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1、-Text 1 Words that Work Miracles1.FFTTFFFT2.DBDAAC (P4)3. translate the following sentences into Chinese (P5)1) Yet we must bask in the warmth of approval now and then or lose our self-confidence.可是我們都要時(shí)常享受到熱情地贊美,否則我們就會(huì)失去自信。2) When we are proud of our self-image,we feel confident and free to be ours

2、elves.當(dāng)我們對(duì)自身的形象感到驕傲?xí)r,會(huì)有自信心,感覺(jué)很自在。3) A new minister called to a church jokingly referred to as the refrigerator,decided againstcriticizing his congregation for its coolness toward strangers.Instead,he beban welcoming visitorsfrom the pulpit and telling his flock how friendly they were.一位牧師到一座教堂上任, 這座

3、教堂被開(kāi)玩笑地稱(chēng)作 “”,他沒(méi)有批評(píng)教堂的教徒們對(duì)陌生人冷漠,而是站在講壇上歡迎來(lái)訪者,并對(duì)大家說(shuō)他們是多么的友善。4) Coming home after a hard days work ,the man who sees the faces of his children pressedagainst the window,watching for him,can water his soul with their silent but golden opinion.經(jīng)過(guò)一天的勞累, 一位父親回到家, 看到孩子們把小臉貼在玻璃窗上等他回家,然而珍貴的贊美滋潤(rùn)了他的心田。這無(wú)聲1.fill

4、 in the blanks with the phrases given below.change the form where necessary.(P6)1.live with 2.add to 3.take for granted 4.live up to 5.now and then 6.boildown to 7.decide against 8.once in a while2.translatethe following sentences into english ,using the words given inbrackets.(p6)1. 你應(yīng)該多吃點(diǎn),不然你會(huì)把自己弄

5、出病來(lái)。You should eat more ,or you will get outof the disease to .2. 雖然哈里盡量讓人覺(jué)得語(yǔ)氣平和,但她顯然生氣了。Although Harry try his best tosound calm ,obvious angry.3. 她立刻指出那不是她的錯(cuò)。 she was quick to pointed out that it is not her fault4. 弟弟住在離家很遠(yuǎn)的地方,我們渴望得到他的消息。home,we are hungry for the news of him.brother lies far away

6、 from5. 如果你們有什么不懂的地方,請(qǐng)隨意打斷我。place ,please fell free to interrupt me.if you have what not understandTEXT4 To Face Life with Courage1.FTFTT FTT(P33)2.DDCCCD(P34)3.translate the following sentences into Chinese(P35)-4. But few people, either then or later, know how often this busy and attractiveman was

7、 in pain. It wasnt in his character to give up.但是, 不論在當(dāng)時(shí)還是以后的日子里,很少有人知道很,少時(shí)候是魔纏身的。他的性格中沒(méi)有屈服二字。這位政務(wù)繁忙、富于魅力的人有多.因?yàn)椋?約翰雖然請(qǐng)得起最好的醫(yī)生, 但他卻從未擁有過(guò)天賜的健康體魄, 也從未能免受病痛的困擾。3. Massachusetts had had its share of dishonest politicians.不誠(chéng)實(shí)的政客在馬薩諸塞州已經(jīng)夠多的了。4.From then on John Kennedy, with his serious manner and easy ch

8、arm, becamethe goldenboy of American politics.從那時(shí)起,由于他那端莊而又瀟灑的風(fēng)度,約翰肯尼迪成了美國(guó)政治的寵兒。5.What made him, in that short time as president, such a bright spot on the Americanpolitical scene?是什么使他在短暫的總統(tǒng)任期內(nèi)在美國(guó)政治舞臺(tái)上如此光彩照人?6.fill in the blanks with a proper adjective from the list given below.(P35)4.wide8.friendl

9、y 9.easy 10.serious 11.solid 12.delicate2.fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.change the form where2.steady3.manly4.rough5.strong6.hopeless7.thoughtfulnecessary.(P36)1.Shot up 2.are expected to 3.in their favor 4.give up 5.in our name6.has been leading the way 7.think better of 8.stick t

10、ogether3.translate the following sentences into english ,using the words given in brackets.()1.他站起身來(lái)去講話。 he rise to his feet to deliver to speak.2.最近她在電視熒屏上露過(guò)幾次面。She has made appearances recently on TV3.我們指望你給予幫助。 We look to you for help.4.我母親雖然年近八十,她十分健康eighty .My mother in perfect health ,though s

11、he nearlyJohn Kennedy was born into a powerfulIn the uk ,a sixty-five-year-old6. 在英國(guó),男人通常六十五歲退休,女人六十歲。retired men and women 60 years old .7.她滑了一跤,但很快站了起來(lái)。 She slipped,but she pick herself up quickly.8.實(shí)際上,醫(yī)院以為她已經(jīng)死亡。 In fact ,the hospital give her up for dead.-Text7 AboutHeroes7.CBCBA(P65)3.translate

12、 the following sentences into Chinese(P66)6.It is often applied to ordinary people who happen to perform an actofgreatcourage.這個(gè)詞經(jīng)常用來(lái)指那些偶然做出某種英勇之舉的普通人。7.The desire to be worthy ofthem could bring outthe bestin their admirers.因?yàn)橄胍獰o(wú)愧于自己的偶像,所以崇拜英雄的人們就能激發(fā)出自己的潛能(聰明才智)。But we pay a price for their truthfu

13、lness,for in their efforts to show “the whole person,” theytell us more than we really need to know aboutprivate lives,family secrets,and human weakness.但是我們?yōu)檫@種真實(shí)性付出代價(jià),因?yàn)樗麄兣Φ貫槲覀冋故玖恕啊?,他們告訴我們的信息比我們希望知道的要多,而這些信息都是關(guān)于私生活、家庭秘密和人性的弱點(diǎn)。the people we try to imitate are the unknown adults,the noncelebrities i

14、n our lives.我們?cè)噲D模仿的是些默默無(wú)聞的成年人,是我們生活中的小人物。7.The qualities required ofa hero vary with the times,and some greatfigures ofa certain periodwould surprise the people ofanother generation.一個(gè)時(shí)期的偉大人物可能會(huì)使8.They can be heroes ifpeople are willing to ignore their human imperfection and to admittherespectthatth

15、eir admirable qualities inspire.如果我們?cè)敢夂鲆曀麄內(nèi)诵灾械娜觞c(diǎn)并且承認(rèn)他們令人欽佩的品質(zhì)激發(fā)了我們的崇敬,這些人就是英雄人物。那么9.s a sad sky thathas no shining stars.沒(méi)有星星閃爍的天空是令人憂(yōu)傷的天空。5.fillin the blanks with the phrases given below.change the form wherenecessary.(P67)9.critical2.venture3.display4.horizon5.object6.grief7.principal3.despise 9.c

16、onstitute2.Complete each ofthe following sentences with the appropriate form ofthe wordgiven.(67)ABCD123456PerfectlyAdmireSuperiorHeroineMournPerfectionAdmirableSuperiorityHeroicalPerfectInperfectAdmirationSuperiorHeroicAdmireSuperiorHeroicmournfulRemarkedmourningRemarkablemournersRemarkablyRemark-T

17、ext11 whatprofession enter8.FTFFF FTTTT(P103)9.BDACADC(P104)、Ihope this results in a more mature and productive decision,one thatwill place me in a fieldthat I truly love one in which whatever talents I have will flower naturally and lead to alifetime ofaccomplishment.我希望在一個(gè)更成熟的和富有成效的決策產(chǎn)生結(jié)果樣,都將自然綻放,

18、并會(huì)使我去的終身成就。,這將我放在一個(gè)領(lǐng)域 ,不管我的才華怎生相匹配。3、Common workplaces chosen are consulting firms, law offices, brokerage houses, banks,architectural firms,research labs and hospitals,butin theory any workplace with a Yale alumnuscould be the setting.、The staffwere already prepped for surgery when Dr Matory sailed

19、 in with me in tow.員工已經(jīng)已為手術(shù)做好準(zhǔn)備,當(dāng)馬托雷博士和我走進(jìn)來(lái)的時(shí)候。Thatmorning she did three operations in a row,only ducking outfor five minutes to eatlunch,abagel.那天早上她做連續(xù)三臺(tái)手術(shù) 只離開(kāi)五分鐘吃午飯 午飯是一個(gè)面包圈。、Itold the residentIwas shadowing thatfirstafternoon atBrigham and Women s Hospital thatIwas thinking ofgoing to medical sc

20、hool.我告訴我跟蹤一下午的住院院長(zhǎng) ,我想就讀醫(yī)學(xué)院。、He also told me that work in such fields as investment banking and law are much moreproject-oriented than is the practice ofmedicine.他還告訴我 在工作等領(lǐng)域工作,工程趨向投資銀行和法律界,而不像醫(yī)療實(shí)踐。、This is the valuable new awareness Ibroughtaway from my externship ,這是在我見(jiàn)習(xí)活動(dòng)中而獲得的新認(rèn)識(shí)。1、 fillin the b

21、lanks with the phrases given below.change the form wherenecessary.(P106)4.esteem mit oneself 3.consult 4.discharge 5.to participate mitment8.passion 8.in a row 9.to recast 10.annual、Complete each ofthe following sentences with the appropriate form ofthe wordgiven.(106)ABRepetitivedEfficieientlyInten

22、seCD1234RepeatedEfficiencyIntensibeInspireRepeatedlyEfficiencyIntensilyInspireRepetitionIntensifyInspirerAn inspiration-Text13 WhatMakes aLeader?、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)藝術(shù)像其他任何事情一樣,是時(shí)機(jī)的問(wèn)題。、偉大的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者幾乎都能做到言簡(jiǎn)意賅,他們平息爭(zhēng)吵、辯論和猶豫不決,提出一個(gè)人人都能聽(tīng)得懂、記得住的解決方案。、人民只能被領(lǐng)向他們想去的地方。領(lǐng)袖跟隨著民眾,雖然他先行了一步。、最重要的是, 他必須使我們的愿望變得神圣, 使我們相信我們是在參與創(chuàng)造偉大的歷史,賦予我們

23、一種光榮感。、歸根結(jié)底,他標(biāo)志著我們之中的佼佼者,他是由我們自己的精神與意志塑造而成的。Text14 Henry 11.FFTFT TFT(P133)12.DCBBB(P134)13.translate the following sentences into Chinese(P105)1) At firstall wentwell.He kepta balance of power in Europe, so thatno countryshould become strong enough to threaten his shores;and this has been Englandso

24、fficial aim ever since.(L.22)起初一切順利。他保持了歐洲的實(shí)力均衡使任何國(guó)家2)When Parliamentdeclared thatcriminal clerks mustbe tried in public courts,Wolsey wanted to refer the case to Rome.(L.36)當(dāng)議會(huì)宣布犯罪的教士必須在公共法庭受審時(shí),沃爾西想把此事交由羅馬教廷仲裁。3)Henry s trouble over his marriage made him realize something thatmostEnglishpeople had

25、known for years:thatforeign interference in English affairs had goneon too long and mustbe stopped for ever.(L.75)識(shí)到許多年來(lái)大多數(shù)英國(guó)人都懂得的一點(diǎn),底結(jié)束。亨利在婚姻方面遇到的麻煩使他意外國(guó)對(duì)英國(guó)事物的干涉已經(jīng)持續(xù)得太久,必須徹4)The only objections to the Reformation came from the north, where someof the abbeysstill did good work among the poor.(L.136)

26、對(duì)改革唯一的反對(duì)意見(jiàn)來(lái)自北方,那里的教士們?nèi)匀荒転楦F人們做些好事。5)The old kind of ship was good enough for the old kind of sea fight, when they chargedeach other and their men foughthand-to-hand on board;butsuch ships did notsuitHenrys new ideas ofwar atsea.(L.147)舊式戰(zhàn)船應(yīng)付舊式海戰(zhàn)游刃有余,戰(zhàn)船相互攻擊,士兵們?cè)诩装迳线M(jìn)行肉搏戰(zhàn),但這些戰(zhàn)船不符合亨利看待海戰(zhàn)的新觀念。6)Their leng

27、thwas only twice theirbreadth, which made them awkward to steer andhard to turn quickly in battle.(L.151)船的長(zhǎng)度僅僅是船寬的兩倍,這樣打起仗來(lái)戰(zhàn)船難以調(diào)度,不能迅速掉頭。7)His courage and political wisdom leftEngland strong and free to make her way ina new world.She was no longer tied to Europe.Her wealth had passed from the deadh

28、and of the feudal Church to menwho would use it boldlythe world. (L. 190)for developing trade across-14.fillnecessary.(P135)5.geting birth to 2.keep a balance 3.make they way 4.objection 5.claim9.persuading 7.however 8.break away from 9.by mistake 10.retirementin the blanks with the phrases given be

29、low.change the form where10.remedy 12.moderate6.fill in the blanks with any words you think fit(P136)rid 2.male 3.divorce 4.breaking 5.made 6.power 7.wealthy 8.monks4.loyal 10.threat 11.shut 12.disappear 13.attack 14.ruins 15.3.change 17.peformation 18.way 19.however 20.religiousText16 Amanwhohadnoe

30、yes7.TFTTT FFT (P158)8.CBCA(P159)9.translate the following sentences into Chinese(P159)4.He was a blind beggar,carrying the traditional battered cane,and thumping hisway before him with the cautious,half-furtive effortofthe sightless.(L.3)畏畏縮縮的樣子。5.And he had done italone,unaided,struggling beneath

31、handicaps.(L.18)他是自6. The blue air of spring, fresh from it memories of windy pools and lush shrubbery,could thrill him with eagerness.(L.19)7.Mr.Parsons stood there,somewhatannoyed and embarrassed.He was a handsome figure withhis immaculate gray suitand gray hatand Malacca stick.(L.31)馬六甲白藤手杖。8. Bu

32、t the blind peddler was caughtup with the train ofhis one dramatic reminiscence.(L.58)可盲人小販卻已沉浸在他那戲劇性往事的不盡回憶之中了。9. He swalloweda studied soband stood dumbly expectant.(L.86)他故意發(fā)出哽咽,并且默默地站在那里。1、 fillnecessary.(P160)9.gropeing 2.tramplein the blanks with the phrases given below.change the form where3.

33、insure4.yellowed5.futile6.shift7.pocket8.restagainst 9.riched with 10.swallowing 11.clingText18 I llremember itinaminute、 結(jié)果常常是這樣的, 他正想引起我身后人的注意, 那便意味著我必須把這一手勢(shì)懸于半空之中,假裝只是伸手去搔搔耳朵,或者是我與他身后的人揮手。-、我們的目光終于相遇,于是便裝作萬(wàn)分驚訝狀相互招呼,大叫道:哎呀,真是奇遇! 而后雙方互拍肩膀,以掩蓋由于這些年未曾聯(lián)系而產(chǎn)生的負(fù)疚感。、我們開(kāi)始一起走在街上,使對(duì)方相信我們依舊故我,并相互寒暄問(wèn)候,此時(shí)我拼命地查閱

34、著記憶中的留念冊(cè),以期獲得一些令我豁然開(kāi)朗的信息。、就在我講到關(guān)鍵之處時(shí),我可怕地意識(shí)到自己又在重復(fù)昨天的故事。、下次我碰到加登先生,我便看了一眼領(lǐng)帶- 想當(dāng)然我還是系著同一條領(lǐng)帶 - 迅你好, Fertilizer( 肥料)先生。 速往后搜尋著目錄,伸出我的手,燦爛地笑著說(shuō),Text21 The Manonthe Moonandthe Manonthe Street15.TFTTF FFTFF16.CDABBBD17.translate the following sentences into Chinese(P206)6.It has already broughta new apprec

35、iation ofthe complex system ofwhich man is only a part.(L.21) 它使人們對(duì)人類(lèi)只構(gòu)成其一部分的復(fù)雜天體有了新的認(rèn)識(shí)。7.This is potentially the mostpowerful tool in man s history, .The question now is whether suchtechniques can be refashioned and turned to other tasks as well.(L.18) 這種管理技術(shù)將是人類(lèi)8.Satellites are being used notonly

36、for medical purposes and for education butalso for predictingthe weather in a more reliable way.(L.19)更可靠地預(yù)測(cè)天氣。9. Of all the benefits resulting from space travel,none has been more significantthan the view ithas given us ofthe planeton which we live.(L.31)為重大的莫過(guò)于它讓我們看到了我們生存在其上面的這顆星球的畫(huà)面。10.Thanks to

37、advanced technology in photography,the images are sharp and can be enlarged manytimes withoutbecoming less clear.(L.58)大許多倍也不會(huì)失真。1、 fillin the blanks with the phrases given below.change the form wherenecessary.(P207)10.to transfer2.originate3.endeavor4.consdering5.increasingly11.assurances 7.endange

38、rd 8.reliable 9.contribute 10.potentiallyText22Was There aGolden Age、許多批評(píng)英國(guó)現(xiàn)代教育體制的人都喜歡重溫20 世紀(jì)初的黃金時(shí)代, 他們認(rèn)為那時(shí)的教育水準(zhǔn)更高。、有人認(rèn)為:自從實(shí)施公共教育體制以來(lái)進(jìn)行的每次教育調(diào)研都發(fā)現(xiàn)當(dāng)時(shí)的教育水準(zhǔn)有嚴(yán)重缺陷,而且這些結(jié)果都是對(duì)的。因此,這些想法好像是對(duì)的。、對(duì)今天的教育水準(zhǔn)洋洋自得是愚蠢的,但是如果認(rèn)為實(shí)施“綜合教育制度”“現(xiàn)代教學(xué)法”之前的學(xué)校很完美,那就是很荒謬了。、不足為奇的是,學(xué)生們的表現(xiàn)與我們對(duì)他們的期望差不多,意料之中的。(因此)他們的考試成績(jī)也是或者: 意料之中的是 : 學(xué)生的表現(xiàn)與我們的期望不相上下 , () 他們的考試成績(jī)也-和我們的預(yù)測(cè)相符 .18.太多的孩子仍然得不到應(yīng)有的機(jī)會(huì),結(jié)果,他們最終也無(wú)法取得應(yīng)有的成就。Text24 HowAdvertising Informs Our Benefit11.FTFTF FFTT12.DBCCD DDA13.translate the following sentences into Chinese(P2


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