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1、2021屆高考英語一輪復習第一編必修1Module3MyFirstRideonaTrain學案含解析外研版2021屆高考英語一輪復習第一編必修1Module3MyFirstRideonaTrain學案含解析外研版PAGE 2021屆高考英語一輪復習第一編必修1Module3MyFirstRideonaTrain學案含解析外研版Module 3My First Ride on a Train話題晨背分鐘 填詞并背記Do you like going on a 1.journey? I still remember my first ride on a long。distance 2。train

2、for a job 3.interview last year. I 4.got on in a 5.seaside city-Qingdao。 On the train, I enjoyed the beautiful 6。scenery and ate great meals cooked by 7。experts. Looking out of the window, I could see the yellow 8。soil and abandoned farms9。in the distance。 Sometimes I could see 10。eagles flying in t

3、he sky. Some passengers next to me referred to the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 in Beijing. 11.At midnight, I saw the stars shining like 12。diamonds. After I 13.got off the train in Beijing, I went 14。downtown by 15。tram. I bought some 16。souvenirs for my family after the job intervie

4、w. On the way to the airport, the 17.interviewer told me that I was accepted。 When the plane 18。took off, I felt very excited though a little 19.exhausted. 20.What an unforgettable ride!你喜歡去旅行嗎?我仍然記得去年我第一次乘坐長途火車去工作面試的情景.我在海濱城市青島上車。在火車上,我欣賞到了美麗的風景并吃到了大師們做的美食.朝窗外看,我可以看見遠處黃色的土壤和廢棄的農(nóng)場.有時,我可以看見雄鷹飛翔在天空中。我

5、旁邊的一些乘客提到了2019北京世界園藝博覽會.在半夜,我看到了星星像鉆石般閃耀。在北京下火車后,我乘電車去市中心。工作面試結束后,我為家人買了一些紀念品。在去機場的路上,面試官告訴我我被錄取了。當飛機起飛時,盡管有點兒疲憊,但我感到很激動。多么難忘的一次旅行??!基礎詞匯 查缺補漏1helicopter (n。) 直升飛機2motorbike (n.) 摩托車3camel (n.) 駱駝4cassette (n.) 錄音帶5desert (n。) 沙漠6product (n。) 產(chǎn)品produce (vt。) 生產(chǎn) (n.) 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品producer (n。) 生產(chǎn)商;(電影的)制片人,監(jiān)制人p

6、roduction (n.) 生產(chǎn);產(chǎn)量7train (n。) 火車 (vt。) 訓練training (n.) 訓練8circus (n。) 馬戲團9seaside (n.) 海濱10stadium (n。) 運動場;體育場11kindergarten (n.) 幼兒園12apartment (n.) 美公寓;單元住宅13cartoon (n.) 卡通;漫畫14interview (n。) 面試;面談interviewer (n.) 主持面試者;采訪者interviewee (n。) 參加面試者;接受采訪者15event (n。) 事件16exhausted (adj.) 疲憊不堪的exha

7、usting (adj.) 使人疲憊不堪的;令人筋疲力盡的exhaustion (n。) 筋疲力盡;疲憊不堪17vacuum (n。) 真空;空白18rail (n.) 鐵軌19ceremony (n。) 儀式20track (n.) 軌道21means of transport 交通方式22get into/on 上(車)23get out of/off 下(車)24in the middle of 在中間25be short for 是的縮寫26pass a law 通過一項法律27out of date 過期;過時28all the time 總是;一直 29try to do sth。

8、 努力做某事30much faster than 比快得多31at a speed of 以的速度32attend the opening ceremony 參加開幕式重點知識分鐘distance n。 距離;遠方 vt。 與疏遠(教材P21)派生詞:distant adj。 遙遠的;冷淡的單句語法填空The noise of the car died away the distance。Now and then he stepped back to look at his work at distance.It is well.known that the sun is distant th

9、e earth.答案:inafrom單句寫作從北京到上海有多遠? from Beijing to Shanghai?很難了解她,因為她總是與每個人保持一定距離.It is difficult to get to know her because she always 。答案:What is the distancekeeps everyone at a distance(1)in the distance 在遠方;在遠處at a distance 稍遠處;隔一段距離keep sb. at a distance 與某人保持一定距離;對某人冷淡(2)be distant from 離遙遠名師點津對

10、于distance的提問多用what,而不用how far或者how long.abandoned adj. 被遺棄的(教材P23)詞根:abandon vt。 中途放棄;遺棄;拋棄 n。 放任;放縱單句語法填空The (abandon) children were taken from the streets to orphan asylums. After careful deliberation, they agreed to abandon (carry) out the project. The fans cheered abandon when their football tea

11、m won。答案:abandonedcarryingwith一句多譯年輕人沉迷于電腦游戲是有害的。It is harmful for young people to playing computer games。It is harmful for young people to playing computer games。答案:be abandoned to; abandon themselves to(1)abandon doing sth. 放棄做某事abandon oneself tobe abandoned to 沉迷于;縱情于(2)with abandon 恣意地;放縱地;盡情地名

12、師點津abandon oneself to和be abandoned to doing都表示“沉迷于”,注意這里的to 是介詞,后跟名詞、代詞或者動名詞。scenery n。 風景;景色(教材P23)選詞填空(scenery/scene/sight/view)Every year, plenty of people go to see the of Beijing。 On the way to Jiuzhaigou, we stopped our car again and again to enjoy the 。 We lived at the 13th floor of a hotel f

13、rom whose window we had a better of the city。 On the way back home, we saw the of an accident。答案:sightssceneryviewscene易混辨析shoot vt。 射殺;射中;拍攝 vi。 射擊(教材P23)單句語法填空He shot the bird with his gun but missed it。The teacher told the naughty boys not (shoot) the birds on the tree.答案:atto shoot單句寫作這部電影是20世紀9

14、0年代由一名著名導演拍攝的.The film by a famous director in the 1990s.人們不允許在自然保護區(qū)里獵殺動物。People the animals in the Nature Reserve。答案:was shotare not allowed to shoot易混辨析shoot側重用槍把某人打死或打傷,強調結果 shoot at指用槍朝某人或某物射擊,強調動作過程(未必擊中) 名師點津shoot作動詞講時,還有體育運動中的“投籃”“射門”之意,也可指投來目光、射來亮光等;另外,作動詞“疾馳(vi。) ,飛速通過(vt.)”講,表示使某物沿某方向突然或迅速

15、運動。shoot作名詞講時,意為“幼苗,嫩芽”。frighten vt. 使吃驚;驚嚇(教材P26)詞根:fright n. 驚嚇;使人驚嚇的經(jīng)歷派生詞:frightened adj. 害怕的;受驚的frightening adj。 引起恐懼的;使驚恐的;駭人的單句語法填空Dont frighten me doing something I dont want to do. Dont put your prices too high or youll frighten the customers .A sudden stop can be a very (frighten) experienc

16、e, especially if you are travelling at high speed.She was frightened the traffic accident which took place yesterday。Whenever she thought of it, she was trembling with (frighten). I was frightened thunder when I was young.答案:intoaway/offfrighteningat/byfrightof單句寫作他恐嚇我不要說出真相.He telling the truth。答案:

17、frightened me out of(1)frighten sb。 into/out of doing sth. 把某人嚇得做/不做某事frighten .。 away/off 把嚇跑(2)be frightened at/by 因害怕,被嚇壞了be frightened of 害怕【聯(lián)想】“動詞o/out of doing sth?!钡某R妱釉~集錦:persuade/talk/argue sb。 into/out of doing sth。說服某人做/不做某事cheat sb. into doing sth.欺騙某人做某事force sb。 into doing sth.迫使

18、某人做某事refer to指的是;提到;涉及;參考;查閱(教材P21)寫出下列句中refer to的含義When I study English, I like to put my dictionary within my reach so that I can refer to it when necessary. What does the underlined word “headwinds” in Paragraph 2 refer to? Jim insisted that the book Mr Black referred to was worth reading。 答案:查閱指

19、的是提到單句語法填空You may refer the matter him if necessary.Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future (refer)答案:toreference選詞填空(refer to/look up)I didnt understand the word, so I my dictionary. Unluckily, I couldnt the word in this dictionary.答案:referred to; look up(1)refer to 。.

20、 as 。.。 把稱作refer .。 to 。. 將送交給(以求獲得幫助等)(2)refer to a dictionarylook up sth. in a dictionary 查字典(3)reference n. 提及;參考;查閱名師點津refer的過去式、過去分詞和現(xiàn)在分詞都先雙寫 “r”, 再加上 “。ed” 或 “.ing” 。類似的詞還有prefer。get on 上(車、船等);進展;相處;繼續(xù)進行下去(教材P21)單句寫作The workers couldnt (繼續(xù)進行下去) for lack of materials。He isnt good at talking bu

21、t he (與相處得好) other people。And Im willing to help you to (擺脫) the situation。Are you sure that youll (通過) the examination?We must (克服) our shortcomings and mistakes in our work。As soon as I (下車) the bus, I (上車) a car and drove home。答案:get ongets on/along well withget out ofget throughget overgot off;

22、got intoget on/along (well) with 進展(順利);與相處(得好)get off 下(車、船等)get into 上(車);進入;陷入get out of 下(車);擺脫get over 克服get through 通過;完成;接通(電話)名師點津get on和get off 指上下大的交通工具,像巴士、火車、輪船等;而get into和get out of 指上下小型交通工具,像小汽車、的士等。take off (飛機)起飛;突然成功;脫去(衣服等);摘掉;(突然且出人意料地)離開;休假(教材P21)寫出下列句中take off的含義He took off his

23、 coat as soon as he entered his room. Because of heavy fog, the plane couldnt take off on time. After his third film, his career of film performance took off. His mother was seriously ill, so he had to take a day off to look after her。 答案:脫掉起飛突然成功請假介、副詞填空Im sorry to have taken so much of your time。I

24、t is certain that when Mr Green retires, his son will take the business from him.The more fat you take before bedtime, the greater burden you will put on your body at night.You should take the important points that the teacher mentions in class.In the past ten years, great changes have taken place i

25、n my lovely hometown, making it take a new look。The thief broke the shop window and took all the owners money.答案:upoverindownonawaytake away 拿走;奪走;減去;帶走(送到監(jiān)獄或醫(yī)院)take back 收回(錯話或錯誤的想法);退還;使回憶起take down 寫下,記下;拆卸take in 吸收;領會;欺騙;收留;(警察)帶走take on呈現(xiàn);承擔;聘用take over 接管(公司);(用武力)接管;接替;取代take up 舉(拿、撿、拔)起;開始

26、從事;著手處理;占用(時間、空間或精力);接受(建議或挑戰(zhàn))take offmore than 超過,多于;不僅是;很,非常(教材P23)寫出下列句中more than的含義I have known him for more than five years。 He is more than a friend to me. They are more than willing to help you。 The beauty of the mountainous village is more than I can describe。 答案:超過,多于不僅是很,非常超出的能力范圍單句寫作與其說他聰

27、明,不如說他幸運。He is 。再次見到你我非常高興.I am to see you again.答案:more lucky than clevermore than happybe short for 是的縮寫/簡稱(教材P23)單句語法填空What does IOC mean?It is short the International Olympic Committee. I still want to help you though I am short money too. short, everyone should take part in the fight against th

28、e haze。答案:forofIn單句寫作我有許多事情要告訴你們,但我想盡量簡短一些。I had many things to tell you, but I want .答案:to be shortbe short of 缺少;缺乏for short 簡稱;縮寫為in short 總之,簡言之to be short 簡單地說And what a ride!多么奇妙的一次乘車旅行啊?。ń滩腜23)單句語法填空 a good suggestion you have put forward! hard.working people these farmers are! great fun it i

29、s to swim in the river in summer! excited we were at the news that we won the first place! beautiful a girl she is!答案:WhatWhatWhatHowHow一句多譯他弟弟是多么聰明的孩子啊! his brother is! his brother is!答案:What a clever boy; How clever a boy常見感嘆句型:(1)Whata/an(adj。)可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)(主語謂語)!What(adj.)可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)/不可數(shù)名詞(主語謂語)?。?)Howadj./

30、adv。(主語謂語)!Howadj.a/an可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)(主語謂語)!I remember the day my father tried to teach me how to ride a bicycle.我記得我父親努力教我學自行車的那一天。(教材P26)單句寫作請教我如何操作這臺機器。Please show me .在哪里開會我們都還不知道. is not known yet to all of us.問題是挑選哪一本書.The question is .她不知道該如何去幫助那位老人.She had no idea 。答案:how to operate the machineWhere

31、to hold the meetingwhich book to choosehow to help the old man“疑問詞不定式結構:(1)“疑問詞不定式”結構在句中可以作主語、賓語、表語、同位語等.(2)接不定式的疑問詞有:who, which, what, when, where, how, whether等。名師點津“疑問詞不定式”結構作主語時,謂語動詞要用單數(shù)形式;該結構中的不定式常用一般式,且常用主動形式表示被動含義。Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometres per hour, the train can complete t

32、he 30。kilometre journey in eight minutes。 以每小時四百多公里的速度行駛,磁懸浮火車8分鐘之內可以走完這30公里的路程。(教材P29)單句語法填空 (be) ill, she didnt come to school today。 (walk) along the street, he met an old friend。The girls came in, (follow) their parents. (see) nobody at home, he decided to leave them a note.The poor old man died

33、, (leave) nothing to his children.答案:BeingWalkingfollowingSeeingleaving現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語:(1)現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語可表時間、原因、條件、伴隨、方式以及結果等。(2)現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語時,其邏輯主語是句子的主語,并且與主語之間有主動關系,且與謂語動詞所表示的動作同時進行。課文回練分鐘語法填空Recently I had my first ride on a long.distance train。 And what a ride! A friend and I 1 (spend) two days and nights on the t

34、rain. The train was wonderful and we ate great meals 2 (cook) by experts.We first saw fields with dark red soil, desert with no green things on and then 3 (abandon) farms 4 were built over a century ago。 On the train, I sat and looked out of the window, and sometimes talked to other 5 (passenger). W

35、hy is the train called the Ghan? In order 6 (get) to the middle of the country, Australians tried riding horses 7 the horses didnt like the hot weather and sand。 So they brought some camels from Afghanistan. Ghan is short 8 Afghanistan. For many years, trained camels carried food and other supplies

36、9 (regular), and returned with wool and other products. Until the 1920s, the government built a new railway line, so they didnt need the camels any more。 People 10 (allow) to shoot the camels if they were a problem. 1。 2. 3。 4。 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 答案:1.spent2.cooked3.abandoned4。which5.passengers6.to

37、get7.but8。for9。regularly10。were allowed隨堂檢測分鐘.單句語法填空1This boy was himself to taking drugs. (abandon)答案:abandoned; abandoning2In the , her fluent English left a deep impression on the 。 (interview)答案:interview; interviewer3In order to increase its , the introduced high technology. (product)答案:product

38、ion; producer4Mary was too to tell her family the scene. (fright)答案:frightened; frightening5The long journey made the children 。 (exhaust)答案:exhausting; exhausted6Children should (train) in table manners from an early age.答案:be trained7-You looks so sleepy.Yes。 I didnt go to bed two oclock in the mo

39、rning.答案:until/till8Take your time-its just a short (distant) from here to the restaurant。答案:distance9 interesting a book it is! I want to read it again.答案:How10。 When I passed by, I saw the kids (shoot) arrows at a target。答案:shooting.選詞填空get into, get out of, take off, be short for, out of date, re

40、fer to, at a speed of, for the first time, all the time, more than1If you dont know the spelling of a word, you should a dictionary。 答案:refer to2As we grow up, we find that it is difficult to be honest . Sometimes well have to tell lies。 答案:all the time3Anxious all the time, I was unable to keep focused for


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