



1、四川省廣安市五福中學(xué)高二英語(yǔ)下學(xué)期期末試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. You will get 300,000 yuan as a compensation if the car _ break down within the 1st 12 months. A. should B. would C. could D. will參考答案:A略2. If you act like that, youll get yourself _. HYPERLINK / A. dislike B. disliked C. disliking D. to dislike HYPERLINK / HYPERLINK

2、/ 參考答案:B3. One of the English teachers Kate eventually _ her project to the school board for their approval of the speech contest.A. admitted B. permitted C. submitted D. recommend參考答案:C4. Kate was very sad over loss of the photos she had shot in China, _this was a memory she especially treasured.A.

3、 if B. whenC. as D. which參考答案:C考察連詞。句意Kate對(duì)于她在中國(guó)拍攝的照片的遺失感到很沮喪,因?yàn)樗貏e珍惜那段記憶。as因?yàn)椤9蔬xC。5. When people need information, from the news and weather forecasts to travel packages and academic research, the Internet is now the first_ they turn to.A. privilege B. source C. assistance D. outcome參考答案:B【詳解】考查名詞。

4、A. privilege特權(quán); B. source來(lái)源; C. assistance幫助,援助; D. outcome結(jié)果。句意:當(dāng)人們需要信息時(shí),從新聞和天氣預(yù)報(bào)到旅游套餐和現(xiàn)在是他們求助的第一個(gè)來(lái)源。結(jié)合句意可知答案為B。6. Your English_ much better now if you had taken the teachers advice.A. would be B. would have been C. will be D. should be參考答案:A考查虛擬語(yǔ)氣。條件句是一個(gè)與現(xiàn)在事實(shí)相反的的假設(shè),而主句所表示的動(dòng)作或行為的時(shí)間是now,此時(shí)要根據(jù)它表示的時(shí)間進(jìn)

5、行調(diào)整,使would/might/could+動(dòng)詞原形。故選A。7. - Hey, Mary, your backpack looks nice. When did you buy it. - I _ it for two weeks.A. had B. bought C. have had D. have bought 參考答案:C8. When they moved to Canada,the children_ _the change very well.Aadapted to Badopted to Cused to Dattempted to參考答案:A9. New technolo

6、gies have made _ possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost. A. that B. this C. one D. it 參考答案:D10. He suggested _ a meeting and it may suggest he _ in our plan.A. to hold; was interested B. / ; was interestedC. holding; should be interested D. should hold; was interested參考答案:B11.

7、On October 1st, 2009, a grand ceremony was held _ the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of ChinaAcelebratingBto celebrateCto have celebratedDhaving celebrated參考答案:B12. To prevent fires,smoking is strictly in the factory.A.preservedB.prohibitedC.ignored D.tolerated參考答案:B提示:proh

8、ibit表示“禁止”,符合題意。preserve“保護(hù)”;ignore“忽略,忽視”;tolerate“容忍”。13. _ the task on time, he was fired by the boss.A. Not completed C. Not have completed B. Not having completed D. Not being completed 參考答案:B略14. _ seen the film, so everyone wants to see it.A. All the students havent B. Any student hasntC. Non

9、e of us has D. As anybody has參考答案:C15. The story is about an old villager and his sons living in West China, travelling beyond the mountain in their life.A. none of whom B. neither of whomC. none of them D. neither of them參考答案:C考查現(xiàn)在分詞的獨(dú)立主格結(jié)構(gòu)。句意:這個(gè)故事是關(guān)于一個(gè)年老的村民和他的兒子,他們都沒(méi)去過(guò)山外。None of them與travelling表主動(dòng)

10、,構(gòu)成獨(dú)立主格結(jié)構(gòu),故選C。二、 填空16. During a recent Senior Three English lesson,the teacher _81_(notice)Xiao Ming,a student,busily typing messages on her cellphone. To the teachers surprise, Xiao Ming wasnt just texting her friends the latest small talk. She was blogging about what she was learning in the classr

11、oom,sharing her opinions _82_ her classmates. She said she _83_(true)enjoyed doing that.The case caused _84_ heated discussion among teachers and students citywide. Miss Li,another English teacher said,“I am amazed at how _85_(create)the students can be when writing on their blogs. To me its a great

12、 way for students to improve their writing skills while writing about personal feelings and experiences.” But _86_ made other teachers worried was the blog-addiction which may disturb the students study.A supporter and classmate of Xiao Ming said,“We love her blog!We all read it each day and cant wa

13、it to see what she writes about next. Many of her _87_(suggest)on study really help to encourage us. And we can relax _88_(we)while reading her blog.” Another student blogger admitted that he often works late into the night,_89_(write)his blog. He said,“Sometimes I dont even have time _90_(finish)my

14、 homework. I cant help myself. I really have a lot to say.”參考答案:81. noticed 82. with 83. truly 84. a 85. creative 86. what 87. suggestions 88. ourselves 89. Writing 90. to finish本文為議論文。主要講述了老師和學(xué)生對(duì)發(fā)博客的不同看法?!?1題詳解】考查謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞。句意:在最近一次高三英語(yǔ)課上,老師注意到學(xué)生小明正忙著在手機(jī)上發(fā)信息。通讀全文可知,故事發(fā)生在過(guò)去,故用動(dòng)詞的一般過(guò)去式形式。因此此處填noticed?!?2題詳

15、解】考查介詞及固定搭配。句意:她在寫(xiě)博客時(shí),講述她在課堂上學(xué)到的東西,并與同學(xué)們分享她的觀(guān)點(diǎn)。share sth. with sb.意為“與某人分享某物”,為固定搭配,故用介詞with?!?3題詳解】考查副詞。句意:她說(shuō)她真的很喜歡這樣做。修飾動(dòng)詞應(yīng)用副詞,而true為形容詞,修飾動(dòng)詞要用副詞,因此填truly。【84題詳解】考查不定冠詞。句意:這件事引起了全市師生的熱烈討論。discussion在此處表示具體概念,且第一次在語(yǔ)境中出現(xiàn),故用不定冠詞a修飾。因此本空格填a?!?5題詳解】考查形容詞作表語(yǔ)。句意:我對(duì)學(xué)生在博客上寫(xiě)作時(shí)的創(chuàng)造性感到驚訝。本空格被副詞how修飾,副詞可修飾形容詞或副

16、詞。由下文的be可知,此處應(yīng)用形容詞作表語(yǔ),故填creative?!?6題詳解】考查名詞從句。句意:但是讓其他老師擔(dān)心的是博客成癮可能會(huì)干擾學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)。空處引導(dǎo)主語(yǔ)從句,主語(yǔ)從句中缺少主語(yǔ),表示物的概念,what符合語(yǔ)境。因此填what?!?7題詳解】考查名詞的數(shù)。句意:她對(duì)學(xué)習(xí)的許多建議確實(shí)有助于鼓勵(lì)我們。her是形容詞性物主代詞,修飾名詞,故用名詞形式。此外,suggestion是可數(shù)名詞,由Many of可知,應(yīng)用復(fù)數(shù)形式suggestions。故填suggestions?!?8題詳解】考查反身代詞。句意:我們可以在讀她的博客時(shí)放松自己。由句子主語(yǔ)we可知,此處應(yīng)用反身代詞,表示放松自我

17、。故填ourselves。【89題詳解】考查非謂語(yǔ)作狀語(yǔ)。句意:另一位學(xué)生博客作者承認(rèn),他經(jīng)常工作到深夜,在寫(xiě)他的博客。write和從句的謂語(yǔ)works之間沒(méi)有連詞,故用非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞。其與主語(yǔ)he之間構(gòu)成邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系,故用現(xiàn)在分詞作伴隨狀語(yǔ)。故填witing。【90題詳解】考查非謂語(yǔ)作賓補(bǔ)。句意:有時(shí)我甚至沒(méi)有時(shí)間完成作業(yè)。短語(yǔ)have time to do sth. 為固定搭配,意為“有時(shí)間做某事”,要用不定式作賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)。因此填to finish。三、 閱讀理解17. In the summer of 1978 an English farmer was driving his trac

18、tor through a field of wheat when he discovered that some of his wheat was lying flat on the ground. The fattened (壓平的) wheat formed a circle about six meters across. Around this circle were four smaller circles of flattened wheat. The five circles were in a formation like five dots. During the foll

19、owing years, farmers in England found the strange circles in their fields more and more often.The circles are called “crop circles” because they appear in the fields of grain - usually wheat or corn. The grain in the circles lies flat on the ground but never broken; it continues to grow, and farmers

20、 can later harvest it. Farmers always discover the crop circles in the morning, so the circles probably form at night. They appear only in the months from May to September.At first, people thought that the circles were a hoax. Probably young people were making them as a joke, or farmers were making

21、them to attract tourists. To prove that the circles were a hoax, people tried to make circles exactly like the ones that farmer had found. They couldnt do it. They couldnt enter a field of grain without leaving tracks(痕跡), and they couldnt flatten the grain without breaking it.Many people believe th

22、at beings from outer space are making the circle to communicate with us from far away and that the crop circles are messages from them.Scientists who have studied the crop circles suggested several possibilities. Some scientists say that a downward rush of wind leads to the formation of the circles

23、- the same downward rush of air that sometimes causes an airplane to crash. Other scientists say that forces within the earth cause the circles to appear. There is one problem with all these scientific explanations: crop circles often appear in formations, like the five-dot formation. It is hard to believe that any natural force could form those.67. In the summer of 1978, an English farmer discovered in his field that _.A. some of his wheat had been damaged B. his grain was gr


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