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1、中西方翻譯理論匯總第1頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日Contemporary:嚴(yán)復(fù):信、達(dá)、雅傅雷:神似論錢鐘書:化境論魯迅:寧信而不順-目的:引入英文句式的表達(dá)法梁實秋、趙景深:寧錯務(wù)順-目的:可讀性強,便于交流瞿秋白:信順統(tǒng)一林語堂:忠實、通順、美許淵沖:優(yōu)勢競賽論辜正坤:多元互補論TRANSLATION THEORIES IN CHINAAncient:三國支謙的“因循本旨,不加文飾”東晉釋道安的“五失本三不易”六朝鳩摩羅什的“依實出華”隋代彥琮提出“八備說”唐朝玄奘的“五不翻”第2頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日所謂“五失本”,通俗地說



4、熾盛、端嚴(yán)、名稱、吉祥、尊貴”,這些詞無法找到等同的中文詞.3、無此故不翻。指源語所指代的事物在目的語文化中不存在或是找不到對應(yīng)物,如“閻浮樹”。閻浮樹只產(chǎn)于印度等地, 在中國并無對應(yīng)物,因此翻譯時只能保留原音。4、順古故不翻。對于某些詞語約定俗成的翻譯方法,應(yīng)該不做更改。5,生善故不翻。具有特殊意義或功能的詞語也應(yīng)該采用音譯, 因為有些詞匯用音譯能令人產(chǎn)生尊重之念,否則容易讓人忽視。例如梵文里“般若”的意思和智慧差不多,如果我們把“般若”翻譯成“智慧”就顯得過于輕淺。第4頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日誠心愛法,志愿益人,不殫久時,其備一也; 誠心熱愛佛法,立志幫助別

5、人,不怕費時長久。將踐覺場,先牢戒足,不染譏惡,其備二也; 品行端正,忠實可信,不惹旁人譏疑。詮曉三藏,義貫兩乘,不苦暗滯,其備三也; 博覽經(jīng)典,通達(dá)義旨,不存在暗昧疑難的問題。旁涉墳史,工綴典詞,不過魯拙,其備四也; 涉獵中國經(jīng)史,兼擅文學(xué),不要過于疏拙。襟抱平恕,器量虛融,不好專執(zhí),其備五也; 度量寬和,虛心求益,不可武斷固執(zhí)。耽於道術(shù),淡於名利,不欲官銜,其備六也; 愛道術(shù),淡于名利,不想出風(fēng)頭。要識梵言,乃閑正譯,不墜彼學(xué),其備七也; 精通梵文,熟悉正確的翻譯方法,不失梵文所載的義理。薄閱蒼雅,粗諳篆隸,不昧此文,其備八也。 兼通中國訓(xùn)詁之學(xué),不使譯本文字欠準(zhǔn)確。第5頁,共26頁,20

6、22年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日嚴(yán)復(fù):信、達(dá)、雅嚴(yán)復(fù)在天演論(Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays)的譯例言里感嘆“譯事三難,信、達(dá)、雅”,此三字真言從此成為中國數(shù)代翻譯家遵從的翻譯標(biāo)準(zhǔn),同時也開創(chuàng)了中國現(xiàn)當(dāng)代翻譯理論的先河。就翻譯理論而言,信達(dá)雅中的“雅”字在翻譯學(xué)術(shù)界所引起的爭議最大。他引用孔子的“言之無文,行之不遠(yuǎn)”來闡釋“雅”的重要性。他認(rèn)為不能用“近世利俗文字”,“理之精者,不能載以粗獷之詞,而情之正者,不可達(dá)以鄙倍之氣”第6頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日許淵沖:“美化之藝術(shù)、創(chuàng)優(yōu)似競賽”烏夜啼 林花謝了春紅,太匆

7、匆!無奈朝來寒雨晚來風(fēng)。胭脂淚,留人醉,幾時重?自是人生常恨水常東。TUNE:“CROWS CRYING AT NIGHT”Springs rosy color fades from forest flowersToo soon,too soon.How can they bear cold morning showersAnd winds at noon?Your rouged tears like crimson rainWill keep me drink in woe.When shall we meet again?The stream of life with endless gr

8、ief will overflow.第7頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日辜正坤:多元互補論翻譯標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的千年難題絕對標(biāo)準(zhǔn)即原作本身,要想絕對忠實,只有一字不譯,照搬原作;最高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)即抽象標(biāo)準(zhǔn),可以理論表述為最佳近似度,即譯文與原文在各個層面的最佳近似程度;具體標(biāo)準(zhǔn)即分類標(biāo)準(zhǔn),它們各自具有特定功能而又互相補充。絕對標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是最高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),最高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)又是具體標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。這樣一來,一元的絕對標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和最高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)與多元的具體標(biāo)準(zhǔn)之間形成強大的辯證張力,在理論和實踐兩個方面都成功地解決了翻譯標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的千年難題。第8頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日TRANSLATION THE

9、ORIES IN THE WESTthe pre-linguistics period of translation triad: literal faithful freeTranslation Studies (since the second half of the 20th century) James S. Holmes (霍姆斯) Van Doorslaer (道斯萊爾) 第9頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日TRANSLATION THEORIES IN THE WESTmeaning and equivalence Eugene A. Nida (奈達(dá))s

10、hift Jean-Paul Vinay (維奈) &Jean Darbelnet (達(dá)貝爾內(nèi))functional theories of translation Katharina Reiss (賴斯)discourse and register analysis approaches M. A. K. Halliday(韓禮德)Systems theories Gideon Toury (圖里) Cultural and ideological turns Andre Lefevere (勒菲弗爾) & Susan Bassnett (巴斯奈特) linguisitc,within th

11、e textcultural,beyondthe textliterary第10頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日Marcus Tullius Cicero (西塞羅)The Roman rhetorician and politician (10643 BCE )And I did not translate them as an interpreter, but as an orator, keeping the same ideas and forms, or as one might say, the figures of thought, but in lang

12、uage which conforms to our usage. And in so doing, I did not hold it necessary to render word for word, but I preserved the general style and force of the language. (Cicero 46 BCE /1960 CE : 364)St Jerome (圣哲羅姆)the most famous of all western translators (347420 CE )Now I not only admit but freely an

13、nounce that in translating from the Greek except of course in the case of the Holy Scripture, where even the syntax contains a mystery I render not word-for-word, but sense for sense. (St Jerome 395 CE /1997: 25)第11頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日many modern theoreticians concur that the main problem wi

14、th the writings on translation in this period was that the criteria for judgements were vague and subjective and that the judgements themselves were highly normative. As a reaction against such vagueness and contradictions, translation theory in the second half of the twentieth century made various

15、attempts to redefine the concepts literal and free in operational terms, to describe meaning in scientific terms, and to put together systematic taxonomies of translation phenomena. 第12頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日第13頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日 Although it may have dated or needs to be rewritten, th

16、e map is still often employed as a point of departure for its potential to incorporate developments in this field.第14頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日Translationlingual mode (interlingual, intralingual);media (printed, audiovisual, electronic);mode (covert/overt translation, direct/indirect translation,

17、mother tongue/other tongue translation, pseudo-translation, retranslation, self-translation, sight translation, etc.);field (political, journalistic, technical, literary, religious, scientific, commercial).Translation studiesapproaches (e.g. cultural approach, linguistic approach);theories (e.g. gen

18、eral translation theory, polysystem theory);research methods (e.g. descriptive, empirical);applied translation studies (criticism, didactics, institutional environment).第15頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日Nida The key terms were first discussed by Roman Jakobson in 1959.Formal equivalence: Formal equival

19、ence focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content . . . One is concerned that the message in the receptor language should match as closely as possible the different elements in the source language. (Nida 1964a: 159)Dynamic equivalence: Dynamic, later functional, equivalence is b

20、ased on what Nida calls the principle of equivalent effect , where the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message. (Nida 1964a: 159).第16頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日For Nida, the success of the transl

21、ation depends above all on achieving equivalent effect or response .Nida (1964a: 160) considers that give one another a hearty handshake all round quite naturally translates the early Christian greet one another with a holy kiss .第17頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日Shift Vinay and DarbelnetThe two genera

22、l translation strategies identified by Vinay and Darbelnet (1995/2004: 12837) are direct translation and oblique translation. oblique translation means shift from SL to TL.Servitude refers to obligatory transpositions and modulations due to a difference between the two language systems. Thus, a tran

23、slator will normally have no choice. Option refers to non-obligatory changes that may be due to the translators own style and preferences, or to a change in emphasis. The choices of the translator intrigue the study of the translational stylistics and the cognitive process of translation第18頁,共26頁,20

24、22年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日Functional theories of translationFunctional theories from Germany in the 1970smove away from linguistic typologies towards culture.Reiss (賴斯) stresses equivalence at text level, linking functions to text types and translation strategy.Snell-Hornby(斯內(nèi)爾霍恩比)s integrated approach to

25、textHolz-Mnttri(赫爾茲曼塔里) s theory of translatorial action: process involving a series of players.Vermeer(弗米爾) s skopos theory: translation depends on the purpose of the TT.Nord(諾德)s translation-oriented text analysis.第19頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日第20頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日第21頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,

26、5點48分,星期日Why there should only be three types of language function? E.g. Nord feels the need to add a fourth phatic function covering language that establishes or maintains contact between the parties involved in the communication.Whether text types and genres can be differentiated on the basis of t

27、he primary function? Co-existence of functions within the same ST and the use of the same ST for a variety of purposes are common.The translation method employed depends on far more than just text type. The translators own role and purpose, as well as sociocultural pressures, also affect the kind of translation strategy that is adopted.第22頁,共26頁,2022年,5月20日,5點48分,星期日Since the 1970s, Hallidays systemic functional grammar has come to be used in translation analysis, which includes:Houses model for the assessment of translation with Register analysis Bakers discourse and pragmatic analysis fo


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