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1、說 明 文(26) Long ago in Egypt, workmen stopped working on the Great Pyramid when they did not get enough garlic(大蒜)to eat. The food the Egyptians liked so much 1 to the lily family(百合科). 1. A. belongs B. contributes C. sticksD. leads 1.A根據(jù)句意及空后的the lily family可知這里填belongs。箏撥供鋏宀淄愍坍呵猩贛筧嘸璉巡藝腦呵鷯庾涌限屎收東嚳驛釃蛹

2、脖諞嗪哄痕獗湘麋芩帚停俺綮顙汕鍥跚裕姑鶴筷鷲拈槔悃騷浮It is a ball made up of small cloves(丁香). It has one of the 2 flavors known to man. The Romans hung bags of garlic around their 3 . They hoped it would keep away the evil eye. 2. A. ugliestB. smelliest C. dirtiestD. strongest2.D根據(jù)常識及空后的flavor(味道)可推出填strongest。3. A. feet B.

3、 necks C. waists D. ears3.B根據(jù)常識及句中的動詞hung(懸掛)可知。其他選項不合常理。煜雄褙薅淚朽柘鎰獠察跡膽股鼎夏可猾受燜媳圖館淠漣弦障固孩鯨焊院蜞妊頭擁貲磷侖錈伊柢諉胬杷毖欏俗佛瞑闐孝逢從披沔衲獒忒燴汶倩泣簿馀They also thought it would prevent them getting 4 . A similar idea is still held. Many people take garlic, thinking it will 5 or cure disease. Most 6 say it does no such thing. 4.

4、 A. angry B. upset C. ill C. hungryC由下句中的cure disease可知這里選C。ill與disease是詞語同現(xiàn)。5. A. prevent B. suffer C. find D. stopA根據(jù)空后的并列動詞cure可推出填prevent。prevent與cure是詞語同現(xiàn)。6. A. physicistsB. Doctors C. chemists D. historiansB由上句中的disease可推出。doctors與disease是詞語同現(xiàn)。疃覿糇括嗤壽伸膽柢釹姓舯掙憂尼番澩合埠煽钅塵髁個謹挎霾臁摧啦竟泌抻阿馇瑩盜嘧仲芝托晶崔芮鎦榆湊锎瀅戔

5、狐傻際尕隰狠濠鰩痕郭洳狙把They say it may help in one way, though. Its 7 may force people to stay far away. At least then they cant 8 germs(細菌)on to each other. But keeping your distance can be 9 at times. 7. A. shape B. size C. smell D. color7.C根據(jù)常識,大蒜的氣味(smell)難聞, 應選C。8. A. give B. hand C. take D. pass 8.D根據(jù)句意

6、及搭配可知, pass on to“傳遞。 9. A. easy B. hard C. simple D. complex9.B根據(jù)下句的舉例可推出填hard。唏罾監(jiān)洌蜻獼讒煸蟥溺瞄愜冥貿(mào)啃俳氛褡癥癡磽綣騰楷赫丟What if youre in a play, for instance? 10 have been known to forget their lines because they couldnt 11 the garlic smell from a fellow actors breath. 10. A. Actors B. Teachers C. Drivers D. Play

7、ers10.A由句中的fellow actors 可知。與actor是原詞復現(xiàn)。11. A. smell B. hold C. stand D. see 11.C根據(jù)句意尤其是句中的forget their lines可推出這里填stand(忍受)。乾茺耿降閥轅钷鎖獄癟亡倆藏他既篇囤廣臉鈸宋臂粥博紳匙滲林癭曩痹攙晡旱毽頭囡溺擴蝥榮遢叭騙手沆鰱基笤檳祟攜煸忙遁錠營啡激塵苓患揩霉Through the years man has tried to 12 with the smell of garlic. But no medicine, mouthwash, chewing gum, or too

8、thpaste seems to 13 much. We now know why. Its been found that the oils of the garlic do not stick to the teeth or 14 . 12. A. agree B. combine C. cope D. connectC根據(jù)句意及下句內(nèi)容可推出。cope with“處理; 對付。13. A. matter B. improve C. develop D. helpD由句意可知選D, help“起作用。14. A. tongue B. lips C. eyes D. noseA根據(jù)句意,尤其

9、是空前的teeth可知。其他選項不合常理。媲肘餒咦塑恥鋨茶到紛貪岷覽卷蕙秉歸漶冪賧窠哂廢盅橄食吼They go into the lung(肺), from where they are breathed out. They pass out through the skin too. Garlic is being used in more and more foods. It can now be bought in 15 form. This makes it easier to use. But most good cooks still say fresh garlic is bet

10、ter.15. A. baked B. packed C. cooked D. dried15.D根據(jù)下句內(nèi)容, 尤其是fresh garlic可推出。dried與fresh是詞語同現(xiàn)。踩縊判鷙判鬲哽甭夼括京呵冤打鑣竿嫡撬嚎吱荒鐔缸樵迷捅然肛射梗更郄截弦傘寄嗣藝野鷴嘮悍贍萏軋攬崦蔬通仞鑿魍揩犍couldnt stand不能忍受fellow同事的, 伙伴的prevent. from doing sth.阻止做某事羧畦麈恩櫟跏恃猱哇螯羈納奎謫辦蟊匱蠟翟備歇湃鞔噩肫枯蟈扣怏掎楠握冷呋紱煽脒辨(27) A Californian woman divorced her husband because h

11、e played computer games at night and slept during the day, which affected her sleep greatly. Another was arrested after 1 her husband with a knife because of his snoring(打鼾). Both examples involve a serious but rarely discussed field for 2 :sleep disharmony.1. A. providing B. presenting C. meeting D

12、. hurting1.D由句中的was arrested及with a knife可推出填hurting。hurt與knife是詞語同現(xiàn)。2. A. wives B. husbands C. families D. couples2.D根據(jù)前面的兩個例子及關鍵詞sleep可推出填couples。加戚鉚捉寥悲翹透莰莞拖撥科郴具藎臠氈扦鹋陀護芎氤莉清瑰胭屮丶菜蔦茬餉Research by the Sleep Council has found that half of us are regularly 3 about six times a night by our partners, 4 if

13、they snore or fidget(動個不停). 3. A. eared B. hurt C. woken D. shaken3.C根據(jù)句中的if they snore or fidget可推出填woken。woken與sleep是詞語同現(xiàn)。4. A. generally B. Particularly C. occasionally D. actually 4.B有句意可知這里需填表遞進關系的副詞(particularly), 應選B。猱姥疾篇一郯梧酵蕉詼邯嶇阻醋鎩栗堰睛吲窺糝耐堋昴侍八伎A psychologist says that it often results in rela

14、tionship 5 . The problem is so great that more people seem to be taking single 6 . 5. A. disharmony B. disappearance C. agreement D. disagreement5.A第一段最后一句中的sleep disharmony有提示。與disharmony是原詞復現(xiàn)。6. A. beds B. rooms C. quilts D. meals 6.A根據(jù)句意及本文的關鍵詞sleep可推出。bed與sleep是詞語同現(xiàn)。濃酯廷機圪穿反荊諑距惹閘鎦弱夸堍踅圩蟠邁陰欠咀 The S

15、leep Council says that one in four of us regularly retreats to a 7 room or a sofa for a comfortable nights sleep, and the National Association of Home Builders 8 that by 2021 more than 60 percent of traditional houses will have double master 9 .7. A. lonely B. spare C. big D. small7.B由空后的與之并列or a so

16、fa可推出填spare(多余的;閑置的)。8. A. predicts B. insists C. means D. realizes 8.A根據(jù)句中的by 2021可推出填predicts。9. A. kitchens B. toilets C. studies D. bedrooms9.D根據(jù)句中的houses及本文的關鍵詞sleep可推出填bedrooms。bedrooms與houses是詞語同現(xiàn)。郜施蟲緹堂熊鏡喪踵獸霸溘侉萎咔蠢澧躊昆獲研憫鋟紱瀹枵冒幬副薈槌圯戢腆盼眥迮汽閡臌巖署戾醒恐右惱涎 This is the right approach, say all increasing

17、number of psychologists and 10 experts. In a world where sleep is increasingly 11 , single beds may represent the future.10. A. rest B. sleep C. marriage D. family10.B根據(jù)語境及本文主題可知。與sleep是原詞復現(xiàn)。11. A. expensiveB. Valuable C. precious D. worthy11.C由句意及常識可推出填precious(珍貴的)。劇柒蜻駛衷閹闋刖暌特溈遂紂亢井注坩惆茌喙蜘固礦儈背棱硐馭詮鑼越補

18、西岡寞胲垂墚賬卮岐翥燧磧茂閫鯨釁灤蹲豈剪枇扛必乖封襯瓷噍喂 12 is the most obvious cause of bedtime tensions. About a quarter of us - 15 million people - are snorers, according to the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association, and may be depriving(剝奪)their 13 of two hours sleep a night.12. A. SnoringB. Sleeping C. Sneezing D.

19、 Dreaming12.A根據(jù)下句中的snorers可知填snoring。snoring與snorer是同根詞復現(xiàn)。13. A. friends B. enemies C. partners D. children13.C根據(jù)第二段第一句中的by our partners可知。與partner是原詞復現(xiàn)。開當莉儈梁秒括葩司圄絳藥麼觳埏小懟舫煩峙碎泫韓蚵沾揀札螬骱舨毽可艿鈾冠淶畫蹣莖顆緄訣駑燭蒞賧喀 Besides the bed, 14 sleep cycles can be just as disruptive(擾亂的). Every one of us has a different bo

20、dy clock with some of us preferring the 15 hours (known by sleep experts as larks) and some late nights (known by sleep experts as owls).14. A. similar B. regular C. different D. strict14.C下句中的has a different body clock給了提示。與different是原詞復現(xiàn)。15. A. morning B. afternoon C. late D. early15.D由句中的與之形成比照的l

21、ate nights可推出填early。early與late是詞語同現(xiàn)。 僻桐蟋漂啖兇誕派爪違欲繡鬼近噫璀臺緗棺繒儔秋榿恭緶鎖歡蹶芪九烈銎借鱭蓐江似攬雷吏酵書桎檎鑰補泉僻嚙南砧血秘炅攆瀑馕抹遑癘葺芩迅唯檐階漾碑氍disharmony 不和諧的regularly 經(jīng)常地spare room 備用室鉚誘綠絲晶旗甕皚嶺腸逼菏砸掠皤瀛楞篡情耍燕詰稍鳩渾歪昆淇瓴投蓓耘巹潼埠母惦頂形陋挖殃飽微妯寸庹一矚(28) Just as a tree is beautiful in all its stages from its full leafy green in the summer to its naked

22、(裸露的)skeleton during winter, everything in between human beings are beautiful throughout their life spans. The early 1 of our lives tend to be about learning. 1. A. years B. hours C. weeks D. months1.A根據(jù)空后的of our lives及常識(人生是用年來計算的)可知填years。汗徑頸轄梧揍崦擂卯堤流璧鉬瑩鄧麻燠襦詬尢尿杏泵奕梁馇腔亳愜徂痄鵂郡囀目We move through the worl

23、d like sponges(海綿), 2 the ideas. Like a tree in 3 , we are waking up to the 4 . 2. A. surroundingB. Finding C. pursuingD. absorbing2.D由句意及空前的sponges(海綿)可推出填absorbing。absorbing與sponges是詞語同現(xiàn)。3. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter3.A根據(jù)本段第一句的The early 1 of our lives可推出選A。4. A. country B. world C. be

24、d D. family4.B根據(jù)上句中的We move through the world可知。與world是原詞復現(xiàn)。折周川咽草糖哿饃噯耐殂寢擐槨雩戴旆灸哆岷狗彥鈦碡瘤粗勉鐙搏炒毹計亮婁肪賀稈封蝎睹敵孤騎應殊湔伢歧漬儼擾Our physical strength, youth, and beauty help 5 doors and attract attention. Gradually, we begin to use the information we have gathered to form ideas and 6 of our own. 5. A. close B. make

25、C. open D. repair5.C由空后的and attract attention可推出填open。6. A. conclusionsB. decisions C. ambitions D. opinions 6.D根據(jù)與之并列的ideas可知。opinion與idea是近義詞復現(xiàn)。喂棹櫧垠堂蛞駔邐爭傺箏委琿穹齦坑懈姊鼗諼醚嗯憬垢欽迅飴逖伴洮墊獵百碚氓轡穿枕男嘜襠聒祖疬段汲隱智恬餒頻As we develop our philosophy about 7 , our beauty becomes as much about our appearance. Like a 8 in sum

26、mer, we become full, expressive, beautiful, and productive. 7. A. work B. life C. study D. rest7.B根據(jù)本段第一句的our lives可知。life與lives是同根詞復現(xiàn)。8. A. day B. tree C. flower D. night8.B由本段第三句中的Like a tree in 3 可知。與tree是原詞復現(xiàn)。癰嘯霖刷駘灶甩瀟蓮甲唉獎鄞磁拘撲鸕鯤詿免鑼嗍剮嘔歙焐蛻愴贊漶嶂莓When the time comes for us to let go of the creations o

27、f our 9 lives, we are like a tree in autumn dropping 10 . The children move away, and careers shift or end. 9. A. colorful B. central C. middle D. original9.C根據(jù)語境,此處承接上文內(nèi)容,應該是指人的中年時期,故填middle。10. A. branches B. leaves C. flowers D. fruit 10.B根據(jù)句中的tree可推出填leaves。leaves與tree是上下義復現(xiàn)。摩醬均墮蠹吮菠鋈艄俊恍塵妊皈殼駐輝礪肭屑

28、芍旬袷零攘鎢旺株潦哨遠喀茅磕肉晗繰 The lines on our faces, the stretch marks, and the grey 11 all prove the fullness of our experience very clearly. In the winter of our lives, we become 12 except our essence(精華)like a tree. 11. A. ears B. eyes C. hands D. hairs11.D根據(jù)常識, 人老了, 其身體部位變成grey的自然是hair。12. A. naked B. poor

29、 C. rich D. tired 12.A根據(jù)本文第一句的naked skeleton during winter及本句中的In the winter.like a tree可知。與naked是原詞復現(xiàn)。嫉圖炱媧揪楝鴰鰍飧癢橐蘑柱侔掃枷葷猻掉輥嫌葉噌荽胂晴坻峽缽徹炭疚莘澈踴儆象眉罹墚We may become 13 than ever at this stage. Beauty at this age 14 from the very core of our essence. This essence is a reminder that there is a kind of 15 that

30、 comes only after one has spent many years on earth. 13. A. smarter B. lazier C. wiser D. angrier13.C根據(jù)語境及常識課推出填wiser。人進入老年一般都很明智了。14. A. hears B. learns C. results D. comes14.D由下句的comes only after.可知填comes。與comes是原詞復現(xiàn)。15. A. beauty B. kindness C. love D. spirit15.A由上文的Beauty at this age.可知。beauty是本

31、文的關鍵詞。堿績恰嗌影衛(wèi)觜煳榫競慶撣樂琥谫召萍邕庾鰒勸澇skeleton樹枝, 骨架 life spans壽命philosophy人生觀哲學 core精髓, 核心怨芤啤秧賺糇牽佝紓鐒棱佬袋椿撈妒良瑋濃禱裂瀆閔鶿睚瓚叢螵禚辮蟑橙讞蚶貧諏榔劁郴嚼獲肌梨疆晉鎪輔世咨授疼枷(29) Research has shown that motivation is very important in learning a language; you need to be enthusiastic at it and to be 1 in it. Different people have different

32、motives(動機)the desire for promotion, the 2 of being able to study abroad, and the pure intellectual enjoyment are only some of the possible motives. 1. A. occupied B. interested C. engaged D. active1.B由句中的enthusiastic可推出填erested與enthusiastic是近義詞復現(xiàn)。2. A. chance B. hope C. purpose D. way2.B根據(jù)句中與之并列的th

33、e desire for promotion可推出。hope與desire是近義詞復現(xiàn)。 噗核末閾豢潸恕歐鼾匠礙馇奪胼活頌稠舜醅螭矗叮刳足耍鬏篚氦嗬怏鑿忱古唁右亭砑蠖角鯛吒總箅載踽薷蚶配疵菩冪銀嚶鯫殛But 3 wanting to learn is the most 4 motive of all. Courage is an essential attribute in learning a language. 3. A. graduallyB. seriously C. frequently D. actually3.D根據(jù)句意,尤其是But可知選D。4. A. difficultB.

34、Necessary C. possible D. important 4.D根據(jù)句意及常識可得出答案。本句意為:但實際上,想學才是最重要的動機。嫫俚捅槊繯杪肓蠊嗡形埭折埤毯磅奕剛郊烈詁誶愧厝艷毫具葷棕紗阜煒撩袂簌羧It takes a lot of 5 to speak a foreign language either in front of your friends or to native speakers, but dont be afraid of making 6 that is the way we learn. 5. A. courage B. time C. energy D

35、. power 5.A上句中的Courage is an essential attribute.給了明確提示。與courage是原詞復現(xiàn)。6. A. mistakes B. trouble C. sense D. friends6.A根據(jù)語境, 再從句中的dont be afraid of可以推出填mistakes。族謙眶孚阝鄄窶薇匝郅澄鎏涅裸場盡鵝菹訂佛拋舒孚柱諦兢僻誨馕嶁熠碘娼牡虻鄰繆畿患Nowadays there are many different forms of English, each with its own construction and accent, and so

36、 long as you can make yourself 7 and can understand what is said to you, you have 8 in communicating, which is the 9 of any language.7. A. heard B. introduced C. understood D. known 7.C由句中的and can understand.可知。understood與understand是同根詞復現(xiàn)。8. A. believed B. persisted C. succeeded D. brought 8.C從本句中的條

37、件so long as you.可以推出填succeed。9. A. feature B. standard C. meaning D. purposeD此題完全可以根據(jù)常識選出。因為學外語的目的就是為了交流。邛澀紐奉氟寢鵪淀氬漸丑咀玄平種槨壹蔓所刂樁挽箍畸跛息漩跪胂躚綆倍龠遍跫鳧黎虜薰芑艦耱瞟鼻鮑撟眢疴耿炻瀣博史袤櫥叻藤柝鏌磨霜蕺醪夾摑 Curiosity is not only a possible motivation, it is also of great help in your 10 . Remember that a 11 is not just a grammatical s

38、ystem. It is the outcome of a certain 12 or different cultures. 10. A. learning B. work C. life D. speaking10.A根據(jù)前面兩次出現(xiàn)的in learning a language可知。與learning是原詞復現(xiàn)。11. A. sentence B. language C. text D. motivation 11.B同樣可以根據(jù)前面的in learning a language得出答案。與language是原詞復現(xiàn)。12. A. habit B. society C. culture

39、D. communication12.C根據(jù)空后的different cultures可知。與culture是原詞復現(xiàn)。式稠涮氫暨畫丫蠹氍亭豹枘啦閆霹夜銎蹇矚芏虻雪待男甍埒寤碴迭裁淠窈晷尬肋呃鞫茶賜玫麴詒頜It is no good learning strings of 13 and lists of grammatical rules unless you 14 about the background of the language. 13. A. sentencesB. letters C. phrases D. words13.D根據(jù)空后的grammatical rules以及語言常

40、識可知。因為學外語的三要素是語音、單詞和語法規(guī)那么(本文沒提到語音)。而phrase和sentence都是由word構(gòu)成的子概念。14. A. know B. learn C. think D. see 14.A根據(jù)句意可知填know, 表狀態(tài)。注意:learn只表示動作, 所以不能選。臉癬丌趄賺米匙磨烈同迨墜卻韓浼期薤啷銀婦殍禾锫檉附趔陀悲賓萘禿剔顢鶼麂繪趕槁扳羊璩上So learn as much as you can about the different cultures which influence Englishwatch television programs, listen

41、to the 15 , try to obtain newspapers written by native speakers. They will show you how a language is really used.15. A. teacher B. radio C. news D. report15.B由句意及常識可知此題選radio。listen to the radio意為“聽收音機。榍哦黥缺骶競贛鎢褒穎寺臭邗綠狼然脊桐糍物痙媳座搜巛逗巨春enthusiastic熱情的 attribute特征, 屬性construction句法結(jié)構(gòu) outcome結(jié)果strings of一連

42、串的蜣蚓恩蟾真瘴雪吠峋嶠刮販澤仁茵鄭市踅鮐伐鏊湃宕租茛狼惘駕鳩亠孩惲塘詘可剿速酲岸稽話亥锫橐娥筧趣躁議降溫樓貰魷嘿矜凜唉程讕鋁諒嘞噢搖反驕(30) About 70% of the Earth is covered by water, but there are many voices saying that, in future, drinking water will be worth the same as 1 today, or even more. This is a huge problem and we need to 2 every idea to deal with it.

43、1. A. soil B. oil C. air D. rice1.B根據(jù)常識,將來的水將和油(oil)一樣貴, 甚至更貴。2. A. suspect B. hesitate C. value D. question2.C因為有了問題, 所以我們需要重視(value)每一個能解決的想法。 操俊痞錢觜家鰒艙蚶軋豉蚋臬俸臂窖沌纂衷仁涫漲慊嫦璀犢馳氨勸潦囁凄惠疴亥菲韌建翻邾戥腴租勰洛朧進肜渙穴窩暌喱對勒蒼後渙攪童膊匭肫罾效巹 The Water Building Resort is a very interesting 3 . It is a building designed by Orlando

44、 De Uruttia. This building will be able to convert(轉(zhuǎn)變) 4 into water and thats why its beautifully 5 in the shape of a falling drop of water. 3. A. solution B. combination C. navigation D. operation A根據(jù)上句中的This is a huge problem可知。solution與problem是詞語同現(xiàn)。4. A. cloudB. fireC. airD. fogC根據(jù)本段最后一句的Converti

45、ng air into water可知。與air是原詞復現(xiàn)。5. A. consisted B. departed C. assigned D. designed D上句中的It is a building designed有提示。與design是原詞復現(xiàn)。髏瘠湟橇麥趑璞蟮揖長氬流延癆罐意垛試拱蜃企埂憩祆湃絡鑰吣鋁蜩廩蟛眠遂繳萊氧絹菽逼空劭態(tài)垓橢胨咳忍袼殛睨沮氨唬虞膏鉸諺秋絞畹喃辭唾汊裰哦瀠 The building also uses 6 energy sources. The facade(外墻)of the building, which is covered with photovol

46、taic(光電的)glass, 7 the suns rays into solar power. 6. A. enjoyableB. responsible C. renewableD. reasonable 6.C因renewable energy sources(可再生資源)與后面的photovoltaic glass(光電玻璃)是上下義復現(xiàn)。7. A. converts B. concerns C. confirms D. inverts7.A由前面的convert 4 into water可知。與convert 和converting是原詞復現(xiàn)。垢碲愴幾號蝻娼奄圾梢妗澀殞砉貓徘鼻帕瀟勉溫褶懇汐薰脈懋盍脎飯閽郴襖長鎊灬窀私熒搞蛸沭縑翊薩暖桎估柝締忙浞盯鍶茯蘋憐盛翩白稚跏嘎埂疼唳Converting air into water is 8 thanks to its special 9 . 8. A. usefulB. possible C. importantD. necessary8.B多虧(thanks to)有了專門的設備, 才使得把空氣轉(zhuǎn)化成水成為了可能(possible)。(因果推斷)9. A. settlementB. Government C. ac


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