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1、(完整word版)M6U4-單詞講解(完整word版)M6U4-單詞講解PAGE PAGE8PAGE 8(完整word版)M6U4-單詞講解M7 Unit4 Helping people around the world1. lack n. / v. 缺少;不足a lack of care, money, water 缺乏關(guān)心 金錢 水 lack creativity/self-discipline/courage/experience 缺乏創(chuàng)造性/自制力/勇氣/經(jīng)驗(yàn)be lacking in courage, strength 缺乏勇氣 力氣Despite his lack of exper

2、ience, he got the job. The charges were dropped for lack of evidence. The project had to be abandoned for lack of funds. 工程因資金缺乏只得放棄.* We are lacking in ideas. = There is a lack of ideas. = We lack ideas.2. refer refers referring referred 提到,談及;指稱;與有關(guān);查閱,參考This incident in his childhood is never aga

3、in referred to. 他小時候的這件事永遠(yuǎn)不再提了.Dont refer to this matter again, please. 請不要再提這件事了.In his speech, he referred to a recent trip to Canada.Although she didnt mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.The figures refer to our sales in Europe. (be about) 與有關(guān)refer to a dictionary, an exper

4、t, ones notes 查閱詞典 詢問專家、查看筆記He gave the speech without referring to his notes.refer to somebody/something as 將稱為The American Indians referred to salt as magic white sand.美洲印地安人將鹽稱作“神奇的白沙”He likes to be referred to as Doctor Khee.refer sb/sth to sb 將送交以謀求幫助指點(diǎn)行動支持等refer a patient to a specialist for t

5、reatment 把病人交給??漆t(yī)生治療 The dispute was referred to the United Nations. 該項(xiàng)爭端已提交聯(lián)合國處理. I was referred to the manager/the enquiry office. 人家叫我去找經(jīng)理去問訊處. reference n make reference to提及,論及 for reference 供參考Avoid (making) any reference to his illness. 千萬別提起他的病.The original text is here for easy reference. 謹(jǐn)

6、附原文以便查考.Keep their price list on file for future reference.reference book 參考書, 工具書in/with reference to sb/sth (especially in business letters) about or concerning sb/sth 關(guān)于I am writing with reference to your job application. I am writing to you in reference to the job opening in your department.3. a

7、mbassador 大使 embassy 大使館Ambassador Caroline Kennedy assumed duty as Ambassador to Japan.the British Embassy in Tokyo東京的英國大使館 the American Embassy in Singaporethe staff of the Chinese Embassy Embassy officials 使館工作人員4. description描述形容說明 a vivid description 生動的描寫give a brief/detailed description of 簡單

8、/詳細(xì)的描寫The writer began with a description of the area.The police have issued a detailed description of the missing woman.Can you give me a description of the thief 你能給我形容一下那個竊賊的模樣嗎?The scenery was beautiful beyond description. 那風(fēng)景美麗得難以形容.Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene. 那景色之美難以言傳。5. wo

9、rthy值得的;值得尊敬的,高尚的;有價值的be worthy of sth be worthy of being done be worthy to be doneThe event is worthy of being remembered. 那事件是值得記憶的。This book is worthy of being read /to be read. a man worthy of praise /to be praiseda worthy cause正義的事業(yè) a worthy opponent勁敵 a accomplishment有價值的成就 worthwhile adj. 值得出

10、力的, 值得做的; 值得花時間精力的it is worthwhile to do sth I thought it was worthwhile to clarify the matter.You might find it worthwhile to consult a financial adviser.it is worthwhile doing sth It wasnt worthwhile continuing with the project.do a worthwhile job a worthwhile causeTheir gratitude made it all wort

11、hwhile.6. in addition 除The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.Theres a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge.A new contract is in place. Additionally, staff will be offered a bonus scheme.in addition/ apart from/ besides / furt

12、hermore / moreover/ whats more/ on top ofHe gets commission on top of his salary. 他除了薪水之外還得到傭金。7. equal adj.平等的, 相等的; 能勝任的; n. 同等的人,相等物;vt. 與相等或相同Women are demanding equal pay for equal work.Equal amounts of flour and sugar should be added to the mixture. 應(yīng)在混合物中加入等量的面粉和糖.The rent was equal to half h

13、is monthly income.Im not sure hes equal to the task (= be up to). Shes the equal of her brother as far as intelligence is concerned.論智力, 她和她哥哥不相上下.Hes my equal in strength. Two plus two equals four.Prices should become more stable when supply equals demand.equality of opportunity Women are still str

14、uggling for true equality with men. They share the housework equally between them. 相等地; 同等地8. voluntary acting, done or given willingly 自愿的; 自動的; 主動的Charities rely on voluntary donations/contributions. 慈善事業(yè)依靠自愿捐贈.a voluntary organization, institution, centre 義務(wù)性的組織 機(jī)構(gòu) 中心voluntary community work/ ser

15、vice義務(wù)社區(qū)工作She does voluntary social work. 她從事義務(wù)社會工作. The organization is run on a voluntary basis. 這個組織是由志愿人員管理的.voluntarily advSusan worked in the studios voluntarily to gain experience.She wasnt fired she left voluntarily.volunteer n 志愿者,自愿者 v 主動、自動提供, 自愿從事Most of the relief work was done by volun

16、teers.I need some volunteers to help with the washing-up.volunteer to do sth volunteer for sthHelen volunteered to have Thanksgiving at her house this year.She volunteered for relief work. 她自愿參加救濟(jì)工作.He ed for military service. 他志愿去服兵役。volunteer information, advice, financial support 自愿提供情況 意見 資助9. d

17、raw 吸引某人, 使某人感興趣Her screams drew passers-by to the scene. 她的叫喊聲把過路人都吸引到現(xiàn)場.I felt drawn to this mysterious stranger. 這個神秘的陌生人引起我的注意.draw ones attention draw sbs attention to sth 令(某人)注意某事物She drew my attention to an error in the report. 她要我注意報告中的一處錯誤. draw a conclusion 獲取, 汲取(知識 經(jīng)驗(yàn)等)draw a moral /som

18、e lessons from a story 從故事中汲取教訓(xùn) She drew inspiration from her childhood experiences. 她從童年的經(jīng)歷中吸取了靈感.draw a comparison / a distinction between sth and sth 作對照/將兩事物加以區(qū)分The report draws a distinction between various forms of health care.draw lots 抽簽 We drew lots to see who would go first.They drew 3-3.

19、比賽打成平手draw up a contract / a list 擬訂合同 / 寫出一張清單He was asked to draw up proposals for reforming the law. 草擬, 擬訂10. contribute捐獻(xiàn),捐贈;投稿;起作用,有助于,做出貢獻(xiàn); 促成,導(dǎo)致contribute (ten pounds) to a charity collectionHe contributed a large sum of money to the fund.She has contributed (several poems) to literary magaz

20、ines.a situation where husband and wife contribute equally to the family budgetHer work has contributed enormously to our understanding of this difficult subject. The fair weather contributed to the success of the expedition(探險).Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US.Does smoking con

21、tribute to lung cancer?make a contribution to 捐贈; 作出貢獻(xiàn)a small contribution to the collection 少量捐款He made a major contribution to peace in the region.11. acquire vt. 購得;獲得,得到 acquisition n. acquire materials to make baskets 購買He acquired a 25% stake(股份) in the business. 他認(rèn)購了這個公司25的股票。acquire a good k

22、nowledge of English/an antique painting/a taste for brandy/a reputation for dishonesty 學(xué)好英語/得到一幅古畫/學(xué)會喝白蘭地酒/得到不誠實(shí)的名聲She have mastered English grammar and acquired a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher.How did she acquire her skill?acquire proficiency in math 在數(shù)學(xué)上達(dá)到熟練水平We must work hard to

23、acquire a good knowledge of English.We must cherish experience acquired at the cost of blood.an acquired taste 逐漸培養(yǎng)的愛好Abstract art is an acquired taste. 抽象派藝術(shù)要慢慢才會欣賞.the acquisition of antiques, knowledge, a fortune 獲得古董 知識 財富Language acquisition begins in the first months of a babys life.12. expand

24、 使膨脹,擴(kuò)大,增強(qiáng);擴(kuò)展,發(fā)展(業(yè)務(wù)) expansion n. Metals expand when they are heated. 金屬受熱則膨脹.Our foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years. The computer industry has expanded greatly over the last decade.Sydneys population expanded rapidly in the 1960s.The hotel wants to expand its business by adding a sw

25、imming pool. the rapidly expanding field of information technologythe expansion of gases when heated 氣體受熱時的膨脹an expansion in student numbersThe rapid expansion of cities can cause social and economic problems.13. under the umbrella of the United Nations 在聯(lián)合國的保護(hù)/管轄下sheltering under the American nucle

26、ar umbrella 在美國核保護(hù)傘的庇護(hù)下14. urgent adj. 急迫的, 緊急的 urgently adv. urgency n. 緊急情況,事件My car is in urgent need of repair. 我的汽車急需修理.I detected a note of urgency in her voice. 我從她聲音中察覺到情況緊急.a matter of great urgency 緊急的事Ambulance drivers are urgently needed. 急需救護(hù)車司機(jī).need sth desperately/badly/urgently More

27、blood donors are urgently needed.15. starvation n. 饑餓; 餓死; 挨餓people dying of starvationstarvation wages 低于基本生活費(fèi)的工資The workers lived in poor conditions and were paid starvation wages.pictures of starving childrenWhats for dinner? Im starving! 晚飯吃什么 我餓死了!The poor dog starved to death. 那只可憐的狗餓死了They ar

28、e starving for affection / knowledge. 他們渴望情感/知識16. fetch (去) 把(東西)拿來; (去) 把(人)帶/叫來fetch指一往一返,相當(dāng)于go and bring,去取了東西或帶人再返回到出發(fā)處。The chair is in the garden; please fetch it in. 椅子在花園里, 請把它搬進(jìn)來. Should I fetch you your coat / fetch your coat for you from the next room 要我去隔壁房間把你的大衣拿來嗎Fetch a doctor at once

29、. 快去請醫(yī)生來. Please fetch the children from school. 請到學(xué)校把孩子接回來.17. export n. 輸出, 出口; 出口物; 輸出物 v. 輸出, 出口a ban on the export of gold 禁止黃金出口 an export license 出口許可證 the export trade 出口貿(mào)易 export duties 出口稅Wheat is one of the countrys chief exports.India exports tea and cotton to many different countries. 印

30、度向許多國家出口茶葉和棉花.Italian food has been exported all over the world.import n. / v. 進(jìn)口, 輸入 the import of coal 煤炭的進(jìn)口 cars imported from Japan 從日本進(jìn)口的汽車Shanghai _ is a major _ of China, where China _ a variety of goods from the other countries and _ to the other countries. (port)include /exclude (排除在外) entr

31、ance (入口, 門口) / exit (出口) immigrate(外國移來/移居) / emigrate (移居外國)immigrant (來自外國的)移民, (入境) 移住者 emigrant (由本國移居他國的)移民,移居者18. alternative n. 選擇, 二擇一; 供選擇的東西 adj. 兩者擇一的; 替代的; 供選擇的You have the alternative of marrying or remaining a bachelor. 你可以結(jié)婚也可以仍做單身漢, 任你選擇. You have the alternative of speaking or keep

32、ing quiet. 權(quán)利選擇發(fā)言或保持沉默。We have no alternative/ choice move. 除了搬家之外別無選擇。Caught in the act, he had no alternative but to confess. 他被當(dāng)場抓住, 除了招供別無出路.find alternative means of transport 另找一個運(yùn)輸方法The way was blocked, so we had to go by an alternative road.這條路被封了,我們不得不走另一條路。Have you got an alternative sugge

33、stion 你有沒有其它的建議?19. if only If only I were rich. If only I knew her name. 用以表示對現(xiàn)時的愿望If only it would stop raining. 用以表示對未來的愿望If only I had gone by taxi. If only he had talked to her sooner! 用以表示與過去事實(shí)相反的愿望only if 用于句首, 后接從句主謂倒裝 只要; 只有Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to ente

34、r this room.20. remote adj. 遙遠(yuǎn)的, 偏僻的 geographically remote areas 地理位置上a remote region, village, farmhouse, border town偏僻的地區(qū),村子,農(nóng)舍,邊陲小鎮(zhèn)= isolatedin the remote past/future 在遙遠(yuǎn)的過去未來remote control遙控器 the remote sensor 遙感器21. charity 慈善;慈善機(jī)構(gòu);賑濟(jì)give money to charity 為慈善事業(yè)捐錢 raise money for charity 為慈善事業(yè)籌款

35、a charity ball, concert, jumble sale 慈善舞會 音樂會 義賣a charity performance義演22. possess v. 擁有, 持有; 占有They possess property all over the world. 他們在世界各地均擁有財產(chǎn).Different workers possess different skills.possession n. 擁有; 占有;所有物; 財產(chǎn)The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel. 去國外旅行需持有護(hù)照.personal possessions個人財產(chǎn)He lost all his possessions in the fire. 他在火災(zāi)中損失了所有的財產(chǎn).He came here without friends or possessions.sb. in possession (of sth) 擁有,占有, 控制(某物)sth. in the possession of sb. He is in possession of a large estate


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