高中英語 Unit2 Cloning 第4課時 Using language課件 新人教選修8_第1頁
高中英語 Unit2 Cloning 第4課時 Using language課件 新人教選修8_第2頁
高中英語 Unit2 Cloning 第4課時 Using language課件 新人教選修8_第3頁
高中英語 Unit2 Cloning 第4課時 Using language課件 新人教選修8_第4頁
高中英語 Unit2 Cloning 第4課時 Using language課件 新人教選修8_第5頁
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1、2021/8/11 星期三12021/8/11 星期三22021/8/11 星期三3.詞匯:根據(jù)提示寫出相應單詞。1_(v.) 打;撞擊;罷工_(過去式)_(過去分詞)2_(adj.)虛榮的;自負的;徒勞的_(n.)自負;虛榮心;無意義3_(vt.)抵抗、對抗_(n.)_(adj.)4_(adv.)僅;只;不過_(adj.)5_(n.)裝飾_(vt.)2021/8/11 星期三46_(vt.)崇拜;愛幕;喜愛_(n.)崇拜者;贊美者;熱愛者7_(adj.)合情理的;講道理的;公道的_(n.)理由;道理8_(n.)假定;設想_(v.)9_(vi.)退休_(n.)2021/8/11 星期三5答案:

2、1.strike; struck; struck/stricken2.vain; vainty3resist; resistance; resistant4.merely; mere5.decoration; decorate6.adore; adorer7.reasonable; reason8.assumption; assume9.retire; retirement2021/8/11 星期三6.短語:1strike._ones heart 使刻骨銘心2from time_time 不時地;偶爾3bring back_life使復興;使復活4_vain 白費力氣;枉費心機5(be)_go

3、od/poor condition 狀況良好/不好6owe._. 欠,把歸功于7(be)_to(do).一定或注定(做)答案:1.into2.to3.to4.in5.in6.to7.bound2021/8/11 星期三72021/8/11 星期三81strike(v.)1)撞;碰;撞擊;碰撞She fell, striking her head against the side of the boat.她摔倒時頭撞在船舷上。 2)打;擊One man was struck on the head with a stick.一名男子頭部遭到棍擊。 3)擊打,踢(球等)He struck the

4、ball into the back of the net.他射出的球直入網(wǎng)底。 2021/8/11 星期三94)(想法,念頭)突然想到;一下子想起;猛地意識到An idea suddenly struck me.我心中忽然產(chǎn)生了一個念頭。5)sb(as sth)給(某人以)印象;讓(某人)覺得How does the idea strike you?你感覺那主意怎么樣?6)(疾病,災難)侵襲;爆發(fā)The area was struck/hit by an outbreak of cholera.那一地區(qū)爆發(fā)了霍亂。 7)(鐘)敲,鳴,報時The clock struck nine.鐘敲了九下

5、。2021/8/11 星期三108)罷工The workers were striking because they wanted more money.工人們在罷工,因為他們要求增加工資。9)擦,劃(火柴);擊出火星The matches were damp and he couldnt make them strike.火柴受潮了,他劃不著。2021/8/11 星期三11【知識拓展】1)be struck by/on/with sb/sth 被某人(或某物)打動;迷戀某人(或某物)I was struck by her beauty.她的美貌給我留下了深刻的印象。 2)on the str

6、ike 罷工;處于工作停頓狀態(tài)的Most of the employees were on strike.許多雇員在罷工。3)o ones heart 使刻骨銘心The ghost story struck fear into the hearts of the children.那個鬼故事使孩子們心驚肉跳。2021/8/11 星期三124)It strikes me that. 我覺得; 我的印象是It suddenly struck me that we ought to make a new plan.我突然想到, 我們應該制訂一個新的方案。5)Strike whil

7、e the iron is hot. 趁熱打鐵He should strike while the iron is hot.他應該趁熱打鐵。 2021/8/11 星期三13【詞語辨析】strike, hit, beat, knock這些動詞均含有“打”之意。1)strike普通用詞,多指急速或突然一次猛擊。Ive struck my foot on a stone.我把腳踢在石頭上了。2)hit普通用詞,比較口語化,常與strike換用,側重有目標的猛擊,強調用力擊中。The stone hit the window.石頭打中了窗戶。2021/8/11 星期三143)beat普通用詞,含義廣泛

8、,指連續(xù)打擊。游戲、競賽或戰(zhàn)爭中作 “打敗”解。The rain was beating against the window. 雨擊打在窗上。4)knock 側重用拳頭或硬物敲打。As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a sharp blow.當這個人走近時,戰(zhàn)俘猛地一拳將他打翻在地。2021/8/11 星期三15【知識運用】(1)(河南省信陽市2010屆高三第二次調研考試)Very often, it_me that I have left the key indoors when Im abou

9、t to lock the door.Astrikes Breminds Coccurs Dmentions答案:A本題題意:一直以來, 我在鎖門的時候才會想起把鑰匙忘在室內了。It strikes me that. 表示“我覺得;我的印象是”。2021/8/11 星期三16(2)Audiences and critics were_by its originality, vitality, and excitement of the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony.Ahappened BreflectedCoccurred Dstruck答案:D本題題意:北

10、京奧運會開幕式是那樣地別開生面,生氣勃勃,激動人心,觀眾和評論家無不為之傾倒。strike表示“給(某人以)印象;讓(某人)覺得”。2021/8/11 星期三17(3)(原創(chuàng))It was a bitter sweet moment, only her family and few close friends knew that Engrid had been _with the cancer the year before.AknockedBstruckCbeat Dhurt答案:B本題題意:這是個悲喜交加的時刻,只有她的家人和幾個親近的朋友知道:在這前一年英格利患了癌癥。strike表示“

11、(疾病,災難)侵襲;爆發(fā)”。2021/8/11 星期三18(4)(原創(chuàng))Mr. Lin shook his head and sighed, but Shousheng, on hearing these words, was suddenly _with a bright idea.AhitBarousedCoccurredDstruck答案:D本題題意:林先生搖頭嘆氣。 壽生聽了這話,猛的想起了一個好辦法。strike表示“(想法,念頭) 突然想到;一下子想起;猛地意識到”。2021/8/11 星期三19(5)采用strike, hit, beat或 knock的適當形式填空: We pl

12、ayed the top class at football but we couldnt_them.The bullet_the police officer in the shoulder.It suddenly_me how we could improve the situation.She_some nails into the wall.The silence around_fear into him.2021/8/11 星期三20答案:beat我們踢足球是一流水平, 但是我們不能戰(zhàn)勝他們。hit槍射中了警官的肩膀。struck我突然想到一個辦法可以讓我們改進這種局面。knocke

13、d她把一些釘子釘在墻上。struck四周的靜寂使他心里很害怕。2021/8/11 星期三212resist(v.)1)抵制;阻擋They are determined to resist pressure to change the law.他們決心頂住要求改革法律的呼聲。2)反抗;回擊;抵抗If the enemy continue to resist, wipe them out.如果敵人繼續(xù)抵抗,就把他們消滅掉。3)(通常用于否定句)忍??;抵擋I was unable to resist laughing.我忍不住笑了。2021/8/11 星期三224)使不受的傷害;抗(傷害)A hea

14、lthy body resists disease.健康的身體能抵御疾病。2021/8/11 星期三23【知識運用】(1) (原創(chuàng))They will be able to look for plants with the right qualities to _new diseases and the effects of climate change.Aresist BboycottCrefuse Dreject答案:A本題題意:他們可以尋找具有良好性狀的品種來抗病或應對氣候的變化。resist表示“使不受的傷害;抗(傷害)”。2021/8/11 星期三24(2)(原創(chuàng))He was a

15、brilliant man but he was ahead of his time and his theories were _by his contemporaries.Aaccepted BadmittedCrejected Dresisted答案:C本題題意:他是一位杰出人才,但他的思想很超前,因此他的理論受到了同代人的排斥。reject表示“拒絕接受(某人/某事物)”。2021/8/11 星期三25(3) (原創(chuàng))They looked so beautiful in the moonlight that the soldier could not resist _one with

16、 him for memory.Ato have takenBto takeCtakingDbeing taken答案:C本題題意:在月光下它們顯得煞是好看,以致于士兵忍不住想摘一片回去作紀念。resist通常用于否定句,表示“忍住;抵擋”,后接名詞或動名詞擔任賓語。2021/8/11 星期三263reasonable(adj.)1)(to do sth)公平的;合理的;有理由的;明智的No reasonable person could refuse.凡是明事理的人都不會拒絕此事。2)可以接受的;合乎情理的;公道的He gave me a reasonable explanation.他對我

17、作了合理的解釋。3)不太貴的;公道的Ten pounds for a good dictionary seems reasonable enough.花十鎊買一部好詞典算是夠公道的了。2021/8/11 星期三27【詞語辨析】reasonable, sensible這兩個形容詞均有“明智的,合情合理的”之意。1)reasonable一般不十分著重推理的能力,而往往用來表示合乎情理、公正或務實。His conclusion certainly sounded reasonable.他的結論聽起來確實有一定的道理。2)sensible一般指合乎常情、切合實際的行為與思想,側重明白事理。It was

18、 sensible of you to lock the door. 你把門鎖上了, 做得對。2021/8/11 星期三28【知識運用】(1)It is_to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen.Apractical BsensibleCreasonable Dsensitive答案:C本題題意:有理由認為他事先就知道會發(fā)生這樣的事。reasonable表示“可以接受的;合乎情理的;公道的”。2021/8/11 星期三29(2)Are you_of the dangers of your position?Apractic

19、al BsensibleCreasonable Dsensitive答案:B本題題意:你覺察出你處境中的危險了嗎? be sensible of sth(be aware of sth)表示“覺察到某事物”。2021/8/11 星期三30(3)(原創(chuàng))It is _to believe that the disabled cause will be increasingly recognized and supported as Chinas overall national strength escalates.Areasonable Bpotential Cfavorable Dpract

20、ical答案:A本題題意:有理由相信,隨著中國綜合國力的逐步增強,殘疾人事業(yè)將得到越來越多的重視與支持。reasonable表示“(指情感 見解等)合情理的, 不荒謬的, 合邏輯的”。2021/8/11 星期三312021/8/11 星期三321from time to time 不時;有時;偶爾;間或I only go to the cinema from time to time.我只是偶爾去看看電影。 He went fishing from time to time.他不時去釣魚。2021/8/11 星期三33【知識拓展】1)once in a while 有時,偶爾Theatre t

21、ickets are expensive so we only go to the theatre once in a while.戲票很貴,所以我們只是偶爾去看一場戲。2)at times 有時He behaves very oddly at times, I dont think hes quite all there.他有時很怪我覺得他頭腦不太正常。3)now and then時而,不時地In summer I go swimming in the Lijang River now and then.夏天我經(jīng)常到漓江去游泳。 2021/8/11 星期三34【知識運用】(1)We get

22、letters from our uncle_.Afrom time to time Bfor some timeCat a time Dfor the time being答案:A本題題意:我們不時收到叔叔的來信。from time to time表示“不時;有時;偶爾;間或”。2021/8/11 星期三35(2)(2006江西33) Experts have been warning_of the health risks caused by passive smoking.Aat a time Bat one time Cfor some time Dfor the time答案:C本題

23、題意:專家告誡人們被動吸煙危害健康已有些時日了。for some time表示“一段時間;有些時日”。2021/8/11 星期三36(3)(原創(chuàng))They sat about in a circle, passing the canteen _and talking in slow indifferent voice.Aon the other hand Bfor one thingCon the contrary Dfrom time to time答案:D本題題意:他們坐成一圈,一邊依次傳酒,一邊懶聲怠氣地說些閑話。from time to time表示“不時;有時;偶爾;間或”。2021

24、/8/11 星期三372bring.(back)to life使復生;使蘇醒They brought the drowned swimmer back to life.他們使溺水的游泳者蘇醒過來。The doctor brought the patient to life.醫(yī)生使病人醒過來了。2021/8/11 星期三38【知識運用】(1)In this story, Shakespeare was brought back to_but lived out of order in modern society.Aenergy BstrengthClife Dpower答案:C本題題意:在這個

25、故事中,莎士比亞復活了,但卻在現(xiàn)代社會中處處碰壁。bring.(back)to life 表示“使復生;使蘇醒”。2021/8/11 星期三39(2)It was said that she was as effective as god,_the dying back to life.Abringing BtakingCcarrying Dfetching答案:A本題題意:據(jù)說她是個妙手回春的民間醫(yī)生。bring.(back)to life表示“使復生;使蘇醒”。2021/8/11 星期三40(3) (原創(chuàng))Painters and workers had to be very carefu

26、l when they were trying to bring the city back to _.Aappearance BconstructionCatmosphere Dlife答案:D本題題意:畫家和工匠在努力使城市恢復生機時必須小心認真。bring.(back) to life表示“使復生;使蘇醒”。2021/8/11 星期三413in vain 枉費心機;徒勞無益;白費力氣They tried in vain to persuade her to go.他們極力勸說她去,但枉費了一番口舌。All our efforts were in vain.我們所有的努力都付諸東流。202

27、1/8/11 星期三42【知識運用】(1)(2009湖北30) His efforts to raise money for his program were_because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.Ain place Bin sight Cin effect Din vain答案:D本題題意:他為自己的項目籌款的努力付諸東流了,因為沒有人愿意掏腰包。in vain表示“枉費心機;徒勞無益;白費力氣”。2021/8/11 星期三43(2)We tried_to make him change

28、 his mind.Ain public Bin returnCin vain Din turn答案:C本題題意:我們試圖使他改變主意, 結果是白費心機。in vain表示“枉費心機;徒勞無益;白費力氣”。2021/8/11 星期三44(3) (原創(chuàng))They tried in every way they knew to bring her back to _, but _.Aenergy; in vainBlife; in vainCenergy; in short Dlife; in short答案:B本題題意:他們試盡了每一種方法想使她醒過來,但卻徒勞無功。bring.(back) t

29、o life表示“使復生;使蘇醒”。in vain表示“枉費心機;徒勞無益;白費力氣”。2021/8/11 星期三452021/8/11 星期三461Diversity in a group means having animals with their genes arranged in different ways.群體的多樣性是指這群動物的基因要以不同的方式排列?!局R剖析】with their genes arranged in different ways 為with的復合結構,在句中擔任定語,修飾名詞animals.“with賓語賓語補足語”所構成的復合結構在句中可以擔任定語或狀語

30、;作狀語時表示伴隨情況或者原因。此外,在“with賓語賓語補足語”結構中,補足語成分可以是現(xiàn)在分詞、過去分詞、不定式,介詞短語或形容詞。2021/8/11 星期三471)with 賓語 現(xiàn)在分詞(短語)When mother went into the house, she found her baby was sleeping in bed, with his lips moving.當媽媽走進房子的時候,她發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的孩子正睡在床上,嘴唇一直在動。My aunt lives in the room with the windows facing south.我姑媽住在那間窗戶朝南開的房間。2

31、021/8/11 星期三482)with賓語 過去分詞(短語)With more and more forests damaged,some animals and plants are facing the danger of dying out.由于越來越多的森林遭到破壞,一些動植物正面臨著滅絕的危險。With his legs broken, he had to lie in bed for a long time.他雙腿都斷了,只得長時間躺在床上。2021/8/11 星期三493)with賓語不定式(短語)With so many children to look after, the

32、 nurse is busy all the time.有這么多的孩子需要照顧,保育員一直都很忙。With a lot of papers to correct, Mr. Li didnt attend the party.李老師有許多試卷需要批改,所以沒有參加聚會。With Li Ping to help us,Im sure we can finish our task.有李平來幫助我們,我敢肯定我們一定能提前完成任務。2021/8/11 星期三504)with賓語副詞You should read with the radio off.在看書的時候應該把收音機關掉。With the te

33、mperature up, we had to open all the windows.氣溫上升,我們不得不打開所有的窗戶。5)with賓語形容詞With the window open, I felt a bit cold.窗戶開著,我感到有點冷。It was cold outside, the boy ran into the room with his nose red.外面天氣很冷,那個男孩跑進屋子時,鼻子紅紅的。2021/8/11 星期三516)with賓語介詞短語The woman with a baby in her arms is getting on the bus.懷里抱

34、著嬰兒的那位婦女正在上車。John starts to work very clearly in the morning and goes on working until late in the afternoon with a break at midday.約翰早上開始工作,中午稍作休息后又接著工作到下午稍晚些時候。2021/8/11 星期三52【知識運用】(1)(2010山東29) The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already_for a meal to be cooked.Alaid Blaying Ct

35、o lay Dbeing laid答案:A本題題意:客廳干凈、整潔,已經(jīng)擺放了準備煮飯的餐桌。本題考查with復合結構的用法。名詞table與動作lay(擱放)之間存在邏輯上的動賓關系,采用過去分詞形式,表示動作上“被動”以及時間概念上的“完成”。2021/8/11 星期三53(2)(原創(chuàng))With the project _, our understanding will deepen.Ago onBgoing onCto go on Dgone on答案:B本題題意:隨著項目的進行,我們的理解也加深了。本題考查with的復合結構。動作正在發(fā)生,采用現(xiàn)在分詞短語擔任補足語。2021/8/11

36、 星期三54(3)(原創(chuàng))With so much work_, we had to sit up through the night.Ato do BdoneCdoing Dbeing done答案:A本題題意:有這么多工作要做,我們不得不徹夜不眠。本題考查with的復合結構。根據(jù)句意可知,工作正在進行,但還沒有完成,排除選項C以及選項D。此外,動作do雖然與名詞work之間存在邏輯上的“動賓”關系,但由于句子的主語we恰好是動作do的執(zhí)行者,所以不定式采用主動形式表示被動含義。2021/8/11 星期三55(4)(原創(chuàng))Mr. Miller stood looking at the pic

37、ture _tears in his eyes.Abeyond BthroughCacross Dwith答案:D本題題意:米勒先生站著看那幅畫,他的眼眶中含著淚水。本題考查with的復合結構。2021/8/11 星期三56(5)(原創(chuàng))Doctor Manette sat down, with his eyes looking around, and his lips_.Atrembled BtremblingCto tremble Dbeing trembled答案:B本題題意:曼內特醫(yī)生坐下,眼睛四面望著,嘴唇發(fā)抖。本題考查with的復合結構。采用現(xiàn)在分詞表示一個與謂語動作同時發(fā)生的動作

38、。注意:并列謂語通常表示主語所發(fā)出的,在時間上存在先后順序的一系列動作,因此排除選項A。2021/8/11 星期三57(6)(原創(chuàng))Fortunately, however, I took no steps, for looking up I saw that the older man was standing in the doorway, with his eyes _upon me.Afixing BfixedCto fix Dbeing fixed答案:B本題題意:不過,幸而我還沒有動,因為我一抬頭就看到那年紀大的人站在門口,虎視眈眈地盯著我。fix sth onsb/sth 表示“

39、集中(目光,注意力、思想等)于”,動作fix與所修飾的詞之間存在邏輯上的“動賓”關系,采用過去分詞形式擔任補足語。2021/8/11 星期三582So the chances of dinosaurs ever returning to the earth is merely a dream!所以說恐龍回歸地球的可能性僅僅是個夢想罷了!【知識剖析】dinosaurs ever returning to the earth 為“動名詞的復合結構”,在句中作介詞of的賓語。動名詞帶上自己的邏輯主語,就構成了動名詞的復合結構。其邏輯主語一般由物主代詞、名詞所有格、人稱代詞的賓格和名詞來充當。在口語中

40、,物主代詞和名詞所有格可分別由人稱代詞的賓格或名詞代替。在句中可以擔任主語、賓語或表語。例如:2021/8/11 星期三59Would you mind my/me opening the window?我打開窗子你介意嗎?He insisted on his sons/his son going to college.他堅持讓他兒子上大學。2021/8/11 星期三60【知識拓展】1)動名詞復合結構作主語或動名詞本身為being時,用“物主代詞/名詞所有格ving.”Marys coming late made her teacher Mr. Smith quite angry.瑪麗的遲到使

41、她的老師史密斯先生非常生氣。2)動名詞的邏輯主語為無生命的東西時,用“普通格ving.”Is there any hope of our team winning the game?我們的球隊有獲勝的希望嗎?2021/8/11 星期三613)有生命的名詞但表示泛指意義,用“普通格ving.”Have you ever heard of women playing football?你聽說過婦女踢足球的事嗎?4)兩個以上的有生命的名詞并列時,用“普通格ving.”Do you remember my brother and me coming to see you the other day?你

42、記得我弟弟和我前幾天來看你那件事嗎?2021/8/11 星期三625)動名詞的邏輯主語為復數(shù)名詞時,用“普通格ving.”There are many reasons for animals dying out.動物滅絕有多種原因。6)動名詞的邏輯主語被其他成分說明或修飾時,用“普通格Ving.”Have you heard of Miss Gao, our English teacher, going to the USA?你聽說我們的英語教師高老師要去美國嗎?2021/8/11 星期三63【知識運用】(1)(2006陜西13)It is difficult to imagine his_the decision witho


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