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1、 PAGE 頁碼 12 / NUMPAGES 總頁數(shù) 12六年級牛津英語上冊期末整理復習知識點練習單班級:_ 姓名:_ 【看圖題填單詞】1. 根據(jù)圖片,將詞組補充完整。1_a kite 2_football3_books 4on_5by_2. 根據(jù)圖片寫單詞。1. 2.3. 4.3. 用完整句回答問題。(1) How did you go to Shanghai? (2)Are there any books in the box?(3)Which city is the capital of China?(4)What are they interested in?(5) What holi

2、days are in June?4. 根據(jù)提示完成句子。1.A: Why are you laughing?B: Because2.5. 根據(jù)圖片提示,補全單詞,完成句子。1He read_for news.2He listens to the_every day.3He used the_at home and in the office to call people.4My parents often watch_in the evening.5Now he has a_and he can call people anywhere.【填空題】6. 讀句子,選出正確的選項寫在橫線上。1_

3、(How often/How many) minutes a day do you exercise? About fifty minutes.2Li Ming gets up_(at/in) 6:30 in the morning.3I like to eat_(tomatoes/tomatos). I often eat them with eggs.4_(Talking/Running) is exercise. Its good for our body.5Danny_(thought/bought) he could hit the ball. But he hit his hand

4、.7. 用所給單詞的正確形式填空。1Do you have_(some) water?2_(do) you have fun yesterday?3Li Ming is_(hit) the ball to Danny.4Lets_(go) to the library to read books.5“Who is the first?” the teacher_(ask).8. 把下列單詞歸類,并將序號寫在后面的橫線上。A. collectingB. bicycleC. stamp D. ChinaE. hobbies1. planetrainbus_2. ridingflyingreadin

5、g_3. bookpicturephoto_4. familiesfactoriesladies_5. CanadaJapanEngland_9. 填空題。1A: Did Jim play basketball yesterday?B:_2We_(see) elephants in the zoo last week.3Ann often_(watch) TV at home, She_(watch) again last night4My friend_the play yesterday. I_(see) it tomorrow.5I_tall before, but now Im l.5

6、8 metres and Im tall.10. 根據(jù)句意,首字母或所給詞提示填入所缺單詞。1March, April and_are in spring.2July is the s_month in a year.3Tom likes vegetables. He eats potatoes,_,_and_.4There are six_(giraffe) in the zoo. Lets_(go) to the zoo tomorrow.5He_(put) them on this shelf yesterday.6How many_(bench) are there under the

7、 tree?【選擇題】11. Did you_ your clothes yesterday? ( )A.wash B.washes C.washed12. Look, the flat is _ for us to live in. ( )A.big enough B.enough big C.bigger enough D.small enough13. 選出不同類的單詞:( )A.hamburger B.sandwich C.breakfast14. My brother walks _ after school. ( )A.to home B.at home C.home15. duc

8、k ( )A.蜜蜂 B.鴨子【連詞成句】16. your, Whats hobby (?)17. kung, like, doing, I, fu (.)18. out, Why, come, the, of, the, does, snake, box (?)19. he did going like fishing (?)20. your, Day, was, National, how, holiday (?)【閱讀理解】21. 閱讀判斷。Look!The children are having a birthday party for Linda. Sarah is singing a

9、nd Tina is dancing with Mary. Li Ming is playing the piano, but the bell rings. So he stops and everyone waits. Linda opens the door. More friends come in. They buy a new schoolbag for Linda. Now they are singing Happy Birthday! to Linda together. They are very happy today.1The children are having b

10、reakfast.(_)2Sarah is dancing with Mary.(_)3Li Ming is playing the violin,but the bell rings.(_)4Linda gets a new schoolbag as a birthday present.(_)5They are very happy today.(_)22. 閱讀理解。Last Sunday was Jacks birthday. His parent had a birthday party for him at home. Jack invited his friends to com

11、e to his birthday party.In the morning, Jacks mother went shopping and bought a lot of snacks for him. And Jacks father made him a birthday cake.Many friends came to Jacks birthday party in the afternoon. They brought some gifts and they brought a lot of delicious food to Jacks home,too.They sang th

12、e birthday song to celebrate his birthday.Jack was very happy. He danced ,laughed and he couldnt help but eat a lot of things. He ate a lot of cakes, candies, chocolates, ice-cream, chips, apples, bananas, chicken wings and so on.After a moment, he felt sick. He had a stomache.Jacks parents took him

13、 to the doctor. The doctor asked him to take some medicine. After about three hours,Jack felt better. His mother said to him,“You shouldnt eat too much food from now on. Thats not a good habit.”根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,回答問題。1When was Jacks birthday?2Where did Jack have his birthday party?3What did Jacks father do for

14、 him?4What did Jack eat ?5What shouldnt Jack do from now on ?23. 閱讀短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)。Alice is my best friend. There are five people in her family. What does she do? Of course, she is a student. Her mother is a writer. Her father is a teacher. They go to work by bus every day. Her brother John is a postm

15、an. He goes to work by bike. Her sister Ann is a scientist. She goes to work by bike, too. What is Alice going to do this afternoon? Oh, she is going to draw pictures.1There are four people in Alices family.(_)2Ann is a writer.(_)3Alices mother goes to work by bus.(_)4Alices father is a teacher.(_)5

16、Alice is going to buy a book this afternoon.(_)24. 閱讀理解。Today is Sunday. Tom hasnt got any homework. He can go shopping with his mother. In the shop, they get some bottles of orange juice. Then they go to the fruit shop. They can see many fresh fruits in it. Tom and his mother get some apples and ba

17、nanas there. Tom helps his mother carry the fruit, but he doesnt carry the bottles of orange juice.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳答案。1Today is the _ day of the week.( )A.first B.last C.second D.week2Tom _ his homework today.( )A.doesnt do B.does C.is going to do D.is doing3They buy _ first.( )A.meat B.books C.homework

18、D.juice4The fruits in the shop are _( )A.big B.small C.dear D.fresh5Tom carries _ home.( )A.the juice B.his mother C.the bottles D.the fruit25. 根據(jù)表格及首字母提示,請你幫助Jack完成報告單。Jack wrote a report about the plants he learned.Today, we learned about tdifferent trees. They are a mango tree, a banana tree and

19、a peach tree.The peach tree grows for 10 years. It is othan both the mango tree and the banana tree.The banana tree is 2 metres t. It is tthan the mango tree but sthan the peach tree, so the peach tree is the t.How his the peach tree? Oh, it is 150 kiIograms. It is hthan the mango tree and the banan

20、a tree. It is the h.Look at the mango tree and the banana tree. They are the same age. Which is s(更強壯的)?26. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案。A farmer was put in prison(監(jiān)獄). One day, he got a letter from his wife(妻子).“I am worried about our farm,” she wrote. “Its time to plant (種植)potatoes, but I cant do all the diggin

21、g by myself.” The farmer thought over and then had an idea. He wrote to his wife, “Dont dig(挖) the field(地). My gold is in the field. Dont plant potatoes until(直到)I come home.”A few days later, the farmer got another letter from his wife. It said, “Two days ago, about ten prison guards(監(jiān)獄看管人) came t

22、o our field. It looked as if they were looking for something. They have dug our field.”The farmer wrote to his wife at once, “Now you can plant our potatoes.”1The farmer was put in prison, _.( )A.because he had done something wrongB.because he had a lot of gold in the fieldC.the writer didnt write anything about why the farmer was put in prison2The farmers wife was much worried about _.( )A.her husband B.their farm C.planting tomatoes3The farmer told his wife _ first. ( )A.not to dig the fieldB.to ask the prison guards for helpC.to dig the


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