已閱讀5頁,還剩79頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、WTO英語900句系列Theres a systems failure. 機器系統(tǒng)出毛病了。 Theres a breakdown. 出毛病了。 Im phoning to complain about the product. 我打電話投訴產(chǎn)品問題。 Im sorry to hear that. What exactly is the problem? 很抱歉。出什么問題了? Its broken./It doesnt work./Its faulty. 壞了。/不運行了。/出毛病了。 I think I can do better than that. 我想我能做得更好。 Whats th

2、e problem? 什么問題? The problem is the photocopier isnt working. 問題是復印機壞了。 Whats wrong? What exactly is the problem? 怎么回事?哪里出毛病了? Theres some paper stuck in the machine. 復印機卡紙了。 Well be needing payment within 30 days. 我們需要在三十天內(nèi)付款。 I think thats acceptable./unacceptable. 我認為這可以接受。/不可以接受。 I think we coul

3、d agree to that. 我想我們能夠同意。 Can you offer us the same unit price as last year? 你能夠為我們提供與去年一樣的單價嗎? We could do a 20% discount on 700,000 units. Thats the best I can offer. 我們七十萬件可以打八折。這是最大的折扣。 Itll take a couple of days to process your application. 銀行需要幾天來處理你的申請。 You should receive written confirmatio

4、n of the loan in a few days. 幾天后,你就會收到貸款的書面答復。 Lets talk about delivery dates. 我們談一談送貨日期。 Lets talk about using a different supplier. 我們談一談用另外一個供應(yīng)商。 Well be needing 500,000 units. 我們需要五十萬件。 Have you got all the financial details you need? 你得到所需的一切金融詳情了嗎? Well need security on a loan of this size. 我們

5、對這樣一筆貸款需要安全擔保。 My father has agreed to guarantee the loan. 我父親答應(yīng)擔保這筆貸款。 Will the bank agree to the loan? 銀行同意貸款嗎? That seems fine. I cant see any problems with your application. 大概會的。我看你的申請沒有什么問題。 I want to borrow some money. 我想借一些錢。 How are you going to make the repayments? 你打算如何還款? I think I need

6、to borrow $500,000. 我要借五十萬美元。 Have you got any capital? 你有資本嗎? How is the capital invested? 資本如何投資的? How soon can we expect delivery? 我們多久能收到郵件? We can deliver the order by 一五th. 我們可以在十五日發(fā)送。 Either the delivery is immediate, or well have to cancel the order. 若不能立即送貨,我們將取消定貨。 Id like to talk about a

7、bank loan. 我想談一談銀行貸款。 What is your income? 你的收入是多少? What does the guarantee cover? 擔保的內(nèi)容是什么? Do you charge extra for delivery? 另收送貨費嗎? Yes, we do. 是的。 What about delivery time? 送貨時間呢? We cant deliver before July 12th. 七月十二日之前無法送貨。 If I buy 50 units, will you give me a discount? 如果買五十臺,可以打折嗎? Ill giv

8、e you a 20% discount if you buy 200. 如果買二百臺,可以打八折。 What sort of guarantee do you offer? 有什么擔保? How long does the guarantee last? 擔保期多長? Its valid for two years. 兩年。 Its made of wood. 木制的。 How much does it weigh? 有多重? It weighs 一五 kgs. 重一五公斤。 Could you give me a discount? 可以打折嗎? It depends on the siz

9、e of the order. 這取決于你的訂購數(shù)量。 What does it look like? 什么樣子? Its big and heavy but elegant. 大而重,但很雅觀。 What colors does it come in? 一共有幾種顏色? It comes in red and blue. 紅色和藍色兩種。 Whats it made of? 用什么做的? Theres more timber to transport now. 現(xiàn)在有更多的木材需要運輸。 What is the competition like? 競爭情況如何? You mean the o

10、ther companies transporting timber? 你的意思是其它木材運輸公司嗎? Could you send me some details about the C22 model? 你能提供C22型的詳細資料嗎? Ill send you a brochure. 我給你一份小冊子。 Could you run through the procedure, please? 你能大概演示一下該生產(chǎn)過程嗎? First Then Next Finally 首先然后接著最后 Whats your share of the existing market? 目前,你們占多少市場

11、份額? The total market is growing. 總的市場在增長。 How much work is there? 有多大的工作量? Ill hang up and call you back, OK? 我先掛了,回頭再打給你,好嗎? What happens here? 怎么了? This is where we check the output. 這是我們檢測產(chǎn)量的地方。 Whats this for? 這是干什么用的? This is used for cutting raw materials. 這是用來切割原料的。 What type of computer? We

12、have three very popular models. 什么類型?我們有三種非常流行的樣式。 Is that 62354972? 是62354972嗎? Youve got the wrong number. This is Beijing 62354973. 你打錯了。這里是北京的62354973。 Sohux? Im sorry, Ive got the wrong number. 搜狐公司?對不起,我打錯了。 This is a very bad line. 這條線路打不通。 Im sorry, Lees in a meeting right now. Can I take a

13、message? 對不起,李正在開會。我可以轉(zhuǎn)告嗎? No, thanks, Ill call again later. 不,謝謝,過一會我再打過來。 Could you tell him I called? 請你告訴他我打過電話,好嗎? OK, Ill ask Mr. Lee to phone you as soon as he gets back. 好的,李先生一回來,我就讓他給你回電話。 Id like some information about computer, please. 我需要一些關(guān)于計算機的信息。 Im sorry, Lees in a meeting right now

14、. Can I take a message? 對不起,李正在開會。我可以轉(zhuǎn)告嗎? No, thanks, Ill call again later. 不,謝謝,過一會我再打過來。 Could you tell him I called? 請你告訴他我打過電話,好嗎? OK, Ill ask Mr. Lee to phone you as soon as he gets back. 好的,李先生一回來,我就讓他給你回電話。 Id like some information about computer, please. 我需要一些關(guān)于計算機的信息。 Yes. 是的。 Id like to sp

15、eak to Mr. Lee, please. 我想和李先生通話。 How do you spell that? 怎么拼寫? L-E-E. Extension 4717. L-E-E. 轉(zhuǎn)4717分機。 4-7-1-7. One moment, please. 4-7-1-7請稍等。 Ill be in touch. 我會和你聯(lián)系。 Wed better talk to the boss. 我們最好和老板談?wù)劇?OK. Right. 好吧。 Fine. I see. 好,我懂。 Really? Thats interesting. 真的?太有意思了。 To be honest, Id pref

16、er a glass of water. 說真的,我想喝杯水。 Do you mind if I smoke? 你介意我吸煙嗎? No problem./Not at all. Please go ahead. 請便。 Id rather you didnt. 最好別吸。 I need to talk to my boss. 我想和老板談?wù)劇?Let me explain something about our company. 我來介紹一些公司的情況。 Let me help you with your bags. 我?guī)湍懔喟?Let me take your coat. 我替你拿外衣。

17、Shall I call you a taxi? 我為你叫輛的士好嗎? Would you like a tea? 來份茶嗎? I think Ill have chicken. 我要一份雞肉。 Thank you for the invitation. 感謝你的邀請。 Ive had a very interesting visit. 我的這次訪問很有趣。 Your products are excellent. 你們的產(chǎn)品太棒了。 Your prices are reasonable. 你們的價格合理。 Shall I show you around the factory? 我?guī)闳⒂^

18、工廠,好嗎? Thats very kind of you, thank you. 你太好了,謝謝。 Thank you but Ive made other plans. 謝謝,但我已另有安排。 What would you like? 你想吃點什么? Can you recommend something? 你能推薦一下嗎? Id like a sandwich. 我要一個三明治。 No, thank you, Im afraid Im not hungry. 不,謝謝,我不餓。 Would you like to have dinner with me? 愿意和我們一起吃晚飯嗎? Yes

19、, Id like that, thank you. 好啊,謝謝。 Ill meet you at 7 oclock. 我們七點見。 Im sorry I cant. I arranged the trip last month. 對不起。上個月我已安排了旅行。 Itll be difficult but Ill try. Ill let you know this afternoon. 這很困難,但我會努力。今天下午我告訴你。 I can make the meeting on Monday. 我可以安排星期一見面。 Would you like to have lunch on Satur

20、day? 你愿意星期六一起吃午飯嗎? Thats very kind of you. 你太好了。 That suits me fine. 這對我很合適。 Have you got a moment? 你有空嗎? Yes, sure. 是的,有空。 Im afraid Im rather busy. 抱歉,我很忙。 Can you rearrange our schedule? 你能重新安排一下我們的日程嗎? No, Im sorry, I cant do that. 對不起,我沒空。 When would be convenient? 什么時候方便? Im busy on Wednesday.

21、 What about Thursday? 星期三我很忙。星期四行嗎? Let me check my diary. Yes, thats fine. 我查看一下。好,我有時間。 We can make the meeting on Friday. 我們可以星期五見面。 Are you free on Wednesday afternoon? 星期三下午你有空嗎? No, Im sorry, Im busy on Wednesday. 對不起,沒空。星期三我很忙。 What about Thursday morning, then? 星期四早晨呢? Yes, thats fine. 有空。 W

22、ould 10 oclock on Monday be convenient? 星期一十點你方便嗎? How many companies/departments are there? 有多少家公司/部門? There are five companies. 有五家公司。 There is one Managing Director in each of the five companies. 五家的公司的每一家都有一名管理主任。 Are you free on Monday evening? 星期一晚上你有空嗎? Yes, I am. 有空 He is in charge of financ

23、ial matters. 他負責財務(wù)。 Could you tell me who is in charge of personnel, please? 請問誰負責人事? Im sorry, I dont know. 抱歉,我不知道。 Let me find out for you. 我來查一查。 Im not sure. 我不太清楚。 What are the companys annual sales figures? 公司的年銷售額是多少? Who is the head of sales and marketing? 誰是銷售和市場部主管? Mr Gong is the head of

24、 sales and marketing. 宮先生是銷售和市場部主管。 What does he do exactly? 他主要做什么工作? He is responsible for selling and marketing products. 他負責銷售和推銷產(chǎn)品。 Im a manager. 我是經(jīng)理。 We make/produce drugs. 我們生產(chǎn)藥品。 How many people do you employ?/How many people does the company employ? 你雇了多少人?/你們公司雇傭了多少人? We employ 2,000 peop

25、le. 我們雇傭了兩千人。 We have 200 people working for us. 我們一共有二百人。 What do you do, Mr. Li? 李先生,你是做什么工作的? Im in computers. Im a computer programmer. 我是做電腦的。我是電腦程序員。 Who are you with? 你為誰效力? Im with the Motorola. Our head office is in US. And what about you? 我在摩托羅拉公司。總部在美國。你呢? What do you do?/What does the co

26、mpany do? 你是做什么的?/你的公司是做什么的? Lovely/Terrible weather today. 多好的/多糟糕的天氣。 Yes, its really beautiful/terrible. 對,真好/糟糕。 How is your wife?/son?/daughter? 你的妻子/兒子/女兒好嗎? My wife/son/daughter is very well, thank you. 我的妻子/兒子/女兒很好,謝謝。 New York is very busy./crowded./beautiful. 紐約非常熱鬧/擁擠/美麗。 How do you do, M

27、r. Wang? 你好,王先生。 How do you do? 你好。 Heres my card. 這是我的名片。 OK. Ill be in touch. 好,我會跟你聯(lián)系。 Nice to meet you, goodbye. 見到你,很高興。再見。 Fine, thank you, and you? 好,謝謝。你好嗎? Fine, thank you. 好,謝謝。 Id like you to meet Mr. Wang. 我想讓你見一下王先生。 This is Mr. Wang. 這是王先生。 Hes from Hong Kong. 他來自香港。 How do you do? 你好。

28、(只限于初次見面時使用。) How do you do? 你好。(只限于初次見面時使用。本句是對上句的回答。) Pleased to meet you. 見到你很高興。 Pleased to meet you, too. 見到你,我也很高興。 How are you? 你好。 I know a bit about shoes and I can see the quality in the shaping and stitching. 我對制鞋是了解一些的,從鞋樣和針腳上我能看出質(zhì)量的高低。 We take pride in our craftsmanship. 我們?yōu)樽约旱氖炙嚫械阶院馈?T

29、hey seem to be mass produced by machines. 這些鞋看上去是用機器大批量生產(chǎn)的。 We use machines for certain jobs, but they are mainly handmade. 某些工序是用機器完成的,但主要是手工制作的。 mMThe vamp material is superb. 嗯,鞋的面料很不錯。 So now we can offer you 10,000 pieces of Art. No.17 at US$80 per piece CIFC5% London for shipment in May. 好吧。現(xiàn)在

30、我們向你們報價十七號貨一萬件,每件成本加運保費至倫敦價八十美元,含傭金5%,五月份裝運。 Thank you. How long will this offer be open? 謝謝。這個報價的有效期多長? Its valid for three days. 三天 I will study your offer with my colleagues and give you a definite reply in three days. 我將跟同事們研究一下,三天之內(nèi)給你確切答復。 Ill be waiting for your good news. 我將等候你的好消息。 Wed like

31、to start with 10,000 pieces. Its an attractive quantity, isnt it? 先訂一萬件。這個數(shù)量很可觀,是嗎? When do you want the goods to be delivered? 你們要求何時交貨? Could you make it for May? 五月份可以嗎? I think we should manage. 我想我們可以辦到。 We pay by letter of credit. 我們用信用證付款。 We usually quote on CIF basis. 通常我們報CIF價。 In order to

32、 sell successfully there, your goods will have to be competitive in price as well. 為了成功的銷售,你們的報價必須具有競爭力。 Youll find our prices very attractive. 你們會發(fā)現(xiàn)我們的價格很有吸引力。 Would you give us an offer for Art. No.17 CIFC 5% London now? 現(xiàn)在請給我們報十七號貨成本加運保費到倫敦價,包括百分之五的傭金。 Whats the quantity? 你們的訂貨量怎么樣? Thank you. We

33、re very interested in some of your products. Heres an enquiry sheet weve drawn up. 謝謝。我們對你們的一些產(chǎn)品很感興趣,這是我們擬訂的詢價單。 Thanks. Well look into it carefully. 謝謝。我們會仔細研究一下的。 How about the supply position of your products? 你方產(chǎn)品供貨情況怎么樣? We have a steady supply for most of them. 多數(shù)產(chǎn)品貨源穩(wěn)定。 Do you quote FOB or CI

34、F? 你們報FOB價還是CIF價? Here you are. Im sure our products will interest you. 給。我肯定你會對我們的產(chǎn)品感興趣的。 I also hope we can do business together in the future. 我也希望我們今后能一起做生意。 I hope so. 希望如此。 Can you show us your catalogue? 可以看一下你們的產(chǎn)品目錄嗎? Certainly. Heres a catalogue for some of our popular items. 當然可以。這是我們一些暢銷貨

35、的目錄。 Have you looked into the sales? 您調(diào)查過銷售情況嗎? Such products are widely sold in markets abroad. 此類產(chǎn)品在國外市場很暢銷。 I would like to see the samples first. 我想先看一看樣品。 This is the newest export item for this year. 好的。這是今年出口的最新款式。 Thanks. Do you have catalogues? Id like to have a few copies to study them car

36、efully. 謝謝。你們有商品目錄嗎?我想要幾份仔細研究一下。 Good morning. Welcome to our company. 早上好。歡迎您到我們公司來(歡迎光臨)。 Good morning. Im the manager of the import division of XYZ Co.Ltd. Here is my card. 早上好。我是XYZ有限公司的進口部經(jīng)理,這是我的名片。 Pleased to meet you and Im glad to have the opportunity to recommend to you our latest laser and

37、 electronics product of this year. 很高興認識您并有機會向您推薦我們今年最新的一種光電產(chǎn)品。 What about the functions? 功能怎么樣? It combines many functions in one. It is a high grade product. 它集多種功能于一身,是高檔產(chǎn)品。 Here is a catalogue and a price list. The product is a very popular item this year. 這是目錄和價目表。這種產(chǎn)品是今年非常流行的款式。 Really! Mm, wh

38、at about the quality? 真的嗎?嗯$#0,質(zhì)量怎么樣? Absolutely reliable. The quality is superior, yet the price is very reasonable. It feels soft and smooth. 完全可靠。該產(chǎn)品質(zhì)優(yōu)價廉,手感柔軟光滑。 Thank you. Youve been most helpful. 你幫了我們大忙,非常感謝。 My pleasure. I can assure you that youll find very good prospects in our products. 不客

39、氣。我保證您會發(fā)現(xiàn)我們產(chǎn)品的前景非常美好。 I learned from the ads that you manufacture and sell this kind of product. 我從廣告上得知,貴公司生產(chǎn)銷售這種產(chǎn)品。 Yes, we do. Are you interested in our products? If so, then youve come to the right place. 是的。您對我們的產(chǎn)品感興趣嗎?如果感興趣,那么您來對地方了。 Good. 好極了。 Well, then, what can I do for you? What exactly a

40、re you after? 那么,我能為您做些什么?您具體想要些什么呢? Id like to know something more about the product. For example, the manufactured materials, the design and the sales position. 我想多了解一下你們的產(chǎn)品。比如,加工原料、設(shè)計、及銷售情況。 Well, Ive certainly had an excellent time here. And you have been kind. 哦,我在這兒過得非常愉快。你們真是太好了。 Its been a g

41、reat pleasure to have you with us. We hope youll come here more often in the future. 我們很高興和你在一起。希望你今后經(jīng)常來。 Im sure I will. Now that weve got to know each other better, Im certain we can do more business to our mutual benefit. 肯定會。既然我們彼此更加了解了,相信今后我們能做成更多的互利互惠生意。 I hope so. 希望如此。 I do hope youll visit

42、us someday soon. 我非常希望不久的將來你也能訪問我們。 Not too long, I suppose. What kind of weather do you have at this time of the year? 我想不會太久。你的家鄉(xiāng)這個季節(jié)的天氣怎么樣? Its not this hot. The highest temperature there is 28 degrees, and theres more rain. I prefer the dry weather you have here. 沒有這么熱,那兒最高氣溫只有28度,但雨水比較多。我還是喜歡你們

43、這兒的干燥天氣。 Here we are at the airport. 我們到機場了。 Its very kind of you to come and see me off, Mr. Zhang. 張先生,謝謝你來送我。 Its my pleasure. Its a pity that you have to go now. 這是我的榮幸,可惜你現(xiàn)在就要走了。 Whats the temperature today? 今天的氣溫有多高? About 32 degrees centigrade. 大約攝氏32度。 Oh, thats pretty high. What is the high

44、est temperature you get here? 夠高的!這兒氣溫最高能達到多少度? About 38 degrees, Id say. 我估計大約38度。 How long do you think this hot weather will last? 你估計這樣熱的天氣會持續(xù)多久? Mt. Laoshan would be the ideal place for you, then. It has around 200 sightseeing spots. 那嶗山將是你理想的地方。它總共有200多個旅游景點。 Sounds great. I cant wait to go th

45、ere now, Miss Zhang. 聽起來太好了。我現(xiàn)在就迫不及待想去嶗山,張小姐。 Its very hot today. Do you mind the heat? 今天真熱。你討厭熱天氣嗎? Well, its all right. Id say its much better than Britian, actually. Its so humid there. 我倒覺得沒什么。這兒比英國好多了,那兒太潮濕。 Yes, its rather dry here. 是的,我們這兒氣候干燥。 Yes. But Ive always wanted to come. 是的。不過我一直想來這

46、兒。 Well, there are plenty of worthwhile places for you to see. 那么,值得你看的地方可不少。 What would you suggest? 你能提個建議嗎? Well, what are you particularly interested in? 好,你有什么特別感興趣的? I love beautiful scenic spots. 我喜歡看美的風景點。 About how long have you been in the business? 你公司大約成立多久了? The company was established

47、in 1989, and we have about 1,400 employees now. 公司成立于1989年,現(xiàn)有員工一千四百人左右。 Good morning, Mr.Smith. Sightseeing is our agenda today. 早上好,史密斯先生。我們今天的日程安排是游覽。 Wonderful! Ive been told that Qingdao is a great tourist attraction. 太好了,我聽說青島是個旅游勝地。 Yes, it is. Is this your first visit here? 是的,你是初次來青島嗎? Im su

48、rprised you havent. Our net profits were over 1 million yuan last year, you know. 我很驚訝您沒聽說過。我們?nèi)ツ甑膬衾统^1百多萬元。 Thats very impressive. Please tell me more about your company. 真令人敬佩。請多介紹一點。 Our company consists of three major organizations: they are OD, R&D and T&A. 我們公司由組織開發(fā)部,研究開發(fā)部及技術(shù)援助部三大部門所組成。 Sounds

49、 like you have the organizations we need. 聽起來好像都是我們所需要的部門。 Yes, and we have eight branches and two plants scattered throughout China. 是的,我們在全國有八個分公司及兩個工廠。 Excellent. That should suit our needs perfectly. 好極了。那完全能滿足我們的需要。 Shall we move on? 我們繼續(xù)參觀好嗎? What is it your company does again? 你說你們公司做什么來著? It

50、 makes electronic equipment. 我們公司制造電器產(chǎn)品。 Well, then why havent I heard of it before? 那么為什么我沒有聽說過呢? Our factory floor is about 5,000 square meters. 我們工廠占地約5,000平方米 And whats that building outside the window? 窗外那一棟樓房是什么呢? Its mainly for shipping and storage. This one is for assembly. 那一棟主要做儲運室。這一棟是裝配用

51、的。 Is your unit capacity up to our demands? 你們的單位生產(chǎn)能力能滿足我們的要求嗎? I should think so. This plant can turn out 5,000 units per month. 我想可以。該工廠月生產(chǎn)能力為5,000臺。 Yes, of course. Maotai is the best Chinese wine. It would be a pity if you left without tasting it. 不錯,茅臺是中國最好的酒。你要是不品嘗一下就走,那將是一大憾事。 Would you like

52、to have a look around our factory? 請問您要不要到工廠參觀一下? Yes, wed like to. Lead on please. 好,請帶路吧。 May I show you our brochure? 請看一下我們的宣傳冊好嗎? Oh, thank you. 哦,謝謝您。 Mr.Smith, I wonder if you have any particular preferences? 史密斯先生,不知您有什么特別的口味? When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I only want to taste real Chin

53、ese food. 入鄉(xiāng)隨俗嘛,我只想嘗一下真正的中餐。 This is a Beijing restaurant, specializing in Beijing cuisine. 這是一家北京餐館,專做京菜。 Would you like to try some Chinese drinks? 要不要嘗點中國酒? Yes, Id love to. Ive heard Maotai is very popular in China. Could we try some? 好的。我聽說茅臺在中國很受歡迎。咱們嘗嘗好嗎? Yes, sure. Thank you for calling. Goo

54、d-bye. 很好。謝謝打來電話。再見。 Good-bye. 再見。 Its time for supper, Mr. Smith. Shall we have dinner together this evening? 是晚飯時間了,史密斯先生,我們共進晚餐好嗎? Thats very kind of you, Miss Zhang. I hear Chinese restaurants serve very good food. 謝謝您,張小姐。我聽說中餐館的飯菜非常好吃。 Quite. China is a country with a splendid catering culture

55、. 沒錯,中國是個飲食文化非常豐富的國家。 Im glad to hear that. Id like to make an appointment with you, if I may, Mr.Wilson. 您這么說我很高興。威爾遜先生,如果可以的話我想跟您訂個約會。 Certainly. 當然可以。 Our managing director will host a reception banquet in your honor tonight. Would that be convenient? 今晚公司經(jīng)理將為您舉辦一個晚宴。不知是否方便? Yes, thats fine. Than

56、k you for your kind hospitality. I look forward to meeting your General Manager. 很好。感謝你們的盛情好客,我也期待著與總經(jīng)理先生見面。 Lets make it seven oclock then, and Ill pick you up at 6:45. Is that all right? 那就定在七點,六點四十五分我來接您,行嗎? Hello. This is Wilson speaking. Whos calling, please? 您好,我就是。請問您是那一位? This is Miss Wang.

57、I hope Im not disturbing you. Did you have a good rest? 我姓王。希望我沒有打擾您。您休息得好嗎? Yes, thank you. I had a good sleep and a cold shower, and Im now feeling positively refreshed. 是的,謝謝。我睡了一夜,席了個冷水澡,現(xiàn)在精神百倍。 How do you like your room? 您對您的房間滿意嗎? Very comfortable. And the attendants are quite obliging. 非常舒服,而

58、且招待員服務(wù)也很周到。 I hope you will enjoy your stay here in Qingdao. 希望您在青島過得愉快。 Thanks. Im sure I will. 謝謝。我相信會的。 Our car is waiting over there. Lets drive to the hotel. May I help you with your luggage? 車正在那邊等著,咱們現(xiàn)在就去賓館吧。我來幫您拿行李好嗎?No, thanks. I can manage all right. Lets go. 不用,謝謝。我自己能行。咱們走吧! Hello. May I

59、 speak to Mr.Wilson, please? 您好,請找威爾遜先生。 Thank you. Its very kind of you to come and meet me at the airport, Miss Wang. 謝謝,王小姐。您特地到機場來接我,真是太客氣了。 Its my pleasure. I hope youve had an enjoyable trip. 樂意效勞。一路上很好吧! Yes, thank you. 很好,謝謝。 Im glad to hear that. Is this your first trip to China, Mr.Wilson?

60、 很高興您這么說。威爾遜先生,您是初次來中國嗎? Yes, the very first. 是的,的確是第一次。 Excuse me, are you Mr.Wilson from the United States? 請問,您是從美國來的威爾遜先生嗎? Yes I am. 是的,我是。 Im Wang Lan, the secretary of the Qingdao Textiles Import & Export Corporation. 我叫王嵐,青島紡織進出口公司的秘書。 How do you do, Miss Wang. 你好,王小姐。 How do you do, Mr.Wils


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