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1、I study, I strive, I succeed!1第1頁讓步狀語從句比較狀語從句第2頁讓步狀語從句第3頁Lead-in We wont lose heart _ we fail ten times.A. since B. until C. though D. unlessC. though 即使,盡管though 引導是讓步狀語從句。我們就算失敗十次也不泄氣。4第4頁一. 什么是讓步狀語從句?二. 讓步狀語從句常見引導詞三. 補充其它引導詞5第5頁一.什么是讓步狀語從句?在復(fù)合句中充當讓步狀語句子。6第6頁二.讓步狀語從句常見引導詞 though/although even if/e

2、ven though7第7頁though/although 即使Though / Although he is quite old, he still jogs every day.=He still jogs every day though/although he is quite old.=His is quite old, but he still jogs every day.即使他年紀相當大了, 但依然天天跑步。Though/Although it was snowing, it was not cold.=It was not cold though/although it wa

3、s snowing.=It was snowing, but it was not cold.即使下著雪,但并不冷。8第8頁Practice Although its raining, they are still working in the field.即使在下雨,但他們?nèi)栽诘乩锔苫?。Though he is very old, he still works very hard.即使他很老,但依然努力地工作。9第9頁True or False?Though he looks weak, but he is healthy. FalseThough/although 不和but 連用。 He

4、 looks weak, but he is healthy.Though/Although he looks weak, he is healthy. Though/Although he looks weak, yet he is healthy. Though/Although he looks weak, still he is healthy. Though/although 不和but 連用, 但可與yet或still連用。10第10頁though/although, (yet/still)Though/although 不和but 連用, 但可與yet或still連用, 表強調(diào)。

5、 Although/Though he has a lot of money, yet/stillhe is unhappy. (he is still unhappy.) 他即使有很多錢,但并不幸福。 11第11頁though or although?_ he is young, he knows a lot. A. Though B. If C. Unless D. AlthoughAnswer: A, D盡管他年幼,他知道很多。 Young _he is, he knows a lot. A. though B. if C. unless D. althoughAnswer: AThou

6、gh可倒裝,although不能倒裝though在此時可換成asYoung as he is, he knows a lot. (正式使用方法,常見于文學作品中)12第12頁though or although?though引導讓步狀語從句時能夠倒裝(表強調(diào)),能夠和as 交換,而although從句則不能。 他即使很富有,不過并不高興。Although/though he is rich, he is unhappy.強調(diào)一下:Rich though he is, he is unhappy.Rich as he is, he is unhappy.他即使是個小孩,但他知道什么是對什么是錯。

7、Although/though he is a child, he knows what is right and what is wrong.Child though/as he is, he knows what is right and what is wrong.13第13頁though or although? Itshardwork.Ienjoyit,_. A. although B. thoughthough能夠獨立作副詞,放句末。意思為all the same (依然)或however (然而),although無此使用方法。 他很年輕,然而他很有經(jīng)驗。He is rather

8、 young. Hes experienced, though.B14第14頁even if & even though 即使Even if / even though we can afford it, we wont buy a house right now.即使我們付得起這筆錢,當前也不會買房。Even if /even though everybody deserts you, I will not. 即使全部些人都拋棄你,我也不會。Even if / even though all the world are against me, I shall still do that.即使

9、全世界都反對我,我還是會那樣做。15第15頁though or even though?Compare:He wont lend money to anybody though he is rich.盡管他很有錢,他還是不會借錢給他人。(他已經(jīng)是個富人)He wont lend money to anybody even though/even ifhe is rich.就算他有錢,也不會借給他人。(他現(xiàn)在還不是有錢人) even though/if引導讓步狀語常帶有假設(shè)和推測。 though引導讓步狀語則多表示一個現(xiàn)實情況。16第16頁補充(1)whetheror不論還是., 都Childr

10、en always need the support of their parents,whether theyre four or 24.孩子們總需要父母支持,不論他們是4歲還是24歲。也好,也好,總是 Whether sick or well, shes always in high spirits.有病也好,沒病也好,她總是高高興興。 whether有時候能夠省略。17第17頁不論你來不來,我們都要按時開始。Whether you come or not, we will begin on time.信不信由你,我們冒雨等了兩個小時。Whether you believe it or n

11、ot, we were waiting inthe rain for two hours.不論是你來還是他去,都沒相關(guān)系。whether you come or he goes, it doesnt matter.18第18頁補充(2)no matter what=whateverNo matter what happens, we should face it bravely.=Whatever happens, we should face it bravely不論發(fā)生什么,我們都要勇敢地面對。不論你說什么,我都不在意。No matter what you say, I dont care

12、.=Whatever you say, I dont care.19第19頁補充(3)no matter which=whicheverNo matter which you choose, I will buy it for you.=Whichever you choose, I will buy it for you.不論/不論你選哪個,我都會買給你。不論你喜歡哪一個,他都會給你。No matter which you like, he will give it to you.=Whichever you like, he will give it to you.20第20頁補充(4)n

13、o matter who=whoeverNo matter who he is, he will be punished if he has been against the law.=Whoever he is, he will be punished if he has been against the law.不論是誰,犯了法都會得到處罰。不論是誰,都要為自己負責。No matter who he is, he should take responsibility for himself.=Whoever he is, he should take responsibility for

14、himself.21第21頁補充(5)no matter when=wheneverNo matter when you meet problems, you can call me.=Whenever you meet problems, you can call me.不論什么時候碰到困難,都能夠給我打電話。不論什么時候你來,我都歡迎你。No matter when you come, Ill welcome you.=Whenever you come, Ill welcome you.22第22頁補充(6)no matter where=whereverNo matter where

15、you are, I promise to find you.=Wherever you are, I promise to find you.不論你在哪里,我都要找到你。不論我在哪兒,都會惦念著你。No matter where I am, Ill miss you.=Wherever I am, Ill miss you.23第23頁補充(7)no matter how=howeverNo matter how difficult it is, we should strive to overcome it.=However difficult it is, we should striv

16、e to overcome it.不論有多難,我們都要努力克服。不論有多貴,我都要把這輛車買下。No matter how expensive the car is, I decide to buy it.=However expensive the car is, I decide to buy it.24第24頁Practice用適當讓步狀語從句連詞填空:1. _ he is a poor man, he lives a happy life.2. Beautiful _ she is, she has a cruel heart.3. We started on time _ it wa

17、s raining hard.4. The work is hard. I will strive, _.5. _ you do, I wont hate you.6. _ you go, we will follow you.7. _ strange it is, its an animal.8. _ he is, he should obey the rules.Though/Althoughthough/althoughthoughthoughWhateverWhereverHoweverWhoever25第25頁9. _ you come back, I will wait here.

18、10. _ you insist or not, we wont agree.11. _ he becomes a millionaire, he wont help others.12. Millionaire _ he is, he lives a simple life. WheneverWhetherEven if/ Even thoughthough26第26頁比較狀語從句第27頁比較狀語從句1. 原級比較2. 比較級3. 最高級4. 幾個表示比較結(jié)構(gòu)28第28頁1. 原級比較(1) asas 和一樣My room is as big as yours.He runs as fast

19、 as I (do).(2) not as/soas 不如My room is not so/as big as yours.Chaoshan hotpot is not so/as delicious as Sichuan hotpot.潮汕火鍋不如四川火鍋好吃。29第29頁2. 比較級This book is more interesting than that one.這本書比那本書有意思。My room is smaller than yours.=My room is not as big as yours.我房間沒你大。比較級狀語從句中,用:比較級than30第30頁2. 比較級T

20、his book is more interesting than that one.這本書比那本書有意思。(對比兩本書)This book is the more interesting of the two books.兩本書中,這本比較有意思。(選擇了其中一本)比較級than:表示比較。 the比較級of:表示選擇。31第31頁2. 比較級My girlfriend is the prettier of two.選擇My girlfriend is prettier than yours.比較32第32頁3. 最高級她在我們班是最高。She is the tallest in our c

21、lass.在全部書中,這本是最有趣。This book is the most interesting of all.最高級狀語從句,用:the +最高級of/in形容詞和副詞最高級前沒有the,不表示最高級,表示”非常,很”,相當于very e.g. She is most intelligent. 她非常聰明。33第33頁(1)one of the +最高級+復(fù)數(shù)可數(shù)名詞He is one of the happiest men I know.他是我所知道最高興人之一。Beijing is one of the biggest cities in the world.北京是全世界最大城市之

22、一。You are one of the meanest people Ive met.你是我碰到過最吝嗇人之一。34第34頁(2)the morethe more越越The happier she is, the younger she becomes.她越高興就越年輕。The more you give, the more you get.給得越多,得到越多。The more you learn this term, the less youneed to learn next term.這學期學得越多,下學期要學就越少。35第35頁(3)比較級+than any other+單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞

23、比任何其它一個更The country has more lakes than any other country.他比班上任何其它一個人都高。He is taller than any other student in his class.=He is the tallest student in his class.我比任何其它一個人都更了解你。I know you more than any other person.=I know you the most.36第36頁翻譯以下句子:1、我新車是兩輛中更貴那輛。2、他是我所見過最有魅力人。(glamorous)3、我故鄉(xiāng)比其它任何一個山

24、村都美。4、付出越大努力,就會有越多收獲。5、你是我所知道最有自信人之一。6、你上次給我介紹女孩沒你漂亮。7、她和她雙胞胎姐姐一樣聰明可愛。(twin sister)8、撒哈拉是全球最大沙漠。(the Sahara)37第37頁1. My new car is the more expensive one of two.2. He is the most attractive man Ive ever seen.3. My hometown is more beautiful than any other village.4. The more you strive, the more you

25、 will get.5. Youre one of the most confident people I know.6. The girl you introduced to me last time isnt as pretty as you.7. She is as clever and lovely as her twin sister.8. The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.38第38頁Practice:1、你前幾天和我說故事太恐怖了,我這幾天都睡不著覺。2、只要有信心,沒有做不成事。3、一個抱著孩子女人一看到我就朝我跑過來。4、即使沒有經(jīng)過上一次考試,但我們不氣餒。5、我在鄉(xiāng)下期間,認識了很多朋友。6、既然鍛煉


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