



1、Module1 Unit1 第1課時導學案一、教學內(nèi)容外研版小學英語六年級上冊第一模塊第一單元第一課時: Unit 1 1. Listen and chant. 2. Listen, read and act out.二、教學目標1. 大多數(shù)學生能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞或短語: more than, thousand, kilometre, something, million.2. 大多數(shù)學生能夠聽懂并運用句型: These postcards are great! Its a picture of the Great Wall. Tell me more about. Its.談?wù)撃硞€地方或

2、某個事物的情況。3. 能夠運用所學的語言知識與同伴進行交流。三、教學重難點(一)重點:1. 聽、說、讀、寫單詞和短語 more than, thousand, kilometer, something, million. 2. 學習句型: These postcards are great! Its a picture of the Great Wall. Tell me more about. Its.(二)難點:1. 運用句型: These postcards are great! Its a picture of the Great Wall. Tell me more aboutIts

3、談?wù)撃硞€地方或某個事物的情況。2. thousand, million的用法。 四、自主學習1. 讀一讀下列單詞和短語,并寫出它們的中文意思。 more than, thousand, kilometre, million, something 2. 你會讀下面的句子嗎?A: These postcards are great!B: Yes, they are.A: Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it? B: Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long.3. 查一查,找一找。請查找有

4、關(guān)長城、北京和紐約的相關(guān)資料。五、探究學習1. 聽錄音,然后回答問題。(1) Where is Daming?(2) Whom is he talking with?(3) What are they talking about?(4) They can see the Great Wall in the postcard.錄音內(nèi)容:Daming is in New York. He is talking with his cousin Simon. They are talking about a postcard. They can see the Great Wall in the po

5、stcard.2. 跟讀對話,回答問題。Daming: Can you tell me something about New York? How big is it?Simon: Its very big. It has got more than eight million people.Daming: That is big.Simon: How big is Beijing?Daming: Beijing has got about twenty million people.Simon: Wow! Thats really big!(1) Is New York big?(2) Ho

6、w many people are there in Beijing?3. 小組內(nèi)分角色表演對話。兩人一小組表演對話,注意語調(diào)優(yōu)美哦!六、課堂檢測1. 讀單詞,將單詞補充完整。(1) tho_ s_ nd (2)m_ lli_ n (3)s_ m_ thing2. 根據(jù)句意和首字母補全單詞。(1) This p is great.(2) Beijing has got about twenty m people.(3) Tell me m about the animals.3. 小蝌蚪找媽媽。找出對應搭配國家名。(1) the Great Wall ( ) (2) New York ( )A

7、. China B. the US4. 用英語回答。(1) How long is the Great Wall? (2) Where is New York? 七、課時小結(jié)1這節(jié)課我的收獲是: 2這節(jié)課我的不足是: Keys一、自主學習:1. 更多的,千,公里,百萬,某事物。二、探究學習:1. (1) He is in New York.(2) He is talking with his cousin Simon.(3) They are talking about a postcard.(4) They can see the Great Wall in the postcard.2. (1) Yes, it is.(2) There are about twenty million people.三、課堂檢測1. (1) u, a (2) I, o (3) o, e2. (1) postcard (2) million (3) more3.


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