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1、全新版大學(xué)英語(yǔ)綜合教程 1 答案Unit OneText A: Language Focus VocabularyI(Blank-filling1. 1) respectable 2) agony 3) put.down 4) sequence 5) hold back 6) distribute7) off and on 8) vivid 9) associate 10) finally 11) turn in 12) tackle 2. 1) has been assigned to the newspapers Paris office.2) was so extraordinary t

2、hat I didnt know whether to believe him or nottime 3) a clear image of how she would look in twenty yearsgave the command the soldiers opened fire.buying bikes well keep turning them out3. 1) reputation rigid to inspire 2) and tedious Whats more out of date ideas3) compose career avoid showing hardl

3、y hold backSynomyms1. composed 2. severe 3. agony 4. extraordinary 5. recall 6. command7. was violating 8. anticipateCollocation1. At 2. For 3. Of 4. With 5. As 6. About 7. To 8. In in 9. From 10. On/uponComprehension ExercisesClozeText-related1) Hold back 2) tedious 3) scanned 4) recall 5) vivid 6)

4、 off and on7) turn out/in 8) careerTheme-related1) Last 2) surprise 3) pulled 4) blowing 5) dressed 6) scene7) extraordinary 8) image 9) turn 10) excitementTranslationSentenceAs it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mothertold me to.His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of

5、 his bad habit of smoking before it tookhold.Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months,they have decided to increase its production.It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the companys safety rules./Billis said to have been fired for c

6、ontinually violating the companys safety rules.Its reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility ofa severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken propermeasures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.PassageSusan lost her legs

7、because of/in a car accident. For a time, she didnt know how to face upto the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again.One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye/she wasattracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how adisabled girl became a w

8、riter.Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a usefullife.Text B:Comprehension Check 1-6: CACDBDTranslation:語(yǔ)?!艾斏悄鞲缛宿o職不于”題。不是那個(gè)問(wèn)題。辦公室。Language Practicebdafcghe1) resigned 2)expectation 3)have maintained 5)exceptionwas awarded 7)plus 8)make it 9)delicate

9、10)innocent 11)compare 12)significanceUnit Two:Text A: Language Focus VocabularyI( Blank-filling1) absolutely 2) available 3) every now and then 4) are urging/urged5) destination 6) mostly 7) hangs out 8) right away 9) reunion10) or something 11) estimate 12) going ahead1) in the examination was sti

10、ll on his mind.was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of thegame.was so lost in study that she forget to have dinner.has come up and I am afraid I wont be able to accomplish the project on timeof equipping the new hospital was estimated at $2 million. 3 1) were

11、 postponed the awful is estimatedreferee not available am kind ofnot much of a teacher skips go aheadCollocation1. To 2. For 3. At 4. From 5. In 6. To on 7. On 8. withUsage1. More or less 2. Kind of/sort of 3. Something 4. Kind of/sort of 5. More or less 6. or somethingComprehension ExercisesCloze T

12、ext-related1) choked up 2) awful 3) practically 4) neighborhood 5) correspondence 6) available 7) destination 8) reunion 9) Mostly 10) postponing 10) absolutely Theme-related1) how 2) savings 3) embarrassment 4) phone 5) interrupted 6) touchenvelope 8) signed 9) message 10) neededTranslationSentence

13、Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadnt come yet. We had to walk home.Mary looks as if she is very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasnt learned thetexts by heart.Since the basketball match has been postponed, we might as well visit the museumHe stayed in Australia with his paren

14、ts all the way through World War II.Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, I have kind of lost touch with my classmates.PassageIt is not easy to keep in touch with friends when they are far away.This is certainly true in my case.It has been a couple of years since I left my old neighborh

15、ood and all the friends I had there. Ivebeen meaning to write to them but something or other comes up and I just dont seem to findthe time. They are always on my mind. However, and I think I will certainly make an effort to keepup correspondence with them in future.Text B:Comprehension 1-6: DBADCDDT

16、ranslation:丟棄在這兒的,”他說(shuō)道。歷, 將兩條準(zhǔn)則永久地銘刻在比爾心頭:無(wú)論多么艱難,決不泄氣,決不拋棄朋友。己。進(jìn)尤里卡飯店, 請(qǐng)他喝啤酒。Language PracticeCedgfhab1)stuff 2)despair 3)was peering /peered 4)soaked 5)swungin good shape 7)extent 8)rescue 9)draw on 10)Worse still 11)burst into12)flinging Unit Text A: Language VocabularyI( Blank-filling1) brief 2)

17、in terms of 3) cut 4) tend 5) anyway 6) precise 7) in the form of8) initiative 9) convey 10) in two minds 11) concept 12) grasp1) has ensured their team a place in the Cup Final.medical workers responsibility to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.entertain as well as educate the learnercan do wit

18、hout air and water.is likely to be held in June.5. 1) lies in contact between 2) basis of is likely sufficient at the moment3)the steady ensures will be highlyword Formation1. Regained 2.undecided 3.undersupplied 4.disabled 5.precondition 6.foresight 7.mispronounced 8.enrichAntonymsTable fillingGood

19、 Bad modern Ancient Rich Poor Forget Remember dry Wet To ComeAgree Differ Young OldAttack Defend Simple Difficult Colored Colorless Like v.,n. Dislike Long Short Likely Unlikelyearly late Trust distrust1) majority 2)accepted 3)increased 4)weaknesses 5)local 7)wrong 8)falseComprehension ExercisesCloz

20、eText-related1)highly 2)bring about 3)evident 4) rate 5) sufficient 6) across 7)proportion8)Hence 9)ensureTheme-related1)understand 2)travel 3)practical 4)use 5)Another 6)likely 7)affect 8)developments 9)supply 10)SomedayII( TranslationSentenceAs is predicted by scientists, global pollution has beco

21、me one of the most serious problems humans are face with.Competition for these jobs is very tough we have five times as many applicants this year as we did last year / there are five times as many applicants this year as there were lat year.As the facts show, educational programs need to fit into th

22、e national plan for economic development.The car burns too much gas, and moreover, the price is almost twice as much as I intend to pay.To understand a great international event, we, first of all, needto consider the historical and political background to it.PassageIt is hard to imagine how our fore

23、fathers could do without so many conveniences that modern technology has brought about. Back then only small proportion of the population enjoyed the comforts of life. The majority didnt even have sufficient food, not to speak of / let alonethe privilege of being educated. However, many people blame

24、 modern technology for creating so many problems. They want to slow down the rate of progress. But no one can put the clock back.Text B:Comprehension Check 1-6: daccab Translation:正如我們很多人在學(xué)校里所學(xué)的那樣, 科學(xué)方法是一個(gè)漸進(jìn)的過(guò)程,這個(gè)過(guò)程始于某個(gè)目的,或某個(gè)需要解決或回答的問(wèn)題。可能是可靠的??赡苁俏覀儠r(shí)代最偉大的發(fā)現(xiàn)之一。塊石頭里根本就沒(méi)有有機(jī)物。Language Practice1.1)frustra

25、ting 2)conclusions 3)amount 4)evaluating 5)process 6)step by step 7)Organic 8)deadline2. 1)outcome 2)yield 3)worn down 4)professional 5)proposed 6)Somehow7)bulk8)challenges 9)published 10)victims 11)submit 12)comparewith Unit Four:Text A: Language VocabularyI( Blank-fillingwreck 2) balance 3)approac

26、hing 4)handle 5) discard 6)Above all 7)diet 8)do with 9)checked on 10) cleaned up 11)weekly 12)principles1)to look for survivors were abandoned after it had been/was determined that all the peoplein the sunken ship had died.was amazed that Bob left a well-paid job to travel around the world.for a lo

27、an has been turned down by many a bank as her business is small and she couldprovide no guarantee.express her thoughts with precision, so people misunderstand her.will weaken our determination to modernize our country in shortest possible time.1)for sale hunting for be amazed by 2)become skilled han

28、dle their loans 3)character by calling on he passed Confusable Words1)personal 2)personnel1)sometime 2)Sometimes 3)some time 4)sometimedehcgabfComprehension ExercisesClozeText-related1)sponsored 2)determination 3)turnedaway 4)assumed 5)capacity skilled7)loan 8)character 9)hunting 10)for sale 11)send

29、 for 5. Theme- related1)save 2)recent 3)modest 4)grow 5)dream 6)immigrants 7)business 8)engineering 9) invest 10)richCorrecting Non-standard English“Mr. Craw, snow pretty soon,”Correction: “Mr. Crawford, its going to snow pretty soon,”“When winter come, you give me job clearing snow at the factory.”

30、Correction:”When winter comes, please give me the job of clearing snow at the factory.”“I like a buy a house.”Correction: “Id like to buy a house.”“Mr. Craw, I sell my house!”Correction: “Mr. Crawford, Ive sold my house!”“Mr. Craw, I buy a farm.”Correction: “Mr. Crawford, Ive bought a farm.”Translat

31、ionSentenceIt is reported that UN mediators have worked out a plan which they hope will be acceptable to both sides.Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked by giant snakes.Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot prevented, but action can be taken to protect l

32、ife and property.I bought a new issue of my favorite sports magazine and hurried home, anxious to amuse myself reading it.Helen lacks confidence. Ive never known anyone so unsure herself.PassageAfter graduating from college, Tony decided to start his own business. At the beginning, many a bank turne

33、d down his request for a loan. But he was not a bit discouraged, and continued to call on one banker after another seeking help. Impressed by his determination and optimism, one banker finally agreed to loan him the money. Now he has become a wealthy businessman. Talking about his amazing achievemen

34、t, Tony says that it is important to create rather than wait for opportunities.Text B: Comprehension Check: abdcbd Translation:一如既往地打工勉強(qiáng)度日。心吊膽。壞的結(jié)果可能意味著生死存亡。”他坦率地對(duì)她說(shuō)。的治療方法。此刻,在手術(shù)室,看著這同樣地顏色使大腦充滿營(yíng)養(yǎng)和奇跡的鮮紅顏色,我仿佛回到了田間,正在那兒勞作。Language Practice1) immigrants 2)environment 3)quit 4)show up 5)prospect 6)searc

35、h for 7)illegal8)supervising1)risked 2)response 3)put up with 4)acquired 5)deserved 6)reserved7)stood a chance of 8)former 9)rare 10)impressed 11)temporary 12)make endsmeetTest Yourself (Units 1-4)Part I WritingPart II Reading ComprehensionCABDADC 8. Youre interested in others. 9. Secrets10. Make sa

36、crifices of your time and energy. Part III Listening ComprehensionSection A 11-25:DDCAACDAAACD CBC Section B 26-35: DBDBCCCCABSection C 36)flash 37)board 38)airport 39)wandered 40)pages41)fall 42)pleasant 43)coversI learned who I was and who I wanted to be, what I might achieve, and what I might dar

37、e to dream about my world and myselfI am the sort of person who prefers to stay at home, surrounded by family, friends, and books 46) It turns out that when my younger self thought of taking wing, she wanted only to let her spirit soar.Part IV Reading Comprehension Section A 47-56: AKIEBJMFGD Sectio

38、n B 57-66: CCDAB,Part V. Cloze67-86: ABCDA DAABD BCBCA DBBABPart VI Translationtried hard to keep in touch with himsaw people distributing advertisements and sample productsmust have been completely lost in what he was readinghas the responsibility to educate the youthhumans and animals are far less

39、 different than we usually assumeAn unforgettable LessonIn my grade school days, some of my classmates and I would spend our lunch money at the store close to the school. After the meal, wed walk around, talking andlaughing for the rest of the lunch hour. A girl named Nancy was usually with us. But

40、on that particular day she wasnt there, and as we chatted away, we ended up talking about Nancy. Since opinions about her all seemed to be negative, I added, “Nancyisnt very smart, either. Shes always asking others for their homework.”When she saw me the next day, Nancy asked, “Did you say you thoug

41、ht I wasntvery smart?” As I stood there looking Nancy in the face, I wished a thousand times that I could take ask my cruel words. As I began to answer Nancys question Iexperienced the worst feeling that I had ever had up to that pointin my life.In an apologetic voice I answered, “Yes, Nancy, I said

42、 it. But Imtruly sorry.” Nancyaccepted my apology. But that day as I stood there, with my heart in my throat, I learned a lesson: Never say anything about someone that you wouldnt want them tohear.Unit Five:Text A: Language Focus VocabularyI( Blank-filling1(1)monthly 2)acquaintances 3)classic 4)look

43、 in the eye 5)manufactured 6)options7)finance 8)replacement 9)survived 10)pickout 11)married 12)grabbed at1)survived a car crash that killed both her parents.almost embarrassed to death when Sarah read my poem out to the whole class.of the Childrens Hospital will care for the seriously injured pupil

44、sseveral phone calls making inquiries about the position of Financial Officer.straighten out all your financial problems if you join our club.1)inquiry died of hunger people survived2) Instantly give up his retire replace him executive 3)his beloved odd jobs and all thatWord Formation1. Embarrassmen

45、t 2.survivors 3.newly 4.marketable 5.monthly6. competition 7.conceivable 8.respectableUsage1. The poor 2.The deceased/The dead 3.the disabled 4.the French 5.The accused 6.the young 7.The unemployed 8.the latterthe formerComprehension ExercisesClozeText-related1)died of 2)instantly 3)classic 4)ask ar

46、ound 5)surviving 6)retire7)executive8)replacement 9)stock 10)look in the eyeTheme-related1)impressed 2)diligence 3)Instead 4)Contrary 5)professionally 6)perform7)personal 8)balance 9)commitment 10)revealedSentenceIm not sure where you can find a good carpenter youd better ask aroundFeeling a little

47、embarrassed, he quickly cleared his throat and looked up at the paintingon the wall.Michael was survived by three sons, two daughters, and his wifeElizabeth.As a financial expert, William advised us to invest our money in the stock market.We small retailers cant compete with supermarkets in pricing

48、and sales.PassageMy dad is a hard=working executive of a manufacturing firm. He works six days a week. Every day he has to straighten out various kinds of problems so that he often stays up late/nights. However, he tries his best to balance/maintain a balance between work and family. On Sundays my d

49、ad usually stays at home and cares for us as much as he can. To my greatest joy, he cooks our favorite dishes and plays ball with us.Text B:Comprehension Check 1-6: bdbdcc Translation:工作的思緒在你腦海里奔馳。常需要他人的投入和幫助。狂家長(zhǎng)對(duì)孩子寄予太高期望,而這又和追求完美的欲望相關(guān)聯(lián)。做個(gè)了不起的可靠的合伙人、父母和、或朋友 甚或嘗試新的業(yè)余愛(ài)好,使注意力完全從工作中轉(zhuǎn)移出來(lái)。Language Practic

50、edheagbcf1)input 2)reliable 3)staff 4)distracted 5)survey 6)In short7) relationships 8)solution 9)extreme 10)linked 11)among others 12) detailUnit Six:Text A: Language Focus VocabularyI(1. Blank-fillingfertile 2)reflected 3)overseas 4)slim 5)split 6)sustained 8)thrust 9)keen 10)bud 11)previous 12)wh

51、ichever 2. 1)of carpets and furniture in the bedroom disgusts mecorresponding with Henry after the death of her mother. 3)is best located at an isolated place far from cities.was so absorbed in the fame on TV that I didnt hear Martin comein.players grip the ball3.1)to broaden make their way 2)disgus

52、ts take a chance on3) the grand and overseas reflectedUsage1. 1)Frightened 2)afraid/frightened 2.1)alike/similar 2)similar 3.1)alive 2)living 4.1)sleeping 2)asleepWord Family1)disappointed 2)disappointment 3)disappointing 5)disappointingly6)disappointing1) attractive 2)attract 3)attractive 4)attract

53、ively 5)unattractively 6)unattractiveComprehension ExercisesClozeText-related1)identifying 2)gripped 3)margins 4)corresponding 5)overseas 6)little7)hesitated 8)grateful 9)made my way 10)going my wayTheme-related1)first 2)ring 3)Nor 4)another 5)threw 6)deliberately 7)reasoned 8)himself 9)restaurant 1

54、0)matterSentenceBefore I went off to university, my grandfather gave me a few words of wisdom which impressed me deeply.Never tell my parents about my injuries and Ill be very grateful to you (for it).At the meeting some of our colleagues put forward sensible suggestions about improving our working

55、environment.The management has/have agreed to grant the workers a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure.It was very thoughtful of the hostess to give the house a thorough cleaning before we arrived.PassageNot rich himself, Uncle Li never hesitates to help others. Previous to/Before his retireme

56、nt, through Project Hope he located the addresses of two country kids who grew up in poor families but had a keen desire to study. From then on he sent them money regularly. Later the two made their way to college, and even got a chance to study overseas.Text B:Comprehension Check 1-6: bcdbcd Transl

57、ation:錢包里面有封信,看上去已經(jīng)隨身攜帶很多年了。信上署的時(shí)間是 年。索。我解釋了一下情況。他邀請(qǐng)我去一趟。我到達(dá)時(shí),他正在跟門衛(wèi)聊天。“嗨”來(lái)。戈?duì)柕滤固瓜壬鲜莵G錢包?!?Language PracticeHdaebgfc1)identity 2)came across 3)goodness 4)relief 5)other 6)clue(s) 7)knots8)exchange 9)match up to 10)security 11)has been in love 12)catch up onUnit Seven:Text A: Language Focus Vocabular

58、yI( Blank-filling1. 1)go (very)for 2)has expanded 3)In the interest(s) of 4)only to 5)encountered 6)has cooperated 7)assessed 8)(had)switched 9)horizons 10)gaze 11)disaster12) wiped outa long/long-running controversy over whether the book should published or not.felt relieved after her first meeting

59、 with Tom had gone smoothly. 3)suddenly went wrong with my computer when I was in the middle of writing the essay. 4)is obvious that our company is still maintaining its position as market leader in software. 5) give in until they give her a pay rise3.1)have undertaken original to explore 2)evidence

60、 convinced underneath extending to negotiate encounter to figure out exploreConfusable Words1.firstly 2.first, first 3.At first 4.First/Firstly 5.first 6.First 7.at first 8.firstUsageAnimal intelligence whoseZoo keeper WhereEye contact Through whatMoney supply Of whatKiller whale What kindBaby whale


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