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1、Syllabus ofPsychologyCourse Name: PsychologyCourse Code:Credits: 3Total Credit Hours: 64Lecture Hours: 32Experiment Hours: 0Programming Hours: 0Practice Hours: 32Total Number of Experimental (Programming) Projects 0 , Compulsory ( 0 ), Optional ( 0 ). School: School of BusinessMajor: Business admini

2、strationI Course Nature & AimsPsychology is not only an old but also a young and developing subject, which has a history of more than 100 years. In the process of its development, the research and application fields of psychology are expanding day by day. From the exploration of brain function of bi

3、ological organism to the study of social behavior of groups; fi*om the frontier basic research to the increasingly extensive social application; from the study of macro social psychological phenomena and behaviors to the study of micro gene regulation of psychology and behaviors, psychology is more

4、important than before. In the program of professional training, psychology is not only an elective course but also a basic course for students who major in Business Administration. The feature of this course is to pay attention to the comprehensive understanding and application of theories, methods

5、and skills.The main purpose of this course is to improve students9 mental health level and self-development ability, and cultivate their ability to apply psychology to study psychological activities and laws in their study and life. This course mainly involves the basic knowledge of psychology and p

6、rovides the basis for the fbllow-up courses. The main teaching task of this course is to make students understand the basic knowledge and theory of psychology, systematically grasp the general laws of psychological phenomena, understand the application of psychological knowledge in management practi

7、ce, provide effective knowledge and practical ability for students9 future study and work, enable students to apply their knowledge, and provide basic theories and methods for business management research.II Course Objectives1. Moral Education and Character CultivationThrough the study of psychology

8、 course, students can master the basic theory and technology of psychology, and have a comprehensive understanding of psychology related knowledge. By combing the development history and future development trend of psychology, analyzing the basic theory and application of psychology in depth, studen

9、ts should master the basic principles and emotional theory, students are required to master emotional state and emotional theory, focusing on emotional theory, understanding emotional experience and emotional state, understanding the definition, classification and physiological mechanism of emotion.

10、 Through the study of this chapter, improve students* emotional experience and emotional awareness, cultivate students* emotional recognition ability, and comprehensively improve students emotional health level.Teaching Focus : emotion theory, dimension and classification of emotion and emotional ex

11、perienceTeaching Difficulties: peripheral emotion theory, thalamus emotion theoryWillpowerOverview of WillpowerPsychological Structure of WillpowerWillpower Control and Out of ControlQuality of WillpowerTeaching requirements: this chapter mainly deals with the psychological structure of will, the co

12、ntrol and out of control of will, and the quality of will. It requires students to master the psychological structure of will, focusing on the psychological mechanism of goal, ambition level, conflict and contradiction psychology and decision-making, understanding the quality of will, and understand

13、ing the physiological mechanism of will control and out of control and will. Through the study of this chapter, we can improve students ability to deal with difficulties and solve problems, and cultivate students1 indomitable will and independent, firm, decisive and self-control personality.Teaching

14、 Focus : psychological structure and quality of willTeaching Difficulties: physiological mechanism of willIntelligenceOverview of IntelligenceIntelligence TestIntellectual StructureIntellectual DevelopmentPersons with Special IntelligenceTeaching requirements: this chapter mainly deals with intellig

15、ence test, intelligence structure, intelligence development and special intelligence. Students are required to master intelligence test and intelligence structure, focus on three classic scales of intelligence test, understand intelligence factor theory, intelligence structure theory, Stenbergs inte

16、lligence ternary theory, Gardners multiple intelligence concept, understand the general trend of intelligence development and affect intelligence shape The factors of success and development and the people with special intelligence. Through the study of this chapter, students can improve their abili

17、ty to analyze problems, develop their correct understanding of themselves and others, and firmly establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and outlook on truth.Teaching Focus intelligence test, intelligence structureTeaching Difficulties: intellectual development and persons with special in

18、telligencePersonalityOverview of PersonalityTemperament TheoryCharacter FormationPersonality TheoryPersonality EvaluationTeaching requirements: this chapter mainly deals with temperament theory, character formation, personality theory and personality evaluation. Students are required to master perso

19、nality theory and personality evaluation, focusing on the psychoanalytic theory of personality, the humanistic theory of personality and the trait theory of personality, understand the biological and environmental conditions of personality formation, and understand the basic characteristics and temp

20、erament theory of personality. Through the study of this chapter, we can improve the ability of students to understand themselves, improve their personality, and improve their ability of cross career development and pursuit of happiness.Teaching Focus :personality theory, personality evaluationTeach

21、ing Difficulties: biological and environmental conditions of personality formationIV Distribution Table of Study TimeTeaching ContentIdeological and Political IntegratedLeet ure Hour sExpe rime nt HoursPract iceHoursProg ram ming HoursSelf-s tudy HoursExer cise ClassDisc ussio n Hour sChapter 1 Intr

22、oduction1.1 Nature of Psychology 1.2 Methods of Psychology 13 History of Psychology1.4 Characteristics of Contemporary PsychologyThe 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: theoretical confidence2Chapter 2 Origin and Nature of Psychology2.1 Origin ofThe 19th National Congress of the

23、Communist Party of21PsychologyEvolution of Animal PsychologyGeneration of Human PsychologyNature of HumanPsychologyChina: Road confidenceChapter 3 BiologicalBasis of PsychologyNervous System and NeuronsThree FunctionalSystems of BrainResearch Methods of Brain MechanismEndocrine SystemEffect of Hered

24、ity on Behavior21Chapter 4 Environmental Basis of PsychologyEnvironmental ContentNatural EnvironmentSocial EnvironmentSocial ImpactPublic AtmosphereTo create a good social environment for the growth of young people and cultivate innovative talents with healthy personality for the society5111Chapter

25、5 Lifelong Psychological DevelopmentBasic Point of View of Psychological DevelopmentPregnancy and InfancyEarly Childhood and ChildhoodAdolescenceAdulthoodThe 19th NationalCongress of CPC: Strategy of strengthening the country with talents; Adhere to the strategy of sustainable development2Chapter 6

26、State of ConsciousnessOverview of Consciousness State 6.2 Awakening and SleepDreamHypnosisPsychotropic Drugs and Abnormal State of Consciousness2Chapter 7 MotivationOverview of MotivationBiological MotivationSocial MotivationSocialist core values: Patriotism and dedication; four self-confidence, esp

27、ecially cultural self-confidence;5117.4 Motivation Theory7.5 Valuesunderstanding socialist core values and national conditions, with a sense of mission and responsibility to safeguard national interests and promote national rejuvenation and social progressChapter 8 AttentionOverview of AttentionType

28、s of AttentionCharacteristics of AttentionAttention Theory21Chapter 9 FeelingOverview of FeelingBasic Law of SensationVisionHearingOther Feelings21Chapter 10 Perception 10.1 Overview of PerceptionCharacteristics of PerceptionSpatial Perception 10.4 Time Perception 10.5 Motor Perception 10.6 Illusion

29、21Chapter 11 LearningOverview of LearningClassical Conditioning 11.3 Function of Operation ConditionsCognitive LearningLearning Transfer211Chapter 12 MemoryOverview of MemorySensory MemoryShort -termMemoryLong-term MemoryOblivion21Chapter 13 ThinkingOverview of ThinkingConcept FormationReasoningProb

30、lem solvingThe 19th National Congress of CPC: Training Innovative Talents213.5 Creative thinkingChapter 14 SpeechOverview of SpeechSpeech AcquisitionSpeech ProductionSpeech Understanding 14.5 Nonverbal CommunicationCultural Confidence2Chapter 15 EmotionsOverview of EmotionsEmotional ExperienceEmotio

31、nal StateExpressionEmotional TheoryWhat kind of people should education cultivate?411Chapter 16 WillpowerOverview of WillpowerPsychological Structure of WillpowerWillpower Control and Out of ControlQuality of WillpowerWhat kind of people should education cultivate?21Chapter 17 Intelligence 17.1 Over

32、view of Intelligence17.2 Intelligence Test 17.3 Intellectual Structure17.4 Intellectual Development 17.5 Persons with Special IntelligenceThe 19th National Congress of CPC: Training Innovative Talents2Chapter 18 Personality 18.1 Overview of Personality 18.2 Temperament Theory 18.3 Character Formatio

33、n18.4 Personality Theory 18.5 Personality EvaluationWhat kind of people should education cultivate?311Course SummaryTotal468244Sum64V Summary of Experimental (Programming) ProjectsNo experiment (programming) sessionVI Teaching MethodIn the process of building a learning community between teachers an

34、d students, this course focuses on the improvement of students* comprehensive quality. The teaching mode adopts teaching method research + case teaching inquiry + classroom experience + interdisciplinary research”, mainly combining classroom teaching, discussion teaching, mixed teaching, independent

35、 learning, practical teaching, heuristic teaching and other methods.Classroom teaching: This course is mainly taught by teachers in class, supplemented by self-study and homework based on course video materials and case materials. In the course of teaching, blackboard writing and multimedia teaching

36、 should be used flexibly. In the process of teaching, teachers and students should strengthen interaction and pay attention to heuristic teaching.Discussion Teaching: it mainly adopts case-based teaching inquiry and carries out discussion activities according to specific teaching contents. The teach

37、er selects the cases and provides the discussion questions. The students prepare after class in groups, and then conduct the discussion in class, so as to improve the students* team cooperation ability.Blended Teaching: Based on the MOOC* platform of Jiangnan University, some online and offline hybr

38、id teaching methods are interspersed in the teaching process, and some contents are self-taught by students.Heuristic teaching: for important knowledge points, we use the idea of putting forward problems, analyzing problems and solving problems to teach, imperceptibly cultivate students* ability to

39、analyze and solve problems, as well as their comprehensive ability of communication and adaptability, emphasize the importance of practical experience, and strengthen the knowledge learned in practice.VG Course Assessment and Achievement EvaluationAssessment Methods: ExaminationExamination Formats :

40、 Open-bookGrading Methods: Five-levelCourse Assessment Content, Assessment Format and Supporting Course ObjectivesCourse Objectives (Indices)Assessment ContentAssessment Formats and Proportion (%)GradingClassroo mQuestion ingAssign mentEvalua tionRoutine TestExperi mentReportTermReportTermPaperMidte

41、r mExamFinalExamPropor tion (%)Objective 1 (Index 1-2)The production of human psychology, the nature of human psychology, the influence of heredity on behavior, lifelong51520psychological development, biological motivation, social motivation, motivation theory, valuesObjective 3 (Index 3-1)Social en

42、vironment, social impact, public atmosphere, concept formation, reasoning, problem solving, creative thinking5551530Objective 3 (Index 3-2)Social environment, social influence, public atmosphere, social motivation, motivation theory, values, verbal understanding, nonverbal communication between list

43、ening and communication, the5101530Objective 12 (Index 12-2)State of consciousness, attention, feeling, perception, learning, memory, thinking, speech, emotion, will, intelligence, personality51520Total10155100060100VID Course ResourcesCourse ResourcesTextbooks :Huangxiting, Zhengyong. Introduction

44、to Psychology (third edition) M.Beijing:Peoples Education Press,2015.Bibliography :Sunshijin, Wangjinli. Introduction to Psychology M. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2016.Yeyigan, Zhubei, Tanheping. Psychology (fifth edition) M. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2016.3J Wayne waden, t

45、ranslated by Gaodingguo, et al. Introduction to Psychology (ninth Edition) MJ. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2019.David G. myers, translated by Huangxiting et al. Psychology (ninth Edition) M. Beijing:Peoples post and Telecommunications Press, 2013.Richard J. Gerrig, Philip G. Zimbardo, translated b

46、y Wanglei et al. Psychology and Life (nineteenth edition) MJ. Beijing: Posts and Telecommunications Press, 2016.Reading Materials :CNKI China national knowledge network, super star digital library and other digital resources collection of related psychology academic papers.The universitys collection

47、 of newspapers, magazines, books and other related materials.Domestic and foreign economic management academic website information.Courses related to management communication on MOOC platforms at home and abroad.IX NotesPrerequisites: NoneFollow-up Courses: Organizational behavior; Human Resource ma

48、nagement; Management Psychology; Consumer BehaviorThe contents and requirements of the self-study part of students: here are two parts in the self-study part of students, one is to read and understand the self-study content in the book; the other is to complete the introduction to psychology exercis

49、e set. Students are required to carefully read the relevant contents of the textbook and complete the corresponding exercises in Introduction to Psychology Exercise Set on time, all of which are assessed as their usual scores.Bilingual Teaching or Not: noDiscipline and Considerations of Practice Ses

50、sion: (1) Experiment after class, complete the experiment report; (2) Reading and research after class, complete the course report.research methods of psychology, understand the research trends at home and abroad, understand how managers think and overcome the psychological phenomena encountered in

51、enterprise management in the process of enterprise development and establish scientific thinking methods, correct values and the spirit of facing challenges at work. Starting from the perspective of psychology discipline for the cultivation of innovative talents in China, taking the research work of

52、 outstanding contributors as the carrier, the education of socialist core values is integrated into the teaching content and all links of the whole teaching process, highlighting value guidance, knowledge teaching and ability training to help students to correctly understand the psychological phenom

53、ena and laws of people, accurately grasp the basic national conditions, grasp scientific world outlook and methodology, and promote the establishment of correct world outlook and values.Course ObjectivesThrough the study of this course, students should have the qualities to master the skills, knowle

54、dge and ability as follows:Course Objective 1-2. Firmly establish a correct outlook on the world, life and truth.Course Objective 3-1. Ability to recognize and analyze problems independently and to solve problems with critical thinking.Course Objective 3-2, Be able to use the knowledge to make logic

55、al analysis and judgment of problems and opinions in theory and practice.Course Objective 12-2. Self - study and self - improvement in related subjects.Supporting for Graduation RequirementsThe graduation requirements supported by course objectives mainly reflected in the graduation requirements ind

56、ices are as follows:Supporting for Graduation RequirementsCourseObjectivesGraduationRequirementsIndices and Contents Supporting forGraduation RequirementsContent of CourseLevel ofSupportIndicesContentsObjective 1Basic value literacyIndex point1-2Firmly establish a correct outlook on the world, life

57、and truth.The production of human psychology, the nature of human psychology, the influence of heredity on behavior, lifelong psychological development, biological motivation, social motivation, motivation theory, valuesHObjective 3Ability of criti cal thinkingIndex point3-1Have the ability of criti

58、cal thinking to understand, analyze and solve problems independently.Social environment, social impact, public atmosphere, concept formation, reasoning, problem solving, creative thinkingMIndex pointBe able to use theSocial environment, social influence,M3-2knowledge learned to make logical analysis

59、 and judgment of problems and opinions in theory and practicepublic atmosphere, social motivation, motivation theory, values, verbal understanding, nonverbal communicationObjective12Career development abilityIndex point 12-2Have the ability of self-study and self-improvement in related subjects.Stat

60、e of consciousness, attention, feeling, perception, learning, memory, thinking, speech, emotion, will, intelligence, personalityLIll Basic Course ContentIntroductionNature of PsychologyMethods of PsychologyHistory of PsychologyCharacteristics of Contemporary PsychologyTeaching Requirements: This cha


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