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2、專業(yè)類類別及各各等級樣樣題及答答案第1部分分:詞匯匯選項 (第第1115題,每每題l分分,共11 5分分) 下面共共有l(wèi)55個句子子,每個個句子中中均有11個詞或或短語劃劃有底橫橫線,請請從每個個句子后后面所給給的4個個選項中中選擇ll個與劃劃線部分分意義最最相近的的詞或短短語。答答案一律律涂在答答題卡相相應(yīng)的位位置上。l Thheree arre aa liimitted nummberr off boookss onn thhis subbjecct iin tthe libbrarry. A larrge B ttotaal C smaallD ssimiilarr2 Hoow ddo

3、yyouaaccoountt foor yyourr abbsennce froom tthe claass lasst TThurrsdaay? A expplaiin B exaaminne C choooseeD eexpaand3 Thhey hadd a farr beetteer yyielld tthann anny ootheer ffarmm miiless arrounnd tthiss yeear. A gooods B ssoill C cliimatteD harrvesst4 Thhe ttownn iss faamouus ffor itss maagniific

4、centt chhurcch ttoweers. A ancciennt BB olld C moddernn D spllenddid5 Haave youu goot aa spparee peen? A a sshorrt B an exttra C a tthinnD aa loong6 Whhat werre tthe connseqquenncess off thhe ddeciisioon sshe hadd maade? A reaasonns BB reesullts C cauusess DD baasess 7 Thhey diddntt reealiize howw s

5、eerioous thee prrobllem wass. A knoow BB foorgeet C douubt DD reememmberr 8 Wee shhalll keeep thee mooneyy inn a seccuree pllacee. A cleean B ssecrret C disstannt DD saafe9 Thhe ggreaat cchanngess off thhe ccityy asstonnishhed eveery vissitoor tto tthatt ciity. A atttackked B ssurpprissed C atttracc

6、tedd D iinteeresstedd10 TThe citty hhas deccideed tto ddo aawayy wiith alll thhe oold buiildiingss inn itts ccenttre. A gett riid oof BB seet uup C reppairr D paiint11 AArguumennt aamonng tthe speeakeers at thee coonfeerennce is borrderringg onn viioleencee. A is cloose to B iis bbesiide C is nexxt

7、tto D is aloongssidee12 WWecoonsuume a llot morre tthann wee arre aablee too prroduuce. A wasste B bbuy C usee D selll13 SShe oveercaame herr innitiial shyynesss aand reaallyy ennjoyyed thee evveniin9. A commingg BB beeginnninng C happpenningg D exiistiing14 TThe foootbaall teaam,ffor thee moost par

8、rt,wweree coonfiidennt oof wwinnningg thhe mmatcch. A moostlly BB paartlly C onlly DD reeallly 15 II woondeer wwhatt yoour aimm inn liife is. A atttituudeBB syymbool C goaal DD acctioon第2部分分:閱讀讀判斷(第166222題,每每題l分分,共77分) 閱讀下下面這篇篇短文,短短文后列列出了77個句子子,請根根據(jù)短文文的內(nèi)容容對每個個句子做做出判斷。如果果該句提提供的是是正確信信息,請請在答題題卡上把把A涂黑黑;

9、如果果該句提提供的是是錯誤信信息,請在在答題卡卡上把BB涂黑;如果該該句的信信息文章章中沒有有提及,請請在答題題卡上把把C涂黑黑。Hercculees Oncce uuponn a timme ttherre wwas a ggreaat GGreeek hher00,Heercuuless. HHe wwas talllerr anndsttronngerr thhan anyyonee yoou hhavee evver seeen. On hiss shhoullderr hee caarriied a cclubb annd iin hhis hannd hhe hheldd a bo

10、ww(弓). HHe wwas knoown as thee heero of a hhunddredd addvennturres. Herrculles serrvedd a kinng. Thee kiing wass affraiid oof hhim. Soo aggainn annd aagaiin hhe ssentt hiim oon ddiffficuult tassks. Onne mmornningg thhe kkingg seent forr hiim aand tolld hhim to fettch thrreeggoldden apppless foor hhi

11、m froom tthe garrdenn off thhe SSinggingg Maaideens(歌女). BBut no onee knnew wheere thee gaardeen wwas. So Herrculles wennt aawayy. HHe wwalkked thee whholee daay aand thee neext dayy annd tthe nexxt. He wallkedd foor mmontths befforee hee saaw mmounntaiins farr inn thhe ddisttancce oone finne mmornn

12、ingg. OOne of thee moounttainns wwas in thee shhapee off a mann,wiith lonng,llongg leegs andd arrms anddhugge sshouuldeers andd a hugge hheadd. HHe wwas holldinng uup tthe skyy. HHercculees kkneww itt waasAttlass,thhe MMounntaiin GGod:So he askked himm foor hhelpp. Atllas ansswerred,My heaad aand ar

13、mms aand shoouldderss alll aachee. CCoulld yyou holld uup tthessky whiile I ffetcch tthe golldenn appplees ffor youu? Herrculles cliimbeed tthe mouuntaain andd shhoullderred thee skky. Sooon tthe skyy grrew verryheeavyy. WWhenn fiinallly Atllas camme bbackk wiith thrree golldenn appplees,hhe ssaidd,

14、 Welll, youu arregooingg too caarryy thhe mmounntaiin ffor eveer. Imm gooingg too seee tthe kinng wwithh thhe aapplles.Hercculees kkneww thhat he couuldnnt figght himm beecauuse of thee skky oon hhis bacck. So heshouutedd: Juust onee miinuttess heelp. Myy shhoullderrs aare hurrtinng. HHoldd thhe ssk

15、y forr a minnuteewhille II maake a ccushhionn(墊子子)foor mmy sshouuldeers. Attlass beelieevedd hiim. He thrrew dowwn tthe apppless annd hheldd upp thhe ssky. Heercuuless piickeed uup tthe apppless annd rran bacck tto ssee thee kiing. 16 HHercculees wwas thee taalleest mann inn thhe wworlld. A RRighht

16、BB Wrrongg C Nott meentiioneed17 HHercculees wworkked in thee kiings ggardden. A RRighht BB Wrrongg C Nott meentiioneed18 HHercculees wwas givven manny ddiffficuult tassks beccausse tthe kinng wwantted to gett riid oof hhim. A RRighht BB Wrrongg C Nott meentiioneed19 AAtlaas wwas thee good wwho hell

17、d uup tthe skyy. A RRighht BB Wrrongg C Nott meentiioneed20 AAtlaas rran fassterr thhan Herrculles. A RRighht BB Wrrongg C Nott meentiioneed21 AAtlaas ggot thee gooldeen aapplles forr Heercuuless beecauuse he wanntedd too bee thhe kkingg hiimseelf. A RRighht BB Wrrongg C Nott meentiioneed22 HHerccul

18、ees ffinaallyy maanagged to gett thhe aapplles by deffeattingg Attlass. A RRighht BB Wrrongg C Nott meentiioneed第3部分分:概括括大意與與完成句句子(第23330題題,每題題l分,共共8分) 閱讀下下面這篇篇短文,短短文后有有2項測測試任務(wù)務(wù):(11)第223226題要要求從所所給的66個選項項中為第第255段每段段選擇11個正確確的小標(biāo)標(biāo)題;(2)第第2730題題要求從從所給的的6個選選項中選選擇4個個正確選選項,分分別完成成每個句句子。請請將答案案涂在答答題卡相相應(yīng)的位位置上。H

19、intts ffor Reaadinng PPraccticce1. MMostt off USS caan ffindd l 5 mminuutess orr haalf an houur eeachh daay ffor somme rreguularr acctivvityy. For exaamplle,oone fammouss suurgeeon alwwayss sppentt l 5 mminuutess reeadiing sommethhingg beeforre hhe wwentt too slleepp eaach dayy. WWhettherr hee weent

20、 to bedd att l00 P. m. orr 2:30 a. m. madde nnodiiffeerennce. 2. Speeed Reaadinng couursees tteacch sstuddentts hhow to reaad mmoree quuickkly. Inn suuch couursees,tteaccherrs oofteen aask stuudennts to finnd out howw maany worrds a mminuute theey aare reaadinng. YYou cann doo thhis tooo:loook at yo

21、uur wwatcch eeverry 55 or 110 mminuutess annd wwritte ddownn thhe ppagee nuumbeer yyou havve rreacchedd. 3. OObviioussly,yyou shoouldd noot iincrreasse yyourr reeadiing speeed if youu doo noot uundeersttandd whhat youu arre rreaddingg. IIf yyou finnd ssomeethiing youu doontt unnderrstaand in thee bo

22、ook,oor yyouccannnot cleearlly rremeembeer tthe dettaills oof wwhatt yoou rreadd, wwhy nott reead thee chhaptter agaain?4. TTakee foour or fivve ppagees oof aan iinteeresstinng bbookk yoou hhapppen to be reaadinng nnow. Reead theese pagges as fasst aas yyou cann. DDont wworrry aabouut wwhettherr yoo

23、u uundeersttandd orr noot. Ifyyou keeep ddoinng tthiss llighhtniing speeed reeadiing forr a perriodd off tiime, yoou wwilll ussuallly finndthhat youur nnormmal speeed hass inncreeaseed. 5. MMostt paaraggrapphs in an artticlle hhavee a toppic senntennce thaat eexprressses thee ceentrral ideea. Thee o

24、ppeniing parragrraphh offtenn suuggeestss thhe ggeneerall diirecctioon aand conntennt oof tthe artticlle,wwhille pparaagraaphss thhat follloww exxpannd oor ssuppportt thhe ffirsst. Thee cllosiing parragrraphh offtenngivves a ssummmaryy off thhe mmostt immporrtannt ppoinnts of thee arrticcle. 23 PPar

25、aagraaph 224 PParaagraaph 325 PParaagraaph 426 PParaagraaph 5A Thhe oorgaanizzatiion of An Artticlle B Whhats YYourr Reeadiing Speeed? C Hoow tto IIncrreasse YYourr Reeadiing Speeed?D Unnderrstaandiing oveer SSpeeed E Reead Sommethhingg Evveryy Daay F Reead Exttenssiveely27 YYou aree addvissed to re

26、aad ssomeethiing befforee yoou.28 IIn Speeed Reaadinng couursees,tteaccherrs oofteen aask stuudennts to .29 YYou cann immproove youur rreaddingg sppeedd iff yoou. 30 IIt wwilll heelp youu too unnderrstaand thee arrticcle if youu.Afiind thee toopicc seenteenceesB ffindd ouut tthe neww woordssC kkeepp

27、 reeadiing fasstD ggo tto bbed eveery dayyE kkeepp a reccordd off thheirr reeadiing speeedFloook aat yyourr waatchh evveryy feew mminuutess第4部分分:閱讀讀理解(第31145題題,每題題3分,共共45分分) 下面有有3篇短短文,每每篇短文文后有55道題,每每道題后后面都有有4個選選項。請請仔細(xì)閱閱讀短文文并根據(jù)短短文回答答其后面面的問題題,從44個選項項中選擇擇l個最最佳答案案涂在答答題卡相相應(yīng)的位位置上。第一篇Foottballl Foootbaall

28、is,II suuppoose,tthe mosst ppopuularr gaame in Engglannd:oone hass onnly to go tooone of thee immporrtannt mmatcchess too seee tthiss. RRichh annd ppoorr,yooungg annd oold,oone cann seeethhem alll thheree,shhouttingg annd ccheeerinng ffor onee siide or thee ottherr. Onee off thhe mmostt suurprrisiin

29、g thiingss abboutt foootbballl inn Ennglaand to a sstraangeer iis ttheggreaat kknowwleddge of thee gaame whiich eveen tthe smaalleest boyy seeemss too haave. Hee caan ttelllyouu thhe nnamees oof tthe plaayerrs iin mmostt off thhe iimpoortaant teaams. Hee haas pphottogrraphhs oofthhem andd knnowss th

30、he rresuultss off a larrge nummberr off maatchhes. Hee wiill telll yyou,wwithh a greeataair of autthorrityy,whho hhe eexpeectss wiill winn suuch andd suuch a mmatcch,aand hiss oppiniion isuusuaallyy ass vaaluaablee ass thhat of menn thhreee orr foour timmes hiss agge. Mosst sschooolss inn Ennglaand

31、takke ffoottballl sseriiousslymuuch morre sseriioussly thaan nnearrly alll Euuroppeann scchoools,wwherre llesssonss arre aallimpporttantt(至關(guān)關(guān)重要的的),aand gammes aree leeft forr prrivaate arrranggemeentss. IIn EEngllandd,itt iss beelieevedd thhat eduucattionn iss noot oonlyy ammattter of filllinng aa b

32、ooyss miind witth ffactts iin aa cllasssrooom;eeduccatiion alsso mmeanns ccharractterttraiininng. OOne of thee beest wayys oof ttraiininng ccharractter is by meaans of gammes,eespeeciaallyyteaam ggamees,wwherre tthe boyy haas tto llearrn tto wworkk wiith othherss foor hhis teaam,iinstteadd offworrki

33、nng sselffishhly(自私地地)foor hhimsselff allonee. TThe schhooll thhereeforre aarraangees ggamees aandmmatcchess foor iits puppilss. FFoottballl iis aa goood teaam ggamee,itt iss goood exeerciise forr thhe bbodyy,ittneeeds skiill andd a quiick braain,iit iis ppopuularr annd iit iis ccheaap. As a rresuul

34、t,iit iis tthe schhoollsffavooritte ggamee inn thhe wwintter.3l IIn EEngllandd foootbballl iss a gamme eenjooyedd A oonlyy byy yooungg peeoplle. B oonlyy byy riich peooplee. C oonlyy byy booys. D bby ppeopple of alll agges andd cllassses. 32 AA sttranngerr inn Ennglaand willl bbe ssurpprissed to fin

35、nd tthatt inn thhat couuntrry A ppeopple havve llitttle knoowleedgee off foootbballl. B ggirlls aare morre iinteeresstedd inn foootbballl thhan boyys. C eevenn smmalll booys knoow aa loot aabouut ffoottballl. D cchilldreen aare nott innterrestted in foootbaall at alll. 33 TTherre iis aa grreatt diif

36、feerennce bettweeen sschooolss inn Ennglaand andd thhosee inn Euuroppe iin tthatt A EEuroopeaan sschooolss taake foootbaall serriouuslyy. B EEuroopeaan sschooolss offtenn arrrannge foootbaall mattchees ffor theeir puppilss. C sschooolss inn Ennglaand carre llitttle aboout lesssonns. D sschooolss inn

37、 Ennglaand bellievve ccharractter traainiing to be parrt oof eeduccatiion. 34 AAccoordiing to thee paassaage,wwhicch oof tthe folllowwingg iss NOOT ttruee off thhe ffoottballl ggamee? A IIt mmakees ppeopple sellfissh. B IIt eencoouraagess cooopeerattionn. C IIt iis ggoodd foor hheallth. D IIt iis nn

38、ot exppenssivee. 35 WWhatt iss thhe aauthhors aattiitudde ttowaardss thhe ffoottballl ggamee inn Ennglaand? A CCritticaal. B PPosiitivve. C NNegaativve. D DDoubbtfuul. 第二篇The Engglissh WWeattherr Ottherr coounttriees hhavee a cliimatte:iin EEngllandd wee haave weaatheer. Thhis staatemmentt,offtenn m

39、aade by Engglisshmeen tto ddesccribbe tthe strrangge wweattherr coondiitioons of theeir couuntrry,iis bbothh reeveaalinng aand truue. It is revveallingg beecauuse in it we seee thhe EEngllishhmann innsisstinngonnce agaain thaat wwhatt haappeens in Engglannd iis nnot thee saame as whaat hhapppenss el

40、lsewwherre. Itss trruthh caan bbe pprovved by anyy fooreiigneer wwho staays in thee coounttry forr loongeer tthann a fewwdayys. In no couuntrry ootheer tthann Ennglaand,iit hhas beeen ssaidd,caan oone expperiiencce ffourrseaasonns iin tthe couursee off a sinnglee daay! Dayy maay bbreaak aas aa waarm

41、 sprringg moorniing anhouur oor sso llateer bblacck cclouuds mayy haave apppearred froom nnowhheree annd tthe raiin mmay beppourringg doown。At midddayy itt maay bbe rreallly winnterr wiith thee teempeeratturee doown by aboouteeighht ddegrreess orr moore cenntiggradde(攝攝氏度). AAnd theen,iin tthe latte

42、 aafteernooon thee skky wwilll cllearr,thhe ssun willl bbegiin tto sshinne,aand forr ann hoour or twoo beeforre ddarkknesss ffallls,iit wwilllbe summmerr. In Engglannd oone cann exxperriennce almmostt evveryy kiind of weaatheer eexceept thee moosteextrremee. (Somme fforeeignnerss seeem to be undder

43、thee immpreessiion thaat ffor tenn moonthhs oof ttheyyearr thhe ccounntryy iss cooverred by a ddensse bblannkett off foog;tthiss iss noot ttruee. )Thee prrobllem istthatt wee neeverr caan bbe ssuree whhen thee diiffeerennt ttypees oof wweattherr wiill occuur. Nott onnly dowwe gget sevveraal ddifffer

44、eent sorrts of weaatheer iin oone dayy,buut wwe mmay verry wwelll geet aa sppelll(持續(xù)的的一段時時間)oof wwintter in summmerr annd aa sppelll off suummeer iin wwintter. Thee unncerrtaiintyy abboutt thhe wweattherr haas hhad a ddefiinitte eeffeect upoon tthe Engglisshmaansschaaraccterr. IIt ttendds tto mmakee

45、 hiim ccauttiouus(小小心謹(jǐn)慎慎的),ffor exaamplle. Thee fooreiigneermaay llauggh wwhenn hee seees thee Enngliishmman setttinng ffortth oon aa brrilllianntlyy suunnyy moorniingwwearringg a raiincooat andd caarryyingg ann ummbreellaa,buut hhe mmay welll rregrret hiss laaughhterr laaterrin thee daay! Andd,off

46、cooursse,tthe weaatheerss vaarieety prooviddes a cconsstannt ttopiic oof cconvverssatiion. Evven thee moost taccituurn(沉默寡寡言的)of Engglisshmeen iis aalwaays preeparred to disscusss tthewweattherr. AAnd,tthouugh he sommetiimess coompllainns bbittterlly oof iit,hhe wwoulld nnot,eevenn. iif hhecoouldd,e

47、xxchaangee itt foor tthe morre ppreddicttablle cclimmatee off ottherr laandss. 36 othher couuntrriess haave a cclimmatee; iin EEng1annd wwe hhavee weeathher. TThiss sttateemenntsuuggeestss thhat A othher couuntrriess doo noot hhavee fiine weaatheer. B youu caannoot eexpeerieencee foour seaasonns iin

48、 aa yeear in Engglannd. C thee weeathher in Engglannd oofteen cchanngess annd iis ttherrefoore uniiquee. D thee weeathher in Engglannd nneveer cchanngess. 37 AA sppeciial feaaturre oof tthe weaatheer iin EEngllandd iss thhat A youu caan eexpeerieencee foour seaasonns eeverry dday thrrougghouut tthe

49、yeaar. B it doees nnot havve ffourr seeasoons as othher couuntrriess doo. C winnterr thheree iss thhe ccolddestt inn thhe wworlld. D youu maay eexpeerieencee diiffeerennt ttypees oof wweattherr inn a sinnglee daay. 38 WWhatt maakess thhe EEngllishhmann caautiiouss,acccorrdinng tto tthe passsagge? A

50、TThe forreiggnerrs lauughtter. B TThe colld wweattherr inn wiinteer. C TThe unccerttainnty aboout thee weeathher. D TThe preedicctabble cliimatte. 39 WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg sttateemennts is NOTT trrue of thee weeathher in Engglannd? A EEngllandd iss cooverred by heaavy fogg foor tten monnthss

51、 off thhe yyearr. B IIt ttendds tto mmakee thhe EEngllishhmann caautiiouss. C OOne cannnott bee suure wheen tthe diffferrentt tyypess off weeathher willl ooccuur. D YYou mayy haave a sspelll oof wwintter in summmerr. 40 TThe worrd lannds inn thhe llastt seenteencee coouldd beest be repplacced by Ass

52、oill. Beeartth. Cccounntriies. Dppartts. 第三篇Lifeetimme EEmplloymmentt inn Jaapannesee Coompaaniees In mosst llargge JJapaanesse ccomppaniies,ttherre iis aa pooliccy oof llifeetimme eemplloymmentt. WWhattthiis mmeanns iis tthatt whhen peooplee leeavee scchooolorr unniveersiity to joiin aan eenteerprr

53、isee,thhey cannexppectt too reemaiin wwithh thhat orgganiizattionn unntill thhey rettiree. IIn eeffeect,tthe empployyee gettsjoob ssecuuritty ffor lirre,aand cann onnly be firred forr seerioous misstakkes in worrk. Eveen iin ttimees oofbuusinnesss reecesssioon,hhe oor sshe is freee ffromm thhe ffear

54、r off beeingg 1aaid offf. Onee reesullt oof tthiss prractticee iss thhat thee Jaapannesee woorkeer iidenntiffiess clloseely witth hhisccomppanyy annd ffeells sstroong loyyaltty tto iit. By worrkinng hhardd foor tthe commpanny,hhe bbeliieveeshee iss saafegguarrdinng hhis Ownn fuuturre. It is nott suu

55、rprrisiing thaat ddevootioon tto oones ccomppanyy issconnsiddereed aa grreatt viirtuue iin JJapaan. A mman is oftten preeparred to putt hiis ffirmms inttereestssbefforee thhosee off hiis iimmeediaate fammilyy. Thee j ob seccuriity guaarannteeed bby tthiss syysteem iinflluenncess thhe wway empployyee

56、ss appprooachhtheeir worrk. Theey ttendd too thhinkk inn teermss off whhat theey ccan achhievve tthrooughhoutt thheirrcarreerr. TThiss iss beecauuse theey aare nott juudgeed oon hhow theey aare perrforrminng dduriing a sshorrtpeeriood oof ttimee. TTheyy caan aaffoord to takke aa loongeer ppersspecct

57、ivve tthann thheirr Weesteernccounnterrparrts. Thiis mmarrriagge bbetwweenn thhe eemplloyeee aand thee coompaany-thee coonseequeencee off liifettimeeempployymenntmayy exxplaain whyy Jaapannesee woorkeers seeem pposiitivvelyy too loove thee prroduuctsstheeir commpanny iis pprodduciing andd whhy tthey

58、y arre wwilllingg too sttay on aftter worrk,ffor litttleeoveertiime payy,too paartiicippatee inn eaarneest disscusssioons aboout thee quualiity conntrool oof ttheiirprroduuctss. 41 LLifeetimme eemplloymmentt inn thhe JJapaanesse ccomppanyy meeanss thhat thee emmplooyeee A leaavess hiis ccomppanyy on

59、nly wheen bbusiinesss iis bbad. B getts aa joob ssoonn affterr hee leeavees sschoool or uniiverrsitty. C cann woork theere thrrougghouut hhis carreerr. D cann haave hiss seerioous misstakkes in worrk ccorrrectted. 42 WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg sttateemennts is INCCORRRECTT? A Fammilyy annd ccompp

60、anyy innterrestts aare equuallly iimpoortaant B Thee Jaapannesee woorkeer iis vveryy looyall too hiis ccomppanyy C Onees futturee iss guuaraanteeed thrrouggh hhardd woork. D Devvotiion to onees commpanny iis eencoouraagedd. 43 LLifeetimme eemplloymmentt innfluuencces onees A aachiieveemennts at worr


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