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1、12022/7/30 星期六.重要單詞聚焦1 n陳述,說明2 v. 迎接,問候3 vt. 代表,象征4 n. 聯(lián)想,社團5 n. 飛行,航班6 adj. 好奇的7 v& n. 接近,靠近,辦法8 n. 面頰statementgreetrepresentassociationflightcuriousapproachcheek22022/7/30 星期六9 vt. 保護,保衛(wèi)10 adj. 主要的11vt. 誤解,誤會12 vi. 猛沖;突進13n& adj. 成人,成熟的14 adj. 口語的15 adj. 可能的16 adj. 面部的17 n& v. 作用,功能18 n& v. 舒適,安逸,

2、減輕19 n. 怒氣,怒火defendmajormisunderstanddashadultspokenlikelyfacialfunctioneaseanger32022/7/30 星期六20 adv. 真實地;真誠地21 n. 拳頭22v. 擁抱23 n. 等級,軍銜trulyfisthugrank42022/7/30 星期六.重點短語掃描1be curious 對感到好奇的2defend 保衛(wèi)以免3apologize sb.for sth. 因某事而向某人道歉4put 舉起,建立5 the contrary 相反地6be likely do sth. 有可能7 general 總的來說,

3、通常8shake with sb. 同某人握手9come 出現(xiàn),向前aboutagainsttoupontoinhandsup52022/7/30 星期六10the distance 在遠處,在遠方11as 好像12at 舒適地13turn ones back 背對,背棄14 face 丟臉ineaseiftolose62022/7/30 星期六.課文原句突破1The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.信息提取to arrive為不定

4、式作后置定語。例句仿寫她是在29屆奧運會獲得金牌的第一位運動員。She was_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _in the 29th Olympic Games.【答案】the first athlete to win the gold medal72022/7/30 星期六2Not all cultures greet each other the same way,nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.信息提取not all為部分否定句。例句仿寫并不是所有昨天晚上在場

5、的歌手都是學生。_ _ _ _present last night were students.【答案】Not all the singers82022/7/30 星期六3However,people from places like Spain,Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.信息提取be likely to do sth.有可能做某事。例句仿寫如不小心,你就可能出事故。An accident_ _ _ _if you are not car

6、eful enough.【答案】is likely to happen92022/7/30 星期六4These actions are not good or bad,but are simply ways in which cultures have developed.信息提取in which cultures have developed為定語從句,用來修飾the ways。way作先行詞時,后面可以跟或不跟in which/that。例句仿寫我不喜歡他看我的方式。他好像看不起我。I didnt like_ _ _ _ _ _.He seemed to look down upon me

7、.【答案】the way he looked at me102022/7/30 星期六curious adj.好奇的,求知的,古怪的112022/7/30 星期六Dont be too curious about things youre not supposed to know.不該知道的事別去打聽。A student should always be curious to learn.一個學生應該總是有求知欲的。Its curious that he left without saying goodbye.真奇怪,他不辭而別了。122022/7/30 星期六from/out of curi

8、osity出于好奇meet/satisfy ones curiosity滿足某人的好奇心with curiositycuriously好奇地She did that just out of curiosity.她那樣做僅僅是出于好奇心。132022/7/30 星期六1If you are_about Australian cities,just read the book written by Dr.Johnson.AinterestedBanxiousCupset Dcurious【解析】本題考查形容詞詞義及用法辨析。be interested in對感興趣;be anxious about

9、渴望做某事,對某事?lián)鷳n;be upset at對感到不安;be curious about對感到好奇。從句子的意思分析,此處用D項?!敬鸢浮緿142022/7/30 星期六2(2009年江蘇徐州模擬)Jack has spent an hour in the shoe shop.Hasnt he decided which pair of shoes to buy?Maybe.Young as he is,he is_about his appearance.Aspecial BcuriousCparticular Dserious【解析】be particular about對挑剔?!敬鸢浮?/p>

10、C152022/7/30 星期六represent vt.代表;描繪;表現(xiàn);體現(xiàn);象征The dove represents peace.鴿子象征和平。He was chosen to represent our school at the meeting.他被選上代表我們學校去參加那次會議。She represents herself as the kindest mother in the world.她把自己描繪成世界上最好的母親。162022/7/30 星期六3He_our school to take part in the competition and all of us wer

11、e_of him.Arepresented;proud Brepresented;satisfiedCreplaced;proud Dpresented;satisfied172022/7/30 星期六【解析】該句意為“他代表我們學校參加競賽,我們都為他而感到驕傲”。【答案】A182022/7/30 星期六approach(1)vt.& vi.接近;靠近approach to接近,近似,約等于;(做某事)的方法(途徑)The time for graduation is approaching.畢業(yè)的日子即將來臨。 192022/7/30 星期六(2)n.接近;方法;途徑at the appr

12、oach of.在快到的時候The approach of winter brings cold weather.冬天即將來臨,天氣變得寒冷。The approach to the house was a narrow path.通往這房子的路是一條狹窄的小徑。I appreciate the professors new approach to teaching languages.我很欣賞這位教授教語言的新方法。202022/7/30 星期六4. (2006年湖北卷)At the meeting they discussed three different_to the study of

13、mathematics.Aapproaches BmeansCmethods Dways【解析】本題的關鍵詞是題干中的介詞to,只有approach才能跟to搭配使用。句意為“他們在會上討論了三種不同的研究數(shù)學的方法”?!敬鸢浮緼212022/7/30 星期六defend vt.(1)保護,保衛(wèi)defend sb./sth.from/against sb./sth.保護某人(某物)免受傷害;保衛(wèi)某人(某物)Its the glorious duty for every soldier to defend our country against enemies.衛(wèi)國抗敵是每個士兵應盡的光榮職責。

14、When a dog attached me,I defended myself with a stick.當一只狗攻擊我時,我拿起一根棍子保護自己。222022/7/30 星期六(2)辯護defend oneself against sth.為自己辯護The law allows people to defend themselves against a charge.法律允許人們對指控進行辯護。232022/7/30 星期六辨析:protect,defend與guard(1)protect指采取一定措施,使用某些器具以保護人或物免遭損害,使用范圍廣泛。We must protect the

15、 children from harm.我們必須保護兒童免受傷害。(2)defend著重指用武力抵御攻擊和侵犯。We shall defend our country,whatever cost may be.無論付出什么代價,我們都要保衛(wèi)我們的祖國。(3)guard強調通過看守警戒,以確保安全。The PLA Navy guard the coastline of our motherland.中國人民解放軍海軍守衛(wèi)著我們祖國的海岸線。242022/7/30 星期六5It is said that the murderer has employed a famous lawyer to_hi

16、m.Aprotect Bprotect forCdefend Ddefend for【解析】defend sb.為某人辯護,是及物動詞?!敬鸢浮緾252022/7/30 星期六in general總的說來;大體上;通常In general,the foreign language is not easy to learn.通常外語比較難學。In gereral,people in the south like rice.一般而言,南方人喜歡吃大米。262022/7/30 星期六As a general rule,the more expensive the computer is,the be

17、tter it is.一般說來,電腦越貴越好。272022/7/30 星期六6In_,the northerners are keen on dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.Acommon BtotalCgeneral Dparticular【解析】根據搭配in general總之,可知C項正確?!敬鸢浮緾282022/7/30 星期六at ease舒適,快活,自由自在The policeman tried every means possible to put the missing child at ease.警察們盡力使迷

18、路的孩子放松下來。A smile is intended to make people at ease.微笑旨在使人們輕松自在。292022/7/30 星期六with ease輕易地,毫不費力地feel/look at ease感到/看上去心情放松The girl answered all the questions with great ease.那女孩非常輕松地回答了所有問題。Take the medicine and it will ease the pain.服下這藥,它能夠鎮(zhèn)痛。302022/7/30 星期六7He sat back on the chair,listening to

19、 the MP4 and_.Alooking at ease Blooked at easeCbeing looked at ease Dto look at ease【解析】looking at ease看起來很輕松,作狀語,它與listening.并列,故用現(xiàn)在分詞?!敬鸢浮緼312022/7/30 星期六put up舉起,升起,張貼,搭建(帳篷等),留宿Put up your hands if you have any questions.有問題請舉手。Many high buildings have been put up there.那里建起了許多高樓。Theyll put up a

20、t a hotel for the night.他們將在旅館住一夜。Id like to put up an idea for your consideration.我想提個意見供你考慮。322022/7/30 星期六put up with忍受put aside儲存?zhèn)溆?;留下put down放下;記下,寫下;鎮(zhèn)壓put off推遲;延期put out撲滅;生產;出版You see what I have to put up with?你看到我不得不忍受什么了吧?Were trying to put aside a few hundred dollars every month toward o

21、ur vacation.我們盡量每月存幾百美元供度假用。332022/7/30 星期六8(2009年陜西卷)A notice was_in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.Asent up Bgiven upCset up Dput up【解析】句意為:張貼通知是為了提醒同學們演講時間的變動。本題考查動詞短語辨析。put up張貼,建立,提高;send up發(fā)出,發(fā)射;give up停止,放棄;set up創(chuàng)立;建立?!敬鸢浮緿342022/7/30 星期六9(2009年石家莊檢測)Look,Johns fall

22、en asleep at work!Oh,he must have_late last night.Awaken up Bput upCtaken up Dstayed up【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。答語的語境:昨天夜里他一定是熬夜了。stay up熬夜,挺住,站立。wake up醒來;put up建造,搭起,留宿,張貼,掛起,舉起;take up占去,占據,開始從事,拿走,接收?!敬鸢浮緿352022/7/30 星期六The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by Julia Smith

23、 from Britain.第一個到達的是從哥倫比亞來的托尼加西亞,隨后緊跟著的是英國的朱莉婭史密斯。 (1)to arrive是不定式做后置定語。當中心詞是序數(shù)詞或被序數(shù)詞限定時,常用不定式作后置定語。She was the first woman to win the gold medal in the Olympic Games.她是第一位獲奧運會金牌的女子。He is always the first to come and the last to leave.他總是第一個來最后一個離開。362022/7/30 星期六 (2)closely adv.接近地,密切地,多指抽象的近The

24、two events are closely connected.這兩件事有密切的聯(lián)系。嚴密地,仔細地Please listen closely to the following instructions.請仔細聽以下說明。The policemen examined his room closely.警察仔細地檢查了他的房間。372022/7/30 星期六close adv.“接近”,指距離上的“近”。Go further away!You are too close to me.再離遠一點,你太靠近我了。Come closer (to me)再靠近我一點吧。Dont stand close

25、 to me.不要站得離我太近。382022/7/30 星期六10(2007年全國卷)The last one_pays the meal.Agreed!Aarrived BarrivesCto arrive Darriving392022/7/30 星期六【解析】本題考查不定式作定語。句意為:“最后到的人付飯錢?!薄巴?!”題干選項應在句中做定語,修飾“The last one”,當序數(shù)詞或由序數(shù)詞所修飾的名詞后帶定語時,此定語應由不定式充當,所以選項A、B、D均被排除。此句也可說成“The last to arrive pays the meal.”【答案】C402022/7/30 星期六

26、11It was raining heavily.Little Mary felt cold,so she stood_to her mother.Aclose BcloselyCclosed Dclosing【解析】close to用做副詞,意為“接近地”,指具體距離的接近;closely常表示抽象意義,意為“密切的,嚴密的,緊緊地”?!敬鸢浮緼412022/7/30 星期六However,people from places like Spain,Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more l

27、ikely to touch them.但是,來自像西班牙、意大利或南美等國家的人會站在離別人很近的地方,而且很可能 (用身體)接觸對方。Its likely that.sb.be likely to do.做某事是可能的not likely (表示堅決不同意)絕不可能,絕對不會Its likely that he will win the game.422022/7/30 星期六He is likely to win the game.他可能會贏得這場比賽。Its very/quite/most likely that my parents will not allow me to go.我

28、父母很可能不會讓我去。We will most likely see him later.我們很可能晚些時候會見到他。She will very likely cry when you go.你走時,她很可能會哭。432022/7/30 星期六12Weve just heard a warning on the radio that a hurricane is_to come this evening.Alikely BpossibleCprobable Dbelievable【解析】likely可用于Sb./Sth.is likely to do sth.或It is likely tha

29、t.句式,possible則用于It is possible for sb.to do sth.或It is possible that.句型,而probable只能用于It is probable that.句式?!敬鸢浮緼442022/7/30 星期六13. (2009年四川綿陽模擬)It is_for her to finish that maths problem in such a short time,because she is so clever.Aprobable BimpossibleClikely Dpossible【解析】probable,likely一般不用于It i

30、s.for sb.to do sth.句型。另由句意可排除B項?!敬鸢浮緿452022/7/30 星期六.單詞拼寫1There has been a close_(聯(lián)系) between these two companies.【答案】association2They made a_(重大的) discovery,which surprised us.【答案】major462022/7/30 星期六3He is a_(有求知欲的) boy who is always asking questions.【答案】curious4Heavy footsteps signaled the teache

31、rs_(接近)【答案】approach5Much to my surprise,my intention was_(誤會了)【答案】misunderstood472022/7/30 星期六.巧思妙解1Youd better take something to read when you go to see the doctor_you have to wait.Aeven if Bas ifCin case Din order that【解析】由句意“看醫(yī)生時最好帶點東西讀,以防需要等”可知應用in case。in order that為了,even if即使及as if好像均與語境不符,故選

32、C?!敬鸢浮緾482022/7/30 星期六2John may phone tonight;I dont want to go out_he phones.Aas long as Bin order thatCin case Dso that【解析】本題考查習語的用法。in case意為“以防;免得”。根據句意可知C項正確?!敬鸢浮緾492022/7/30 星期六3. (2007年重慶卷)My parents live in a small village.They always keep candles in the house_there is a power out.Aif Bunles

33、sCin case Dso that【解析】句意為:我父母住在一個小村莊里,他們總是在家里存著蠟燭,以防停電。in case萬一,以防,符合題意。【答案】C502022/7/30 星期六4I dont think I will need any money but I will bring some_.Aat last Bin caseConce again Din time【解析】in case可作副詞,常放于句尾,意為“以防萬一”?!敬鸢浮緽512022/7/30 星期六.情景交際1. (2009年山東卷)John and I will celebrate our fortieth wed

34、ding anniversary next month.Oh,_! Acheer up Bwell doneCgo ahead Dcongratulations【解析】句意為:我和約翰下個月將慶祝我們結婚40周年。哦,祝賀你們!cheer up(使)高興起來,(使)振作起來;well done做得好;go ahead干吧,說吧,用吧;congratulation祝賀。 【答案】D522022/7/30 星期六2. (2009年山東卷)Poor Steve!I could hardly recognize him just now!_.He has changed so much.ANever

35、mind BNo problemCNot at all DMe neither【解析】句意為:可憐的史蒂夫!剛才我?guī)缀鯖]認出他來!我也沒(認出),他變化太大了。never mind不要緊;no problem沒問題;not at all根本不;me neither我也沒?!敬鸢浮緿532022/7/30 星期六3(2009年天津卷)Were organizing a party next Saturday,and Id like you to come._! I have another one that day.Thank you just the same.AGood luck BWhat

36、 a pityCNever do it again DWell done【解析】句意為:我們正組織下周六的一次聚會,我邀請你參加。真遺憾!那天我還有一個聚會。仍然謝謝你。A.祝你好運;C.以后別這樣做了;D.干得好?!敬鸢浮緽542022/7/30 星期六4. (2009年天津卷)Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better._.AId love to BIm with you on thatCIts up to you DIts my pleasure【解析】 句意為:露出笑臉不僅有助于我們交友,而且還使我們感覺更好。我同意你這一點。A.表示欣然接受邀請;C.由你來決定;D.不客氣(回答感謝)?!敬鸢浮緽552022/7/30 星期六5. (2009年江蘇卷)Bill,can I get you anything to drink?_.AYou are welcome BNo problemCI wouldnt mind a coffee DDoesnt matter【解析】句意為:Bill,要我拿點喝的


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