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1、英語(yǔ)Part I Vocabulary and Structure (20%)綜合練習(xí)題(四)Directions: There are 20plete sentenhis section. For each sentence, there are fourchoimarked A), B) , C) and D). Choose the ONEt best complete the sentence. Then markthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet wisingle line through the center.1. Whappe

2、ned? Oh, a lot of things. he perlyrepeatedlyslightlyvaguely2. Staying in hocostsrenting a room in a dormitory for atwice as much astwice as muchas twice much asas twice ask.3. Walkinga variety ofa kind ofdifferencemany ahe streets in a big city, you can findadvertisements everywhere.4. every

3、one, I rushed to the bus-stop.FoundgoneHaving foundgoneFoundgoFindinggo5. They thinkt the countryside has stopped.to be a good place to liveto be a good place to live inbeing a good place to live inbeing a good place to live6. Nobody but Doctor Zhang and a nursethere atisarewerewas7. Youd better tak

4、e an umbrella with youit rains.forin casein spite ofunlesst moment.8. We donput outset outve enough money tothe project.C. carry outD. break out9. Do you bevetakes afteris afterruns afternames aftert the daughter alwaysher mother in appearance?10. She usually likes to do shoplate just before the clo

5、sing time sinhe always expectsto pick up wonderfulbarracksbatteriesbasketsbargainshe market.11. i love bob, so i love his daughter.on conditionif onlyeven thoughjust as12.plantedgrewraisedyieldedt fielda good crop of pooes last year.13. The Americans cerate Christmasthe Chijust asas justjust sojust

6、the samecerate the Spring Festival.14. The exhibition at the Shanghai Science and Technology Center such endangered animals as the giant panda and the Siberian tiger and describes the work being done to protect them.detectsexploitsfeaturesdemonstrates15. He couldntbeveensureconvincedisplayhis father

7、t he wasling the truth.16. Do you considerit any good sendingany good sendingmore people over?C.t any good sendingD. any good to send 17. Where did youA. lay B.C. remainD. letthe magazine I was reading?18. He was arrested andclenchedsentencedchargedconfirmedwivariety of offen.19. Hi, John, could you

8、 show me how tographics (圖表) with text on the same screen?fuseclonemergemingle20. As he didnt liketurned ontuned upswitched tot radio play, heanothrogramme.D. changedoPart IIReading Comprehen(40%)Directions:his part there are 4 passages followed by questions or unfinished sements, eachwith four sugg

9、ested answers marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one you think is the best anser,then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet wiPassage Onesingle line through the center.Strange thing happens to time when you travel. Because the earth is dividedo twenty-fourtime zones one hour apart, you

10、 can have days with more or fewern twenty-four hours, andks with more or fewern seven days.If you make a five-day trip across theOcean, your ship enters a different time zoneevery day. As you enter each zone, the time changes the hour. Travelling west, you set your clockback; travelling east, you se

11、t it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours.If you travel by ship across the Pacific you cross theernational daine. By agreement, thisis the powhere a new day begins. When you cross the line, you change your calendar the fullday, backward or forward. Travelling eas

12、t, todaytomorrow!es yesterday; travelling west, it is21. The best title for thiA. A Trip Across theection is.B. How Time Changes Around the WorldC. Crossing theernational DaineD. How Time Zones Were Set Up22. The differenceime betn zones is.seven daystwenty-four hoursone hourD. moren seven days23. F

13、rom thiection it seems truet theOcean.A. is in one time zoneB. is dividedC. is dividedo twenty-four time zoneso five time zonesD. cannot be crossed in five days24. Theernational daine is the name for.A. the beginning of any new time zoneB. the poC. the powhere time change by one hourwhere a new day

14、beginsD. any time zonehe Pacific Ocean25. If you cross the ocean going east, you set your clock.ahead one hour in each new time zoneahead one time for the whole tripback one full day for each one full dayahead by twenty-three hoursPassage TwoIt was not yeeven oclock when a boat crossed the river wis

15、ingle passenger who hadobtained his transporion att unusual hour by promising an extra fare. While the youth stoodon the landing-plaearching in his pocket for money, the ferryman lifted a lantern, by the aid ofwhich, together with the newly risen moon, he took a very accurate survey of the strangers

16、 figure.He was a young man of barely eighteen years, evidently country bred, and now, as it seemed, onhisvisit to town. He was wearing a tough gray coat, which was in good sh, but which hadseen many wers before this one. The garments under his coat were well constructed of leather,and fitted tightly

17、 to a pair of muscular legs; his stockings of blue yarn musve been the work ofa mother or sister, and on his head was a three-cornered hat, which in its better days herhaps sheltered the grayer head of the lads father. In his left hand was a walking stick, and hisequipment was completed by a leather

18、 bag not so abundantly stocked as to inconvenience thestrong shoulders on which itwere natures gifts, and worg. Brown, curly hair, well-shd features, bright, cheerful eyesllt art could have done for his adornment. The youth, whosename was Robin, paid the boatman, and then walked forwardo the town wi

19、light step, as ifhe had not already traveled moren thirtyt day. As he walked, he surveyed hissurroundings as eagerly as if he were entering London or Madrid, instead of the little metropolis of a New England colony.26. The story took place in.springsummerfallwer27. The boatman was willing to take Ro

20、bin across the river because.A. he wanted to make extra moneyB. he sawt Robin was young and richC. he was going to row across the river anywayD. he felt sorry for him because Robin looked poor28. The stockingsworn-outvery expensivehandmademuch too bigt Robin wore were obviously.29. From the way he l

21、ooked, it was evidenta wealthy merchants sona country boya soldiera foreigner30. How did Robin appear as he walkedHe was cheerful and excited.He was tired.He seemed very sad.t Robin was.o the town?D. He seemed frightened by the strange surroundings.Passage ThreeThe brand (商標(biāo)) name puts a face on eve

22、ry company. Names like McDonalds, GM, Apple,el, and a large number of others have longe very popular. Theyve also given customersa poof reference when thinking about a company. Good brand names might help companiesavoid heavy costs and bring them greatUsually companies create namesrofits.t are easy

23、to learn and remember.ly, the nameshould createerest. Rhymes (押韻) and humor are some ways to gainerest, but there areothers as well. Think about your customers and what woulderest them. Secondly, the nameshould present a picture or image. People remember them most because the name is stored inpictur

24、es and words. Thirdly, the name should be meaningful. It can be done with lots ofadvertising, but namest are themselves more meaningful to customers are more easily stored inmemory. More important, the name should have meaningful assotionst show the benefitscustomers want. Then the name should have

25、some emotion. Emotional assotions are easier tolearn and remember. The Love Boat, for instance, is very easy to remember. Finally, the nameshould be simple sot it is easier to learn and remember.31. Why does the passage mention the brand nameparagraph?ch as McDonalds and GMheA. To showt a good brand

26、 name is significant for a company.B. ToC. Tol readersrodut they are important and popular terms.ome well-known brand names to readers.D. To explain why those companies are sucsful.32. According to the passage, a good brand name.must be shown in picturesmust be advertised a lotis attractive to custo

27、mersis always full of humor33. Which of the following is most importantBeing easy to remember.Having lots of advertisements.aking a brand name popular?C. Gaining support from assotions.D. Showing the benefits customers can have.34. Which of the following sements is TRUE?A. People prefer strange bran

28、d names to ordinary ones.B. Customers areerested in emotional brand names.C. Brand names advertised in pictures are easy to make.D. A brand name has little to do wicompanys profits.35. What is the main pure of this passage?A. Tol how difficult it is to make a good brand name.B. To compare different

29、ways of choosing brand names.C. ToD. Tomend some popular brand names. roduce what a good brand name is.Passage FourBritish Columbia is the third largest Canadian province, both in area and population. It isnearly 1 1/2 times as large as Texas, and extends 800(1,280 km) north from the UnitedSes borde

30、r. It includes Canadas entire west coast and the islands just off the coast.Most of British Columbia is mountainous, with long, rugged (崎嶇的) ranges running norndsouth. Even the coastal islands are the remains of a mountain ranget existed thousands of yearsago. During the last Ice Age, this range was

31、 scoured (沖刷) by glaciers () until most of it wasbeneath the sea. Its peaks now show as islands scattered along the coast.The southwestern coastal region has a humid mild marine climate. Sea windst blowinland from the west are warmed by a current of warm watert flows through the Pacific Ocean.As a r

32、esult, w er temperatures average above freezing and summers are mild. These warm western winds also carry moisture from the ocean.Inland from the coast, the winds from the Pacific meet the mountain barriers of the coastal ranges and the Rocky Mountains. As they rise to cross the mountains, the winds

33、 are cooled, and their moisture begins to fall as rain. On some of the western slopes almost 200 inches (500 cm) ofrain fall each year.Moren half of British Columbia is heavily forested. On mountain slopest receiveplentiful rainfall, huge Douglas firs () rise in towering columns. These forest giants

34、 oftengrow to be as much as 300 feet (90 m) tall, with diameters up to 10 feet (3 m). More lumber isproduced from these treesn from any other kind of trees in Normerica. Hemlock (鐵杉),red cedar (雪松), and balsam fir are among the other trees found in British Columbia. 36. With which aspect of British

35、Columbia is the passage primarily concerned?Its people.Its culture.Its geography.Its history.37. In which part of British Columbia can a mild climate be found?A.he southwest.B. Inland from the coast.C.he north.D. On the entire west coast.38. As it is usedhe passage, the word heavily (Paragraph 5) co

36、uld best be replaced bywhich of the following?weightilydenselywidelyseriously39. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a tree found in British Columbia?Hemlock.Cedar.Fir.Pine.40. WhereA. Thehe passage does the author mention the effect the mountains have on winds?sentence of Paragraph 2.The sec

37、ond sentence of Paragraph 3.The second sentence of Paragraph 4.The second sentence of Paragraph 5. Part IIICloze(10%)Directions: There are 10 blshe following passage. For each blthere are four choimarked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE answert best fitso the passage. Thenmark the correspond

38、ing letter on the Answer Sheet wisingle line through the centre.During the 19th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America saidt theresourof the sea were unlimited. For exle, a 41 biologist writing in the mid-19thcentury commentedt none of the great sea fisheries are 42 . Today thou

39、gh, there isof the sea are as seriously endangered 43 of the land and the air,evidencet the resourandt the endangered species now include Herring and Carp 44 the African Elephant,n Tiger, and the American Eagle. Further, the threats to fish are more alarming 45 the threats to animals and birds. This

40、 is because fish are a much 46 food resournandpeople throughout the world depend on fish as an important part of their 47 , and the declinehe fish supply could have 48 effects onger and population. Fishermenhe Northalone annually harvest 20 billion pounds of fish to 49 food demands, but it isimporta

41、nt to recognizet these practicannot continue without depleting fish reserves 50the next few years. Sea resour problem cannot be ignored.41.notedremarkablenoteworthynoticed 42.going to exhaustto be exhausted C.exhaustedare raly declining in ninny parts of the world, and. theD. exhausting 43.as thosel

42、ike theseastD. like 44.A. as welltas well asand alsobut also 45.in some mannersin some modesin some methodsin some ways 46.neededneedingto be neededbeing needed 47.food and drinkdietnourishmentmeat 48.widelylargelimitedextensive 49.satisfydelightpleaseprovide 50.afterduringwithinforPart IV Translati

43、on (20%)Directions: Read the following passage carefully. The translate the underlined sentenmarkedfrom 51-55o Chi. You should write your translation on the Answer Sheet.51Regrettably for many in Silicon Valley, the ability to make accurate forecasts can depend onhow well-established a companys prod

44、ucts are. 52Young industries on steep growth curves arealmost alwayrprised by how well their productsn thefew years, and then theyre at aloss when demand falls. 53Says a Stanford University business strategy professor, “in a highlydynamic and unpredictable market people are going to make mistakes. I

45、ts inherentbusiness.”he type of54In many comers of Silicon Valley - and elsewhere - unpredictability is inevitable. Onesolution: kennovating but develop sound service businesses to sell with products. 55Buildinga “very strong service business,” a companyinnovations.says, smoothes out the rough spots betnPart V Wrting (30%)Direction: For this part you are required to write a comition on the topic: Why People Work?You should writeeast 1


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