



1、讀后續(xù)寫好句小詞素材積累(一)好句.He covered his head with everything from a bike helmet to a ski cap(滑雪帽)in an effort to keep his thoughts from popping out. He tried bandaging the top of his head, winding the gauze(紗布, 薄紗)under his chin.他用從自行車頭盔到滑雪帽的各種東西蓋住自己的頭,努力不讓自己的思想跳出 來。他試著用繃帶包扎頭頂,將紗布纏繞在下巴上。.Close friends stuc

2、k up for each other, and sisters stuck up for brothers. After it was all over, Cal trudged home with blackness in the balloon over his head.親密的朋友們相互扶持,姐妹們?yōu)樾值軅儞纹鹨黄?。一切都結束后,卡爾帶著 頭上氣球的黑氣蹣跚回家。這兩句話出自2022年1月英語沙龍中Comic-Strip Cal第一句話是動作描寫,表現(xiàn)了 Cal為了不讓自己的想法向他人展示做的一系列動 作,in an effort to意為企圖,努力做。第二句話是動作描寫,其中sti

3、ck up for意為維護,支持,為辯護,trudge意為跋涉;步履艱難地走。小詞Grab英graeb美grasb v.攫取;搶奪;抓?。C會);匆忙取;賺取;n.攫取, 爭?。蛔ト〉膱D像;變形 過去分詞:grabbed復數(shù):grabs過去式:grabbed現(xiàn)在分詞:grabbing第三人 稱單數(shù):grabs.sth (from sb/sth) to take or hold sb/sth with your hand suddenly, firmly or roughly 抓??;攫取Wild with joy, she jumped up, grabbing the blouse and f

4、lourishing it while crying.她高興得跳了起來,抓起上衣,一邊哭一邊揮舞。With grabbing the rope tightly, I staggered out the eddy inch by inch.緊緊抓住繩子,我一寸一寸地踉蹌著走出漩渦。Without a second to spare, he firmly grabbed the terrified three by the hand and dash towards the door as fast as his feet could carry him.沒有一秒鐘的時間,他緊緊地抓住嚇壞了的三個

5、人的手,以最快的速度向門沖去。His hand suddenly shot out and grabbed my ear, pinching it tightly. Terror gripped me. 他的手突然伸出來,抓住了我的耳朵,緊緊地捏住它。恐怖籠罩著我。.單獨使用的動詞at/for sth to try to take hold of sth (試圖)抓住,奪得Well before I could grab hold of the horse rope, the frightened horse took a sharp turn and dashed forward at li

6、ghtning speed.我還沒來得及抓住馬繩,那匹受驚的馬就急轉了一圈,以閃電般的速度向前沖去。She grabbed at the branch, missed and fell.她抓樹枝,可沒抓著,就跌倒了。.(at sth) to take advantage of an opportunity to do or have sth 禾Ll用, 抓住(機會)This was my big chance and I grabbed it with both hands.這是我的大好機會,我緊緊抓住。Hell grab at any excuse to avoid doing the di

7、shes.他會隨便找個借口來逃避洗碗。.動詞 + 名詞短語to have or take sth quickly, especially because you are in a hurry (尤指匆忙地)取,拿,吃,喝Lets grab a sandwich before we go.咱們趕快吃個三明治就走吧。I managed to grab a couple of hours9 sleep on the plane.我在飛機上抓緊時間睡了兩個鐘頭。.動詞+名詞短語to take sth for yourself, especially in a selfish or greedy way

8、 (尤 指自私、貪婪地)撈取,賺取,搶占By the time we arrived, someone had grabbed all the good seats.我們到達時,所有的好位子都給人占了。(二)好句.It took me a few seconds to swallow the crucial fact that Willard P. Frank did live insuch a shabby place, where even the sun failed to find its way to filter through.我花了幾秒鐘才接受這個重要的事實,威拉德-P-弗蘭克

9、確實住在這樣一個破舊的 地方,連陽光都透不過。.The prolonged hush dominated the whole class, until, suddenly, deafening applause and sincere cheers for him erupted, shattering the profound silence around him.長時間的安靜支配著整個班級,直到突然間,爆發(fā)出震耳欲聾的掌聲和對他真誠 的歡呼,打破了他周圍的深寂靜靜。這兩句話出自優(yōu)秀讀后續(xù)寫范文。第一句話是我的心理描寫,成認了 Willard P. Frank居住在一個破舊地方的事實, 給這

10、個地方下一個定語sun failed to find its way to filter through意思就是光都透不過去。第二句話是環(huán)境描寫,以動靜比照,先寫長時間的安靜prolonged hush統(tǒng)治著整 個班級,再寫比照的轉折,以震耳欲聾的掌聲和真誠的歡呼deafening applause and sincere cheers, 打破了 寂靜,shatter the silence.小詞Melt英melt美m(xù)elt v.(使)熔化,融化;(使)軟化;(情緒)消散;與融為一體;n. 奶酪三明治;變形 過去分詞:melted過去式:melted現(xiàn)在分詞:melting第三人稱單數(shù):mel

11、ts.to become or make sth become liquid as a result of heating (使)熔化, 融化The snow showed no sign of melting.雪沒有一點融化的跡象。The sun had melted the snow.陽光融化了積雪。The chocolate is then melted down to exactly the right temperature.然后巧克力被融化到了恰好的溫度。Take a sheet of filo pastry and brush it with melted butter.取一張搟

12、得很薄的油酥面皮,上面刷上一層熔化的牛油。.to become or to make a feeling, an emotion, etc. become gentler and less strong (使) 軟化,變得溫柔melt的基本意思是通過加熱而慢慢液化,即軟化而后失去形狀變?yōu)榱黧w,可指冰,雪 等遇陽光發(fā)出的熱而“融化”,引申可表示食物在人口中“溶化”或金屬物質在強熱下“熔 化”。還可引申指某人(事物)“消散”“消失”。The tension in the room began to melt.屋里的緊張氣氛開始緩和。The youths dispersed and melted i

13、nto the darkness.年輕人散開了,消失在夜幕之中。The crowd quickly melted away when the storm broke.暴風雨襲來時人群很快地四散了。The snow soon melted away when the sun came out.太陽出來后不久,雪就化了。Mary melted into tears when she heard the bad news.當瑪麗聽到這個壞消息時大哭了起來。Their fear and worry melted away.他們的恐懼和擔憂消失了。As we chatted after working, the iceberg between us also melted.當我們工作后聊天時,我們之間的冰山也融化了。My dedication gradually melted my teammates heart and his attitudes towards me began to change.我的奉獻精神逐漸融化了我的隊友的心,他對我的態(tài)度開始改變。My countenance, which had been shrouded in a dreary and leaden mist of unrestrained despon


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