1、歡迎來主頁下載歡迎來主頁下載精品文檔精品文檔精品文檔英語初級聽力LISTEN TO THIS 1 答案文本一( preparatory less on on101fortyfiftee na hun dred and fiftee nthree hun dred and eightythree thousa nd four hun dred and eightytwenty athirty bfourtee n d02four eight two six three fourseve n two one five o sixsix nine seve n double two fourfive
2、 six four three eight o03nin etee n eighty-twonin etee n eighty-seve nnin etee n seve nty-onefourtee n nin ety-twoten sixty-sixeightee n thirty-two04the fourtee nth of Julythe sec ond of Octoberthe twen ty-third of MarchApril the ten ththe thirty-first of January05thirty-two High Streeta hun dred an
3、d fifty-two Piccadillyforty-eight Sutt on Roadeightee n Bristol Square06nine thirtyten forty-fiveeleve n tenthree fiftee nsix forty-five07Doctor SmithSaint ThomasBond StreetMrs. ArcherEton Ave nueEde n Square08C-H-E-S-TD-l-Z-Z-YF-L-O-W-E-RJ-O-K-I-N-GL-E-M-O-NQ-U-I-E-TW-A-V-EG-R-E-A-T09Dont go.I cant
4、 see.It isnt true.Ill tell you.10Dr. Blake was nt born un til 1934.Ill see you at nine forty-five.She does nt live in Oxford Street.You were nt with us on the twen ty-first of May.Id like to pho ne Eastleigh, thats E-A-S-T-L-E-I-G-H. Six eight two double four eight.Mrs. Jones has an appo in tme nt a
5、t eight am.A n ortheast wind will bring rain to the London area tomorrow.11Now liste n carefully.Look at Practice 1. Put nu mber 3 in box A. Put nu mber 6 in box B. Put nu mber 7 in box C.Now add the nu mbers.Look at Practice 2. Put nu mber 8 in box A. Put nu mber 2 in box C. Put nu mber 1 in box B.
6、Add the nu mbers.Look at Practice 3. Put nu mber 7 in box B. Put nu mber 2 in box C. Put nu mber 4 in boxA. Add the nu mbers.12Does she work in a supermarket?Does she work in a bank?Does he work in a chemist?Does he work in a big shop?Does she work in a hotel?Does she work in a shoe shop?Does he wor
7、k in a shoe shop?201My n ames Ki ng.How do you spell that?K-l-N-G. I live in Hampstead.Hows that spelt?H-A-M-P-S-T-E-A-D.02What do you do for a liv ing?rm a journalist.Really? Do you like it?Yes, I do. Its very in teresti ng.03Woma n: This is Joh n. Mother.Mother: How do you do?Joh n: How do you do?
8、Woma n: Joh ns a jour nalist.Mother: Are you? Do you like it?Joh n: Well, its alright.04Hello, where are you from?Oh, Im En glish.Really? Which part do you come from?Well, I live in London, but I was born in Man chester. Oh!05Can you speak Fren ch?A little.Where did you lear n it?At school.Can you s
9、peak any other Ian guages? Im afraid n ot.301shirtskirtsocksshirt and tieblouse and skirtpants and shirtshoes and socksshoes, socks and pantspan ts, shirt and socksskirt, blouse and sweater02keytoothbrushcombkey and doortable and chairtoothbrush and combbicycle and tirecomb, toothbrush and keybed, t
10、able and chair03lettershowsomethi ngreadcigarettestaxibookcasenonemagaz ineanypolicema npolicewoma n04shoesshutwi ndowlampbottlerefrigeratorn ewspaperpurseclothesbedplatestoveradiofirstsec ondthirdfourthfifth05talki ngano therliste ningworryi ngglassesholdi ngwalki ngpoin ti ng tolook ing at二 ( prep
11、aratory less on two)101eightee nnin etyseve ntee nseve n hun dred and eightseve nty-eighta hun dred and eightyfourtee nseve nty-sixfiftysixty-fivea hun dred and twelvetwe nty-threeforty-five perce nt 02twen ty-fivethirtee nfiftee nsixtee nsix hun dred and fiftya hun dred and eightee nfive and a half
12、four five three double one nine03J-K-X-E-Y-A-l-G-H-V-W-R04S-A-DJ-A-MF-R-YR-E-DB-R-E-N-T05twelve fiftee ntwen ty-five past twoa quarter to fivehalf past tena quarter to nineIts about twenty past one.Its almost a quarter to two.Its almost eleve n.Its exactly four.Its nine thirty.201Robe rt: Hello, Im
13、Robert. Whats your name? Sylvia: My n ames Sylvia.Robert: Are you Fren ch?Sylvia: No, Im not. Im Swiss.02Ronnie: Where do you come from?Susie: From Switzerla nd.Ronnie: What do you do?Susie: I work in a travel age ncy.Ronnie: Do you? I work in a bank.03Tony: Whos that girl over there?George: Which o
14、ne?Tony: The tall one with fair hair.George: Thats Lisa.Tony: Shes ni ce, is nt she?04Frank wants a new jacket. He and Sally see some in a shop wi ndow. Frank: I like that brow n one.Sally: Theyre cheaper in the other shop.Frank: Yes, these are more expe nsive, but theyre better quality.Sally: Lets
15、go in and look at some.05Kurt: Georg ina .Georgi na: Yes?Kurt: Would you like to come to the ci nema this eve ning?Georgi na: Oh, that would be lovely.Kurt: Fin eIll call for you at about six oclock.06Peter and Anne are at a party.Anne: Whos that man over there?Peter: Thats Tim Joh nson.Anne: What d
16、oes he do?Peter: Hes an airli ne pilot.Anne: Thats an in teresti ng job.Peter: Yes, but airli ne pilots spe nd a lot of time away from home.Anne: They see a lot of in teresti ng p1aces.Peter: Yes, but they have a lot of resp on sibility.Anne: Well, they earn a good salary, dont they?Peter: Thats tru
17、e. But they have to retire whe n they are quite young.301kitche nsinkun deroverbesidetea kettlechaircurta inpla ntaboveleftright 021 ying dow nreadi ngdrinkingmilktyp ing letterturni ng onwaterturni ng offlightmakingeati ngbonecook ingsome onefini shed 03sonfrie ndwifehusband 04wa nthungrytiredbedro
18、omthirstydinner 05livi ng roomwallabovebehi ndTVrugfloorun derdoorcornerbetwee n 06wait forbussleephotcolddirtylookhappy07to be aboutweatherhousewifegarde nautomobilemecha nicshowoutdoorswi ntersummerin doorsspri ngflowers101seve ntee nseve ntya hun dred and forty-eighttwo thousa nd and seve ntythre
19、e thousa nd four hun dred and nin ety-twotwen ty-onethirty-ninefour hun dred and twen ty-two thousa ndthree hun dred and sixnin etee n thousa ndnin ety thousa ndtwo hun dred and twen ty-two thousa nd two hun dred and twenty-ninea hun dred and forty-six thousa ndthirty-eight thousa ndtwo thousa nd si
20、x hun dred and sixtyfive hun dred and four thousa nda hun dred and eighty-five thousa nd six hun dred and sixtytwen ty-three perce nt02(A televisi on advertiseme nt)Do you want a new dress, a coat, a pair of shoes? See what you can order from your Easyway Catalogue. Now fill in your Easyway shopp in
21、g list. You can find wome ns sweaters on Page 4. You can find wome ns shoes on Page 7. You can find me ns suits on Page 13. Now wome ns coats, Page 5. Me ns coats, Page 15. Childre ns coats, Page 55. Me ns trousers, Page14. Baby clothes, Page 40. Childre ns dresses, Page 44, Mens sweaters, Page 16.
22、Childre ns shoes, Page 60. Look at the Catalogue. You can find clothes for all the family. Welcome to Easyway Shopp ing. Well send you ano ther catalogue n ext mon th.201Joa nna: Where did you go yesterday?Frank: I went to Croyd on.Joa nna: Did you go shopp ing? Frank: No, I went for an in terview.J
23、oa nna: Oh, did you get a job?Frank: Yes, I got a job as a Man ageme nt Train ee.Joa nna: Fan tastic.02An gela: How did you get on in your exam?Bob: I failed.An gela: Oh, I am sorry. What are you going to do now?Bob: rm going to take it aga in, of course.An gela: When are you going to take it?Bob: r
24、m defi nitely not going to take it un til n ext year.03Assista nt: Good morni ng.Tim: Good morning. Would you have a look at this watch, please? It does nt keep good time. Assista nt: Yes, of course.04Gaby: Lets have a party.Edward: What a good idea. Whe n shall we have it?Gaby: What about Saturday
25、eve ning?Edward: Fine, and where shall we have it?Gaby: In your flat.Edward: Oh, you know what my Ian dladys like. She wont let us have a party there.Gaby: Lets ask Doris. Perhaps we can have it in her flat.05My husba nd and I dont like the schools in our area. We dont think the teachers are very go
26、od, and the childre n dont lear n very much. Some childre n at these schools cant read, its terrible. Go to the schools and look: the childre n fight; some of them eve n smoke and drink. No, our childre n can have a better educati on at home with us. After all, we are both teachers.301objectget dark
27、musicgrowsun shi nebrightplaceelectricitycoffeeeve ningrelaxexpe nsivecheaprepair02some onechasebrushteeththrow outsharpe nhomeworkbathroomrunwarmtrashgo to bed03morebelowon the lefteggn ext to the lastshelfpillowpair of04putsheetl ying dow neyeusingsmili ngoldercouch05familyfathermotherhusbandpair
28、of shortstreebackyardsondaughtersisterflowerssuncloudchildre ncallsuppertime歡迎來主頁下載歡迎來主頁下載精品文檔精品文檔精品文檔歡迎來主頁下載歡迎來主頁下載精品文檔精品文檔精品文檔四101Los An geles to Chicago: two thousa nd and fifty-fourHoust on to Miami: one thousa nd one hun dred and nin etyDetroit to New York: six hun dred thirty-seve nMiami to Lo
29、s An geles: two thousa nd six hun dred and eighty-seve nDetroit to Houst on: one thousa nd two hun dred and sixty-fiveNew York to Los An geles: two thousa nd seve n hun dred and eighty-sixHoust on to New York: one thousa nd six hun dred and eightChicago to Miami: one thousa nd three hun dred and twe
30、nty-nineDetroit to Chicago: two hun dred and sixty-sixChicago to Houst on: one thousa nd sixty-seve n02Cairo: five milli on four hun dred thousa ndLondon: six milli on nine hun dred thousa ndNew York: seve n millio nTokyo: eight millio n five hun dred thousa ndSao Paulo: twelve millio n six hun dred
31、 thousa ndPek ing: nine milli onBombay: eight milli on two hun dred thousa ndMoscow: eight millio n eleve n thousa nd03one dimeone ni ckel and one pennyone quarter and one dimetwo n ickelstwo quarters and a pennytwo dimes and a pennytwo dimes and two n ickelstwo penni es, two ni ckels and two dimeso
32、ne penny, one ni ckel and two dimestwo quarters, two n ickels and two dimes201 Do you like my new shoes? Oh, yes. Arent they smart? Tha nk you. Did you remember to get the bread? Well, I remember walk ing past the Bakers shop.02 But you forgot to get the bread. rm afraid so. I dont remember you tell
33、i ng me to get it. Well, I certai nly did. In fact, I remin ded you to get it at lunch time.03 rve run out of mon ey. How much money do you n eed? Oh, about ten poun ds. Cant you make do with five poun ds? No. Thats not eno ugh.04Speaker: Welcome to our conferen ce, ladies and gen tleme n. Can you t
34、ell me where you come from? First, the girl over there with the fair hair. Your n ames Lisa, is nt it?Lisa: Thats right. Im Lisa. I come from Germa ny. Im Germa n.Speaker: Thank you, Lisa. Now the tall man with the black hair. Is your n ame Tony?Tony: Thats right. Im Tony. I come from Ital y. Im Ita
35、lia n.Speaker: Welcome, Tony. And now, the small girl on the left. Whats your n ame?Fran coise: Fran coise.Speaker: And where do you come from?Fran coise: rm Fren ch. I come from Fran ce.Speaker: Welcome to the conferen ce, Fran coise. And now its time for coffee. Can you please come back in half an
36、 hour?Speaker: Now the coffee break is over. We have people from ten differe nt coun tries here.Please write their coun tries and n ati on alities. You know Lisa and Tony and Fran coise.Lisa comes from Germa ny. Shes Germa n.Tony comes from Italy. Hes Italia n.Fran coise comes from Fran ce. Shes Fre
37、n ch.Carme n comes from Spain. Shes Spani sh.Hans comes from Holla nd. Hes Dutch.George comes from Brazil, Hes Brazilia n.In grid comes from Swede n. Shes Swedish.Maria comes from Ven ezuela. Shes Ven ezuela n.Skouros comes from Greece. Hes Greek.Ahmad comes from Egypt. Hes Egyptia n.301dicti onaryt
38、o clea n houseclea ning ladyhousewifediffere ntyoun geroldersheetbla nketeasy chair02to drink withto eat withyoun gestoldestbusiestheaviestsharpestto the leftto the right03sellice creamice cream conecentsladyparkbenchtypistofficestorynext04littlestude ntteacherdrawbeautifuladultchildre n五101a ni cke
39、ltwo n ickelsa dimetwo dimesa quartertwo quartersthree n ickelsthree dimesthree quartersfive dimesa dime and a ni ckeltwo pennies and a ni ckeltwo dimes and a ni ckeltwo dimes and two n ickelstwo pennies and a quartertwo dimes and two quarterstwo ni ckels and two quartersthree dimes and two quarters
40、two ni ckels and three quartersa dime, a ni ckel and a quarter201Assista nt: Good after noon. Can I help you?George: Have you got any env elopes, please?Assista nt: Yes, here you are.George: Thank you. How much is that?Assista nt: Fifty pen ce, please.George: Thank you.02George: How much is that?Ass
41、ista nt: Fifty pen ce, please.In structor: George gives the assista nt a pound. How much cha nge does he get?03George wan ts a bottle of aspiri ns, a tube of toothpaste, and a film for his camera. He can buy all of them at his local chemists. Hes talk ing to the shop assista nt. Liste n.George: rd l
42、ike a bottle of aspiri ns, please.Assista nt: A large one or a small one?George: A large one, please.Assista nt: Thats eighty-seve n pen ce.George: And a tube of toothpaste. A large one.Assista nt: Thats fifty-six pen ce.George: Oh, yes. And a film for this camera. Twenty exposures.Assista nt: Hmmmm
43、. Twenty exposures. Thats one pound seve nty-two.George: Right. Here you are. Five poun ds. Thank you very much.Assista nt: Dont forget your cha nge, sir.04 What kind of money do you have in En gla nd? Oh, we have pounds and penni es. What coins do you have? The fifty-pe nees the biggest, and the ha
44、lfpe nny is the smallest. Really? In America, the biggest is the fifty-ce nts, and the smallest is the cent. When do you start school? Five. Really? How in teresti ng! What sports are popular? Well, lots of people play tennis and football.301Someth in gs cook ing on the stove.Someth in gs chas ing a
45、 cat.Some on es brush ing his teeth.Some on es throw ing out somethi ng.Some on es watch ing a dog and a cat.Some on es sharpe ning a pen cil.Some on es shutt ing a door.Some on es clea ning her house.Some on es cook ing some food.Some on es ope ning a win dow.Some one wants to do his homework.Some
46、on es look ing out of a win dow.Some on es weari ng glasses.The stoves hot.Two people are outside.Some on es in the bathroom.The doors clos ing.The cats running fast.Some on es in the kitche n.Some on es too warm and is ope ning a win dow.Some on es too cold and is doing somethi ng.Some on es throw
47、ing out the trash.A man is watch ing some one whos outside the house.We dont want these ani mals in the house.Some one wants clea n teeth.Some one wants a clea n house.Some one wants a sharp pen cil.Some one wants hot food.Some on es sitti ng dow n outdoors.Some on es brushi ng his teeth before goin
48、g to bed.101Hello, I want a cab.OK. What address is it?1120 East 32nd Street.Right. The cab will be there in a few minu tes.02Whats your job?rm an acco untant.Oh! Do you enjoy it?No. I dont really like it. Its bori ng.03Where do you come from?Indon esia.Oh! Which part?Jakarta.Really?04Can you speak
49、Germa n?Yes, I can. I speak it very well.Where did you lear n it?I lived in Germa ny whe n I was a child.What else can you speak?Well, I kn ow a little Italia n.05I thi nk a bus in essma n should be good-look ing.No, I dont agree.06Would you like a drink?No, tha nk you. I dont drink. Are you sure? Y
50、es. Im quite sure. Thank you very much. What about a soft drink the n? Oh, alright. Lem on ade would be fine.07 Tha nk you very much for the meal. Not at all. Im glad you could come. You must come and have a meal with me some time. Yes. That would be ni ce.08 Have you heard about the Prime Mini ster
51、? No. Shes gone to China! Really!09 How do you spell in terest ing? l-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-l-N-G. Tha nk you very much.10 Would you mind pass ing the salt, please? Certai nly.201Tim talked to Harry about the lecture.Harry: What did you thi nk of the lecture?Tim: I thought it was very in terest ing.Harry: D
52、id you really?Tim: Yes, did nt you?Harry: Certai nly no t. I thought he talked a lot of rubbish.Tim: So you think you know more tha n he does.Harry: Well, take coal for in sta nee.Tim: What about it?Harry: Coal wont become importa nt aga in.Tim: Why n ot?Harry: Its too dirty. They wont be able to fi
53、nd people to work dow n coal mines in the future. Tim:Theyll invent new kinds of mach in ery.Harry: Nonsen se. The on ly sort of power theyll use in the future is atomic power.02reporter from a local n ewspaper is in terview ing some stude nts on the subject of stude nts歡迎來主頁下載歡迎來主頁下載精品文檔04精品文檔04精品文
54、檔and mon ey.Reporter: Excuse me. Are you a stude nt?Stude nt 1: Yes, I am.Reporter: Forgive my ask ing you, but do you have to take a part-time job in the ho1idays? Stude nt 1: Not really. My pare nts are fairly well off so I get an allowa nee from my father. Reporter: Youre lucky, arent you?Stude n
55、t 1: I suppose so.Reporter: What about you? Are your pare nts wealthy?Stude nt 2: No, eertai nly not.Reporter: Do you work duri ng the holidays?Stude nt 2: Well, last Christmas I did two weeks as temporary postma n, the n in the summer I spe nt four weeks fruit pick ing, and I do a bit of baby-sitti
56、 ng, so I man age.Reporter: Thank you.301My name is Robert. I am eighteen years old and I am French. I am not married. Sylvia is small and fair. She is seve ntee n and she is a stude nt.02The tall boy with fair hair is eightee n years old and he comes from Swede n. He works in a record shop. The sma
57、ll boy with dark hair is seve ntee n. He is Spani sh, but he does not live in Spain. He lives in Fran ce. He works in a hotel.七101 I thi nk a doctor should be a frie ndly pers on. Yes. I agree.02 Would you like someth ing to drink? Just coffee, please. Are you sure? Quite certa in. Thank you.03 What
58、 are you doing in New York? rm writi ng a story for YES magaz ine. I see.歡迎來主頁下載歡迎來主頁下載精品文檔精品文檔精品文檔 What are you doing in Cairo? rm visit ing my pare nts. Really!05 Why are you visit ing HongKong? rm just on holiday.06 Why are you in London? rm here on bus in ess. Oh.07 Tha nks a lot for putt ing me
59、 up. Thats OK. Do come and see me whe n youre in New York. Sure. Thatll be great.08 Have you heard the n ews? No. Theres bee n a terrible air crash. Oh dear! Where was it? A tow n called Ban ford.09 Excuse me, how do you say that word, C-U-S-T-O-M-S? Customs. I see. Thank you.10 Would you like some
60、more potatoes? rm sorry I cant man age any more. Thank you.201Male: Pubs? You must have good people. If the people are good, the pub will be good.Male: You must have a good Ian dlord, and people with a sense of humor beh ind the bar. If the Ian dlord is bad, the pub will be bad.Female: I love old pu
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