



1、福建省三明市官洋中學(xué)2019-2020學(xué)年高二英語月考試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. My parents live in a small village.They always keep candles in the house there is a power out.A.if B.unlessC.in caseD.so that參考答案:C提示:句意:我父母住在一個(gè)小村莊,他們經(jīng)常都備有蠟燭以防停電。if“如果”;unless“除非”;in case “以防,萬一”;so that引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句,意為“因此”。2. Can you lend me the book _the other d

2、ay?A. that you talked B. which you talked C. about that you talked D. about which you talked 參考答案:D略3. This library with five thousand books _ built on a donation by a famous person last year.A. have been B. has been C. was D. were參考答案:C4. Happy birthday!Thank you! Its the best present I for. A. sho

3、uld have wished B. must have wished C. may have wished . D. could have wished參考答案:D略5. Have you understood what he really means?_.A. Now and thenB. More or lessC. From time to timeD. Here and there參考答案:B【詳解】考查情景交際及習(xí)慣表達(dá)。句意:- -你理解他真正地意思了嗎?-差不多理解了。A .Now and then時(shí)而; B .More or less差不多; C. From time to

4、time不時(shí); D .Here and there到處。B .More or less“差不多”符合句意。故選B項(xiàng)。6. Jane wont join us for dinner tonight and _. A. neither wont Tom B. Tom wont either C. Tom will too D. so will Tom參考答案:B7. Jeniffer is worthy _ smoking as she suffered a lot from lung problem.A. to cut out B. cutting out C. to be cut out D.

5、 of being cut out參考答案:A8. Im going to Fuzhou tomorrow. Have you got anything _ to your parents there?A. to takeB. to be takenC. being takenD. taken參考答案:B9. When the clock _ twelve oclock, Cinderella suddenly remembered her godmothers words and rushed away from the prince.A. struck B. beat C. alarmed

6、 D. settled參考答案:A10. -How was your dinner date, dear?-Very nice. _ A. Much more than I could have imagined B.I cant wait to have it againC. Could have helped myself to some more D. If they had served better參考答案:A 11. I dont like this kind of music. _. Its too noisy. A. Nor do IB. Nor I doC.Neither a

7、m I D. Neither I am參考答案:A12. The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I _ the trouble to carry my umbrella with me. A. should have taken B. could have taken Ks5uC. neednt have taken D. mustnt have taken 參考答案:C略13. Suddenly he _his mother in the crowd and ran to her .A.lost sight of B.caught up w

8、ith C.caught sight of D.in sight of 參考答案:C14. _ both sides accept these terms will everlasting peace be established in this region.A. If only B. Only if C. Unless D. As long as參考答案:B【詳解】考查固定短語。句意:只有雙方接受這些條款,永久的和平才能在此地區(qū)實(shí)現(xiàn)。Only + 狀語位于句首,主句要倒裝。A. If only要是多好;B. Only if只有;C. Unless除非; D. As long as只要,故選

9、B。15. Some research has indicated that unemployed workers should _ any job they can get, including temporary work, as a bridge to higher-paying employment.A. build up B. take up C. make up D. bring up參考答案:B16. _advertisements,TV programs are often made boring.ARegularly interrupted by BRegularly int

10、erruptingCTo regularly interrupt DTo be regularly interrupted by 參考答案:A略17. Disabled as the woman scientist is, she has been _ in her devotion to scientific research all these years to achieve so much. A. conscious B. eager C. intelligent D. Constant參考答案:D18. Americans think theyre good drivers _ dr

11、ivers in other countries.A. comparing toB. to compare to C. compared to D. being compared to 參考答案:C19. The police have so far failed to establish a _ between the two murders.A. action B. unionC. connection D. combination參考答案:C句意:到目前為止,警方還未能將兩起兇殺案聯(lián)系起來。二、 完型填空20. 閱讀下面短文.從短文后各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)A、B. C和D中,選出可以填入空白

12、處的最佳選項(xiàng)。Many years ago, I owned a service station and roadhouse on the main road between Melbourne and Adelaide.One very cold, wet night at about 3:30 a.m., there was a 36 on the front door of our house. A young man, wet from 37 to toe, explained that he had 38 out of petrol about 30 km up the road.

13、He had left his pregnant(懷孕的) wife and his two children 39 at the car and said that he would hitchhike(搭便車) back.Once I had 40 a can with petrol, I took him back to his car where his two-year-old and four-year-old children were both 41 ,saying that they were cold. Once the car had started, I suggest

14、ed that he 42 me back.Before leaving, I had turned the heater 43 in the roadhouse, so that when we went in, it was nice and 44 .While the little ones played and ran 45 ,I prepared bread and butter for the children, and hot chocolate for the 46 .It was about 5 a.m. before they 47 .The young fellow as

15、ked me how much he 48 me and I told him that the petrol pump(加油泵) had 49 $15.He offered to pay “call-out fee”,but I wouldnt accept it.About a month later, I received a 50 from Interstate, a large bus company that we had been trying to 51 to stop off at our roadhouse for a long time. It 52 out that t

16、he young fellow I had helped was its general manager, the most 53 person in the company.In his letter, he thanked me again and 54 me that, from then on, all their buses would stop at my service station. In this 55 ,a little bit of kindness was rewarded with a huge amount of benefits.36.A.kick B. hit

17、 C. beat D. knock37.A.finger B. shoulder C. head D hand38.A.driven B. used C. come D. run39.A.away B. behind C .over D. out40.A.supplied B. poured C. equipped D. filled41.A.sleeping B. crying C. quarrelling D. fighting42.A.allow B. ring C. lead D. follow43.A.on B. off C. in D. over44.A.neat B. hot C

18、. warm D. attractive45.A.around B. inside C. nearby D. along46.A.drivers B. guests C. customers D. adults47.A.left B. arrived C. ate D. disappeared48.A.gave B paid C. owed D. offered49.A.appeared B. exhibited C. calculated D. shown50.A.call B. letter C. check D. notice51.A.get B. force C. requite D.

19、 hope52.A.pointed B. turned C. worked D. found53.A.generous B. successful C. serious D. powerful54.A.praised B. persuaded C. informed D. convinced55.A.lesson B. business C. aspect D. case參考答案:36-40. DCDBD 41-45.BDACA 46-50DACDB 51-55.ABDCD三、 閱讀理解21. Are you a different person when you speak a foreig

20、n language? Thats just one of the questions the New Yorkers writer and native North Carolinian Lauren Collins explores in her autobiography, about her tough efforts to master French after marrying a Frenchman whose name Oliviershe couldnt even pronounce properly. When in French ranges from the humor

21、ously personal story to a deeper look at various theories of language acquisition and linguistics (語言學(xué)).The couple met in London “on more or less neutral ground: his continent, my language.” But the balance shifted when they moved to Geneva for Oliviers work. The normally voluble (健談的) Collins found

22、 herself at a loss “nearly speechless.” The language barrier, and her dependence on her husband for simple things like buying the right cut of meat worsened her mixed feelings about “unlovely, but not ridiculous” Geneva. She comments, “Language, as much as land, is a place_65_To be cut off from it i

23、s to be, in a sense, homeless.”Her sense of alienation (疏離感) leads to an examination of Americas miserable record when it comes to foreign languages, “Linguists call America the graveyard of languages because of its singular ability to take in millions of immigrants and make their native languages d

24、ie out in a few generations,” Collins writes. Educated in Wilmington, N.C., and at Princeton, she could like the vast majority of Americans only speak their mother tongue.Eight months after she moved to Switzerland, Collins gives up on the natural acquisition of language and finally attends a French

25、 course. As she struggles with grammar and vocabulary, Collins notes smartly that vert (green),verre (glass), ver (worm), vers (toward), and vair (squirrel) compose a quintuple homonym (同形異義). “Although its difficult, French can try” she says.French is actually considered among the easiest languages

26、 for an English speaker to learn, especially compared to Arabic or Mandarin Chinese. Collins, whose notably rich English vocabulary includes glossolalia (nonsense speech) and shibboleth (catchword or slogan), finds plenty of terrific French words to love. She writes, “English is a trust fund, an une

27、arned inheritance (遺產(chǎn)), but Ive worked for every bit of French Ive banked.”Unlike Jhumpa Lahiri, who became so hooked on Italian and used it to write In Other Words, Collinss goals for learning French were more modest, “I wanted to speak French and to sound like North Carolina.” She also wanted to b

28、e able to deal with chimney sweeps and butchers, communicate with her in-laws, and “to touch Olivier in his own language.” She admits that she feels different speaking French. Its austerity (樸素) made me feel more confused.”Readers looking for the romantic spark of classic cross-cultural love stories

29、 featuring an outgoing American and a shy Frenchman will find flashes of it here. Among the many cultural differences the couple argue over are her enthusiastic American habit of applying the verb love to express enthusiasm for shoes, strawberries, and husbands alike. But theres far more to Collins,

30、 book than fantastic comedy, and those who have experienced linguistic crossings themselves tend to find particular resonance (共鳴) in its inquiry into language, identity, and transcultural translation.Arranged by chapters named for verb tenses, When in French works its way from The Past Perfect (Le

31、plus-que-parfait) to The Present (Le Present) and The Conditional (Le Conditionnel). Collins ends on a delightful note with Le Futur-fitting for a new mother about to move with her hard-won French husband, French language, and Swiss-born daughter to the French-speaking city of her dreams, Paris.65.

32、Which of the following statements is NOT the reason why Collin studied French?A. She is eager to understand her husband in his own language.B. She aims at dealing with everyday life affairs in French.C. She wants to communicate with her husbands s freely.D. She tries to apply French to serve her wri

33、ting career.66. What does she mean by her comments “Language, as much as land, is a place. To be cut off from it is to be, in a sense, homeless.” in paragraph 2?A. Understanding the language of a country helps you find the sense of belonging there.B. If you understand the language of one country, yo

34、u can get a house easily there.C. You should forget your native language in order to get a home in a foreign country.D. Language, as well as land, is a place on which you can build your own home.67. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?A. Only English-speaking people can immigrate into America.B. O

35、ther languages except English are forbidden in Americans universities.C. American culture replaces immigrants native languages gradually.D. So many immigrants may die very soon in America.68. Who can find particular resonance (共鳴) in When in French?A. Those who have to learn a foreign language.B. Th

36、ose who have suffered from linguistic crossings.C. Those who became addicted to French.D. Those whose native languages have died out.69. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “Le Futur” in the last paragraph?A. The past. B. The Present Perfect. C. The Future. D. The Present Continuous.70. This text would be probably found in _.A. science section of a local newspaperB. literature section of a science journalC. biography section of a social magazineD. review and recommendation of a


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