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1、 經濟學家讀譯參考 Translated & Edited by Chen JilongPAGE Page PAGE 7 of NUMPAGES 7Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.Proton 馬來西亞寶騰汽車A fork in the road何去何從?(陳繼繼龍 編譯)Nov 330thh 20006 | HHONGG KOONGFrom Thee Ecconoomisst pprinnt eedittionnMalayysiaas criisiss-riiddeen nnatiion

2、aal ccarmmakeer ffacees aa sttarkk chhoicce危機重重的的馬來西西亞國有有汽車制制造商面面臨嚴峻峻抉擇。WHAT willl bbecoome of Prootonn, Maalayysiaas strruggglinng ccarmmakeer? (1)AA poolitticaal pprojjectt seet uup iin tthe 19880s, itt neeverr piickeed uup sspeeed, hass beeen oveertaakenn byy fooreiign commpettitoors andd haas bb

3、ecoome embbroiiledd1 inn a strrugggle oveer iits futturee diirecctioon. Witth iits cassh rreseervees rrunnningg loow, it is noww inn daangeer oof bbreaakinng ddownn alltoggethher. Thhe ggoveernmmentt, wwhicch hhopees tto pplacce tthe commpanny wwithh a “sttrattegiic pparttnerr” bby nnextt Feebruuary

4、y, ssimpply wannts to exttriccatee2 ittsellf ffromm thhe mmesss wiith thee miinimmum of hummiliiatiion. Whhichh rooutee itt wiill takke iis tthe subbjecct oof ffeveerissh sspecculaatioon.苦苦掙扎的的馬來西西亞汽車車制造商商寶騰將將會怎樣樣呢?建建于上世世紀八十十年代的的寶騰是是政府扶扶植的一一個汽車車項目,發(fā)發(fā)展一直直比較遲遲緩,已經被外外國競爭爭對手趕超超,如今開開始艱難難地尋找找未來的的出路。由由于現金金

5、儲備不不斷走低低,它已已瀕臨徹徹底崩潰潰。馬來來西亞政政府希望望在明年年2月前前為該公公司找到到一個“戰(zhàn)略伙伴伴”,它現在在只想在在盡可能能保全顏顏面的同同時脫離離窘境。關關于它將將何去何何從已經經成為當下下熱議的的話題。Protoon wwas sett upp byy thhe ggoveernmmentt inn 19983 andd sttartted buiildiing carrs ttwo yeaars latter in asssociiatiion witth MMitssubiishii off Jaapann. IIt wwas a ccenttrall paart of

6、 thee sttrattegyy laaid outt byy Maahatthirr Moohammad, thhe pprimme mminiisteer aat tthe timme, to traansfformm Maalayysiaa innto an inddusttriaalissed nattionn byy 20020. (22)Thhe iideaa waas tthatt a bigg caarmaakerr woouldd crreatte jjobss, pprovvidee acccesss tto ttechhnollogiies, brringg inn e

7、xxporrt eearnninggs aand spaawn a hhostt off suuppoortiing inddusttriees. Butt Prrotoon nneveer ggot bigg. AAlthhouggh iit ooncee haad 665% of thee loocall maarkeet, outtputt neeverr roose aboove 2277,0000 ccarss a yeaar aand expportts nneveer eexceeedeed 220,0000 uniits annnuallly. Inn ann inndusst

8、ryy doominnateed bby aa haandfful of glooball giiantts, eacch pprodduciing 3m-66m ccarss a yeaar, Prootonn reemaiins a mminnnow3. 寶騰由馬來來西亞政政府于119833年組建建成立,兩兩年后開開始與日本三三菱公司司合作生生產汽車車。它是是時任馬馬來西亞亞總理的的馬哈蒂蒂爾默哈曼曼德戰(zhàn)略略部署(即即到20020年年將馬來來西亞建建設成為為一個工工業(yè)化國國家)的的一個重重要組成成部分。在馬來來西亞政政府看來來,一個個“大”型的汽車車制造公公司可以以創(chuàng)造就就業(yè)、引引進技術術

9、、出口口創(chuàng)匯以以及造就就諸多配配套產業(yè)業(yè)??墒鞘菍汄v一一直都沒沒有變“大”。雖然然它曾一一度占有有當地市市場655%的份份額,但但其年產產量始終終未曾超超過222.7萬萬輛,年年出口量量也都在在2萬輛輛以下。在在一個由由少數年年產30006600萬萬輛汽車車的全球球巨頭占主主導地位位的產業(yè)業(yè)領域內內,寶騰騰依然是是個“小不點點”。(3)Yeet iit hhas reffuseed tto sscalle ddownn4 itts aambiitioons. Prrotoon hhas buiilt facctorriess caapabble of chuurniing outt5 1m c

10、carss a yeaar aand hass laauncchedd a rannge of moddelss. BBut quaalitty iis ppoorr annd llow vollumees mmeann itt iss noot aablee too coompeete on cosst. Eveen llocaal cconssumeers havve bbecoome fedd upp wiith Prootonns carrs, witth ttheiir ssharrplyy deecliininng ssecoond-hannd vvaluues. Thhey ha

11、vve sswittcheed lloyaaltiies to whaat wwas oncce tthe seccondd naatioonall caarmaakerr, PPerooduaa, wwhicch iis nnow conntroolleed aand verry ccomppeteentlly rrun by Jappans DDaihhatssu, parrt oof TToyoota. Prrotoonss maarkeet ssharre iin MMalaaysiia hhas falllenn stteaddilyy inn thhe ppastt feew yy

12、earrs aand is noww juust 31%.然而,它并并不愿善善罷甘休休。寶騰騰已經建建成了每每年總產產1000萬輛汽汽車的多多個工廠廠,并推推出了多多種汽車車款式。但但質量差差且銷量量少意味味著它在價格上并不具備備競爭力力,就連連當地消消費者也也逐漸對對寶騰汽汽車產生生了不滿情情緒,原原因就是是二手寶寶騰車貶貶值過快快。他們們已經“移情別別戀”到Peeroddua身身上。PPerooduaa曾是全全國第二二大汽車車制造商商,現歸屬于于日本豐豐田旗下下的大發(fā)發(fā),運營十十分順暢暢。過去去幾年來來,寶騰騰在馬來來西亞的的市場占占有率已已逐步降降低,目目前僅為為31。The ccris

13、sis hass inntennsiffiedd inn reecennt wweekks bbecaausee Prrotoonss caash is runnninng oout. Inn 20003 it hadd 3.8 bbilllionn riingggit6 ($11.1 billlioon) in thee baank, buut ttodaay iit hhas onlly 5500mm riingggit, haalf whaat iit hhad in Marrch. Heencee thhe ggoveernmmentts reccentt annnouunceemen

14、nt tthatt itt waas iin nnew tallks witth ttwo bigg Euuroppeann caar ggrouups, Voolksswaggen andd PSSA PPeuggeott Ciitroon, wiith a vvieww too seelliing parrt oor aall of itss sttakee too onne oof tthemm orr foormiing somme kkindd off sttrattegiic aalliiancce.近幾周由于于寶騰現現金消耗耗殆盡,危危機已進進一步加加劇。220033年其現現金儲

15、備備為388億林吉吉特(約約合111億美元元),而而現在只只有5億億林吉特特,是33月份時時的一半半。因此此,馬來來西亞政政府近期期宣稱寶寶騰正在在同大眾眾和PSSA標志志雪鐵龍龍兩家歐歐洲大型型汽車集集團舉行行新一輪輪會談,旨旨在將其其部分或或全部股股份出售售給其中中一家,或或者建立立某種意意義上的的戰(zhàn)略同同盟。The ttrouublee iss thhat Prootonn iss noot jjustt ann aiilinng ccarmmakeer. It is alsso aa poolitticaal hhot pottatoo, ssincce iit iis ccauggh

16、t up in thee feeud bettweeen DDr MMahaathiir aand Abddulllah Baddawii, wwho succceeededd hiim aas pprimme mminiisteer iin 220033. MMr BBadaawi seees tthe firrm aas aa liiabiilitty77, butt too Drr Maahatthirr anny ssalee woouldd bee taantaamouunt to8 dissmanntliing hiss leegaccy. Khaazannah, thhe nna

17、tiionaal iinveestmmentt auuthooritty aand Prootonns maiin ssharrehooldeer, is alsso rreluuctaant to selll bbecaausee off thhe wwritte-ddownn itt woouldd taake. (44)Too coompllicaate mattterrs ffurttherr Prrotoonss maanaggemeent, inn ann effforrt tto aasseert conntrool, hass siigneed vvaguue llettter

18、ss off inntennt wwithh caarmaakerrs iinclludiing Peuugeoot aand Chiinas CCherry. Andd thhreee loocall caar iimpoorteers, DRRB-HHicoom, Nazza GGrouup aand Moffaz, seeparrateely offfereed tto bbuy Prootonn inn orrderr too keeep it in Mallayssiann haandss.問題在于寶寶騰不僅僅僅是一一個沉疴疴在身的的汽車制制造商,而且由于卷入了馬哈蒂爾與阿卜杜拉巴扎

19、維之間長期以來的明爭暗斗,在政治上它也成了一個“燙手山芋”。巴扎維于2003年接替馬哈蒂爾任馬來西亞總理,他把寶騰看成是一個累贅,而馬哈蒂爾卻認為任何形式的出售都無異于瓦解他任內建下的基業(yè)。寶騰大股東、國家投資管理局Khazanah因可能蒙受資產賬面價值損失因而也不愿出售。寶騰的管理層為了盡力維護自己對寶騰的掌控權,已經同標志、中國奇瑞等汽車制造商簽訂了意向書,但內容含糊其辭,目的就是要把問題搞得更加撲朔迷離。此外,馬來西亞本地三家汽車進口公司DRB-Hicom、納莎集團和莫法茲也分別出價欲收購寶騰以使其仍歸馬來西亞人所有。But eevenn iff a buyyer cann bee fo

20、oundd, aa saale wouuld cauuse othher proobleems.(5)FForeeignn buuyerrs wwoulld bbe iinteeresstedd maainlly iin aacceess to thee maarkeet, nott inn Prrotoonss faactooriees, moddelss orr heeadsstroong mannageers, whho iinsiist thaat aa liittlle mmoree innvesstmeent is alll thhat is neeededd too tuurn

21、thee fiirm arooundd. AAnd altthouugh anootheer ccarmmakeer ccoulld uuse Prootonns mannufaactuurinng pplannts, itt woouldd maake litttlee fiinannciaal ssensse, sinnce mosst ppartts wwoulld hhavee too bee immporrtedd. FForeeignn coompoonennt-mmakeers, puut ooff by Mallayssias rrulees tthatt giive advv

22、anttagees tto eethnnic Mallayss, hhavee seet uup sshopp inn Thhaillandd innsteead.不過即使能能找到買買主,出出售也會會引發(fā)其其它問題題。外國國買家感感興趣的的主要是是能進入入馬來西西亞市場場,而不不是寶騰騰的工廠廠、車型型抑或剛剛愎自用用的管理理者。這這些管理理者堅持持認為要要扭轉公公司頹勢勢只需再再增加些些許投資資即可。此此外,雖雖然新來來乍到的的汽車制制造商可可以使用用寶騰的的生產線線,但由由于大多多數零部部件都必必須依賴賴進口,因因此基本本上無利利可圖。由于馬馬來西亞亞人在制制定規(guī)則則上帶有有民族主主義色彩

23、彩,外國國零部件件生產商商只好暫暫時擱置置進入馬馬來西亞亞的計劃劃,轉而而到泰國國開張大大吉了。Malayysiaas govvernnmennt, thee prrimee miinissterr annd hhis medddliing preedeccesssor do nott haave lonng tto ddeciide whiich wayy too tuurn. Shhoulld PProtton givve uup aand beccomee a tinny ppartt off a glooball caarmaakerr, oor sshouuld it strrugggle on in thee hoope thaat


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