人教版安徽省高中英語總復(fù)習(xí) Unit3 Life in the future(2)課件 新人教必修5_第1頁
人教版安徽省高中英語總復(fù)習(xí) Unit3 Life in the future(2)課件 新人教必修5_第2頁
人教版安徽省高中英語總復(fù)習(xí) Unit3 Life in the future(2)課件 新人教必修5_第3頁
人教版安徽省高中英語總復(fù)習(xí) Unit3 Life in the future(2)課件 新人教必修5_第4頁
人教版安徽省高中英語總復(fù)習(xí) Unit3 Life in the future(2)課件 新人教必修5_第5頁
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1、Unit3Life in the future 12022/7/30 星期六11、take up 根據(jù)語境猜詞義(1)He took_up his bag and went away. (2)It took_up a whole morning for her to finish doing the task. (3)He had studied Japanese for a year and a half before he took_up English. 22022/7/30 星期六11、take up(4)Im going to take this matter up with my

2、lawyer. (5)The big table takes_up too much space. (6)Where did you stop last time? Now lets take it up. (7)I will take you up on your invitation some other day. (8)Five oclock. OK? I will take you up at home. 32022/7/30 星期六根據(jù)語義找匹配A. 接某人B. 拿起,舉起C. 占據(jù),占領(lǐng)D. 花費(fèi),消耗E. 開始著手做某事F. 繼續(xù)(中斷的談話)G. 接受某人的提議或約會(huì)I. 處理

3、,討論(1) B(2) D(3) E(4) I(5) C(6) F(7) G(8) A 11、take up42022/7/30 星期六take after 與相像 take as 把當(dāng)作,認(rèn)為take apart 拆開(機(jī)器等) take away 拿走,奪走,帶走take back 收回(所說的話)takefor(錯(cuò))當(dāng)作,誤以為take down 取下,記下,拆卸take in 接受,吸收;包括;領(lǐng)會(huì),理解;欺騙短語11、take up52022/7/30 星期六take on 呈現(xiàn);承擔(dān);開始雇傭 take out 拿出,除去take over 接管,接任(工作等);占據(jù)take of

4、f 拿走;脫下(衣帽等);起飛;(事業(yè)等)取得成功take to對(duì)產(chǎn)生好感,開始喜歡開始從事短語11、take up62022/7/30 星期六 用take短語的適當(dāng)形式填空 He is a happy man who has a beautiful wife and a lovely son. He always (1) takes down some interesting words from his son into his diary. He once said that the diary would be the special gift for his son when the

5、 boy was eighteen years old. One morning he was playing with his son. Suddenly the little child (2) took away the toy train from his hands and (3) took it apart. So he was very angry and scolded the boy. Looking at11、take up72022/7/30 星期六 his sons frightened face, he at once realized that he should

6、(4) take backwhat he said. At that time, he remembered that he had promised to (5) take his boss up at his office, who would take 12:00 flight to Hong Kong. They hurried to the airport just before the plane (6) took off. After that, he came back to his office to (7)take over any job the boss had lef

7、t to do. 11、take up82022/7/30 星期六12、lose sight of 根據(jù)語境猜詞義(1)The driver lost_sight_of the car he was following. (2)Never lose_sight_of the fact that you speak for us all. (3)We lost_sight_of her after she went abroad. 92022/7/30 星期六 根據(jù)語義找匹配:A. 失去某人的音訊B. 看不見,不再看見C. 忘記,忽略 (1) B(2) C(3) A 12、lose sight

8、of102022/7/30 星期六come into sight 進(jìn)入視野,映入眼簾go out of sight 從視野內(nèi)消失get / have / catch sight of 看得見,發(fā)現(xiàn)lose ones sight 失明 at first sight 乍一看at the sight of 看到 out of sight 看不見,看不到in / within sight 在視野之內(nèi) in ones sight 在某人看來鏈接12、lose sight ofOut of sight, out of mind. 眼不見,心不煩。(諺)句型112022/7/30 星期六選用上述短語完成下列

9、句子(1)I saw her for a moment, but then lost sight ofher in the crowd. (2)When I got on the bus, I caught sight of an empty seat at the back. (3)Finally the famous tower came into sight. 12、lose sight of122022/7/30 星期六(4)He fell in love with the lovely girl at first sight. (5)I watched the train go fa

10、rther and farther until it was out of sight. (6)For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree in sight. 12、lose sight of132022/7/30 星期六13、sweep up 根據(jù)語境猜詞義(1)The strong wind swept_up the leaves off the street. (2)She swept her little child and went away. (3)Please

11、 help me to sweep_up the waste paper in the room. 142022/7/30 星期六根據(jù)語義找匹配A. 打掃;掃除B. 橫掃;掠過C. 一把抱起某人 (1) B(2) C(3) A 13、sweep up 152022/7/30 星期六sweep aside 拒不理會(huì);無視sweep away 掃除,消除,消滅sweep off 拂去,掃去 sweep back (把頭發(fā))梳向后面sweep a person off (浪等)把某人沖得站不住腳sweep the board (賭博)通吃,獲得大成功make a clean sweep of 徹底掃

12、除;把廢除at one sweep 一舉,一揮,一掃短語13、sweep up 162022/7/30 星期六 運(yùn)用以上短語完成下面的情景 They quarelled with each other about whether she should work abroad or not. Then he rushed outside without saying a word. She (1) swept her long hair back (把長頭發(fā)梳起) from her face and began to give the room a complete clean. Gradual

13、ly, she realized that it was all her fault to (2) sweep his idea aside (不理會(huì),無視他的建議). Just at that time, he13、sweep up 172022/7/30 星期六 came into the house, smiling. She ran towards him. He (3) swept her up (一把將她抱起)in his arms. She knew all doubts had (4) been swept away (消除,消滅,打消)13、sweep up 182022/7

14、/30 星期六14、speed up 根據(jù)語境猜詞義(1)The car sped_up when there was no one in the street. (2)Plenty of fresh air and exercise will speed_up his recovery. 192022/7/30 星期六根據(jù)語義找匹配:A. 加快B. 加速,提速(1)B(2)A14、speed up pick up speed 加速 reduce speed 減速with all speed 盡快地at high / low / full / top speed 以高 / 低 / 全 / 最高

15、速 at a speed of 以的速度短語202022/7/30 星期六 運(yùn)用以上短語完成下面的情景 He is a good driver. During most of time, he drives his car (1) at the speed of 60 kilometers per hour. But today there was an injured person in his car. So he gradually (2) sped up when he drove on the wide road and after a while, he began to driv

16、e his car (3) at full / high / top speed to send the injured to the nearest hospital. When they were at the turning in front of the hospital, the car (4) reduced speed. Quickly, he stopped the car and carried the injured to the operation room. 14、speed up 212022/7/30 星期六含有“up”的??嫉脑~還有:break up 分解,(關(guān)系

17、等)破裂 give up 放棄bring up 撫養(yǎng)長大,培養(yǎng) call up 打電話come up 走上前來 clear up 整理,收拾clean up 打掃干凈 cut up 切碎do up 包起來,扎起來,整理,扣上 end up 結(jié)束get up 起來,起床 keep up 保持,繼續(xù)look up 查找 make up 編造,打扮,湊足(人數(shù))14、speed up 鏈接222022/7/30 星期六選用上述短語完成下列句子(5)On Sundays, she always gets up very late. Then she cleans up all the rooms. A

18、fter that, she often calls up her friends to see if they are free. If so, they go shopping together. (6)If you meet the new words in your reading, please look them up in the dictionary. 14、speed up 232022/7/30 星期六(7)In the Disneyland, all the girl workers should do up their hair. (8)Just tell us the

19、 truth. Dont make up the story. (9)He was brought up by his uncle after his parents died. 14、speed up 242022/7/30 星期六15、At first my new surroundings were difficult to_tolerate. (P18) 開始的時(shí)候,新的環(huán)境讓我難以容忍。(1)I have a lot of homework to_do. 我有很多功課要做。(2)The job his boss asked him to do is hard to_finish in

20、 such a short time. 老板要求他做的那份工作很難能在這么短的時(shí)間內(nèi)完成。252022/7/30 星期六 在運(yùn)用不定式時(shí),我們常發(fā)現(xiàn)用主動(dòng)來代替被動(dòng)的現(xiàn)象:(1)例1中,to do 是來修飾前面的名詞homework的,作后置定語,解釋為“要做的功課”,理應(yīng)用被動(dòng)的結(jié)構(gòu),但當(dāng)句子的主語I 與不定式中所包含的動(dòng)詞do有“主謂關(guān)系”的時(shí)候,我們常用主動(dòng)來代替被動(dòng)。262022/7/30 星期六 I am going to the supermarket. Would you have anything to buy? (我打算去超市。你有東西要買嗎?) 說話人的意圖是:如果你也要買

21、東西,那么我們一起去。因此,不定式中的動(dòng)詞 buy 的動(dòng)作執(zhí)行者是句子的主語you, 這樣它們就構(gòu)成了“主謂關(guān)系”,所以用主動(dòng)來代替被動(dòng)。但若把句子改成:272022/7/30 星期六 I am going to the supermarket. Would you have anything to be taken? (我打算去超市。你有東西要帶嗎?) 很顯然,這里的不定式中的動(dòng)詞take的動(dòng)作執(zhí)行者是I,而不是句子的主語you,因此它們沒有構(gòu)成“主謂關(guān)系”,就要用被動(dòng),即用to be taken 來修飾anything。 282022/7/30 星期六(2)例2中,to finish 是作

22、狀語的。當(dāng)不定式to finish和句子的主語the job之間構(gòu)成了“動(dòng)賓關(guān)系”時(shí),即finish the job,我們也可以用主動(dòng)來代替被動(dòng)。又如: The river is dangerous to swim in. (不定式的動(dòng)詞swim in和句子的主語the river 構(gòu)成了動(dòng)賓關(guān)系,就可以用主動(dòng)的結(jié)構(gòu)。)292022/7/30 星期六翻譯句子(1) 這把椅子坐上去很舒服。 The chair is comfortable to sit on. 這些窮人們沒錢買食物,也沒地方居住。 These poor people have no money to buy food with

23、and no place to live in. 302022/7/30 星期六16、However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market (P18) 然而,當(dāng)我們看不見王平的時(shí)候,我們到了一個(gè)看起來像是大市場的地方312022/7/30 星期六 根據(jù)語境猜詞義(1)I am sure that_he_will_pass_the_examination. (2)We havent settled the question of whether it is necessary for_

24、him_to_study_abroad. (3)Please remind me when_he_said_he_was_going. I may be in time to see him off. 322022/7/30 星期六 這是考查賓語從句的用法: 例(1)中,主句I am sure 后面跟一個(gè)陳述句,用that來引導(dǎo),that??墒÷?;但如果后面跟兩個(gè)或兩個(gè)以上的從句,則只有第一個(gè)that可以省略,其他的都不能省略; Having checked the doors were closed, and that all the lights were off, the boy ope

25、ned the door to his bedroom. 332022/7/30 星期六 例(2)中,主句后跟一個(gè)一般疑問句,成為賓語從句后,用if 或 whether來引導(dǎo),從句的語序要改成陳述句。其中,如果是跟在介詞后面作賓語從句的,則只能用whether來引導(dǎo); 例(3)中,主句后跟一個(gè)特殊疑問句,成為賓語從句后,把特殊疑問詞作為引導(dǎo)詞,從句的語序改成陳述句。342022/7/30 星期六根據(jù)括號(hào)內(nèi)的漢語提示完成下面的句子(1)I consider it necessary that he should improve his pronunciation (他應(yīng)當(dāng)改進(jìn)他的發(fā)音)(2)I

26、depend on whether you can do the job well (你是否可以把這個(gè)工作做好)(3)I cant imagine how he can finish such a hard job (他是如何完成這么艱巨的任務(wù)的)(4)Here are all my books. You can take whichever you like (任何你喜歡的書)352022/7/30 星期六17、Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep. (P18) 我疲憊極了,偷偷地爬上床,很快就睡著了。(1)Dressed in red

27、, she looks more beautiful. (2)Horrified at what had happened, Jim could say nothing. (3)He lay on the bed, awake. 362022/7/30 星期六(1)這里的exhausted是形容詞作狀語,表示原因。一般放在句首,句子的主語也是其邏輯主語,表原因的形容詞,相當(dāng)于原因狀語從句。 Frightened,_she asked me to go with her. Because_she_was_frightened,_she asked me to go with her. 由于害怕,

28、她要我和她一起去。(2)形容詞還可以作伴隨狀語,表狀態(tài)。 He spent seven days in the wind and snow, cold_and_hungry. 他又冷又餓地在風(fēng)雪中過了7天。372022/7/30 星期六根據(jù)中文提示完成下列句子(1)The boy lay in the sofa, relaxed (躺在沙發(fā)上,非常放松)(2)After the long journey, the three of them came back home, hungry and tired (回到家,又餓又累)(3)Surprised and happy (既驚奇又高興), Tom came to the front and accepted the prize. (4)Lost in reading (沉浸在閱讀中), he didnt notice someone slide into the room. 382022/7/30 星期六 () 1. (2010福建)More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities _ space. A. in search of B. in place ofC. for lack


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