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1、集合基礎知識檢測題一選擇題1已知 A x|3 3x0 ,則下列各式正確的是()A 3AB1AC0AD 1?A2下列四個集合中,不同于另外三個的是()A y|y 2B x2C 2D x|x2 4x 4 03集合 a, b 的子集有 ()A1個B2 個C3 個D4 個4下列各式中,正確的是()A 2 3 x|x 3 B 23? x|x 3C23? x|x 3 D 2 3x|x 35集合 A x|0 xBA x| 1x2 , B x|0 x1 ,則 (B A BC B A)DA? B8下列說法:空集沒有子集; 任何集合至少有兩個子集;空集是任何集合的真子集;若 ? A ,則 A ? 。其中正確的有

2、()A0個B1 個C2 個D3 個9下列命題中正確的() 0 與 0 表示同一個集合;由1,2,3 組成的集合可表示為 1,2,3 或 3,2,1 ;方程 (x1) 2(x 2) 0 的所有解的集合可表示為 1,1,2 ;集合 x|4x5 可以用列舉法表示A 只有和B只有和C只有D 以上語句都不對10用列舉法表示集合 x|x2 2x 1 0 為 ()A 1,1B1C x 1D x2 2x 1 011已知集合 A x N* | 5 x5 ,則必有 ()A1AB0AC. 3AD 1A12定義集合運算:A*B z|z xy,x A ,y B 設 A 1,2 , B 0,2 ,則集合 A*B 的所有元

3、素之和為 ()A 0B 2C 3D 6二填空題13給出四個關系:1 R;2?Q ; | 3|?N*; | 3| Q.2其中正確的代號是 _ 14已知 P x|2 x a, xN ,已知集合 P 中恰有 3 個元素,則整數(shù)a _.15已知集合A 1,3,2m 1 ,集合 B 3 , m2 ,若 B? A ,則實數(shù)m _.16已知 ? x|x2 x a 0 ,則實數(shù)a 的取值范圍是_三解答題17已知集合A 1 ,x, x2 x ,B 1, 2 , x ,若 A=B ,求 x 的值20集合 M x|x2 x 60 ,N x|(x 2)(x a) 0 ,且 N? M ,求實數(shù) a 的值21設集合218

4、已知集合 A x|1x4 , B x|xa ,A x, y , B 0 ,x ,若 A B,求實數(shù) x, y.若 A ? B,求實數(shù) a 的取值集合22已知集合 A x|ax23x 4 0,x R 19設2 2a 3,2,3, B=2(1)若 A 中有兩個元素, 求實數(shù) a 的取值范圍;A= a,|a 3| ,若 A 中至多有一個元素,求實數(shù)a 的取值已知 5 A 且 5?B,求 a 的值(2)范圍Along with the advance of thesociety more and more problems arebrought to our attention, one ofwhic

5、h is that.隨著社會的不斷發(fā)展, 出現(xiàn)了越來越多的問題,其中之一便是_。As to whether it is a blessing oracurse,however,peopletake贈送以下資different attitudes.料然而,對于此類問題, 人們持不同的看法。(Holddifferentattitudes持 不 同 的 看 ;Come upwith different attitudes有不同的看法)As society develops, people areattaching much importance to.隨著社會的發(fā)展, 人們開始關注.英語萬能作文(模

6、板型)People are attaching more andmore importance to the intervieware in alarm that.during job hunting最近,這種現(xiàn)象引起了人們的求職的過程中,人們慢慢意識廣泛關注,有人開始擔心到面試的重要性。_。As to whether it isThe human race has entered aworthwhile ., there is a completely new stage in its history,long-running controversial debate. It withthe

7、increasinglyrapidis quite natural that peoplefromeconomicglobalizationanddifferent backgrounds mayhave urbanization,more problems aredivergent attitudes towards it.brought to our attention.關于是否值得 _的人類進入了一個歷史的嶄新問題,一直以來爭論不休。當然,的階段,經(jīng)濟全球化、 都市化的速不同的人對此可能持不同的觀點。度不斷加快,隨之給我們帶來了很In the process of modern urba

8、n 多問題。development, we often find. plays such an importantourselves in a dilemma.role that it undeniably becomes the在都市的發(fā)展中,我們往往會biggest concern of the present world,陷入困境。there comes a question, is it aRecently the phenomenon hasblessing or a curse?aroused wide concern, some people_顯得非常重要而成為many peop

9、le, so many minds. It isJust as the saying goes: so當今世界所關注的最大的問題,這 think. while some prefer.是無可厚非的。不過,問題是:說到_,有人認為我們該如何抉擇 ?_,而另一些人則認為Now we are entering a new era, _。full of opportunities and challenges, 現(xiàn)在我們正在進入一個充滿機會和挑戰(zhàn)的新時代。quite understandable that views onPeoplefromdifferentthis issue vary from

10、person tobackgrounds would erpretations on the same case.俗話說, 。不同的人對此有不同行業(yè)的人對同一種問題不同的看法是可以理解的。的解釋不盡相同。To this issue, different peopleThe controversial issue is oftencome up with various attitudes.brought into public focus. People對于這個問題,不同的人持不from differentbackgrounds hold同的觀點。d

11、ifferent attitudes towards the issue.There is a good side and a bad這中極具爭議性的話題往往side to everything, it goes without很受社會的關注。不同的人對此問saying that.題的看法也不盡相同。萬事萬物都有其兩面性,所When asked ., some people以,勿庸置疑, _。When itcomes to ., most _,不過,另一方面,贊同 _people believe that ., but other 的人則認為 _。people regard .as .Some

12、 people are of the opinion提到 _問題,很多人that.有些人認為。_認為 _,不過,一些人則Many people claim that.認為 _是_.很多人認為 _。When faced with., quite aA majority of絕大多數(shù)few people claim that ., but otherA large number of 很多人people think as.Some people contend that .提到 _問題,僅少數(shù)has proved to bring many人認為 _,但另一些人則認advantages (disa

13、dvantages)為。有些人認為 _有很多_There is a public controversy 有利之處 (不利之處 )。nowadays over the issue of . Therewho criticize .argue that ., theybelievethat.,butpeoplewhoThose who argue for . say that .economic development of the cities.favor ., on the other hand, argue覺得 _的人認為, _that.城市的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展。目前,_問題爭議較大。 批Some

14、people advocate that .判_的人認為 _,他們認為有些人在堅持認為_。列出了如下原因: _。They hold that . 他們認為But others hold the view that ._。但是,另外一些人則認為 _。People, who advocate that .,觀點的用詞:Attitude, opinion,have their sound reasons (grounds)與其搭配的動詞以及詞組: Take,堅持認為 _的人也有其have, come up with ,set forth, put說法 (依據(jù) )。forward 等。Those wh

15、ohave alreadyBut on the other hand, there arebenefited from practicing it singalso quite a few people whohigh praise of it.那些從中受益strongly advocate that.,.的人對此大家褒獎。Those who strongly approveof . have cogent reasons for it.強烈認同 _的人有很多不過,另一方面,也有少部分人堅持認為 _。But people who are ., on theother hand , mainta

16、in that.原因。不過,另一方面, _Many people would claim的人認為 _。that. 有人會認為 _。However, there are a largePeople who support . givenumber of people who hold asome or all of the following reasons. different view concerning this case.那些支持 _觀點的人然而,很多人對此有不同的看法。On the other hand, there are問題用詞:Issue, also many opponent

17、s who strongly .phenomenon,后接介詞 , on, over另一方面,也有很多反對的等。人,他們認為 _。However, some others argueAccordingto mypersonalitythat. 然 而 , 另一 些 人 則 認 為and fondness, Iwouldprefer ._。rather than.However, there are also some根據(jù)我的個性以及興趣, 我選others who contend that.擇_而不會選擇然而,也有人認為_。_。Personally, I side with the latte

18、rButother peopleset forth(former) pletelytotallydifferent就我個人而言,我支持后者argument concerning this case.(前者 )_。不過,對于此,另一些人則持Personally, I am in favor of the完全不同的觀點。former point of view.Some people examine this就我個人而言,我較同意前一issue from another angle.種看法。有的人用另一角度來看這一To my point of view我認為問題。To my mind, the a

19、dvantages faroverweighthe如果真的需要作出選擇, 我寧drawbacks(disadvantages,愿_。shortcomings)展現(xiàn)問題篇我認為,優(yōu)點勝過缺點。問 題 的 常 用 詞 : question,For my part, I stand on side ofthe latter opinion that.就我而言,我較贊同后一種觀點_。As far as I am concerned, I aminclined to be on the side of theproblem, issueRecently, the issue of . hasbeen b

20、rought into public focus.近來, _的問題引起了社會的廣泛關注。Now we are entering a brandlatter view.new era fullof opportunities and在我看來,我較同意后一種觀innovations, and great changes have點。takenplace inpeople attitudesAfter a thorough consideration, towards some traditional practice.for my part, I am in favor of thelatter

21、view that.經(jīng)過深思熟慮,我較支持后一種看法,亦即 _。If asked to make a decision, Iwould prefer.現(xiàn)在我們進入了一個充滿機遇和創(chuàng)新的嶄新時代, 很多人對某些傳統(tǒng)的看法也發(fā)生了很大改變。Recently the issue of whetheror not . has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in thepublic.Peoplefromdifferent近來,是否 _的問題已經(jīng)非backgrounds would putdifferent常明確而且引起了社會的廣泛關

22、interpretations on the same case.注。不同行業(yè)的人對同一種問題The issue whether it is good or的解釋不盡相同。not to . has aroused a heatedThe controversial issue is oftendiscussion all over the country.brought into public focus. People_的利與弊已在全國范from differentbackgrounds hold圍內(nèi)引起熱烈的討論。different attitudes towards the issue.At present, some people這中極具爭議性的話題往往think .while others claim .Both很受社會的關注。 不同的人對此問sides have their meri


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