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1、評英語的評語大全匯聚86條英語聽課的評語1我覺得這節(jié)課很成功,它較好地體現(xiàn)了課程的三維目標(biāo),具體我將從以下四個方面進行點評:第一大點:教學(xué)目的。這堂課的教學(xué)目的明確,教學(xué)效果好。1、學(xué)生在課堂上用英語表達旅游景點和名勝古跡,培養(yǎng)了用英語思維的能力;2、課文閱讀教學(xué)目標(biāo)如scanning、skimming 都能很好地完成;3、激發(fā)了學(xué)生對祖國美好河山的熱愛。第二大點:教學(xué)過程和方法。1、整堂課的教學(xué)設(shè)計符合高中學(xué)生的實際和教學(xué)內(nèi)容的需要,教學(xué)各環(huán)節(jié)過渡自然,從開頭Free talk導(dǎo)入課文,通過圖片啟發(fā)提問到Quiz測試,再到詞匯Paraphrase 和Reading閱讀、Dialogue對話、

2、Discussion討論,完全符合學(xué)生認(rèn)知水平;2、設(shè)計有層次、有深度,特別是反饋形式多樣,可見該教師花費了不少心思,如小測試、詞匯解釋、提問、填空、對話、預(yù)測等設(shè)計有坡度,并且都是為了一個共同的教學(xué)目標(biāo)。3、教學(xué)方法處處體現(xiàn)以學(xué)生為本,如注重對學(xué)生的語言只是檢測(詞匯學(xué)習(xí)時注重部分學(xué)生的單詞拼寫能力), 討論時分為上海組、漓江組、香港組、長城組,充分尊重學(xué)生意愿和個性差異。第三大點:學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)情況。因教師的教學(xué)設(shè)計有新意,學(xué)生始終保持良好學(xué)習(xí)心態(tài)。在獲得知識的同時,思維能力也得到了鍛煉,我粗略統(tǒng)計了一下,該堂課中,學(xué)生自主活動時間達2/3左右,學(xué)習(xí)興趣高漲,課堂氣氛熱烈,參與面廣,體現(xiàn)出學(xué)生樂

3、于探索、樂于參與的精神,如有一位學(xué)生自己還準(zhǔn)備了圖片,準(zhǔn)備補充,真可謂意猶未荊第四大點:教師素養(yǎng)方面。1、教師口語流利,發(fā)音標(biāo)準(zhǔn),語言基本功扎實,可見教師對教材吃的很透徹,備課充分;2、教師教態(tài)自然,有時配合手勢,有親和力,教師指令明確、到位,善于啟發(fā)學(xué)生,因人而異,因材施教;3、教學(xué)亮點:教師的教學(xué)機智,特別是善于抓住細節(jié),處處體現(xiàn)二期課改目標(biāo),以學(xué)生為本,與學(xué)生“零”距離,如開始有一學(xué)生答不出,教師并未放棄,后經(jīng)過反復(fù)啟發(fā)誘導(dǎo),學(xué)生答出landscape一詞;再如一學(xué)生說的英語諺語“He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”


5、潑,讓教學(xué)充滿活力;更多了一分趣味和尊重,營造了一種身心解放、思維開放、個性奔放的教學(xué)場景,建構(gòu)起一種互動、體驗、快樂的多元課堂。一、激發(fā)學(xué)習(xí)興趣,讓學(xué)生想學(xué)。“知之者不如好之者 好之者不如樂之者,”興趣是最好的老師。真正的課堂是學(xué)生在快樂中學(xué)習(xí),在幸福中成長,在學(xué)習(xí)中感受快樂,在成長中收獲著幸福。本節(jié)課教師主要通過以下方法激發(fā)學(xué)生興趣,調(diào)動學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的積極性。1、導(dǎo)入激趣。轉(zhuǎn)軸撥弦三兩聲,未成曲調(diào)先有情。一個好的課堂導(dǎo)入,是建立師生感情的第一座橋梁,可以使學(xué)生自然而然地進入學(xué)習(xí)新知識的情境,并能激發(fā)學(xué)生的興趣和強烈的求知欲,在最短的時間內(nèi),使學(xué)生進入最佳的學(xué)習(xí)狀態(tài)。課堂伊始,張老師通過講自己的



8、,速讀、個人讀、小組讀、齊讀,多種形式的讀,使學(xué)習(xí)書生朗朗,興趣昂然,使課堂充滿生機。2進行學(xué)法指導(dǎo),讓學(xué)生會主動學(xué)習(xí)。學(xué)外語不僅要“愿”學(xué),而且要“善”學(xué),要講究學(xué)習(xí)方法。本節(jié)課在課堂教學(xué)中,張老師巧妙的.指導(dǎo)學(xué)生解題的方法,讓學(xué)生知道考試中如果遇到閱讀題應(yīng)該怎么做。讓學(xué)生平時養(yǎng)成良好的解題習(xí)慣,從而達到學(xué)生善學(xué)的目的。3、精講多練,讓學(xué)生在多種練習(xí)中,鞏固新知。紙上得來終覺淺,絕知此事要躬行。本節(jié)課,教師根據(jù)學(xué)生的實際,對短文中學(xué)生不理解的短語、句子Look at One by one It had the mouths of the year進行了適時點撥,重點講解,是精講落到了實處。同

9、時,本節(jié)課張老師以訓(xùn)練為主線,設(shè)計了多種練習(xí),課堂開始的問答題,課堂結(jié)束的判斷題、選擇題等,題題緊扣目標(biāo),題題鍛煉能力。多種形式的練習(xí),讓學(xué)生鞏固了新知,開闊了視野,掌握了做題方法。有效的培養(yǎng)了學(xué)生的聽說讀寫能力。三、多鼓勵 令學(xué)生收獲成功的喜悅 。贊揚如陽光,批評如利劍。數(shù)生十過,不如獎生一功。作為一名教師,要欣賞學(xué)生,真誠的贊揚學(xué)生,要把愛化為涓涓細流,灌注到每個教學(xué)細節(jié)中,從而使每一個學(xué)生精神細胞里多一份高貴。本節(jié)課張老師讓肯定和贊揚的聲音貫穿了整個課堂,Good 、 Very good 、Great、學(xué)生的掌聲等激勵貫穿整個課堂,既給千里馬以陽光,又給丑小鴨以雨露。讓學(xué)生在欣賞中體驗到

10、成功的快樂,體驗到學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣,從而以更加飽滿地精神狀態(tài)積極地投入到學(xué)習(xí)中。四、存在問題:學(xué)生自主讀書時間稍有點少??傊竟?jié)課是比較成功的,中心校在工作比較繁忙的情況下,組織了這次活動,凸顯出中心校領(lǐng)導(dǎo)對英語教學(xué)的重視,我們相信,在中心校領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的正確領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,在我們?nèi)w英語教師的共同努力下,涅陽的這朵英語教學(xué)之花會開得更紅更艷。加強管理 共同努力 提高英語教學(xué)質(zhì)量1、營造一種氛圍。營造一種當(dāng)英語教師自豪,學(xué)好英語驕傲的氛圍,培養(yǎng)教師的職業(yè)榮譽感,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的成就感。2、轉(zhuǎn)變一個觀念。轉(zhuǎn)變英語教學(xué)只是英語教師的事。形成人人都來關(guān)心英語教學(xué),人人都來支持英語教學(xué)的局面。3、扣主一個中心。英語教師緊緊

11、抓住課堂教學(xué)這個中心,認(rèn)真?zhèn)湔n,認(rèn)真上課,認(rèn)真批改,認(rèn)真輔導(dǎo),把工夫下在課外,把力量用在課內(nèi),把補弱加在課后,向課堂要質(zhì)量。4、抓住一個關(guān)鍵。抓住組織教學(xué)這個關(guān)鍵,采用多種方式使課堂秩序井然有序。 英語自我評價1I am cheerful, honest, optimistic, honest and prudent, serious and responsible and pragmatic attitude, with strong ability to adapt, has engaged in professional social work practice enthusiasm.I

12、 want to give a community the opportunity to practice the profession in the work of the director to play through in a different environment of continuous learning, continuous efforts to adapt to evolving social demands, hope you can give me a platform to show. Thank you!英語自我評價21,first of all,thank y

13、ou for taking the time to look at my resume. No pain no gain. I will be 100% enthusiasm and energy into the work, and strive to do our best ! Expect to be able to join your company,and hope that you can work in your company to your company and your company And submit a satisfactory answer to the que

14、stionnaire. The accounting, tax declaration and banking business can be skillfully handled, and the handling of social insurance, provident fund and trade union funds is also involved. We hope to be able to handle your accounting work post.2,the University of four years of professional knowledge and

15、 two years of work experience so that I have good social skills and excellent organization and coordination. In the study, I pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, has a considerable practical ability to operate, can be an independent cashier, accounting, cost accounting. Proficien

16、cy in computer office software and UF, U8 and other accounting software. Strong sense of professionalism and responsibility to enable me to face any difficulties and challenges. Also expect to be able to work in the accounting class to get their professional ability to show and in the enterprise lon

17、g-term stable development of enterprises to bring their own value.3,I have a good professional ethics and quality, teamwork ability, have strong organizational skills and adaptability; familiar with the banking business and copy the tax process, skilled in the application of financial software and o

18、ffice software; have good oral and written expression Ability,can be hard-working,cautious,strong sense of responsibility, able to actively complete the task of leadership assignment.英語自我評價3Specific work mainly in the following aspects。First, enhance their understandingCorrect attitude is up schools

19、 school education, training of the motherland future talent base from wearing security uniforms, participate in campus security the moment, it is fully aware of its shoulders the responsibility of campus security guard, therefore, I thought with a sense of responsibility and pride, work motivation a

20、nd direction。Second, establish a sense of service, service to the overall securityAs security companies accredited school security personnel, although far from the security company units, but always keeping in mind the security company given their responsibility, firmly establish campus security ser

21、vices in the sense of complete security work in the specific requirements and tasks, and signed with the school letters of responsibility, and strive to achieve the company leadership assured, schools receive satisfaction, order and stability campus。Third, earnestly fulfill security tasks, the imple

22、mentation of specific work1, consciously abide by discipline, do not be late no offsite, dressed rigorous when posts, civilized behavior, and consciously establish a good image of security personnel。2, primary school between six months previous, due to the construction of secondary schools, primary

23、and secondary schools combined to together, between the second half, mining school has merged into here, these cases are security work campus increased workload, increase the shuttle vehicle personnel school student capacity increases and so the corresponding series of problems come。 To solve these

24、problems involve campus security work, strict school and out of school off, never offending people and vehicles into。 We found violations of the black school bus or private car overcrowding, to stop immediately and report the school, to take measures for the campus shuttle vehicle outside a predeter

25、mined parking area and shuttle routes, the establishment of the warning area and isolation ribbons campus entrance。3, adhere to register and work logs and campus patrol officers out of work。 Meanwhile, after the school holidays, with the school day, school staff on duty, patrolling and prevention wo

26、rk。 RUC yearend summary of the work 4, in the completion of their own work actively with the schools to do some other work within its capacity。Review of the years work, in their own posts on campus security made for safety and security in schools of their results, although there are low wages。 Still

27、 need to constantly improve their own quality and practical problems and shortcomings, but I am confident that our achievements in the future work, the lack of improvement, the successful completion of campus security responsibilities and tasks。英語自我評價4As a beginner, I have excellent ability to learn

28、 and be willing to learn, dare to innovate, and have a strong sense of responsibility. I am willing to take part in the young season,I am willing to endure hardships and sufferings, only through their passionate and proactive efforts to achieve their own values and work to make the greatest contribu

29、tion,Constant pursuit of excellence, as a participant, I have an honest and credible character, full of team spirit;As a leader, I have the ability to do things, decisive style,good communication and interpersonal coordination. Trained in the system of economic-related professional knowledge, in a n

30、umber of units and the companys internship and part-time experience;have a strong endurance, willpower and hard-working quality, serious and responsible work,aggressive,individuality optimism, Faced with difficulties and challenges.I am thinking of progress, unity and friendship, with good quality,

31、good at communication and collaboration. During the school seriously responsible for the class and the school work, adaptable, full of team spirit,can be hard-working. Actively learn professional courses,and constantly upgrade themselves.And actively participate in activities inside and outside the

32、school,so that they get a better exercise.英語自我評價5I am lively and cheerful, have good language communication skills, adaptability, to receive new things fast. Have a high degree of responsibility and dedication to work . to do things hard, pragmatic and steady. Dare to dare to do, good at thinking, h

33、igh efficiency, cohesive, and considerable management capacity. .I can work hard, adaptability,good coordination, a serious and responsible work,work actively,motivated,motivated,both work and life are strict demands on themselves, and has a strong self-learning ability, practical ability.I am hones

34、t and credible,responsible and orderly work, can communicate well with people, have a good team spirit and spirit of service. On the digital mind clear. Self-reliance, an independent face of life, but also trained I refused to easily admit defeat the character, whether in learning, life or work, can

35、 dare to accept the challenge, not afraid of difficulties and hardships encountered problems can think of their own way Solve, full of hope for life. In a large number of practical activities to learn to be interpersonal skills and the truth of doing things for the people, but also won a good interp

36、ersonal relationship,praised by others.In the future work, I will be full of energy, assiduously study the spirit to work hard and steadily improve their ability to work with the company at the same time. Self-study ability, self-taught a lot of computer knowledge, skilled assembly of computers,know

37、 how to maintain the computer,skilled operation windows, office office software,familiar with interne resources. 聽課和評課是兩種最直接、最有效的研究英語課堂教學(xué)效果的手段,我們對英語教學(xué)的聽、評課形式進行了大膽嘗試,分享了英語聽課評語,歡迎借鑒!英語聽課評語一從上周開始,實小的“踐行”式高效課堂競賽課正在如火如荼的開展,我校英語組袁芳、龍桂金春霞、楊信琳、祖娥老師參加了此次活動。聽完這五節(jié)課,我心中除了贊嘆和佩服,更多的是自己有所收獲的那份欣喜。下面是自己的一點收獲,或者說是感想,


39、式課堂要求高效。那么對英語的學(xué)習(xí)來說需要大量的輸出和輸入。這就要求我們在語境中學(xué)習(xí)句子,在句子中學(xué)習(xí)單詞。這就是說我們在教給學(xué)生一句話、一個詞時還要給學(xué)生創(chuàng)設(shè)一定的情境,讓學(xué)生學(xué)會在一定的情境中學(xué)會用句子、詞語。所創(chuàng)設(shè)的情境如何即利于課文的導(dǎo)入,也利于重點單詞、句子的引出是一節(jié)課成敗的重要方面。袁芳老師和學(xué)生準(zhǔn)備了大量的真實的照片訓(xùn)練Whos this woman/man/girl/boy? Is this your?這兩個句型,創(chuàng)設(shè)的情景真實,學(xué)生的積極性很高,參與度很廣,突出了學(xué)生的主體地位。祖娥老師的課件優(yōu)美、實用,有利于突破難點。三、注重基礎(chǔ),適當(dāng)拓展這五節(jié)課沒有想象中那么花哨,更多的




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