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1、Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision有效銀行監(jiān)管的核心原則What are the Core Principles?什么是核心原則?The Core Principles are a set of supervisory guidelines or principles aimed at providing a general framework for effective banking supervision. They are intended for G-10 as well as non-G-10 countries 核心

2、原則是旨在提供有效銀行監(jiān)管總體框架的一套監(jiān)管指引或原則,該原則主要為十國集團設計,對其他國家也適用To be used as a reference document by national supervisors and international institutions 可供銀行監(jiān)管當局和國際金融機構參考Contribution of the Basel Committee to the objective of “strengthening supervisory standards in emerging and developing countries” 是巴塞爾委員會為實現“強化

3、新興國家和發(fā)展中國家監(jiān)管標準”目標而設計的2What the Core Principles are not核心原則不是A remedy for economic mismanagement 經濟管理不善的補救措施A guarantee that no bank will fail 銀行不會倒閉的保證A rigid set of standards 一套僵化的標準A “quick fix” 一套能立竿見影的標準3The Core Principles cover a broad range of topics核心原則涉及一系列問題Preconditions for effective bank

4、ing supervision 有效銀行監(jiān)管的先決條件Licensing process and approval for changes in structure 發(fā)照程序和結構變化的審批Arrangements for ongoing banking supervision 對銀行實施持續(xù)監(jiān)管的安排Formal powers of supervisors 監(jiān)管者享有的法定權力Cross-border banking 跨境銀行業(yè)4The Core Principles 核心原則General but comprehensive 具有概括性和全面性On many issues existenc

5、e of a Basel Committee document 對于許多問題,巴塞爾委員會已有文件On other issues documents containing more detailed guidance are being developed 對于其他問題,詳細的指引文件正在研究制定5The Compendium 綱要A collection of most of the Basel Committees “l(fā)ive” policy papers 收集了絕大部分目前仍然有效的巴塞爾委員會文件Internet () 網址Is updated periodically 定期更新6Su

6、pervisors Can Not Do It Alone!僅靠監(jiān)管者并不能做到Sound and sustainable macro-economic policies 良好的可持續(xù)的宏觀經濟政策A well-developed public infrastructure 完善的公共基礎設施Effective market discipline 有效的市場規(guī)則Procedures for efficient resolution of problems in banks 有效解決銀行問題的程序Mechanisms for providing an appropriate level of s

7、ystemic protection(or public safety net) 提供良好系統(tǒng)保護的機制(或公共安全網)7Preconditions for Effective Banking Supervision:有效銀行監(jiān)管的先決條件Clear responsibilities and objectives for each agency 每個機構都有明確的職責和目標Operational independence and adequate resources 獨立運作并有足夠的資源A suitable legal framework for banking supervision 合適

8、的銀行監(jiān)管法律框架Arrangements for information-sharing among supervisors 監(jiān)管者信息共享的安排8Licensing Process 發(fā)照程序The licensing process is critical to ensuring that participants in the banking system have the necessary qualifications. Although the licensing process cannot guarantee that a bank will be well run after

9、 it opens, it can be an effective method for reducing the number of unstable institutions that enter the banking system. Clear and objective criteria reduce the potential for political interference in the licensing process.發(fā)照程序對確保銀行系統(tǒng)的參與者具備必要的條件至關重要。盡管它不能保證銀行開業(yè)后的良好運作,但卻是減少銀行系統(tǒng)中不穩(wěn)定機構的有效手段。清晰和客觀的標準有助于

10、降低發(fā)放過程中政治干預的可能性。Supervisors should also monitor significant changes in ownership structure as well as significant changes in activities (including acquisitions and investments).監(jiān)管者在監(jiān)督重要的業(yè)務變化(包括收購和投資)的同時,還應該監(jiān)督重大的所有權結構的變動。9Items to consider 需要考慮的事項proposed ownership structure 所有權結構operating plan 經營計劃s

11、uitability of directors and senior managers (fit and proper test) 合適的董事及高管人員(資格測試)financial projections, including capital 包括資本金在內的財務預測for foreign banks, the prior approval of the home country supervisor 對外國銀行,首先應獲得母國監(jiān)管當局的批準Licensing Process 發(fā)照程序10Arrangements for Ongoing Banking Supervision (Sectio

12、n IV)持續(xù)監(jiān)管的安排(第四部分)This section contains 16 of the 25 principles and covers the essence of ongoing supervision. There are three primary components該部分包括16條原則,論述了持續(xù)監(jiān)管的基本內容。主要有以下三個方面:Prudential regulations and requirements 審慎規(guī)定及要求Methods of ongoing banking supervision 持續(xù)監(jiān)管的手段Information requirements 信息要

13、求 11Prudential Regulations and Requirements審慎規(guī)定及要求Capital adequacy 資本充足率Credit risk management 信用風險管理Market risk management 市場風險管理“Other” risk management 其他風險管理Internal controls 內部控制12Methods of Ongoing Banking Supervision持續(xù)監(jiān)管的手段On-site and off-site supervision 現場和非現場檢查Regular contact with bank mana

14、gement 與銀行管理層保持經常性接觸Means of collecting, reviewing and analyzing prudential reports and statistical returns on a solo and consolidated basis 在單個和并表的基礎上收集、評估和分析審慎報告和統(tǒng)計報表的手段Means of independent validation 獨立核實的手段Ability of supervisors to supervise consolidated entity 監(jiān)管者有能力對集團進行并表監(jiān)管13Information Requi

15、rements 信息要求Accounting standards 會計準則Scope and frequency of reporting 報告的范圍和頻率Confirmation of the accuracy of information submitted 確認上報信息的準確性 Disclosure 信息披露14Formal Powers of Supervisors (Section V)監(jiān)管者的法定權力(第五部分)Banking supervisors must have at their disposal adequate supervisory measures to bring

16、 about timely corrective action when banks fail to meet prudential requirements, when there are regulatory violations, or where depositors are threatened in any other way.銀行監(jiān)管者必須掌握完善的監(jiān)管手段,以便在銀行違背審慎要求、違法違規(guī)或者存款人受到威脅時,能夠及時采取糾正措施Various corrective measures (the punishment should fit the crime)不同的糾正措施(懲罰

17、應與罪行相符)Mild (extra reporting, special audits, etc.) 溫和處理(特別報告,專項審計等)More punitive (fines, replacement of managers, suspension of dividends) 更具懲罰性的處理(罰款、更換管理人員、暫停分紅)Revocation of license 吊銷執(zhí)照15Cross-border Banking (Section VI)跨國銀行(第六部分)Obligations of home country supervisors 母國監(jiān)管當局的職責Obligations of h

18、ost country supervisors 東道國監(jiān)管當局的職責Based on concepts contained in the Basel Concordat and the document “The supervision of cross-border banking” 以巴塞爾協(xié)議和“跨國銀行監(jiān)管”等文件中的相關概念為基礎16The challenge for supervisors is QUALITY implementation of the Core Principles對監(jiān)管者而言,面臨的挑戰(zhàn)是如何高質量地實施核心原則The Core Principles are

19、providing the necessary foundation to achieve a sound supervisory system 核心原則為打造良好的監(jiān)管系統(tǒng)提供了必要的基礎Local characteristics need to be taken into account in the specific way in which the Principles are implemented 實施核心原則應考慮本國國情The Principles may not be sufficient, on their own, in many countries 對許多國家而言,核心

20、原則也許并不足夠Each country should therefore consider to what extent the Principles need to be supplemented to address particular conditions or risks prevailing in the local market 因此,每個國家都應該思考如何完善這些原則,以便解決本國特有的一些問題17In many countries QUALITY implementation will be a long process, as it requires對許多國家而言,高質量

21、地實施核心原則將是一個長期過程 ,因為它需要A competent and motivated body of professional supervisors 一支高素質的專業(yè)監(jiān)管隊伍A banking regulatory framework that supports sound banking practices 一個推動銀行穩(wěn)健經營的監(jiān)管框架A sound credit culture that includes reasonable lending practices 包含合理貸款實踐的良好信用文化Adequate accounting, reporting and disclos

22、ure requirements that support financial transparency 有助于提高財務透明度的會計、報告和信息披露要求18What has been happening since 1997?1997年以來發(fā)生了什么?Lxcution cest tout Napoleon“執(zhí)行就是一切”拿破侖19Steps to Achieving Implementation實施步驟First step: fact finding - identification of areas where changes will be necessary 第一步:實況調查確認必須變革

23、的領域In many countries, substantive changes in the legislative framework are necessary (this can be a lengthy process as it is in the hands of the politicians!) 許多國家還有必要對法律框架進行重大變革(由于立法掌控在政治家手中,因此這一過程可能比較漫長)Establishment of a timetable 確立時間表External pressures (especially market forces) 外部壓力(特別是市場力量)20

24、Role of the Basel Committee in the implementation process巴塞爾委員會在實施過程中的作用Creation of the Core Principles Liaison Group 建立核心原則聯絡小組1998 Survey (and follow-up surveys) 1998年調查(以及隨后的調查)Further detailed papers to provide support to the Core Principles 為支持核心原則,進一步細化了有關文件Development of criteria for determin

25、ing adequacy of implementation (“Core Principles Methodology”) 制定了確定充分實施程度的標準(核心原則方法論)Creation of the FSI 創(chuàng)立了FSIIssuance of the Self-Assessment Guide 發(fā)布了自我評估指引21Role of the Basel Committee in the implementation process巴塞爾委員會在實施過程中的作用The Core Principles Liaison Group consists of: 核心原則聯絡小組包括: represen

26、tatives from 7 G-10 countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States) 10國集團中7個成員國的代表(法、德、意、日、荷、英、美)representatives from 15 non-G-10 countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, China and Hong Kong, the Czech Republic, Korea, India, Mexico, Russia

27、, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa and West Africa) 非10國集團15個國家代表(阿根廷、澳大利亞、巴西、智利、中國和香港、捷克、韓國、印度、墨西哥、俄羅斯、沙特、新加坡、南非和西非)representatives from the IMF and World Bank 國際貨幣基金組織和世行的代表The Liaison Group provides critical feedback on implementation issues 聯絡小組對實施中遇到的問題提供重要的反饋22Role of the Basel Committee

28、in the implementation process巴塞爾委員會在實施過程中的作用1998 Survey - 127 countries responded (80% response rate) 1998年的調查共有127個國家給予了反饋(反饋率為80%)Problems with self assessments 自我評估遇到問題Quality of responses varied greatly 反饋質量參差不齊Lack of direction on what constitutes “implementation” 缺乏對于如何“實施”的指導Significant chang

29、es are presently taking place in the majority of supervisory systems 目前,大多數國家的監(jiān)管體系正歷經著重大變革Need for adequate resources, training 需要充足的資源和培訓23Further detailed papers to provide support to the Core Principles 為支持核心原則,對有關文件進行了細化Internal controls 內部控制Credit risk management 信用風險管理Liquidity risk management

30、 流動性風險管理Corporate governance 公司治理Accounting standards 會計準則Role of the Basel Committee in the implementation process巴塞爾委員會在實施過程中的作用24The Assessment Process andthe Core Principles Methodology評估程序和核心原則方法論 25Initial Problems with Assessments評估的基本問題Self-assessments found to be unsatisfactory 發(fā)現自我評估不盡如意Ba

31、sel Committee lacked willingness and resources to do assessments 巴塞爾委員會缺乏進行評估所需的意愿和資源Peer review was politically charged 同行評估被認為具有政治目的Private consultants could not be strictly objective 私人顧問不可能非常客觀IMF and World Bank took on the responsibility of conducting assessments but their initial assessments r

32、evealed additional problem 國際貨幣基金組織和世界銀行承擔了評估職責,但是他們初步評估揭露出其他問題26Problems encountered by IMF and World Bank國際貨幣基金組織和世行遇到的問題Too many Principles were subject to interpretation 太多的原則需要解釋Comparability among assessments lacking 評估缺乏可比性Non-supervisors needed more guidance in making determinations 非監(jiān)管人員在決策

33、時需要更多的指導No clear method for presenting their findings 沒有明確的展現結果的方法So, CP Methodology was agreed 因此, 核心原則方法論被接受27The Core Principles Methodology核心原則方法論Development of criteria for determining adequacy of implementation 制定確定充分實施程度的標準Criteria divided into two categories: 標準分為兩類Essential criteria 基本標準Add

34、itional criteria 附加標準IMF/World Bank agreement on approach to assessments 國際貨幣基金組織/世行同意評估的方法28Objectives of the IMF/World Bank Core Principles Assessments:國際貨幣基金組織/世行核心原則評估的目標Determine whether banking supervisors are able to supervise the banking industry in an adequate and effective manner 確定銀行監(jiān)管者是否

35、能夠以充分有效的方式對銀行業(yè)實施監(jiān)管Propose a course of action to address identified weaknesses 建議采取一系列行動去解決發(fā)現的薄弱環(huán)節(jié)29Requirements for Assessors對評估人員的要求Four eyes principle a must 必須具備四只眼原則At least one highly experienced supervisor 至少有一位經驗豐富的監(jiān)管人員The second must have some supervisory knowledge 另外一名人員必須有一定的監(jiān)管知識Knowledge

36、of language and culture also important 語言和文化知識也很重要30Key Elements of the Assessment Process評估程序的關鍵要素Genuine cooperation of supervisory authority is critical 監(jiān)管機構的誠意合作至關重要Assessments must take into account the specifics of each country 評估必須考慮各國的特點The assessment consists of a combination of off-site an

37、d on-site analysis 評估包括非現場和現場分析Assessment is done Principle by Principle with NO overall assessment or grade given 評估應該按照原則逐條進行,不進行總體評估和評級IFIs do not want to become rating agencies IFIs不想成為評級機構Overall assessment can be very political 總體評估可能政治化31The Five Building Blocks 五個基礎Legal framework 法律框架Pruden

38、tial regulatory framework 審慎監(jiān)管框架Organization 組織Resources 資源Enforcement 執(zhí)行32Assessment Categories 評估結果Compliant 合規(guī)Largely compliant, and efforts to achieve full compliance underway 大部分合規(guī),正向完全合規(guī)方面努力Largely compliant 大部分合規(guī)Materially non-compliant, and efforts to achieve compliance underway 基本不合規(guī),正向合規(guī)方向努力Materially non-compliant 基本不合規(guī)Non-compliant, and efforts to achieve compliance underway 不合規(guī),正向合規(guī)方向努力Non-compliant 不合規(guī)Not applicable 不適用33Report of Findings 評估結果報告Assessors views on capacity and willingness to comp


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