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1、2007屆 廣東省佛山南海中學高三年級模底考試試題聽力I ( A) Choose the correct answer according to what you hear on the tape .1 Where did the conversation probably take place?A In a department storeB In a furniture store.C In a factory.2 What would the new sofas cost each?A$ 59B$63C$ 653 What day is it today?A Thursday.B Sun

2、day.C Monday.4 What did the man do before he began to do music?A A teacherB AdvertisingC A broadcaster5 Which of the following is true about the man?A He dislikes listening to all kinds of music.B His previous jobs have nothing to do with music.C He never did a lot of lecturing on creativity.6 Which

3、 of the following instruments is the man better at ?A Piano.B Violin.C Guitar.7 What is the man looking for?A A church.B A house.C A hospital.8 Which one did the woman say was five minutes down the road?A St. John sB St. PetersC St. Mary s9 Why did the woman apologize?A She had no idea how the place

4、 looked like.B She made a mistake in the name of the placeC She couldn t go together with the man to the hospital.10 Why does David call Vicky?A He doesn t understand how to do the biology homework.B He isn t sure what the biology homework is.C He needs Professor Barbers phone number.11 What does Vi

5、cky think about the homework?A She understands it clearlyB She finds some parts of it difficultC She s ready to stop working on it.12 How does Vicky respond to David s problem?A She offers to do the homework for him.B She thinks it s too late to help him.C She agrees to work with him.13 What did the

6、 man blame air pollution on at first?A CarsB People.C Factories.14 Why did the woman dislike the man driving to school?A He missed a lot of exercise.B He made traveling inconvenient.C He spent too much money on his car.15 What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A Husband and wife.B St

7、udent and teacher. C Boss and employee.(B) Fill in the blanks with not more than three words based on the record .You re asked to put down the answers on the answer sheet.FactlitiesB-DeckSelf-service16isdishes .Coffee-barC-DeckTea-bar,17now opened forhotand cold18office.Exchanging money.AdviceNo one

8、 is allowed on the car deck19Move about the ship as20as possible.II Choose the correct answer.21 It s quiteme why such things have been allowed to happen.A forB behindC againstD beyond22achievement , last weeks ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned alow ,though not failing, grade.A In terms ofB

9、 In case ofC As a result of D In face of23 For him,stage is justmeans of making a living.A a ,aB the ,aC the ,theD a ,the24 You may drop in or just give me a callwill do .A EitherB EachC NeitherD All25 My grandfatherisasasa young man and hatessittingaround doingnothingall day.A enthusiasticB energet

10、icC talkativeD sensitive26 Afterhe retiredfromoffice,Rogerspaintingfora while ,butsoon lostinterest .A took upB saved upC kept upD drew up27 The house belongs to my aunt but shehere any more.A hasn t livedB didn t liveC hadn t livedD doesn t live28 Ifitwere notforthe fact thatshesing,Iwould invite h

11、er totheparty.A couldn tB shouldn tC can tD might not29with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.A FacedB FaceC FacingD To face30that he managed to get the information? Oh ,a friend of his helped him.A Where was itB What was itC How was itD Why was itIII Complete the following pas

12、sage according to the requirements. You re askedto put down the answers on the answer sheet.A littleboy wanted to meet God. He knew itwas a longway to where God lived,sohe packed his suitcase( 31)(介詞) some bread and sixbottlesof rootbeerand he started his( 32)(名詞) .When he had gone about three block

13、s, he met an old man who was sitting in thepark just(33)( stare ) at some pigeons. The boy sat down next to him and opened his suitcase.He was about to drink his root beer( 34)(引導詞) he noticed that the oldman looked( 35)(形容詞) , so he offered him a loaf of bread.The old man gratefullyaccepteditand sm

14、iledat him .Hissmilewas so pleasantthat the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered him a root beer .Again, the oldman smiled at him. The boy was delighted! They sat there all afternoon eating andsmiling ,but they never said a word.As itgrew dark ,theboy realizedhow tiredhe was and got up to leave

15、,butbeforehe had gone more than a few steps ,he man, and gave him( 36)(短語動詞) , ran back to the old37)(冠詞) hug . The old man gave him his biggest smile ever.When the boy opened the door to his own house a short time later ,his mother(38)( surprise) by the look of joy on his face .She asked him,“ What

16、 did you dotodaythatmade you so happy?”He replied,“ I had lunchwithGod”But beforehismother could respond,he added,“ You know what? God s got the most beautifulsmileI ve ever seen!”The old man went home also with a look of peace on his face .His son asked ,“Dad , what did you do today that made you s

17、o happy? He replied,“ I ate a pieceof bread in the park with God” However ,before his son responded , he added,“ Heis very young I never expected that.”( 39)(改成一個句子)Too oftenwe underestimate (低估) the power of a touch ,a smileor a kindword ,allof them have the potential to turn a life around(40)(改正錯誤

18、)IV Cloze test:The Florida sun baked my shoulders as I worked along the I 595 freeway near Fort Lauderdale ,picking up rubbish 1 paused to wipe the sweat off my forehead andlook up at the cloudless blue sky42 things off .Ithoughtaboutmy friends,“ 41 can who were t it rain?43sitting” I thought . That

19、 wouldinan air-conditionedclassroom at the high school right now . I d had some problems in school, so myparents decided to let me work 44 with my dad . We both worked for my uncle ,whohad taken 45 of a road maintenance(道路養(yǎng)護) company . It was up to us to keepthe roads clear of rubbish . The job was

20、46and dirty, especially on hot dayslike this . I wondered why I ever agreed to do it.We continued our 47 route along 595 ,heading for the overpass bridge. ThenI noticed an area where some trees were broken on the ground . Theyweren t likethat before .“ Dad! Pull over ! I want to 48something out”I ju

21、mped off the truck and rushed to the bridge . Something was telling me tohurry there wasn t much time49 I saw a Toyota that hung upside down in thetrees. Maybe it was a stolen carthat somebody 50there.Then I noticed somethingmoving. It was a bloody leg poking out of the driver s side window!“ Heeeel

22、p! ” a lady meaned(呻吟) .41 A WhenB HowC WhyD How long42 A washB keepC stayD cool43 A happilyB probablyC reallyD finally44 A full-timeB part-timeC all the timeD some time45 A advantageB possessionC positionD place46 A easyB excitingC smellyD comfortable47 A regularB commonC unusualD old48 A checkB tu

23、rnC makeD bring49 A AboveB BehindC AheadD Below50 A treasuredB desertedC keptD hidV Reading comprehension.A)It was like a door that had been left open invitingly . Bob stepped through,and immediatelyregrettedit. He was standingin a dim low-ceilingedcave, the wallscarved out of solid ice.There were f

24、ivechildrenthere,huddling(擁抱) togetherin corner,theireyesfixed hopefully on his . They were dressed exactly as he was ,in pale sheepskinjacketsand trousers,withmatching boots ,and caps pulleddown over theirears .Allof them were in their mid teens, and their faces, pinched(皺縮) as much by fearas withc

25、old , seemed strangelyfamiliar,asthough he had known them allhislife .A girl with intense dark eyes nodded towards the end of the room. When he failedto respond, she nodded again , more urgently than before, her lips forming wordssoundlessly.He saw then what he should have seen earlier, a second doo

26、r set low in the endwall.Itwas much smallerand far lessnoticeablethanthefirst,yethe feltdrawnto it just the same . Or was he merely being encouraged by his silent companions?Anotherof them ,a timidboy, gave him a smileofencouragement,whichwas instantlyreflectedin all theotherfaces.He founditdifficul

27、ttoresist,asifthis,afterall,waswhy he was hereto helpthem outintheirmysteriousadventure. And underthe pressure of their combined request, he bent down and crawled throughthe lowopening.Thistimehe emerged onto a windsweptledge (巖壁) . Above him,dark greycloudsracked across an even grey sky Below farbe

28、low lay a desertedvalleyheapedwith slabs(厚片) of ice.51 When Bob entered the cave ,he knew that he.A was welcomeB was unwelcomeC had frightened the children insideD couldn t leave the cave52 The children huddled together because they were.A of one familyB trying to keep warmC afraid of BobD determine

29、d to stay together53 The girl nodded towards the end of the cave because she.A couldn t speak Bob s languageB didn t dare to speak to Bob.C wanted Bob to know their situationD was too hungry to speak54 Bob went through the second door because.A the timid boy forced him to do soB he found it too cold

30、 in the caveC it led to a mysterious unknown placeD the children wanted him to do soB)A “ blogger ” is a person who writes on an Internet computer Web site called“ blog ” . The word “blog ” is a short way of saying Web log, or personal Web site. Anyone can start a blog , and they can write about any

31、thing they like.Thereare millionsofblogs on the Internettoday.They providenews, informationand ideasinmany peoplewho readthem . They containlinkstootherWeb sites.Andthey provide a place for people to write about their ideas and react to the ideasof others.A research company called Perscus has studie

32、d more than 300 Web logs .It saysthat blogsare most popularwithteenagegirls. They use them tolettheirfriendsknow what is happening in their lives . The study also says that more than 100,000bloggers stopped taking part in the activity after a year.However, some peopledevelopseriousblogsto presentpol

33、iticaland otherideas .For example,theRepublicanand DemocraticpartiesinthesouthernstateofKentuckyrecentlystartedtheirown blogs.And American companies arebeginningtouse blogsto advertise their products.At thesame time,some long-standingblogshave ended Lastweek, bloggingleaderDave Winer closed his free

34、 blog service weblogs. com . He says the site became toocostlytocontinue.He startedthe blogfouryears ago.And thousandsofpeoplehadwrittenon it.Theyarenow upsetbecause theydidnotknow thatthesitewas closing.One blogthatis stillgoingstrongiscalledRebecca s Pocket. Rebecca BloodcreatedtheWebsitein1999.Sh

35、e wroteaboutthehistoryofblogson thesite.Thatarticle led to a book called“ The Weblog Handbook” It has been translated intofour languages so far.Ms. Blood says Rebeccas Pocket getsabout 30,000 visitorsa month . She writesabout anythingand everything politics,cultureand movies.She recentlyprovidedmedi

36、caladvice. And she wrote about how to preventpeople from stealingmoney fromon-line bank accounts.55 The text is mainly written to.A introduce an Internet computer Web site called“ blog”B introduce a short way of saying Web logC tell reader s about blogsD tell readers how to write blogs.56 From the t

37、ext we can learn that blogs cover almost everything except.A different ideasB medical adviceC advertisementsD account passwords57 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?A Politicians don t use blogs at all.B A lot of bloggers no longer write or read blogs.C Those who lik

38、e to use blogs are mostly teenage girls.D Dave Winer closed his“ ”because of money shortage.58 The reason why Rebecca s Pocket is still going strong is that.A it was created by a woman.B it is about the history of blogs.C it provides useful information and adviceD it has editions in at least four di

39、fferent languages( C)Trip 1 Black Bear CountThere have been fires in this area in the last few years and the Office of theNational Park is not sure how many black bears are still living . Some bears have been seen since the fires, and the Office has asked for young people to help count them . The en

40、tire trip will last three hours .Booking necessary.Cost :FreeWhen: May 8Trip 2 Garland ValleyBring your drink and lunch for this walk in a beautiful area of the BlueMountains.GarlandValleyis closeto the town of Garland but is partPark . Many wildanimalslivein thisarea includingmany rarebirds.walk fo

41、r bird-loves. The trip lasts four hours.Booking necessary.of the National This is a greatCost : 15When: May 8, May 15Trip 3 Flashlight AdventurePut on your warm clothes ,bring a flashlight and a pair of glasses ,and comefor a night walk along the Dungog Valley. A guide will lead the tour Many of the

42、 animals you will see on this trip can only be seen at night .The guide will tell you about the lives of the animals you see Numbers are strictly limited on night trips. So be sure to book early .This walk lasts two and a half hours.Cost : 12 When: May 8 Equipment to the needed, May 15,May 22Please

43、bring enough water and food for all walks.Wear good walking shoes no high heels.Wear a hat for day walks.Dress warmly for night walks.Children must be with an adult.Make sure your flashlight works well and bring extra batteries for night walks.Follow all instructions from guides during the walks.The

44、 mountains are dangerous places.Bookings:can be made by telephone ( 893 4847) or on the Internet59 Where are these trips?A In a large valleyB In a park in the mountainsC In a special kind of zooD In three different countries60 On which trip might you see animals that sleep during the day?A Black bea

45、r countB Garland ValleyC Flashlight AdventureD None of the trips61 Which of the following is NOT necessary for the three trips?A Good walking shoes.C Food and water.62 What is the best title for the passage?B Plenty of batteries.D A sleeping bag.A Adventure Travel in AmericaB Hunting around the Grea

46、t MountainC Interesting Trips in the East of the USAD Discovery Trips in the Blue Mountains( D)Ang Lee the director of“ Brokeback. Mountain” , won the Best Director Awardat the 78th Academy Awards Lee isthefirstChinese toreceivethehonour ,consideredthe highest in American cinema and the most influen

47、tial worldwide.“ I m deeplyproud ofhim” , guched Kate Wang,granddaughterof WangDulu ,whosemarual arts novel inspired lee s“ Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” in 2000.“ Ang Lees movie is very touching .It s simplebutperfect,” commented ZhangYuan, a Chinese filmdirectorofthe“SixthGeneration ” “ Isincere

48、lycongratulatehim .He is the pride of all Chinese directors everywhere”Despite the Best Director Award , the film“ Brokeback Mountain” lost to“Crash ” in theBest Picture.Itwas widely seen asan upsetbecause“Brokeback ”had been winningallkindsof prizes,fromthe Golden Bear in Venice,tothe GoldenGlobe a

49、nd the Independent Spirit Awards ,and was seen bymost observersas shoo-infor the highest Oscar.An anonymous(匿名的)postingon Sina com summedup what many moviegoersexpressedin one way or another, “ Now thatAng Lee has gotallthebiginternationalawards,Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaigeneed notcompete for thetitle

50、ofNo. 1 Chinese Directoranymore”O(jiān)ther voices were less congratulatory. Dayyan Eng, a Chinese American whostarted his filmmaking career in Beijing ,did not think“Brokeback ” is as goodas“ The Ice Storm Liu Miaomiao,” an Ang Lee film from 1997.a directorof independentfilms,rationalizedthatHollywoodwou

51、ldnot give the top award to“ Brokeback”because of political reasons.Sai Ren ,a filmcriticwith CCTV6,a filmchannel,notedthatLee s achievementhad little to do with Chinese cinema .He suggested that people watch the show justto enjoy it .63 According to the passage ,Ang Lee is the first Chinese who.A w

52、as awarded the Best Actor at the 78th Academy AwardsB made a martial arts film in the worldC won the Best Director in the World.D won the Best Director Award at Oscar64 What does the underlined word“ shoo-in”mean in the third paragraph?A sharp arrowB certain winnerC fashionable filmD best picture65

53、It can be infrred from the passage that.A“Brokeback Mountain” is not as good as“Crash ”B It is unfair that the Best Picture was given to“ Crash ”C Observers laid great hope on“ Brokeback Mountain”for the Best PictureD Itwas a greatupsetthat“ BrokebackMountain” had won allkindsof prizes66 Which of th

54、e following may be the best title for the passage ?A The Best Director Award Goes to Chinese.B The 78th Academy AwardsC “Brokeback Mountain” the Best FilmD An Argument about Ang Lee( E)The challengeto drinkto the limitsof one s endurance has become a celebratedpartofcollegelife. In one of the most e

55、xtensivereportson collegedrinkingthusfar ,a 1997Harvard School of Public Health study found that 43 percent of collegestudentsadmittedbingedrinkingin the precedingtwo weeks (Definedas fourdrinksin a sitting for a woman and five for a man ,a drinking binge is when one drinksenough to risk health and

56、well-being)Experts estimate that excessive drinking is involved in thousands of studentdeaths a year.And the Harvard researchersfound thattherehas been a dramaticchangein why studentsdrink39 percentdrank“togetdrunk”in1993,but52 percenthadthe same objective in 1997.“ What has changed is the across-th

57、e-board acceptability of intoxication(喝醉),”says Felix Savino at UW-Madison .Many collegestudentstoday see not justdrinking but being drunk as their primary way of socializing The reason for the shift are complex and notfully” .understood.Butresearchersguess thatitmay have somethingtodo withtoday s i

58、nstant-satisfactionlife-style and young people tend to take into the extreme.While binge drinking isn t always deadly ,it does have other ,wide-rangingeffects . Academics is one area where it takes a heavy toll (something paid ,lost or suffered ).Perhaps because alcohol increases aggression and affe

59、cts judgment,it is also related to 25 percent of violent crimes and roughly 60 percent of vandalism on campus .Facing the many potential dangers; college campuses are searching for ways to reduce binge drinking.67 Why has “ binge drinking” caused widespread concern?A Because it is directly responsib

60、le for the academic problem on campus.B Because it has claimed many young lives every year.C Because ithas had harmfuleffectson the students healthand well-being.D Because it is in close connection with school violence.68 We can infer from the passage that young people today.A cherish their dream an


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