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1、遼寧省部分重點中學協(xié)作體 2020 年高考模擬考試英語試卷試卷說明 : 本試卷由四部分組成。其中,第一、二部分和第三部分的第一節(jié)為選擇題。第三部 分第二節(jié)和第四部分為非選擇題。答卷前,考生務必將自己的姓名、準考證號填寫在答 題卡上。作答時,將答案寫在答題紙上,寫在本試卷上無效。第一部分 :聽力第一節(jié) (共 5小題 ;每小題 1.5分,滿分 7.5 分)聽下面 5 段對話。每段對話后有一個小題 ;從題中所給的 A、B、C 三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10 秒鐘的時間來回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。When will the shoes be

2、 finished?Sunday afternoon. B. Saturday afternoon. C. Friday morning.Where is Jane and Bills new home?Near a train station. B. Near a bus station. C. Near an airport.What time is it in fact?1:40. B.1:50. C.1:45.What does the man mean?Bob said nothing at the lecture.Something is wrong with Bobs ears.

3、Bob doesnt listen to him.What can you learn from the conversation?The man has all his meals in the dining room.The man may come from the south.The food in the dining-room is very bad. 第二節(jié) (共 15 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 22.5分)聽下面 5 段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、c 三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽每段對話或獨白前你將有時間閱讀 各個小題,

4、每小題 5 秒鐘:聽完后,各小題將給出 5 秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白 讀兩遍。聽第 6 段材料,回答第 6、 7 題。How does Jane like the skirts?She likes neither the prices nor the styles.She likes the styles but does not like the prices.She likes the prices but does not like the styles.What people does Jane think can wear the clothes in this store?T

5、he women who are of her age.The women who are older than she.The women who are younger than she. 聽第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 題。3. Why does the man decide to buy a new flat?The place where he lives now is too noisy.He wants to save time on the road.His wife wants him to do so.Why cant the woman lend the man

6、too much money?She doesnt like the man.She has lent her money to another friend.Shes just bought a new flat herself.Where do the mans parents live?In the countryside. B. In a big city. C. In a foreign country. 聽第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 題。Why did the woman want to change jobs?Because she needed more time

7、to study.Because Park Hotel was too far away from her home.Because she was not satisfied with the pay.Where did the woman get the information of applying for the jobs?From the sign in the restaurant window.From a friend of hers.From the want ad in the newspaper.What days did the interviewer say they

8、 needed help?At weekends. B. On Sundays. C. Late in the week. 聽第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 題。What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?Director and actress.Journalist and actress. C. Fan and film star.What part does the woman play?An old lady. B. A young lady. C. A doctor.What did the woman

9、 say about the play?Its a comedy.B. Its directed by herself.C. Its loved by people.聽第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 題。According to the speaker, how will students feel about the university life at its beginning?Disappointed and fearful.B. Satisfied and hopeful.C. Excited and anxious.What will help the students

10、to become clear about their own goals?Walking around the university.Understanding the university requirements.Getting used to university life.Why does the speaker advise the students not to give up learning?Because learning can help them understand their own value.Because learning can help them impr

11、ove their life.Because learning can help them get university degrees.According to the speaker, what is the most important for the new students?Fields of learning. B. Results of learning, C. Ways of learning 第二部分 :閱讀理解 (共 20 小題,每小題 2 分,滿分 40 分) 第一節(jié) (共 15 小題 ;每小題 2 分,滿分 30 分)閱讀下列短文,從每篇短文后各題所給的A、 B、 C、

12、 D 四個選項中選出最佳選項,手在答題卡上將該項涂黑。Cape Hatteras National SeashoreLying on North Carolinas Outer Banks, the Cape Hatteras Seashore is an amazing destination for recreating, relaxing and more. There are many beautiful beaches in the seashore for the whole family to explore and enjoy. Visitors can spend vacat

13、ion time for shells, birding, hiking and so on. The outer banks are also an excellent spot to go windsurfing especially on Hatteras Island. In addition, Cape Hatteras National Seashore also has three historic lighthouses and Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is open for visitors.Pribilof Island, AlaskaFor th

14、ose looking to see some northern species of birds, these Alaska islands are a great choice. Lying in the Bering Sea, these islands are home to many fascinating species of birds. Visitors will enjoy hiking on the islands trails while also enjoying the relative remoteness of the place. Birders should

15、be sure to keep an eye out for Horned Puffins and many more species.Dry Tortugas National park, FLLying 70 miles west of Key West, this cluster ( 群 ) of seven islands is a great destination to enjoy some of Floridas nature. The islands consist of coral reefs and sand, and they are famous for their b

16、ird and marine life. Visitors can also enjoy Fort Jefferson, which is the largest 19h century American coastal fort ( 要塞 ).Wine Country Vacation EscapesThroughout the United States there are many destinations to enjoy the fantastic wines produced in the country. Some regions like Napa Valley have al

17、ready gained a reputation for their fantastic wines, however, there are many regions that offer fantastic wines and a beautiful vacation destination.What is special about Cape Hatteras National Seashore?Visitors can stay there for free.Visitors can visit a lighthouse.Visitors can stay there for free

18、.Visitors can visit a lighthouse.What is Horned Puffin?The name of a fort,C. The name of marine life.Shooting birds is forbidden.Visitors can enjoy its remoteness.The name of an island.The name of a bird.Which camp is suitable for wine lover?Cape Hatters National Seashore.B. Pribilof Island, Alaska.

19、Dry Tortugas National park, FL.D. Wine Country Vacation Escapes.BWhen a precious baby cow ended up in this family after losing its mom, little KinleyGraytook her in with open arms.They are just so cute. My heart cannot even contain in all of that love, Lacey Gray, Kinleys mom said.Lacey is a profess

20、ional photographer from Michigan City, Mississippi. She had reached out to her husbands uncle, who owns cows, to see if she could borrow a calf for a photo shoot she was hoping to do.Initially, her husbands uncle thought she could just borrow a calf without the mom. She hadnt thought about that aspe

21、ct, but understood, and moved on.But the next morning she got a phone call from him and he was so serious. He said, “ Do you really want a calf? The mama fell and she is not going to get up. She will die from this. Im calling to see if you want this baby, but you have to feed it several times a day.

22、Without hesitation, Lacey agreed, not having a clue about what she was getting herself into with raising a cow, let alone a 3-day-old calf that had just lost her mom,But“ We brought her inside the first night, she slept in the laundry room, said Lacey.ButKinley ran in there and was kissing all over

23、her. Kinley read her books and when it was time to walk her, Kinley would walk her all over the yard. Kinley wants to feed her all by herself. Its really sweet.Now, just two weeks later, the precious pair is completely inseparable,“I was almost in tears, shooting the two of them together, Lacey said

24、.“She just has aconnection with her. She just knows thats her family. This is just so crazy and so sweet. I just hope I can watch them grow all through Kinleys childhood.Why did Lacey want to borrow a bay cow?A. To learn how to raise cows.B. To take special photos.To make it work for her family.D. T

25、o raise cows for making a living.What did Lacey feel the moment she agreed to take the calf home?A. She was a little hesitant when making the decision.She knew exactly what would happen next.She was super excited about having a calf.She was firm though not sure how to raise it.What can we infer from

26、 the passage?A. Kinley likes the baby cow very much.Kinley and the baby cow are the same age.The baby co will be sent back after shooting.Kinley will look after the baby cow all the time.Whats the main idea of the passage?A. A wonderful photo attracts peoples eyes.A baby cow lost her mother after sh

27、e was born.A little girl befriends a baby cow who lost its mom.Man can have a good relationship with animals.CUntil the 1990s coffee was rarely served in China except at luxury hotels aimed a foreigners.When Starbucks opened its first outlet there in 1999 it was far from clear that the countrys enth

28、usiastic tea drinkers would take to such a different and usually more costlysource of caffeine.Starbucks tried to entice ( 引誘 ) customers unused to coffees bitter taste by promoting milk- and sugar -heavy mixtures such as Frappuccinos ( 星冰樂 ).Starbucks now has about 3,800 outlets in China- more than

29、 in any other country outside America.Coffee has become fashionable among the middle class. Statista, a business-intelligence portal( 門戶網(wǎng)站 ), says the roast coffee market in China is growing by more than 10% a year.Starbucks and its rivals see big future for expanding there.Since its founding less t

30、han two years ago, Luckin a newly-founded coffee brand inChina- has opened more than 2,300 outlets. On May 17th Luckins first public offering on the Nasdaq stockmarketraised more than $570m, giving it a value of about $4 billion.Most of Luckins outlets are merely small shops where busy white-collar

31、workers pick up their drinks, having ordered them online. Super-fast delivery can also be arranged through the companys app,The high-class end of the market is prosperous too.Where better to sip and WeChat? Its not just the drink that appeals, its the chance to share pictures of it.In order to devel

32、op its business in China, StarbucksA. tried hard to promote classic American coffeeonly recommended costly coffee to Chinese customersmixed Frappuccinos with lots of milk and sugaradapted its coffee to suit the taste of Chinese customersThe underlined phrase “ take to ”is closest in meaning toA. be

33、fond of B. carry away C. dislike D. get to knowIn paragraph 6, Luckin is mentioned so as toA. prove the good taste of its coffee to customersindicate the popularity of coffee drinking in Chinashow that Starbucks has failed in the competition in Chinaexplain its contributions to the American stock ma

34、rketThe prosperity of high- class end is mainly becauseA. it appeals to high class onlyit provides super-fast deliveryit meets peoples social demandit works with WeChat to share picturesDThe future of workIf you can get it, Robots may well take your job -eventuallyPioneers are not always welcome. In

35、 1589 William Lee made his way to the English queen, hoping to be granted a patent for his invention, a knitting( 編織 ) machine. Queen Elizabeth I turned him down: “ Consider what the invention could do to my poor people, she commanded. “ It would surely bring to them ruin by taking away their employ

36、ment.The fears of Queen have echoed down the centuries. In the 21st century the concerns have switched to robots and artificial intelligence (AD); 30% of American workers believe their jobs are likely to be replaced by robots and computers in their lifetime.Daniel Susskind has written about this iss

37、ue before in The Future of the Professions, co-authored with his father, Richard. That book focused on the threat by machine-learning to doctors, lawyers and the like.In the past the relationship between machine and human labour has been driven by two factors: the substituting effect, which caused p

38、eople to lose jobs, and the complementing ( 補 足 )effect, which allowed employees to do their work more productively. The author worries that, i n the future, the SUbStitUti ng effect Will rule. AdVa nces in Al have bee n So rapid that mach ines will even tually be better tha n people at most activit

39、ies, he says. A few highly Paid humans will still be employed, but the rest will either StrUggIe to find work or fall into the“ PreCariat, StUCk in jobs that are not just poorly Paid but Un StabIe and stressful.Perhaps. It is impossible to be SUre Whether the IateSt adva nces will in the end have ma

40、inly good or bad economic effects. Books like his are a USefUI SUmmary of the CUrrent debate on an importa nt subject. BUt they are not CryStaI balls.William Lees request WaS tur ned dow n for fear that.BritiSh people could nt afford the knitting machineBritiSh WOrkerS Were at the risk of Iosing the

41、ir jobsthe kni tt ing mach ine might be ruined by viole nt WOrkerSWilliam Lee would make a huge PrOfit from the Pate ntThe fears of QUee n in ParagraPh 2 refer to the fear thatfears Can be echoed dow n for Cen turiesWOrkerS are too StreSSfUI With the help of mach inesmach ines and automati On threat

42、e n peoples employme ntdoctors, IaWyerS and the like are likely to be replacedDaniel SUSSk ind WOrrieS that.most jobs will be at risk because of SUbStitUting effectemployees will work less PrOdUCtiVeIy because of compleme nti ng effect30% of AmeriCan WOrkerS will do jobs related to AIlarge nu mbers

43、of jobs will be lost because of compleme nti ng effectThe writers attitude to AI adva nces isA. in differe ntB. POSitiVe C. n egativeD. Un Certa in第二節(jié)(共5小題海小題2分,滿分10分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。選項中有兩項為多余選項。How to Stay Safe from novel coronavirus ( 冠狀病毒 )at your workplace?SinCe many peo

44、ple are retuning to work after the exte nded SPring FeStiVaI holiday, weve PrePared some handy tips for you On PrOteCti ng yourself from the no vel coro navirus, or CoVID-19 by its OffiCiaI name, at your WorkPlace._36_,On your Way to workPIeaSe Wear a mask for the whole journey and keep One or two m

45、eters from others. Walk, ride a bike or drive a Car for your tranSPOrtatiOn if POSSible. Carry along disinfection(了肖毒)WiPeS to clea n the armrests and SeatS On PUbIiC tran sport. 37_In the OffiCeWear a mask throughout the work ing day. The PUbIiC areas should be dis in fected andWin dows should be o

46、pe ned to welcome fresh air in. Avoid Con tact as much as POSSible. Thats Why video Conferen CeS are recomme nded in Stead of face to face meeti ng._ 38 WaSh your hands immediately afterwards.DUring IUnCh timeYou may first avoid Peak hours for dining. When in the Can tee n, WaSh your hands beforeand

47、 after meals, WhiCh is quite important. Avoid Sitting face to face With OtherS.39 一After workYoU should first hang your Coati n a Safe place. Throw your USed masks by Seali ng them in garbage bags. USe dis infection WiPeS or 75% alcohol to WiPe your Phoneand keys. Do not atte nd PartieS or group act

48、ivities._ 40PIeaSe ask for takeout if it is possible.CheCk them out before you restart work.CrOWded PIaCeS are SUre to improve your Cha nces of gett ingin fected.Follow ing the tips will Stre ngthe n your immune SyStem and en SUre your safety.BeSides, cover your mouth and nose With a tissue Whe n yo

49、u cough or Sn eeze.Avoid USing the elevator if POSSibIe When you arrive at your office.In stead, do not go to the Can tee n duri ng Peak hours to0 avoid com muni Cati on.第三部分:語言知識運用第一節(jié):完形填空洪20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C、D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。AS We pulled into the driveway, I

50、 noticed that SOmething Seemed different about my mom. She WaS _ 41 _ away from me, her shoulders dropped and her hands relaxed. I Parked the Car and She tur ned toward me.Okay, were home, I said,_ 42 that now WaS her time to get out and Iet me be On my own. She SniffIed (扌由鼻子)and 43 her hair behind

51、 her ears to reveal her tearful eyes and moist cheeks. She had bee n crying.Mom! Why are you Cryin g? I asked, even though I already knew the 44_I had just got my 45 WhiCh rd bee n Iook ing forward to for mon ths. I WaS free -able to drive myself Where I n eeded to go and drive too fast On the back

52、roads. Now I had it in my pocket, but I SUdde nly felt 46 I had bee n so quick to grow up, completely 47 the emotiOnS that my mom must be experiencing With her firstborn nearing adulthood.“ My baby boy is grow ing UP too fast, She man aged to Say betwee n deep breaths.My heart_ 48 I hated it that I

53、had bee n so ignorant toward her feeli ngs. I had bee nCoUn ti ng dow n the days, 49 Wait ing to en ter the next Stage of my life, 50 SheCoUn ted dow n With fear and headache. The delight and freedom I had previously felt Were gone,51 by an Odd SenSe of mour ning.We hugged. A nice Iong hug that WaS

54、and told me to drive CarefUlly.52 in my family. The n She looked me in the eyeOf COUrSe I will, I reawsuivWe hugged. A nice Iong hug that WaS and told me to drive CarefUlly.52 in my family. The n She looked me in the eyeOf COUrSe I will, I reawsuived dhodbye and53of the driveway.On my Way to meet my

55、 frien ds,_ 54 the fast-paced ride, I Went the SPeed limit and took my_ 55 not just for my mom, but for me.I had bee n so_一 56to Start SPeedi ng that rd forgotte n just how beautiful the ride is.Now I CrUiSed (漫游)down the PeaCefUI two -Iane road,_ 57 the sights, SoUnds, and smells of the nature that

56、 surroUndS me. At that moment made a _ 58 to myself that I would take things slow and never, ever, CatCh myself SPeeding again.Life had PaSSed me by while I lived my days in fast forward, 59 _ to no tice all the beautiful things along the way. It SeemS life also has its own daily routine and if you

57、find yourself going too fast, you risk missing the60 _ that make it so SPeCiaI.41. A. moving B. break ing C. facing D. escap ing42. A. explai ningB. implyi ngC. complai ningD. in terrUpt ing43. A. brUShedB. Iea nedC, removedD. tOUChed44. A. ConSeqUenceB. respOnSeC. expla nati OnD. an SWer45. A. Perm

58、iSSi OnB. Iice nseC. diplomaD. Car46. A. relievedB. annoyedC. gUiltyD. desperate47. A. denyingB. tolerat ingC. recalli ngD. ig noring48. A. achedB. injUredC. beatD. healed49. A. PUrposefUlIyB. CaUtiOUSlyC. impatie ntlyD. n ervoUSIy50. A. whileB. soC. andD. SinCe51. A. replacedB. SWitChedC. exchanged

59、D. domin ated52. A. memorableB. rareC. awkwardD. ridiCUlOUS53. A. walki ng OUtB. march ing OUtC. CraWIi ng OUtD. pUlIi ng OUt54. A. other tha nB. rather tha nC. more tha nD. better than55. A. tUrnB. orderC. timeD. COUrage56. A. Con fUsedB. en terta inedC. ast Oni ShedD. thrilled57. A. admiri ngB. fo

60、llowi ngC. in SPeCt ingD. Wit ness ing58. A. impressi OnB. con tribUti onC. PrOmiSeD. differe nce59. A. hesitat ingB. faili ngC. Prete ndingD. refUS ing60. A. challe ngesB. beliefsC. ambiti OnSD. mome nts第二節(jié):語篇填空洪10小題;每小題1.5 分,滿分15分)閱讀下面短文,按照句子結構的語法性和上下文連貫的要求,在空格處填入一個適 當?shù)脑~或使用括號中詞語的正確形式填空,并將答案填寫在答題紙相


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