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1、 中考感嘆句專項復(fù)習(xí) 1 中考感嘆句專項復(fù)習(xí)1 A movie called The Wandering EarthA wonderful movieWhat a wonderful movie (it is )!How wonderful (the movie is)! 2 Very cuteHow cute (they are)!What cute animals (they are)!3 So fine weatherHow fine the weather is!What fine weather it is!4 感嘆句 ?。?Exclamations )Learning aims:1

2、. To know the definition(定義) 、structures(結(jié)構(gòu))2. To master and learn how to use the exclamations with “What” and “How”! (掌握并學(xué)會運(yùn)用由“what”and “How”引導(dǎo)的感嘆句。)and usages (用法) of exclamations. 5 感嘆句 ?。?Exclamations )Learning一 什么是感嘆句?表示贊美、驚嘆、喜悅等感情表達(dá)喜、怒、哀、樂、驚、恐等強(qiáng)烈情緒6一 什么是感嘆句?表示贊美、驚嘆、喜悅等感情表達(dá)喜、怒、哀、 回顧課本七上 (P26) 1

3、. How interesting!七上 (P37) 2. What a difference a day makes!七下 (P37) 3. What a great idea!八上 (P30) 4. What a long time you slept in the forest!八下 (P35) 5. How he wished that change could come back!7 回顧課本七上 (P26) 1. How int回顧課本 6. What fun the water Festival is! 7. How fantastic the dragon boats team

4、s were! 8. How pretty the dragon boats were! 9. How delicious the food is in Hong Kong!八下 8回顧課本 6. What fun the wat回顧課本 10. How much he loves running! 11. How important it is to work hard at school! 12. How quickly my French has improved! 13. What bad luck! 九年級9回顧課本 10. How much he Divide the senten

5、ces into two groups what234613 How1578910111210Divide the sentences into two Review and think英文中感嘆句的表達(dá)形式在英語中感嘆句通常由what或者h(yuǎn)ow引導(dǎo)what修飾名詞how 修飾形容詞,副詞或動詞11Review and think英文中感嘆句的表達(dá)形式在英語 感嘆句(陳述句變?yōu)楦袊@句)五步曲: 一斷,二去,三加,四換位,五感嘆號!1212(1)“一斷”:在謂語動詞后邊斷開,使句子分為兩部分。 如: Wu Jing is a very clever man. He runs too fast.(

6、2)“二去”:去掉very,too,much,quite等修飾語。 如: Wu Jing is a clever man. He runs fast.(3)“三加”:第二部分若是副詞、形容詞,就加上how; 若是一個名詞(短語),就加上what。 如: Wu Jing is what a clever man. He runs how fast.(4)“四換位”:將斷開后的第一部分和第二部分位置互換。 如: What a clever man Wu Jing is. How fast he runs.(5)“五感嘆號”:句末別忘了加上感嘆號。 What a clever man Wu Jing

7、 is! How fast he runs!一斷,二去,三加,四換位,五感嘆號。13(1)“一斷”:在謂語動詞后邊斷開,使句子分為兩部分。 一小試牛刀 把下列句子改成由括號里的詞引導(dǎo)的感嘆句。1. The exercise book is quite thin. ( how ) 2. It is a wonderful idea. ( what ) 3. This sweater is very expensive. ( how ) 4. The horse is running fast. ( how ) 5. The young man played the piano very well

8、. ( how ) 6. The wind is blowing very strongly. ( how ) 14小試牛刀 把下列句子改成由括號里的 把下列句子改成由括號里的詞引導(dǎo)的感嘆句。1. The exercise book is quite thin. ( how ) 2. It is a wonderful idea. ( what ) 3. This sweater is very expensive. ( how ) 4. The horse is running fast. ( how ) 5. The young man played the piano very well

9、. ( how ) 6. The wind is blowing very strongly. ( how )我是小老師How thin the exercise book is !What a wonderful idea it is !How expensive this sweater is !How fast the horse is running ! How well the young man played the piano!How strongly the wind is blowing !15 把下列句子改成由括號里的詞引導(dǎo)的趁熱打鐵 用what或how填空1. _ won

10、derfully they swim!2. _ an interesting lesson the students are having!3. _ brave the Chinese people are!4. _ beautiful dresses these are!5. _nice air it is!6. _ interesting a story it is!7. _ he wished that change could come back!16趁熱打鐵 用what或how填空1 用what或how填空1. _ wonderfully they swim!2. _ an inte

11、resting lesson the students are having!3. _ beautiful dresses these are!4. _nice air it is!5. _ interesting a story it is!6. _ he wished that change could come back!我是小老師HowWhatWhatWhatHowHow17 用what或how填空我是小老師 特殊:一、 How+ S.(主語) + V.(謂語) ! How time flies!二. How + adj./adv. + a/an +單數(shù)名詞 (+ 主+謂)! How

12、beautiful the girl is! = How beautiful a girl she is! How interesting the cat is! = How interesting a cat it is!18 特殊:18英文中感嘆句的表達(dá)形式How+形容詞+冠詞+名詞+陳述語序How+形容詞/副詞+陳述語序What+(a/an)+形容詞+可數(shù)名詞單+陳述語序What +形容詞+不可數(shù)名詞+ 陳述語序What +形容詞+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)+ 陳述語序How + 主語+謂語19英文中感嘆句的表達(dá)形式How+形容詞+冠詞+名詞+陳述語序H感嘆句, 并不難, what與how應(yīng)在前。形容

13、詞、副詞跟著how,what后面名詞連。名詞若是可數(shù)單, 前帶冠詞a或an。主語、謂語放后面, 省略它們也常見。感嘆句記憶口訣20感嘆句, 并不難, what與how應(yīng)在前。感嘆句記憶口訣感悟中考 ( )1. _ great fun they had ! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )2. _ heavy rain it was ! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )3. _ happy life the old live ! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )4. _

14、blue the sky is! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )5. _ good time we are having ! A. What a B. What C. How D. How aBAAAC21感悟中考 ( )1. _ great 活學(xué)活用,看圖說話Look at your post cards in your group, then make up a conversation with as many exclamations as you can.22活學(xué)活用,看圖說話Look at your post car小組競賽,能力拔高Yo

15、u can choose any mark you like, then answer the questions. If your answer is correct, you can get the corresponding(相應(yīng)的) marks! Otherwise(否則), you would lose the corresponding(相應(yīng)的) marks.23小組競賽,能力拔高You can choose any ma242 pt3 pt5 pt10 pt1 pt2 pt3 pt5 pt10 pt1 ptHowWhat24242 pt3 pt5 pt10 pt1 pt2 pt3

16、 p_ I miss my hometown (家鄉(xiāng))!How25_ I miss my hometown (家鄉(xiāng))改為感嘆句 The students are listening very carefully._ _the students are listening! How carefully26改為感嘆句 The students are list It is a very useful dictionary. _ _ _ dictionary it is!How useful a 改為感嘆句27 It is a very useful dictionar改為感嘆句 We had a

17、good time in summer holidays .What a good time we had in summer holidays!28改為感嘆句 We had a good time in su_ a funny story he told us!What29_ a funny story he t _ _ interesting lesson the students are having!What an30 _ _ interesting _ bad luck!What31_ bad luck!What31 _ nice fish they cooked ! A. What

18、 a B. What C. How D. How aB32 _ nice fish they c改為陳述句 What a long time you slept in the forest!You slept such a long time in the forest.33改為陳述句 What a long time you sl_ exciting event the 2014 World Cup is!A. What an B. What a C. What D. HowA34_ exciting event the 2改為感嘆句 She dances so well.How well she dances!35改為感嘆句 She dances so well.How w感嘆句 口訣 2How 感嘆句構(gòu)成 4 What 感嘆句 構(gòu)成 3 感嘆句 定義1(快說答案,就能得到相應(yīng)分?jǐn)?shù))Summary36感嘆句How 感嘆句構(gòu)成 4 What 感嘆句 Homework1. Go over what weve learned this class.2. 逆向思維Change all the exclamations in our textbooks into declarative sentences(陳述句). 3. 活


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