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2、ketiing Strrateegy(19999-111-228)1.ObbjecctivvesEmaiil iis nnot onlly aa ussefuul ttooll foor ccommmuniicattionn onn thhe IInteerneet bbut alsso aa veery impporttantt maarkeetinng ttooll onn thhe IInteerneet. Hoow ddo wweb marrketterss usse eemaiils to marrkett thheirr buusinnessses on thee Innterrn

3、ett? Howw immporrtannt iis ssuchh emmaill maarkeetinng tto wweb bussineessees?Howw efffecctivve iis eemaiil mmarkketiing in braandiing, buuilddingg reelattionnshiip aand selllinng pprodductts oor sservvicees? Whhat aree thhe eeffeectiive emaail marrkettingg sttrattegiies? Hoow tto ddeveelopp yoour o

4、wnn emmaill maarkeetinng sstraateggiess? Thesse aare thee quuesttionns ccurrrenttly witth nno aanswwerss. BBut webb maarkeeterrs aare waiitinng ffor thee annsweers. Thhis Emmaill Maarkeetinng SStraateggy surrveyy waas ddesiigneed tto aanswwer theese queestiionss.2.Suurveey pproccesssAs aa reeseaarch

5、h prrojeect in thee weeb mmarkketiing ressearrch serriess: EExplloriing thee Weeb BBusiinesss MMarkketss, LLinkkExcchannge Daiily Diggestt annd WWebCCMO connducctedd a surrveyy abboutt emmaill maarkeetinng sstraateggy bbetwweenn Apprill annd JJunee off 19999. Thhe ssurvvey annnounncemmentt waas ppos

6、tted on LinnkExxchaangee Daailyy Diigesst aand WebbCMOO Joournnal of Webb Maarkeetinng RReseearcch. Theere werre ttotaal oof 3372 ressponnsess too thhe ssurvvey. Affterr reemovvingg thhe ddupllicaatess annd uunquualiifieed oobseervaatioons, thheree weere 3466 leeft in thee annalyysiss.3. MMajoor ffi

7、nddinggsThe anaalyssis hass geenerrateed mmanyy innterresttingg reesullts:a. EEmaiil mmaillingg liistss arre ppopuularr ammongg weeb bbusiinesssess. MMoree thhan 68% suurveeyedd saaid theeir webb buusinnessses havve aat lleasst oone emaail maiilinng llistt; b.Moost maiilinng llistts aare smaall in n

8、ummberrs. Aboout 70% weeb mmarkketeers saiid ttheiir eemaiil mmaillingg liistss haave lesss tthann 10000 subbscrribeers;c. GGeneerattingg reevennue (7%) aand braandiing (7%) aare nott thhe pprimmaryy puurpoosess off maainttainningg ann emmaill maailiing lisst. Thee toop tthreee pprimmaryy puurpooses

9、s arre: proomottingg prroduuctss/seerviicess (332%), bbuilldinng ccommmuniity (233%) andd coommuuniccatiion (211%);d.899% oof tthe emaail maiilinng llistts hhavee opp-inn pooliccy wwhille 884% havve oop-oout pollicyy;e. EEmaiil nnewsslettterr iss moore efffecttivee inn buuilddingg cuustoomerr reelat

10、tionnshiip. Witth aan 11 too 5 scaale rattingg, (wheere 1 mmeanns verry iinefffecctivve andd 5 meaans veery efffecttivee ), tthe aveeragge rratiingss arre:builldinng ccusttomeer rrelaatioonshhip (3.8),buiildiing a ccommmuniity (3.6), prromootinng pprodductts/sservvicees (3.55),bbranndinng (3.55)annd

11、 ggeneerattingg reevennuess (22.8); f.Abboutt 577% oof tthe ressponnsess saaid thaat eemaiil mmarkketiing is impporttantt orr veery impporttantt too thheirr weeb bbusiinesssess. HHoweeverr att thhe ssamee tiime, abboutt 644% tthouughtt thhey didd noot ddevoote enooughh effforrts to devveloop aand ex

12、eecutte ttheiir eemaiil mmarkketiing strrateegiees; g.Too puubliish thee emmaill neewsllettterss frrequuenttly, too coommuuniccatee wiith thee suubsccribberss annd tto mmeett reeadeers neeedss arre tthe keyy drriveers to devveloop aa suucceessfful emaail maiilinng llistt.4. DDetaaileed ffinddinggsIn

13、 tthiss suurveey ddesiign, wee trry tto uundeersttandd eaach asppectt off deevellopiing an emaail maiilinng llistt foor aa weeb bbusiinesss. Whhen to staart to buiild an emaail maiilinng llisttWe ffirsst aaskeed tthe surrveyy reespoondeentss abboutt thhe hhisttoryy off thheirr weeb bbusiinesssess an

14、nd tthenn abboutt thhe hhisttoryy off thheirr emmaill maailiing lisst. HHow lonng hhas youur bbusiinesss bbeenn onn thhe IInteerneet? Lesss thhan 6 mmontths 22%6-122 moonthhs20%13-224 mmontths 18%25-336 mmontths 19%Moree thhan 3 yyearrs20%. HHow lonng hhavee yoou bbeenn puubliishiing youur eemaiil n

15、newsslettterr(s)?Lesss thhan 6 mmontths 54% 6-122 moonthhs 21% 13-224 mmontths15% 25-336 mmontths 5%Moree thhan 3 yyearrs 5%Althhouggh tthesse ttwo grooupss off nuumbeers wonnt telll uus eexacctlyy onn avveraage wheen aa weeb bbusiinesss sstarrts to buiild itss emmaill maailiing lisst, we seee thhe

16、ddisccreppanccy bbetwweenn thhe ttwo grooupss. MManyy weeb bbusiinesssess sttartted to buiild theeir emaail maiilinng llistts llongg tiime aftter theey sstarrtedd thheirr weeb bbusiinesssess. AAnd manny wweb bussineessees eevenn haavennt staarteed tto bbuilld ttheiir eemaiil mmaillingg liistss yeet.

17、 Is iit nnot impporttantt too buuildd ann emmaill maailiing lisst? Or somme wweb marrketterss haavennt reaalizzed thee immporrtannce of emaail marrkettingg? If yyou donnt havve yyourr owwn eemaiil mmaillingg liist, itt miightt bee thhe ttimee too sttartt too buuildd yoourss. Sizze oof eemaiil mmaill

18、ingg liistssThe sizze oof eemaiil mmaillingg liistss deeterrminnes howw efffecctivve yyourr emmaill maarkeetinng sstraateggiess arre. HHow manny mmaillingg liistss dooes youur wweb bussineess currrenntlyy haave?0 32% 134% 2 14%37%4-56%Moree thhan 58%. HHow manny ssubsscriiberrs ddoess yoour emaail n

19、ewwsleetteer hhavee?Lesss thhan 500055%500-10000 14% 10011-200004%20011-50000 10%50011-1000000 5%100001-2200000 1%200001-5500000 4%Moree thhan 500000 6%Mostt emmaill maailiing lissts aree reelattiveely smaall: abboutt 699% aare lesss tthann 10000 subbscrribeers. Onnly aboout 10% off thhe eemaiil mma

20、illingg liistss haave morre 110,0000 subbscrribeers. Thhe ssizee off yoour emaail maiilinng llistt iss allso dettermmineed bby wwhatt buusinnesss yoou aare in: iff yoou aare in a bb-too-b bussineess, yoou aare lesss llikeely to gett a bigg suubsccripptioon nnumbber. Dyynammicss off emmaill maailiing

21、 lissts The infformmatiion aboout wheen tto sstarrt aan eemaiil mmaillingg liist andd thhe ssizee off ann maailiing lisst ddiscclosses onlly tthe staaticc sttatuus oof aan eemaiil mmaillingg liist. Heere we inttrodducee soome nummberr too deescrribee thhe ddynaamicc grrowtth oof aa maailiing lisst.

22、OOn aaverragee hoow mmanyy neew ssubsscriiberrs ddoess yoour emaail newwsleetteer gget EACCH WWEEKK? Lesss thhan 536%5-100 24% 11-220 11% 21-550 9% 51-1100 9%Moree thhan 100010%. OOn aaverragee, hhow manny ssubsscriiberrs uunsuubsccribbe yyourr emmaill neewsllettter(s) durringg eaach pubbliccatiion?

23、Lesss thhan 5 77%5-100 14% 11-220 4%21-550 3%Moree thhan 50 3%. OOn aaverragee whhat perrcenntagge oof tthe emaail adddresssess inn yoour maiilinng llistt(s) iss obbsolletee orr innvallid durringg eaach pubbliccatiion? Lesss thhan 0.11%40% 0.1-0.55% 22% 0.5-1% 10%1-2% 14%2-5%10%Moree thhan 5% 5% The

24、sse nnumbberss giive us a ggeneerall piictuure of thee grrowtth oof eemaiil mmaillingg liistss. UUsuaallyy yoou wwont eexpeect a ffastt grrowtth oof yyourr emmaill maailiing lisst. Onlly aabouut 110% of thee emmaill maailiing lissts havve mmoree thhan 1000 neew ssubsscriiberrs eeachh weeek. Thhat is

25、 aboout 5,0000 neww suubsccribberss eaach yeaar. Howweveer, youu haave to figght freequeentlly aagaiinstt thhe nnumbberss off unnsubbscrripttionn annd oobsoolette eemaiil aaddrressses. Ussuallly youu loose morre ssubsscriiberrs wwithh obbsolletee emmaill adddreessees tthann wiith unssubsscriiptiions

26、s. Prromootioons The genneraal mmarkketiing rulle aapplliess too emmaill maailiing lisst: if youu doontt prromoote, yoou aare lesss llikeely to groow. Letts seee hoow wweb marrketterss prromoote theeir emaail maiilinng llistts. . Hoow ddo yyou atttracct nnew subbscrribeers forr yoour emaail newwslee

27、tteer(ss)? Prommotiion 48% Sweeepsttakee 9%Op-iin ssubsscriiptiion73% Op-oout maiilinng llistt (uunsoolicciteed eemaiil) 11%. Iff yoou pprommotee, hhow do youu prromoote youur eemaiil nnewsslettterr(s)?1. CConttribbutiion to onllinee diiscuussiionss/puubliicattionns 332% 2. Recciprrocaal pprommotiio

28、n witth ootheer eemaiil nnewsslettterrs 117% 3. Advverttisiing/spoonsoorshhip 23% (Notte: thee abbovee twwo qquesstioons allloweed mmoree thhan onee annsweer.)The mosst ppopuularr meethood tto gget neww suubsccribberss iss onnlinne oop-iin ssubsscriiptiion. Whhilee thheree arre sstilll aabouut 111%

29、webb maarkeeterrs uusinng uunsoolicciteed eemaiil tto ggroww thheirr maailiing lissts. Wiill thaat bbe aa daangeerouus ggamee? WWe wwilll seee tthe ansswerr laaterr. Objjecttivees aand efffecttiveenesss Peopple creeatee emmaill maailiing lissts forr diiffeerennt ppurpposees. Howw efffecctivve iis ee

30、maiil mmaillingg liistss too fuulfiil tthesse oobjeectiivess?. Whhat is thee prrimaary purrposse oof yyourr emmaill neewsllettter(s)?Builldinng ccommmuniity 23% Prommotiing prooduccts/serrvicces32% Branndinng 7%Commmuniicattionn 21% Geneerattingg reevennue 7%Publlishhingg4% Otheer 7% . Coompaare to

31、othher webb maarkeetinng ttoolls, howw efffecctivve iis yyourr emmaill neewsllettter(s) in buiildiing a ccommmuniity?Veryy efffecctivve 29%28% 26%9% Veryy innefffecttivee 9%. Coompaare to othher webb maarkeetinng ttoolls, howw efffecctivve iis yyourr emmaill neewsllettter(s) in proomottingg prroduuc

32、tss/seerviicess? Veryy efffecctivve 20% 29%35% 12%Veryy innefffecttivee 4% . Coompaare to othher webb maarkeetinng ttoolls, howw efffecctivve iis yyourr emmaill neewsllettter(s) in braandiing?Veryy efffecctivve 23% 29%29% 13%Veryy innefffecttivee 7%. Coompaare to othher webb maarkeetinng ttoolls, ho

33、ww efffecctivve iis yyourr emmaill neewsllettter(s) in buiildiing cusstommer rellatiionsshipp?Veryy efffecctivve 31%36% 23% 7% Veryy innefffecttivee 4%. Coompaare to othher webb maarkeetinng ttoolls, howw efffecctivve iis yyourr emmaill neewsllettter(s) in genneraatinng rreveenuees? Veryy efffecctiv

34、ve 13% 17%26% 28%Veryy innefffecttivee 17%If yyou wannt tto mmakee mooneyy diirecctlyy frrom youur eemaiil mmaillingg liist, itt seeemss itt iss noot tthe besst iideaa. IInstteadd, iit iis aa tiime andd mooneyy coonsuuminng pproccesss. TThe datta sshoww thhat an emaail maiilinng llistt iss moost eff

35、fecttivee inn buuilddingg coommuunittiess annd rrelaatioonshhip witth yyourr cuustoomerrs.5. CCostts oof eemaiil mmaillingg liistssMainntaiininng aan eemaiil mmaillingg liist is a ttimee annd mmoneey cconssumiing tassk. Theerefforee beeforre yyou creeatee a lisst, youu neeed to knoow wwhatt yoou aar

36、e goiing to payy foor iit. Hoow oofteen ddo yyou pubblissh yyourr emmaill neewsllettter(s)?Dailly 3% Seveerall tiimess a weeek6%Weekkly 24%Biweeeklly 12%Montthlyy 33%Quarrterrly 5% Irreegullarlly 18%. Onn avveraage howw coostlly iis iit tto mmainntaiin yyourr emmaill neewsllettter(s)?$0 pper monnth

37、41%$1-$10 perr moonthh 14%$11-$200 peer mmontth 10% $21-$500 peer mmontth 13%$51-$1000 pper monnth 6% Moree thhan $1000 pper monnth17% . Onn avveraage howw maany houurs do youu (oor yyourr sttafff) nneedd too maainttainn annd ppubllishh yoour emaail newwsleetteer(ss) eeachh weeek?Lesss thhan 5 hhour

38、rs 64%5-100 hoourss 23% 11-115 hhourrs 4%15-220 hhourrs 5%Moree thhan 20 houurs 5%No ppainns, no gaiins. Iff yoou wwantt too puubliish a ggoodd emmaill neewsllettter, yoou nneedd too innvesst aa coonsiiderrablle aamouunt of timme iin iit. As welll, if youu waant to maiintaain a llargge eemaiil mmail

39、lingg liist effficiienttly, a goood mmaillingg liist hosst sservvicee iss woorthh off thhe mmoneey yyou payy.As wwe wwilll diiscuuss latter, too puubliish youur eemaiil nnewsslettterr frrequuenttly andd too maainttainn goood commmunnicaatioons witth yyourr reeadeers aree thhe kkey driiverrs tto ssuc

40、ccesss. AAll theese neeed yyourr innvesstmeent of timme aand monney.6. IImpoortaancee annd eeffoortss Is aan eemaiil mmaillingg liist impporttantt too a webb buusinnesss? HHavee weeb mmarkketeers devvoteed eenouugh efffortts tto tthiss maarkeetinng ttooll? . Hoow iimpoortaant is youur eemaiil nnewss

41、lettterr inn thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof yyourr weeb bbusiinesss? Veryy immporrtannt 34%23% 26%9% Veryy unnimpporttantt 9% Compparee too thhe iimpoortaancee off yoour emaail newwsleetteer(ss) iin yyourr weeb bbusiinesss ddeveeloppmennt, havve yyou devvoteed eenouugh efffortts tto ddeveelopp annd eexecc

42、utee yoour emaail marrkettingg sttrattegyy? Moree thhan enooughh 4%14% 18%30%Far froom eenouugh 34%The bassic marrkettingg deecissionn ruule is: too puut yyourr effforrts on thee moost impporttantt faactoors thaat iinflluennce youur wweb bussineessees. If youu thhinkk itt iss immporrtannt tto mmainn

43、taiin yyourr owwn eemaiil mmaillingg liist, yoou hhavee too deevotte eenouugh efffortts iin iit.To uuse an emaail maiilinng llistt too buuildd ann onnlinne ccommmuniity andd too buuildd reelattionnshiips witth yyourr cuustoomerrs wwilll bee moore efffecttivee annd llesss coostlly tthann ottherr meet

44、hoods.7. PPoliicieesHeree wee annalyyze thee diiffeerennt ppoliiciees aadopptedd byy weeb mmarkketeers in theeir emaail maiilinng llistts. Dooes youur eemaiil nnewsslettterr haave an op-in pollicyy? Yes 89% Noo 111% . Dooes youur eemaiil nnewsslettterr haave an op-outt pooliccy?Yes 84%No 16% . Doo y

45、oou kknoww thhe ddemoograaphiic iinfoormaatioon aabouut yyourr emmaill neewsllettter(s) subbscrribeers? Yes 49% Noo 511% . Doo yoou ccusttomiize youur eemaiil nnewsslettterr too meeet inddiviiduaal ssubsscriiberrs neeeds? Yes 23% Noo 777% . Doo yoou pprovvidee HTTML verrsioon eemaiil nnewsslettterr(

46、s)?Yes 27% Noo 733% . Iff yoou pprovvidee HTTML verrsioon eemaiil nnewsslettterr(s), wwhatt peerceentaage of youur ssubsscriiberrs ssubsscriibe HTMML vverssionn emmaill neewsllettter(s)?Lesss thhan 5% 18%5-100% 23%10-220% 11% 20-330% 11%30-550% 11%Moree thhan 50% 25%Mostt emmaill maailiing lissts ad

47、oopt thee baasicc opp-inn annd oop-oout rulle. Aboout hallf oof tthe maiilinng llistts cclaiim tthatt thhey knoow tthe demmogrraphhic infformmatiion aboout theeir subbscrribeers. Wee diid nnot digg fuurthher to finnd oout howw thhey obttainn thhat infformmatiion. HTMLL veersiion emaail maiilinng lli

48、stt iss ann innterresttingg isssuee. AAbouut aa quuartter webb maarkeeterrs pprovvidee HTTML verrsioon eemaiil nnewsslettterrs. Thee suubsccripptioon tto HHTMLL veersiion newwsleetteer iis ssomeewhaat tto oour surrpriise: abboutt 155% ssaidd thheirr HTTML verrsioon ssubsscriiberrs eexceeed 50%. BBut

49、 we shaall be cauutioous witth tthesse nnumbberss beecauuse we havve aa smmalll saamplle (44 obsservvatiionss) oon tthiss quuesttionn.8. CCommmercciall vaaluee off ann emmaill maailiing lisstMaillingg liist spoonsoorshhip is a rresoourcce oof rreveenuee. WWhatt iss thhe ccommmercciall vaaluee off an

50、n emmaill maailiing lisst?. Dooes youur eemaiil nnewsslettterr accceppt ssponnsorred proomottionn?Yes 41%No 59% . Onn avveraage, hoow mmuchh doo yoou ccharrge forr spponssoreed iinfoormaatioon? (plleasse cconvvertt thhe ppricce tto pper thoousaand subbscrribeers)Lesss thhan US$5 18%US$55-USS$100 24%

51、US$111-UUS$1157% US$116-UUS$22018%Moree thhan US$20 34%. Whhat is thee avveraage ressponnse ratte wwhenn yoou pprommotee yoour ownn prroduuctss/seerviicess viia yyourr emmaill neewsllettter(s)?Lesss thhan 0.55%18% 0.5-1%16%1-2% 19%2-5%17%5-100% 14% 10-220% 10%Moree thhan 20% 6%. Whhat is thee avvera

52、age ressponnse ratte tto yyourr emmaill neewsllettter spoonsoors prromootioon?Lesss thhan 0.55%19%0.5-1%18% 1-2% 23% 2-5%23%5-100% 12%10-220% 5% Moree thhan 20% 0%. Hoow ddiffficuult is it to finnd ssponnsorrs ffor youur eemaiil nnewsslettterr? Veryy diiffiicullt26% 29% 21% 14% Veryy eaasy11%he vval

53、uue oof aan eemaiil mmaillingg liist is froom iits auddiennce. Itt iss a verry ttarggeteed aaudiiencce. It is inttereestiing to seee thhat in genneraal iit iis mmoree efffecctivve tto ccarrry yyourr owwn iinfoormaatioon tthann caarryy ottherrs.9. UUnsoolicciteed eemaiilsUnsoolicciteed eemaiils aree

54、atttraactiive beccausse iit ccostts mmuchh leess. Buut aat tthe samme ttimee peeoplle aare scaaredd byy itt beecauuse it mayy brringg unnexppectted connseqquenncess too a webb buusinnesss. PPleaase reaad tthe nummberrs bbeloow wwithh caautiion. Thhe sstattistticss iss baasedd onn a rellatiivelly ssm

55、alllerr saamplle ssizee (aabouut 556 oobseervaatioons). Haave youu ussed unssoliicitted emaailss too prromoote youur pprodductts/sservvicees? Yes 24%No 76% . Iff yoou hhavee ussed unssoliicitted emaail proomottionn, wwhatt iss thhe pposiitivve rrespponsse rratee off suuch unssoliicitted emaail proom

56、ottionn?Lesss thhan 0.55%29% 0.5-1%19% 1-2% 9%2-5%22%5-100% 10%Moree thhan 1012%. Iff yoou hhavee ussed unssoliicitted emaail proomottionn, wwhatt iss thhe flaamedd rrespponsse rratee off suuch unssoliicitted emaail proomottionn?Lesss thhan 0.55%48%0.5-1%15% 1-2% 19%2-5%9%5-100% 6% Moree thhan 104%. Iff yoou hhavee ussed u


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  • 5. 人人文庫(kù)網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請(qǐng)與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


