



1、Unit 4 Free Time 名師精編優(yōu)秀教案Target I. Sentences: 1. May I have a peach. Yes ,please. 2. May I have a balloon. No,you may not .Sorry.3. Thank you.Youre welcome .Come back. cream ,call my II. Words:go to the zoo ,buy an ice frend ,borrow a book ,watch TV ,listen to a song . III. Sounds and words: i: tea

2、,read ,peach ,clean ,speak ,ice cream, Picture Cards 25-28, go to the zoo ,buy an ice cream ,call my frend ,borrow a book ,watch TV ,listen to a song . The first period Step 1 Review 1. Where s Jenny going . Shes going to the party. 2. Are you going to the beach . No,I m not.I m going to the hospita

3、l.Step 2 Vocabulary Getting ready 名師精編 優(yōu)秀教案Hold up a ruler. Write May I have a ruler. on the blackboard. Point to a rulerT: May I have a ruler.Repeat. Ss: Yes .Here you are . Repeat. Ss: No.Sorry. Repeat. Using the book Put Picture Cards25-28 on the blackboard. T:Look at the Picture Cards. Say each

4、word as you hold up the Picture Cards T:Now Listen and repeat. hold up each Picture Cards And say the word.Give Ss time to repeat . Play the disc and have Ss repeat each word. Repeat with several Picture Cards. Step 3 Practice 2 Ask and answer T: May I have a book. Circle have . Continue with the ot

5、her pictures . Ask individual Ss to answer . Step 4 Homework 1、朗讀拼背本課單詞 2、謄寫本課單詞各 5 個名師精編 優(yōu)秀教案The second period Step 1 Review 1、朗讀短語;Step 2 Target Getting ready May I have a ruler. S1:Sure.Here you are ./No.Sorry. Put the Picture Cards on the blackboard. T: May I use your pencil. S2:Yes,you may ./No

6、.Sorry. T: May I borrow your book. S3:Yes,you may ./No.Sorry. T: May I buy your pen. S4:Yes,you may ./No.Sorry. When you get an affirmative,pretend to give the student money ,then take the pen . Using the book Point to the first Picture and model the dialog. Point to the second Picture and model the

7、 dialog. Play the disc and pause after each sentence,allowing Ss to repeat. Step 3 Song 1Listen and sing T: Let s sing a song . Lets listen first. Play the disc and point to each word as it is sung. One group sings the questions and the other group sings 名師精編 優(yōu)秀教案the responses. 2 Activity 1 Have Ss Look a


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