專題08 形容詞及副詞(壓軸題)(解析版)_第1頁
專題08 形容詞及副詞(壓軸題)(解析版)_第2頁
專題08 形容詞及副詞(壓軸題)(解析版)_第3頁
專題08 形容詞及副詞(壓軸題)(解析版)_第4頁
專題08 形容詞及副詞(壓軸題)(解析版)_第5頁
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1、一考查形容詞,副詞的用法1. 【2014年遼寧省沈陽市中考】ImnothungrybecauseIhave_hadlunch. A.everB.neverC.justD.still【答案】C考點:考查副詞辨析2. 【2014年內(nèi)蒙古包頭市、烏蘭察布市中考】You can be a good teacher unless you become more patient. A. often B. ever C. always D. never【答案】D【解析】試題分析:often經(jīng)常;ever曾經(jīng);always一直,總是;Never從來不,永遠不。如果你不更有耐心,你永遠不能成為一個好老師。故選D

2、??键c:考查副詞辨析3. 【2014年內(nèi)蒙古通遼市中考】Could you please speak a little more ? I cant follow you. A. quietly B. quickly C. slowly D. loudly【答案】C【解析】試題分析:quietly安靜地; quickly快速地;slowly 慢慢地;Loudly大聲地。句意:你能說慢點嗎?我跟不上你。可知選C??键c:考查副詞辨析4. 【2014年湖北省荊州市中考】Can you catch what I said?Sorry, I can _ understand it. A. almost B

3、. probably C. nearly D. hardly【答案】D【解析】試題分析:句意:你能聽懂我所說的話嗎?抱歉,我?guī)缀醪荒芾斫?。A. almost幾乎,B. probably可能,C. nearly幾乎,D. hardly幾乎不。據(jù)Sorry可知,我?guī)缀醪荒芾斫猓蔬xD??键c:考查副詞。5. 【2014年江蘇省南通市中考】Thats a bad babit of learning. ,it is never too late for you to get out of it. A.Instead B.Anyway C.Finally D.Similarly【答案】B【解析】試題分析:

4、句意:那是一個學習的壞習慣,不管怎樣,你改掉了壞習慣也不是太晚。Instead反而,代替;anyway不管怎樣,無論如何;finally最后,終于;similarly同樣地。根據(jù)句意故選B??键c:考查副詞詞義辨析。6. 【2014年吉林省中考】Sorry, sir. I cant hear you clearly. Can you say it ? OK, Ill say it again. A. quickly B. slowly C. hardly【答案】B考點:考查副詞辨析。7. 【2014年江蘇省宿遷市中考】Sandy likes travelling. She _ stays at

5、home during holidays. A. seldomB. usuallyC. always D. often【答案】A 【解析】試題分析:句意:Sandy喜歡旅行,她在假期里很少呆在家里。A. seldom很少;B. usually通常;C. always總是; D. often經(jīng)常。根據(jù)句意故選A??键c:考查副詞。8.【2014年江蘇省鹽城市中考】It was raining _when my sister and I got to the museum. A. badly B. softly C. hardly D. heavily【答案】D【解析】試題分析:句意:當我和我的妹妹

6、去博物館的時候,天正下著大雨。A. badly嚴重地;B. softly 溫柔地; C. hardly幾乎不;D. heavily猛烈地,大的??梢杂脕硇稳菰~雨下的大。故選D。考點:考查副詞的用法。9.【2014年山東省威海市中考】. To my surprise, my brother can speak English . A. lively B. perfectly C. badly D. friendly 【答案】B【解析】 試題分析:句意:是我驚訝的是,我弟弟英語會說得很完美。A. lively 活潑的;B. perfectly 完美的;C. badly 差的;壞的;D. frien

7、dly 友好的。根據(jù)句意及四個選項的意思,可知選B。故選??键c:考查副詞辨析。10. 【2014年遼寧省沈陽市中考】Johnisgettingverythin.Hedoesnteat_food. A.manyB.enoughC.fewD.little【答案】B考點:考查形容詞辨析11. 【2014年內(nèi)蒙古包頭市、烏蘭察布市中考】-Hi, Mary. You look . -Yeah, Im going to America with my parents for a vacation. A. kind B. moved C. excited D. sad【答案】C【解析】試題分析:kind好心

8、的,善良的;moved感動的;excited興奮的;Sad傷心的。根據(jù)下文,是的,我要和我的父母去美國度假。可知上文指的是,嗨,瑪麗,你看起來很興奮?。」蔬xC。考點:考查形容詞辨析12. 【2014年浙江省麗水市中考】Steve isnt as _ as Kelly. He often makes mistakes in his writing. A. careless B. tidy C. careful D. difficult【答案】C【解析】試題分析:careless粗心的,無憂無慮的;tidy整齊的;careful仔細的,細心的;difficult困難的。句意:史蒂文不如凱里細心。他

9、總是在書寫中犯錯誤。故選C??键c:考查形容詞辨析13. 【2014年甘肅省蘭州市中考】.How long is the bridge? Its . A. 300-meter-long B. 300-meters long C. 300 meters long D. 300 meter long【答案】C 考點:考查復合形容詞的用法。14. 【2014年湖北省荊州市中考】Ill not be Jacks friend any more. Dont be angry. Hes just so , but in fact hes good to us, you know.A. helpful B.

10、direct C. polite D. brave【答案】B【解析】試題分析:句意:我不要再做杰克的朋友了。別生氣。他只是很直接,但實際上,他對我們好,你知道的。A. helpful有益的,B. direct直接的,C. polite有禮貌的,D. brave勇敢的。據(jù)句意杰克說話直接,讓我生氣了,故選B??键c:考查形容詞。15. 【2014年江蘇省淮安市中考】Mum likes making pictures and the pies she cooks always taste _.A. good B. wellC. badD. badly【答案】A【解析】試題分析:句意:媽媽喜歡拍電影并

11、且她做的餡餅總是很好吃。A. good好的;形容詞; B. well好的,副詞; C. bad壞的,形容詞; D. badly糟糕的,副詞。這里taste是系動詞,所以后跟形容詞作表語。根據(jù)連詞and可知這里應(yīng)該指的是做的餡餅是好的;故選A??键c:考查形容詞的用法。16. 【2014年江蘇省無錫市中考】A little wine will not be to your health. Just dont drink too much. A.helpful B.helpless C.harmful D.harmless【答案】C【解析】 試題分析:句意:一點白酒對你的身體沒有害處,不要喝得太多就

12、行。A.helpful有幫助的; B.helpless 無幫助的; C.harmful有害的; D.harmless無害的。根據(jù)句意故選C??键c:考查形容詞辨析。17. 【2014年江蘇省鹽城市中考】People usually like the TV channels with funnier programmes but _advertisements. A. few B. little C. fewer D. less【答案】C【解析】試題分析:句意:人們喜歡看中央頻道的更有趣的節(jié)目但是有更少的廣告。A. few很少,后跟可數(shù)名詞復數(shù); B. little很少,后跟不可數(shù)名詞; C. f

13、ewer更少,后跟可數(shù)名詞復數(shù); D. less更少;后跟不可數(shù)名詞;這里advertisements.是可數(shù)名詞的復數(shù),故排除BD;因為but前用的是比較級funnier,所以后也應(yīng)該用比較級,故選C。考點:考查形容詞辨析。18【2013山東臨沂】32. When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you should go to an open area as as possible.A. quicklyB. quietlyC. loudlyD. slowly【答案】A 考點:考查副詞詞義辨析。19.【2013江蘇無錫】2. Look

14、 at the bird over there! Its so beautiful! Wow! Its a rare crane. It appears in this area.A. alwaysB. usuallyC. seldomD. often【答案】C【解析】試題分析: always總是;usually通常;seldom很少;often經(jīng)常。由前半句“哇,是丹頂鶴”可知在這兒是很少出現(xiàn)這種鳥。故選C??键c:考查副詞詞義辨析。20.【2013山東聊城】27. The baby is sleeping. please speak _. A. loudly . B. clearly. C.

15、 quietly. D. politely.【答案】C考點:考查副詞的用法。21.【2013山東臨沂】24. David was so excited at the good news that he could say a word.A. nearlyB. hardC. everD. hardly【答案】D 【解析】試題分析: Nearly意為“幾乎、將近”,相當于almost;hard為多義詞,作副詞講,意為“努力地、辛苦地”;hardly油表頻率,意為“幾乎不”;ever意為“曾經(jīng)”。又句意:聽到這個好消息戴維激動地幾乎說不出話來。故選D項??键c:考查副詞的用法。22.【2013浙江杭州

16、】26. There has never been such a beautiful village _ in the world.A. anywhereB. everywhereC. somewhereD. nowhere【答案】A【解析】試題分析:由never可知,本句表示否定意義,又由句意“在世界上沒有任何一個像這樣漂亮的山村”可知,用anywhere“任何地方”。故選A。考點:考查合成副詞的用法。23.【2013 湖北黃岡】29. After nine years hard-work, finally his dream came true.A. at the end B. at th

17、e moment C. at once D. at last【答案】D 【解析】試題分析: finally,意為:最后、最終。at the end (of),在的末尾;at the moment,在此刻,at once,立刻、馬上;at last,最后、最終??键c:考查近義詞24.【2013江蘇無錫】11. We arrived at the station too early and had to go, so we sat there and chatted with each other.A. somewhereB. anywhereC. everywhereD. nowhere【答案】

18、D考點:考查副詞的辨析。25.【2013江蘇淮安】5. My uncle doesnt like fast food, so he _ eats it. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. seldom【答案】D【解析】試題分析: always“總是”, often“常常”, sometimes“有時”, seldom“很少”。由前句“我的叔叔不喜歡快餐”知, 后句意為“他很少吃”, 所以選擇D??键c:考查頻率副詞。26.【2013河北】42.We can hardly believe that you learn to dance so_ .A. quick

19、 B. quickly C. useful D. usefully【答案】B【解析】試題分析:根據(jù)句意“我們很難想象你學跳舞如此快。”可知,此處表示學的快,副詞用來修飾動詞,故用副詞quickly,故答案應(yīng)選B??键c:考查副詞的運用。27.【2013浙江寧波】29. Could you please speak a little more _? I cant follow you.A. quietly B. quickly C. loudly D. slowly【答案】D【解析】試題分析: quietly“安靜地”;quickly“快速地”;loudly“大聲地”;slowly“慢地”。由下文

20、I cant follow you “我沒聽懂”可知應(yīng)是讓對方說得慢一些。故選D??键c:考查副詞辨析。28.【2013浙江麗水】24. I met Lucy in the primary school and we have been close friends _.A. as usual B. again and again C. sooner or later D. ever since【答案】D【解析】試題分析: as usual意為“和往常一樣”,again and again意為“一次又一次”,sooner or later意為“遲早”,ever since意為“自從那之后”。本句句

21、意:我在上小學的時候遇到Lucy,自從那之后我們就成了朋友。所以選D??键c:考查副詞短語的用法。29.【2013山東德州】21. I carried the bowl with both hands_, so that I wouldnt break it.A. carefully B. happily C. quickly D. carelessly 【答案】A考點:考查副詞辨析30.【2013山東青島】12. It is _ that Mr. Guo sailed across the world by himself _ within about 130 daysA. terrified

22、, successfulB. scary, successfullyC. amazing, successfully D. convincing, successful【答案】 C【解析】試題分析:由動詞sailed知道用副詞修飾,故排除A, D ,amazing“令人驚異的”,scary“嚇人的”,所以選擇答案C??键c:考查形容詞、副詞的用法。31.【2013山東菏澤】12. The World Health Organization has given some advice on _to protect us from being infected(感染) with H7N9. A. h

23、ow B. what C. where D. when【答案】A【解析】試題分析:句意:世界衛(wèi)生組織就如何保護我們不被感染給出了一些建議??键c:考查疑問副詞。32.【2013廣西賀州】 42. This movie wasnt _. He fell asleep half way through it.A. interesting enough B. enough interesting C. interested enough D. enough interested【答案】A考點:考查副詞的用法和形容詞辨析。33.【2013廣西賀州】 40. Dont talk _. Your grand

24、mother is sleeping now.A. loud B. hardly C. loudly D. hard【答案】C【解析】試題分析:句意:不要_交談。你奶奶正在睡覺呢。loud,響亮的;hardly,幾乎不,表示否定;loudly,大聲地,有嘈雜之意;hard,努力地,猛烈地;根據(jù)情境,可推知談話聲會影響別人,故選C。考點:考查副詞的辨析。34.【2013廣西玉林】37. The meat is _ delicious.Yes, but dont eat _.A. too much; too much B. much too; too muchC. too much; much t

25、oo D. much too; much too【答案】B【解析】試題分析: too much太多,修飾不可數(shù)名詞;much too太,非常,修飾形容詞或副詞原級。根據(jù)delicious可知要用much too來修飾,意為非常美味,第二空根據(jù)句意可知別吃得太多。所以選擇答案B??键c:考查副詞的用法。35.【2013山東德州】29. There are no words to describe_ I miss my hometown.A. how much B. how many C. how soon D. how long 【答案】A【解析】試題分析: how much“多少”,后跟不可數(shù)名

26、詞,也可以表示價格多少;how many“多少”,后跟可數(shù)名詞復數(shù),也可以表示多么,用來表示程度;how soon“多久”,用于問in+段時間;how long“多長(時間)”,既可以用來提問將來時間,也可以用來提問過去的時間。題干意義是 我無法用語言來表達我是多么地想念自己的家鄉(xiāng),所以選 A。考點:考查疑問詞區(qū)別。36.【2012山東濟南】32.What kind of books do you like? I like funny storybooks. Theyre very_. A. boring B. lazy C. quiet D. interesting【答案】D【解析】試題分析

27、: boring“無聊的”; lazy“懶惰的”; quiet“安靜的”; interesting“有趣的”。句意為“你喜歡哪種圖書?我喜歡有趣的故事書。它們很有趣?!惫蔬xD。考點:考查形容詞辨析。37.【2012山東濟南】49.Please drive _ when you pass a school. OK. A. nearly B. early C. slowly D. really學科王【答案】C考點:考查副詞辨析。38.【2012山東濟南】50.Have you ever been to Disneyland? No, _.I hope I can go there next yea

28、r.學科王 A. always B. sometimes C. never D. often【答案】C【解析】試題分析:always“一直,總是”;sometimes“有時”;never“從不”;often“經(jīng)?!薄>湟狻澳阍?jīng)去過迪斯尼樂園嗎?不,從沒去過。我希望我下年去那里”。故選C??键c:考查頻度副詞辨析。39.【2012山東濟南】54.How often do the students play sports?-_.學科王A. Twice a day B. Since last night C. For two hours D. A month ago【答案】A【解析】試題分析:上文用

29、how often(多久一次)提問,下文需是表頻度的答語。故選A。twice a day“每天兩次”。考點:頻率副詞短語40.【2012浙江溫州】3. My sister is_. She likes making friends with others.A. shy B. quiet C. athletic D. outgoing【答案】D考點:考查形容詞的辨析?!究键c總結(jié)】中考中的形容詞主要是詞義辨析,及形容詞修飾不定代詞時的位置。副詞對頻率副詞,方式副詞及程度副詞考查的比較多。對形容詞和副詞同時考查的題主要是考查形容詞做表語,定語及修飾動詞的方式副詞的用法。二考查形容詞副詞的比較級別。1

30、. 【2014年云南省中考】Keep on. Dont stop. The_ you climb, the_ you will see.A. highest; farthest B. highly; farther C. high; far D. higher; farther【答案】D【解析】 試題分析:句意:堅持,別停下來。你爬的越高,看得越遠。固定句型:越,越,英語表達為the+比較級,the+比較級,根據(jù)句意及選項結(jié)構(gòu),故選D??键c:考查副詞比較級。2. 【2014年遼寧省沈陽市中考】TheGreatWallofChinais_wallintheworld. A.longB.longe

31、rC.longestD.thelongest【答案】D考點:考查形容詞最高級3. 【2014年內(nèi)蒙古通遼市中考】 Mom, what do you think of our new house? Its nice, and its than the old one.A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest【答案】B【解析】試題分析:句意:媽媽,你認為我們的新房子怎么樣?非常不錯,并且比舊的那所大。結(jié)合語境可知本句中表示兩者之間的對比,故用形容詞的比較級,選B,更大的??键c:考查形容詞比較級4. 【2014年四川省內(nèi)江市中考】- What do you

32、 think of receiving and giving gifts? - I think the art of receiving a gift is _ than the art of giving. A. much more difficult B.very more difficult C. much difficult D. as difficult as【答案】A【解析】試題分析:句意:你怎么看待收授禮物這個問題?我認為接受禮物的藝術(shù)要比送禮物的藝術(shù)難得多。結(jié)合語境可知本句表示兩者之間的對比,故用形容詞比較級。英語多一節(jié)形容詞的比較級一般由more加形容詞原級構(gòu)成,very等表

33、示絕對含義的詞語不能用來修飾比較級,故選A??键c:考查形容詞比較級5. 【2014年湖北省荊州市中考】Do you have the news about Anna?I was told she had gone abroad on June 15th, but I dont know whether she is there now.A. latest B. funniest C. longest D. worst 【答案】A【解析】試題分析:句意:你有關(guān)于安娜最新消息嗎?我被告知她在6月15日出國了,但我不知道現(xiàn)在她是否在那兒。A. latest最新的,最近的,B. funniest最有意

34、思的,C. longest最長的,D. worst最糟糕的。據(jù)she had gone abroad on June 15th,這條消息的內(nèi)容可知A符合題意。故選A。考點:考查形容詞最高級。6. 【2014年江蘇省南通市中考】Compare the speeches made by the students from different schools,and you will find Franks is .Sure. Thats why we voted for him.A.more boring B.the most boring C.more insteresting D.the mo

35、st interesting【答案】D考點:考查形容詞的最高級。7. 【2014年吉林省中考】Nick, what kind of movies do you like , action movies or comedies? Comedies, I think. A. good B. better C. best【答案】B【解析】試題分析:句意:-尼克,你喜歡哪種影片,武打片還是喜劇片?我認為是喜劇片。根據(jù)action movies or comedies可知這里是兩者作比較,所以應(yīng)該用比較級。故選B??键c:考查形容詞比較級。8. 【2014年福建省莆田市中考】The year of 201

36、3 saw the_ air pollution in China for 52 years.A. bad B. worse C. worst來【答案】C 【解析】試題分析:句意:2013年是52年來在中國污染最嚴重的時間。bad壞的,原形;worse更壞的;worst最糟糕的;空格前有the,所以這里應(yīng)該用最高級的形式。故選C??键c:考查形容詞最高級。9. 【2014年四川省樂山市中考】Who can reach the dictionary on the top shelf?Susan can. She is _girl of us all. A. taller B. a tall C.

37、the tallest【答案】C考點:考查形容詞最高級10.【2014年湖北省恩施州中考】He landed at the same place once again in the long jump. I dont think he can jump a little_.A. far B. farther C. farthest【答案】B 【解析】 試題分析:句意:在跳遠中他再次落在同一個地方,我認為他跳得不會再遠了。根據(jù)句意這里指的是兩次跳遠的距離的比較, a little修飾比較級,故選B??键c:考查副詞的比較級。11. 【2014年甘肅省蘭州市中考】The weather is bec

38、oming .A. hotter and hotter B. more hot and hot C. hoter and hoter D. more and more hot【答案】A 【解析】試題分析:句意:天氣變得越來越熱了。比較級連用翻譯成“越來越”,hot比較級要雙寫t,變成hotter,越來越熱,譯為:hotter and hotter,故選A??键c:考查形容詞比較級。12. 【2014年山東省威海市中考】I am sorry this coat is not big enough. I want a one. A. bigger B. big C. smaller D. small

39、 【答案】A【解析】 試題分析:句意:對不起,這件外套不夠大。我想要一個更大點的。根據(jù)句意,是選大點的,而C和D小的意思,所以排除,想要的是一件與原先那個比較大一點的,這里含有比較意味,故選A??键c:考查形容詞的比較級。13. 【2014年江蘇省宿遷市中考】My son is only 12 years old, but he is _ in our family. He grows so fast. A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD. the tallest【答案】D 考點:考查形容詞的最高級。14.【2013江蘇蘇州】5. Peter speaks Chinese w

40、ell indeed, but of course not _ a local speaker in China.A. so fluently as B. more fluent thanC. as fluent as D. much fluently than【答案】A【解析】試題分析:根據(jù)句意“彼得說的漢語確實好,但是當然不如中國當?shù)厝苏f的流利”,固定短語not so/as.as,又動詞speak需要副詞修飾,故答案為A??键c:考查副詞比較級。15【2013內(nèi)蒙古呼和浩特】13. I know you are shorter than your brothers,but you run _

41、. A. more faster B. fastest C. more fast D. fast 【答案】B試題分析:根據(jù)比較范圍you和brothers可以判斷至少有三者,三者或三者以上作比較,應(yīng)該用最高級。所以選擇答案B??键c:考查副詞的比較。16.【2013河北】31. Im sorry Im late. I should get here 10 minutes_. A. early B. earlier C. the earlier D. the earliest【答案】B試題分析:根據(jù)句意“對不起我來晚了。我應(yīng)該早到這兒10分鐘。”可知此處是隱含句意中的比較級,故答案應(yīng)選B。考點:考

42、查副詞比較等級的運用。17.【2013湖北襄陽】35. Who ran of all in the sports meeting?Hector did, I think.A. fastB. faster C. the fastest D. more fast【答案】C【解析】試題分析:句意:在所有的人中,誰在運動會上跑得_。我認為是Hector。Fast快;faster快的比較級“更快”;the fastest 快的最高級“最快”;more fast 是錯誤選項。根據(jù)句意在三者或三者以上中比較用最高級,故選C??键c:考查比較等級的用法。18.【2013福建泉州】34. What should

43、we do to reduce food waste? In a restaurant only order as_ as we need and try to eat it up. A. much B. more C. most 【答案】 A考點:考查副詞。19.【2013廣西玉林】35. Liu Ying is good at singing. She sings _the famous singer, CoCo.A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as D. as the best as【答案】A【解析】試題分析:根據(jù)原級比級as +原級+

44、as可知C和D是錯語的。A項為和一樣好,well為副詞;B項為和一樣好,good為形容詞。根據(jù)謂語動詞sings可知用well,副詞修飾動詞。所以選擇答案A??键c:副詞的同級比較。20.【2013四川瀘州】5. No one can sing _ than her.A. well B. good C. better D. best【答案】C【解析】試題分析:根據(jù)空后的than可知這里要用比較級,而good和well的比較級都是better,所以選擇答案C。考點:考查比較等級的用法。21.【2013 上?!?1. The volunteer spoke as _ as she could to

45、make the visitors understand her. A. clearly B. more clearly C. most clearly D. the most clearly【答案】A 試題分析: 句意:這個志愿者盡可能地說清楚,以使參觀者聽懂她的話。asas之間要用副詞的原級??键c:考查比較等級的用法。22.【2013江西】37. Ted was hard-working. His success made him work_.A. harder B. hardestC. more quickly D. most quickly【答案】A 考點:考查比較等級的用法。23.【

46、2013廣西南寧】30. We held a concert in the hall yesterday, Kate sang among the singers.A. good B. well C. better D. best【答案】D【解析】試題分析:三者或三者以上比較,用最高級。among the singers“在所有的歌手當中”可知,要用最高級??键c:考查比較等級的用法。24.【2013山東濟南】41. Tony is not as clever as Lucy, but he works _ than her.A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. the

47、 hardest【答案】B【解析】試題分析:根據(jù)句中連詞than判斷此處應(yīng)該使用比較級形式表示兩者間的比較。句意:托尼不如露西聰明,但他比她學習更勤奮。所以答案選B。考點:考查比較等級的用法。25.【2012黔西南】13. Which city has _population, Beijing, Guiyang or Xingyi?XIngyi, of course.A. the largest B. the smallest C. the most D. the least【答案】A.【解析】 試題分析:修飾人口數(shù)量的形容詞可以用large或者small,而more或less 常用來修飾wa

48、ter,這是習慣用法。興義的人口肯定沒有北京和貴陽的多,因此選擇B??键c:考查比較等級的用法。26.【2012福建福州】36. Shu-How Lin is now one of_basketball players in the NBA.A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular【答案】C【解析】試題分析:由句尾“in the NBA”可知這里的比較限制了范圍,所以考慮用形容詞的最高級形式,one of +形容詞最高級+名詞復數(shù)表示“最之一”。句意為“林書豪現(xiàn)在是NBA最受歡迎的隊員之一”。故選C。考點:考查比較等級的用法。27.【2012貴州銅仁】34.The weather in Guiyang in summer is _than that in Tongren. Theyre different . A . cool B. much cooler C. hotD. much hotter【答案】B考點:考查比較等級的用法。28.【2012山東濟寧】19.In the talent show, I performed well and Ann did even_.A.well B.better C.more D.worse 【答案】B【解析】試題分析:根據(jù)and可知是并列關(guān)系。句意:


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