2022-2023學年高一英語分層卷Unit 4 Body language A卷·知識通關練(原卷版)_第1頁
2022-2023學年高一英語分層卷Unit 4 Body language A卷·知識通關練(原卷版)_第2頁
2022-2023學年高一英語分層卷Unit 4 Body language A卷·知識通關練(原卷版)_第3頁
2022-2023學年高一英語分層卷Unit 4 Body language A卷·知識通關練(原卷版)_第4頁




1、選擇性必修 Book 1 Unit 4 Body languageA卷知識通關練一、詞匯與短語L重點詞匯默寫n.交流;相互影響vi.(根據情況)變化;改變adj.合適的;恰當的相比之下vi.贊成;同意vt.批準;通過vt.表現;表達;說明;證明n.手勢;姿勢;姿態(tài)vt.當場看至IJ;目擊;見證n.目擊者;證人vt.使用;應用;雇用adj.相同的vt.把理解(解釋)為vi.&vt.口譯vi.相異;不同于 (與.)相比擬vt.較喜歡;選擇;有利于n.幫助;恩惠;贊同vi.鞠躬;點頭v.低(頭)n.弓;蝴蝶結推理;推斷 消除;分解;打破n.隔閱;障礙adj假裝的;假的;冒充的n.憤怒;怒氣vt.使生

2、氣;激怒adj.可靠的;可信賴的n.發(fā)生的事情;嚴重事件;沖突n.&v.審訊;審判;試驗;試用adj.輕微的;略微的;細小的adv.略微;稍微adj.不涉及言語的;非言語的n.評價;評定vt.評估;評價adj.內部的;里面的直起來;整理;收拾整齊slump pose bend reveal clarify in other words educator tick tendency lower imply barely occupy stare distract perceive distinguish anxiety embarrassed ashamed IL拓展詞匯變形vi.贊成;同意vt

3、.批準;通過一 n.贊成;批準一adj.贊同的一(反)vi.不贊成;不同意vt.不批準vt.較喜歡;選擇;有利于n.幫助;恩惠;贊同一 adj.贊同的;給人好印象的vi.(根據情況)變化;改變一 n.變化;改變 n.種類;范疇一 adj.各種各樣的vt.使更清晰易懂;說明;澄清一 n.澄清vi. 相異; 不同于一 n. 不同adj. 不同的一.adj.漠不關心的vt,占據;占用一 n.占領;工作;職業(yè)一 adj.占用的;被占領的;忙于的vt.使用;應用;雇用一 n.雇用;使用n.雇主; 老板一 n.雇工; 雇員adj.失業(yè)的vt.調整;調節(jié) vi.&vt.適應;(使)習慣一 n.調整;適應ad

4、j.可調節(jié)的adj.可靠的;可信賴的一 v.依靠;依賴adv.可靠地;可信賴地adj.難堪的;尷尬的一 v.使尷尬_n.尷尬;難堪一 adj.令人難堪的adj,合適的; 恰當的一 adv.合適地; 恰當地一(反)adj.不合適的;不恰當的vi.&vt.區(qū)分;區(qū)分一 adj.卓越的;杰出的adj.輕微的;略微的;細小的一 adv.略微;稍微vt.把放低;降低;減少 adj.下面的;下方的;較小的一 adj.低的,矮小的;樓下的,低洼的;沮喪的;下賤的adv.低聲地;謙卑地n.趨勢;傾向_v.趨向;走勢n.憤怒;怒氣 vt.使生氣;激怒一 adj.生氣的;憤怒的adv.生氣地;憤怒地n.焦慮;擔憂

5、;害怕一 adj.焦慮的;不安的一adv.焦慮地;擔憂地vi.(對)起反響;回應;(對食物等)有不良反響一 n.反響;回應拓展單詞精準變形n.教師;教育工作者;教育家一 v.教育;教導;訓練一n.教育一.教育的vt.評估; 評價n.評價; 評定vt. 分散(注意力);使分心n. 分心;分散adv.只是; 僅僅; 只不過一 adj.僅僅的; 只不過adv. 最終; 最后一 adj. 最后的, 極限的vt.把理解(解釋)為 vi.&vt. 口譯一 n. 口譯;翻譯一n.翻譯官adv.幾乎不;勉強才能;剛剛一 adj.空的;僅夠的;光禿禿的vt.表現;表達;說明;證明一 n.證明;示范;演示in.核

6、心短語互譯H.消除;分解;打破直起來;整理;收拾整齊IV.根據漢語提示用本單元詞匯的正確形式填空Your body language will give out a lot more information.48(base) on your body language it can be seen whether you are self-confident.lt can also show if you are a busy or a quiet type and it helps give 49 impression of whether you are speaking 50(truth

7、ful) or not.Body language can show how enthusiastic you are and if you are a nice person, who 51(take) the work seriously, or who has a sense of burnout, and can enjoy a joke from time 52 time.The members of the application committee will ask you some questions,53 your answers wont only be oral.The

8、committee will not only pay attention to 54 you say, butalso to how you say it! Body language will determine first if it clicks”, and sometimes all it takes is just a few 55(second).Everybody 56(use) body language, but it takes place mostly at a subconscious(下意識 的)level.Using body language appropria

9、tely, you can certainly increase your chances of 57(get) a job.二、句式與篇章I.教材原句補全For example,一looking into someone, s eyes一in some countriesis In othercountries,eye contact is not always approved of.例如,在有些國家,眼神交流看著別人的眼睛一一是表現興趣的一種方式。相反,在另一些國家,眼 神交流并不總是被認可。Elsewhere, people, or在其他地方,人們見面時更喜歡握手,彎腰鞠躬或者點頭。A

10、 smile can help us.A smile can.We can use asmile微笑可以幫助我們度過難關,在陌生人的世界里找到朋友。微笑可以打破障礙。我們可以用微笑來抱歉, 跟某人打招呼,尋求幫助或者開始對話。Experts suggest smiling at yourself in the mirror to. And if we are feeling, there is專家建議對著鏡子微笑來讓自己更快樂、更堅強。而且如果我們感到沮喪或孤獨,沒有什么比看到好朋友 的笑臉更好的了。II.單句語法填空l.The baby is sleeping, so please(減彳氐)

11、your voice when you have to talk.can t make sense of the sentence.What does the author (暗示)?.When making a speech, you have to (調整)your language to the age of your audience.Now that she is busy at the moment, I don t want to (麻煩)her with my problems.Hearing the result of the trial, she couldn t hold

12、 back her tears any longer and(哭泣)aloud.am writing to(打聽)about a bag that I left behind in a room at your hotel.There is something about music that(區(qū)另U) it from all other art forms.Please turn down the TV a little.The music is(分心、)me from my work.There is a(tend) for people to spend more and more ti

13、me on their mobile phones.Bear it in mind: Never feel ashamed(ask) and learn from others.l.He has distinguished(him) many times at the risk of life since he joined the army.Coming to another country to study requires a big(adjust) and it takes a while to fit in.13.1 am not ashamed to admit that my interests come conflict with yours.14.Since the weather is bad, let s call the trip to the temple.15.She had her hat(blow) away on her way home, which made her so embarrassed.16. Whether you will succeed depend


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