合同之之貨物進(jìn)行行檢驗并出出具檢驗證證書,貨到到目的港后后,由買方方委托檢驗機構(gòu)構(gòu)進(jìn)行復(fù)檢檢。The sselleers sshalll havve thhe g

22、ooods insppecteed byy _Innspecctionn Autthoriity _ dayys beeforee thee shiipmennt annd isssuedd thee Insspecttion Certtificcate . Thhe buuyerss shaall hhave the goodds reeinsppecteed byy $Insppectiion AAuthoorityy aftter tthe ggoodss arrrivall at the desttinattion.17索賠賠17、Cllaimss:如經(jīng)中國檢驗機機構(gòu)復(fù)檢,發(fā)發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物有

23、有損壞、殘殘缺或品名名、規(guī)格、數(shù)量及質(zhì)質(zhì)量與本合合同及質(zhì)量量保證書之之規(guī)定不符符,買方可可于貨到目目的港后天內(nèi)憑憑上述檢驗驗機構(gòu)出具具的證明書書向賣方要要求索賠。如上述規(guī)規(guī)定之索賠賠期與質(zhì)量量保證期不不一致,在在質(zhì)量保證證期限內(nèi)買買方仍可向向賣方就質(zhì)質(zhì)量保證條條款之內(nèi)容容向賣方提提出索賠。The bbuyerrs shhall lodgge cllaimss agaainstt thee selllerss bassed oon thhe Innspecctionn Cerrtifiicatee isssued by CChinaa _ IInspeectioon Auuthorrity _

24、Daays aafterr thee arrrivall of the goodds att thee desstinaationn , iif thhe gooods are founnd too be damaaged , miissinng orr thee speecifiicatiions , quuantiity, and quallity not in cconfoormitty wiith tthosee speecifiied iin thhis ccontrract and Lettter oof Quualitty Guuaranntee . Inn casse thhe

25、 cllaim periiod aabovee speecifiied iis noot inn connformmity withh thee quaalityy guaaranttee pperiood, ddurinng thhe quualitty guuaranntee periiod, the buyeers hhave righhts tto loodge claiims aagainnst tthe sselleers cconceerninng thhe quualitty guuaranntee.18延期期交貨違約約金18、Laate ddelivvery and pena

26、alty除雙方認(rèn)可可的不可抗抗力因素外外,賣方遲遲于合同規(guī)規(guī)定的期限限交貨,如如買方同意意遲延交貨貨,賣方應(yīng)應(yīng)同意對信信用證有關(guān)關(guān)條款進(jìn)行行個性和同同意銀行在在議付貨款款時扣除本本條規(guī)定的的違約金。違約金總總值不超過過貨物總價價值的5%,差率按按7天0.5%計算算,不滿77天仍按77天計算。在未采用用信用證支支付的情況況下,賣方方應(yīng)將前述述方法計算算的違約金金即付買方方。If thhe seellerrs faail tto maake ddelivvery on ttime as sstipuulateed inn thee conntracct , withh excceptiion oo

27、f Foorce Majeeure, the buyeers sshalll agrree tto poostpoone tthe ddelivvery on ccondiitionns thhat tthe sselleers aagreee to amennd thhe cllausees off thee L/CC andd payy a ppenallty wwhichh shaall bbe deeductted bby thhe paayingg bannk frrom tthe ppaymeent uunderr neggotiaationn . TThe ppenallty ,

28、 howeever , shhall not exceeed 55% off thee tottal vvaluee of the goodds . The ratee of penaalty is cchargged aat 0.5%foor evvery seveen daays , if lless thatt sevven ddays. In casee , tthe ppaymeent iis noot maade tthrouugh LL/C , the selllers shalll paay thhe peenaltty coounteed ass aboove tto thh

29、e buuyerss as soonn as posssiblee.19人力力不可抗拒拒:如因人人力不可抗抗拒的原因因造成本合合同全部或或部分不能能履約,賣賣方概不負(fù)負(fù)責(zé),但賣賣方應(yīng)將上上述發(fā)生的的情況及時時通知買方方。19、Foorce Majeeure :Thee selllerss shaall nnot hhold any respponsiibiliity ffor ppartiial oor tootal non-perfformaance of tthis conttractt duee to Forcce Maajeurre . But the selllers shalll

30、addvisee thee buyyers on ttimess of suchh occcurreence.20爭議議之解決方方式:20、Diisputtes ssettllemennt :任何因本本合同而發(fā)發(fā)生或與本本合同有關(guān)關(guān)的爭議,應(yīng)應(yīng)提交中國國國際經(jīng)濟濟貿(mào)易仲裁裁委員會,按按該會的仲仲裁規(guī)則進(jìn)進(jìn)行仲裁。仲裁地點點在中國深深圳。仲裁裁裁決是終終局的,對對雙方均有有約束力。All dispputess ariisingg outt of the conttractt or in cconneectioon wiith tthe ccontrract , shhall be ssubmii

31、ttedd to the Chinna Innternnatioonal Econnomicc andd Traade AArbittratiion CCommiissioon foor arrbitrratioon inn acccordaance withh itss Rulles oof Arrbitrratioon inn SheenZheen Chhina . Thhe arrbitrral aawardd is finaal annd biindinng uppon bboth partties.21法律律適用21、Laaw apppliccatioon :本合同之簽簽訂地、或或發(fā)生爭議議時貨物所所在地在中中華人民共共和國境內(nèi)內(nèi)或被訴人人為中國法法人的,適適用中華人人民共和國國法律,除除此規(guī)定外外,適用聯(lián)合國國國際貨物銷銷售公約。It wiill bbe goovernned bby thhe laaw off thee Peooples Reepubllic oof Chhina undeer thhe ciircummstannces thatt thee conntracct iss sinnged or tthe ggoodss whiile tthe ddispuutes a


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