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1、實用標準文檔Unit 1 Half a day教學目的 1. 了解作者及其背景知識;2熟悉本文使用的寫作手法;3掌握修辭疑問句、倒裝句等修辭手法;4熟練掌握三類構(gòu)詞法;5同時掌握文中的核心語言點。教學內(nèi)容1. 熱身2作者教育與背景主要著作創(chuàng)作觀3作品賞析結(jié)構(gòu)分析如何賞析文學作品擴展式討論4寫作技巧省略疑問句和修辭疑問句倒裝句“with”獨立結(jié)構(gòu)5語言理解長難句解析核心詞匯學習介詞練習構(gòu)詞法:-tion; -volve; -ly6課堂討論7練與講教學重點 1. 文學作品的賞析;2with”獨立結(jié)構(gòu)3構(gòu)詞法:前綴教學方法 結(jié)合實際吸收各種教學法(講授、問答、討論、模仿、練習、多媒體使用)的優(yōu)點。教

2、學手段 用投影儀播放 PowerPoint 課件及板書;群發(fā)電子郵件布置課堂資料和文案大全實用標準文檔About the author Naguib Mahfouz was born on the 11th Dec. 1911 in an old quarter of Cairo, theyoungest son of a merchant. (mummies and pyramids / sphinx 獅身人面) He worked in university administration(行政部門) and then in 1939 he workedfor the Ministry of

3、 Islamic ( Buddhism Christianity Islam) He was later Head of the State Cinema Organization at the Ministry of Culture( 文化部). He also worked as a journalist(記者). He is married, has two daughters and lives in Cairo. He was the first Arab to win the Nobel prize for literatureHe is now the author of no

4、fewer than 30 novels, more than 100 short stories, andmore than 200 articles. Half of his novels have been made into films which havecirculated (流通;傳播)throughout the Arabic-speaking world.The Cairo (三部曲) is a tale of the lives of a Muslim family and spans(跨過) the first half of the 20th century.Palac

5、e Walk 宮間街Palace of Desire 思官街Sugar Street 甘露街How does he picture the world?1 The world is very gloomy(陰沉的令人 沮喪的) though not completelydisappointing.2The authors social utopia 烏托邦)is far from being realized.3 Time is the bringer of change and change is a very painful process.4 Life is a tragedy.Text

6、 Appreciation1 structure2 Further discussionCan you recall your first days experience atprimary school?Did you feel you were a stranger the first day you arrived at this university?Was it hard for you to leave home for the first time in your life?What do you think is the business of university? What

7、 do you expect to learn here?3 Theme of the storyThe following are a few possible understandings of the message the storyconveys. Which one do you agree with? Argue with your group partners.Time and tide wait for no man.Life is a tragedy. There is nothing permanent in life but change.Education can n

8、ever keep up with changes in society.Life is short and time is precious.Life is a dream. Do not take anything seriously.4 1 7) 2 ) 3 ) 文案大全實用標準文檔5 I I 一個令人信服的論點 a , ; 發(fā)揮;運用 : 6 I I ? ” ” I 文案大全實用標準文檔? s a ) a I I II a a I 1 t 9 文案大全實用標準文檔 s 1 aa A a ( 1 2 3 a. a . 文案大全實用標準文檔 ) ,I a 文案大全實用標準文檔 1 a ? a a a2 a a a (5) 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 = a 文案大全實用標準文檔 a I Homework:1 A report of Education in America2 Interview your classmates or teachers about the following topic: How to usetime effectively?Preview work of lesson 2:1 words:a


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