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1、完美WORD格式高考英語專題復(fù)習(xí)一完形填空解題技巧指導(dǎo)格式塔心理學(xué):當(dāng)看見不完整的事物時,人們根據(jù)腦子里對事物的完整概念,會在思想上把它補(bǔ)全。 即:補(bǔ)全心理 一.高中英語課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和考試說明對高考完形填空的規(guī)定:完形填空是高考試題中的一個重要局部。完形填空共20題,考試時間為20分鐘左右,分值為30分,占總分 的20%。在兩篇題材熟悉、難度適中的短文(約350詞)內(nèi)留有20個空格,每個空格為一題,每題有四個選擇 項,要求考生在全面理解內(nèi)容的基礎(chǔ)上選擇一個最正確答案,使短文的意思和結(jié)構(gòu)恢復(fù)完整。完形填空局部的目的是測試學(xué)生綜合運(yùn)用語言的能力(測試能力要求大體接近大學(xué)非英語專業(yè)二年級水平。)完型填空


3、,給人以人生的啟迪或是充滿了生活情趣;記敘文對于敘事,描述類文章。短文的首句,往往點(diǎn)明故事發(fā)生的人物(who),時間(when),地點(diǎn)、(where), 和事件(what)等背景情況。例:It was a busy morning about 8:30, when an elderly gent I eman in his 80s came to the hospital .議論文1、議論文的設(shè)題往往多以上下文為基礎(chǔ),利用承前信息或滯后信息,使讀者有所依托。2、議論文中表達(dá)作者態(tài)度或看法的詞較多,所以,試題中對形容詞和副詞的考查往往也較多。范文.范例,指導(dǎo).參考完美WORD格式8)倒裝句及復(fù)雜

4、句子 注意上下文的邏輯關(guān)系和語篇內(nèi)容,這樣才能確保答案的正確。三:語篇理解作者觀點(diǎn)、態(tài)度1 . Life is very 55, so don t rush to make decisions. Life doesn t let you plan.55. A. hardB. busyC. short D. longDr. Shirley Jeanne Allen has traveled many roads andf o 11 owed many rainbows searching for her dream. With courage and 55, she never gave up.

5、A. determination B. inteI Iigence C. strength D. prideThis is because the most important character of creative peopIe is a very strong40 tofind a way out of trouble.40. A. desire B inspire C. infIuence D. attitude小結(jié):完型填空考查內(nèi)容語篇信息(語境理解)詞匯手段:原詞復(fù)現(xiàn),同義.近義復(fù)現(xiàn),反義詞,習(xí)慣用法語法手段:指代,句型,語法工程邏輯手段:順序關(guān)系,并列關(guān)系,因果關(guān)系,讓步關(guān)系,

6、轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,解釋關(guān)系作者觀點(diǎn)、態(tài)度解題過程中應(yīng)做到注意上下文語境了解常識背景掌握習(xí)慣搭配運(yùn)用詞義辨析運(yùn)用語法分析運(yùn)用邏輯分析運(yùn)用排除法 英語完形填空解題步驟.通讀全文,.逐句分析,.通盤理解,.復(fù)讀全文, 做題三忌:急于求成, 只摳字眼, 斷章取義,.通讀全文,.逐句分析,.通盤理解,.通讀全文,.逐句分析,.通盤理解,.復(fù)讀全文, 做題三忌:急于求成, 只摳字眼, 斷章取義,未通讀全文便忙于答題,不了解文意。不善于邏輯推理,容易受思維定勢的干擾,忽視特定語境中知識的應(yīng)用。如何提高能力技巧 一、提高閱讀能力(速度、理解)二、打好語法基礎(chǔ)三、擴(kuò)充詞匯量(詞匯是完型之根,動 詞、名詞為主)范文.范例

7、,指導(dǎo).參考完美WORD格式四、增長生活常識,培養(yǎng)廣泛的興趣愛好 五、堅持每天做兩篇,以提高實戰(zhàn)能力 總結(jié)一解題方法:“先完意,后完形”。上下求索,瞻前顧后。總的原“先完意,后完形”。上下求索,瞻前顧后。八字方針:三步曲:范文.范例,指導(dǎo).參考完美WORD格式問題跳躍性較大。我們做題時,既要看事實,又要感悟作者的態(tài)度與情感。范文.范例,指導(dǎo).參考完美WORD格式對于論述文,首句說明了論述的主題。起到揭示主題的作用。例如:Aman who knows how to wr ite a personal I etter has a very powerf u I too I. A letter ca

8、n be enjoyed, read and 21 .說明文說明文直白性較強(qiáng),脈絡(luò)清晰。2、說明文的層次清晰,整體性強(qiáng),所以,遞進(jìn)性詞匯和名詞的設(shè)題往往出現(xiàn)得較多。只要把握 這些關(guān)鍵,做完形填空便會得心應(yīng)手,游刃有余。完形填空總體要求完形填空全面考查學(xué)生的語言知識、閱讀理解能力和總體語言水平。解題過程是對語篇中的缺失信息進(jìn)行猜想、推斷、驗證的過程,需要我們立足語篇環(huán)境,樹 立全局觀念,瞻前顧后,連貫思維,從語境角度來選擇答案。高考完形填空考什么?.詞匯題.語法結(jié)構(gòu).篇章結(jié)構(gòu)(語境)為什么我們在這一題型上總是失分較資.沒有嚴(yán)格遵循答題步驟:很多考生一拿到完形填空題就急于選擇答案,不認(rèn)真分析通篇文

9、章, 單純求快,忽略語篇理解,只看局部的詞義辨析、搭配和語法結(jié)構(gòu)。外表上解題速度挺快, 但是這種見樹不見林的做法只會影響解題的質(zhì)量和效率。切記:一定要用2-3分鐘時間先進(jìn)迂空邁且讀,弄清文章大意和基本脈絡(luò)后再著手逐個填空.不注意積累答題技巧:a.忽略文章首句的提示作用;b.忽略文章中上下文之間的照應(yīng)關(guān)系;c.遇到長句不注意分析句子結(jié)構(gòu),在語義模糊時抱碰運(yùn)氣的心理隨意作出選擇.時間安排不當(dāng):在幾個選項上過分糾纏,追求完美,導(dǎo)致許多本可以做出的題來不及做。切記:正確的做法是由易到難,先做會做的,再考慮較難的。強(qiáng)烈推薦:如尚有幾題題目不確定可將某題的可能的兩項填入空格,然后快速地整句整段地默 讀,選

10、擇某一項習(xí)慣或短語或動賓搭配讀起來較流暢的.四.解題方法:總的原那么:先完意,后完形。十六字方針:上下通氣,瞻前顧后,左顧右盼,前后照應(yīng)O三步曲:讀填讀五.完形填空具體解題步驟通覽選填復(fù)核1通覽-一速讀全文,把握大意跳格快速閱讀一下全文,通過通覽全文、領(lǐng)會大意,概略地了解文章的體裁、背景、內(nèi)容等等。2選填-一緊扣文意,瞻前顧后先易后難,逐層深入。緊扣全文內(nèi)容,聯(lián)系上下文和語境,展開邏輯推理,注意從上下文中尋 找線索,注意詞匯的意義、搭配,慣用法,語法,常識等多個角度進(jìn)行綜合考,選項入格。3復(fù)核-一全面檢查,確保語意連貫,用詞準(zhǔn)確范文.范例.指導(dǎo).參考完美WORD格式 復(fù)讀全文驗證答案。帶著答案

11、把全文再通讀一遍,注意看所選答案填入空白處后能否做到文章 意思通順、前后連貫、邏輯嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)、結(jié)構(gòu)完整、首尾呼應(yīng)。完形填空之解題技巧Basic skills of cloze細(xì)讀文章的第一句話高考完形填空選文的第一句話通常是完整的。該句往往就是主題句(Topic Sentence),這就為 我們理解文章的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系提供了一個“窗口”,它的句意往往為全文提供中心信息,能直接概括 全文大意、揭示主題。充分重視首句的標(biāo)示作用,利用它為解題找到一個突破口,據(jù)此展開思維,爭取開局勝利。一:詞匯題.上下文和前后句的提示(復(fù)現(xiàn)、同/近義詞、反義詞)( 2010 才匕京卷)Mrs. Neidl would ask m

12、e for my 37 She wanted to know how I thought Shebe I i eved I had opinions, so I began to 37. A. op i n i onB. impress i onC. informationD. intention語境-原詞重現(xiàn)(2010 陜西卷)I had some 28 in my pocker, but I would not give them to him, thinking to myseIf he would 29 ( only) use the money to feed his addicti

13、on to drugs or a I coho I.28. A. chocoIates B coinsC. tinsD. drugs語境一同義詞、近義詞復(fù)現(xiàn)Many old peopIe don t have good. They can t watch TV, but they can Iisten to music or news over the radio .A hearing B health Ceyes i ghtD timeSome parts of the water are very sha I I ow. But in some p I aces it is very, v

14、eryA. deepB. h i ghC. coldD. dangerousCh i nese government cha I I enged local shoo I s to conduct exper i ments i n-educat i onref orm. And then Renda Fuzhong Xi san Schoo I in Beijing stepped up to the.A. chargesB. exchangeC. chaI Ienge D exper ience語境-原詞重現(xiàn)(詞性變化) and then both ended up from the sa

15、me high schooI. Just three weeks beforeBi I I asked Mark if they could talk. (2003 北京)A graduation B movement C separationD vacat i onThe amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world. Holding springs and streams sometimes means control, particularly in the 22 areas I ike the

16、 desert.A. dry B. distant C. deserted D. wi IdThe correct water supply forecast is based more on the water from the 34 than from the be Iow.A. clouds B. sky C. air D. aboveIn 1964 Shirley graduated from Ga 11audet and Iooked for _44_,She wanted to be 范文.范例.指導(dǎo).參考范文.范例,指導(dǎo).參考完美WORD格式C. putting 6.He d 3

17、6 hishad his father and grand-father beforeA. costA. likeB. spent C. takeB. as if C. so7. On Apri I 12, 1888, Alfred s brother newspaper his brother for him andhim.D. paidD. norLudwig died of heart attack.C. putting 6.He d 36 hishad his father and grand-father beforeA. costA. likeB. spent C. takeB.

18、as if C. so7. On Apri I 12, 1888, Alfred s brother newspaper his brother for him andhim.D. paidD. norLudwig died of heart attack.A major FrenchA. foundB misunderstoodindependent and work fulI time.A. information B. he Ip C. a job D. an assistantThe stone men face 41, rather than out to sea, and thei

19、r eyes are focused upon the sky.A. forward B. outward C. onwardD. inwardThe art experts who work at the gallery say theyused modern chemistry techno Iogy to 45 the paint on the picture. These checks found traces(痕跡)of paint deep in the picture dating from about 1814.A. try B. remove C. wash D. check

20、詞匯題.詞語的習(xí)慣用法和固定搭配(2010 全國 I) The nurse had him take a 36 in the waiting area, 37(teII ing)him it would be at Ieast40 minutes 38(before) someone would be abIeto see him36 A. breath B. testC. seatDe break語境-固定搭配The c i ty (Wash i ngton) was named George Wash i ngton, the first pres i dent of the Un i t

21、edStates.A. byB. for C. as D. afterIt was 4 o clock when the front doorbel I rang. Mrs Clarke was tea at the time.A. cookingB. making C. burningD. servingMarkdown and he I ped the boy pick up these articles. (2003 北京 春 50 小題)A. f e 11B. satC. layD. knelt , but they are damage to our houses and shops

22、 of historical interest,Said John Norris, one of the protesters. (NMET1999 第 30 題) A .doingB. raisingD. producinga I iving, 37Iife brewing beer for local breweries only to makea I iving, 37C. mistook C. mistook 能與“A for 錯當(dāng)成B”。D. judgedB”搭配的在四個選項中只有選項C, mistake A for B意為“誤以為A是B,把A 注意:mistake-mistook-

23、mistaken詞匯題范文.范例,指導(dǎo).參考完美WORD格式.根據(jù)詞匯的意義及用法辨析詞義(2010 江蘇卷)My fat he r36 me to her with these words: a would I ike you to meetthe feI low who is A. rushed B.sent C.carried D. introduced 語境一詞義辨析(2010 全國 I) The happiest peop I e don t 53 (necessarily) have the best of everything; they just 54 the best of

24、everything they have .54 A. learn B make C. favor D. try語境一詞義辨析The boy wasthe water and his canoe was _away.A. onB. withinC. inD. underA. runningB. fI oat i ngC. flowingD. pullingWith her slow and cIumsy reactions, she would surely her team.A. hold onB. hold outC. hold overD.hold up語境+詞語辨析.The train

25、er dec i ded it was useless trying to finish. He cal led to Trudy to 45A. keep up B. slow down C. give up D. take up.The forest began to disappear, which 53 all the animals dying out.A. resulted in B. resulted from C. created D. lay inNobel arranged in his wi I I to give the largest part of his mone

26、y to estab I ish the Nobel Prizes, which would be awarded to peopIe who made great to the causesof peace, Iiterature, and the sciences.A. additionsB.sacrificesC. changesD.contributionsmake additionsto給增加make sacrifices for為做出犧牲make changes to對作修改make contributions to對作貢獻(xiàn)So I tried hard with my wr it

27、 ingand went to col lege. My first novel 45 whileI was at col lege.45. A. came onB. came inC. came out D. came backcome on加油,得了吧;開始come out出來;盛開;出版;顯出come in 進(jìn)來come back回來詞匯題4.根據(jù)生活常識及文化背景知識進(jìn)行選擇I made my sandwich that afternoon while waiting for Cassie. 39 the butter-cream gave me an idea.A. Spreadin

28、g B. Boiling C. Baking D. Holding生活常識范文.范例,指導(dǎo).參考完美WORD格式(2010 福建)Born in America , I spoke Engl ish not Chinese , the Ianguage of my ancestors . When I was three . my parents flashed cards with Chinese 36 at my face , but I pused them 37 (aside ),A. custom B. games C . characters D. Ianguage 常識、背景知識

29、I turned the key in the lock andthe door open.A. knocked B. forced 0. pushed D. tried語境一常識(2008 浙江)I don t remember my father evergetting into a swimming poo I. But hedid love the water. Any kind of ride seemed to give him pleasure. And he loved to fishA. boat B. bus C. train D. bike, you_the intern

30、ational date I i ne. By agreement, this is the point where a new day. A. seeB. cross C. areD. are stopped byA. is coming B. is discovered C. is invented D. beginsthe international dateline是,國際日期變更線,是人們所規(guī)定的,看不見,摸不著,但 是可以越過。它是新的一天開始的地方。答案分別為B和D其實,以上方法并非獨(dú)立使用,交互使用的情況較多。根據(jù)文章運(yùn)用多方法,對選項逐項分析,出F除干擾項,從而確定最正確答案

31、。對稍難的或拿不準(zhǔn)的個別題,我們可采用排除法。二:邏輯手段1 .邏輯手段順序關(guān)系并列關(guān)系因果關(guān)系讓步關(guān)系轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系解釋關(guān)系(2010 江蘇卷)Then she Iooked at my father and replied, You are 40(wrong). This is not theworst boy at al l9 41 the smartest one who hasn t yet foundan out Iet (釋放的途徑)for his enthusiasm.41 . A. but B. so C. and D. or語境-轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系、搭配(2010 湖南卷)Bean is

32、a white dog, quite handsome and very 38.A. smart B. sweet C. s I ow D. shy語境-同類并列關(guān)系(2010 安徽卷)First of all, a pen should fit comfortably in your hand, Then the writing point of the pen 52, the pen should make a thick, dark I ine.A. MeanwhiIeB. Genera IlyC. AfterwardsD. Final ly語境-順序關(guān)系A(chǔ) transistor rad

33、io is sometimes very smaI I. It is very easy to carry*, radio broadcasts are better for blind peopIe.A. BesidesB. HoweverC. YetD. Somet i mesAt first nothing happened,suddenly a large rat rushed out of theA. and B. or C. so D. then范文.范例,指導(dǎo).參考完美WORD格式My main responsibi I ity(職責(zé)) were clearing tables

34、and washing dishes,somet i mes I he I ped cook. (2003 北京 第 40 題)A. orB. soC. butD. even7.7.fatherA. IfC. When8. If we make7.fatherA. IfC. When8. If we makeand I often argue with each other, we are good friends.B. Al though D. As if noise on the bus theylook7.fatherA. IfC. When8. If we makeand I ofte

35、n argue with each other, we are good friends.B. Al though D. As if noise on the bus theylook語境-讓步關(guān)系and uncomfortable .A. untouchedB. worriedC, movedC, movedD. exc i tedHei Ien was an oldC, movedD. exc i tedHei Ien was an oldHei Ien was an oldteacher with a warmsmile andA. burstingC. friendlyB. freez

36、ingHei Ien was an oldteacher with a warmsmile andA. burstingC. friendlyB. freezingD. livelyeyes.語境一并列關(guān)系二:邏輯手段2:語法結(jié)構(gòu)分析some differences in schooI Iife between the USWhen we talked, I discovered (發(fā)現(xiàn))and China. For example, each class lasts fifty minutes in the US. It is a little than that in China. We usually have forty minutes in each class.some differences in sch


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