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1、PAGE 原文:The Finne Artt of Reeducinng andd Avoiiding Incomme TaxxesStartinng witth thee Tariiff Acct of 1913, whicch enccompassses tthe fiirst iincomee tax on inndividduals folloowing the aadoptiion off the Sixteeenth Amenddment; taxppayerss havee beenn zeallouslyy atteemptinng to minimmize ttheir ta

2、x lliabillity. Unforrtunattely iin theeir deesire to acchievee thiss resuult vaariouss schemmes haave beeen deevisedd whicch borrder oon fraaud. TThis aarticlle expploress somee tax plannning iideas for iindiviidualss whicch mayy provvide ttaxpayyers tthe whherewiithal to atttain theirr goall-loweer

3、 inccome ttaxes. It shoulld be notedd, howwever, thatt befoore immplemeentingg any of thhe sugggesteed ideeas, iindiviidualss shouuld reeview them with qualiified counssel. CAPITALL GAINNS ANDD LOSSSES Under tthe Taax Refform AAct off 19699 the alterrnativve taxx on llong-tterm ccapitaal gaiins (gga

4、ins on thhe salle of capittal asssets held for MMORE tthan ssix moonths) has been modiffied. For ttaxablle yeaars beeginniing affter DDecembber 311, 19669 thee firsst $500,000 of loong-teerm caapitall gainns, foor inddividuuals, estattes annd trrusts, is ttaxed at 255%. Anny nett longg-termm capiita

5、l ggains (i.e. exceess loong-teerm caapitall gainns ovver shhort-tterm ccapitaal lossses) in exxcess of $550,0000 is tthen ssubjecct to an efffectiive maaximumm tax of 355% (500% of the ccurrennt maxximum tax rrate oof 70%). Neet shoort-teerm caapitall gainns (i.e. exxcess shortt-termm capiital ggai

6、ns over long-term capittal loosses) are stilll taxeed as ordinnary iincomee. At firstt blussh it wouldd appeear thhat siignifiicant tax ssavinggs couuld bee achiieved by sttructuuring saless of ccapitaal asssets tto obttain tthe beenefitts of the aalternnativee tax. In rrealitty thiis is only illuss

7、ory. The mmaximuum taxx saviings oone caan hoppe to achieeve viia thee alteernatiive taax proocedurre is only $5,0000.EXHIBITT A Maximumm tax on neet lonng-terrm cappital gainss 335%Maximumm tax on thhe firrst $550,0000 of llong-tterm ccapitaal gaiin 255%Differeence 110%Tax Savvings underr the Alter

8、rnativve Taxx; Firrst $550,0000 of Long-teerm caapitall gainn *10% $5,000 Probabbly moore innteressting is thhe facct thaat if the ttaxpayyers only incomme is long-term capittal gaains tthe allternaative tax pproceddure wwill AALWAYSS yiellds a HIGHEER taxx thann the normaal taxx compputatiion. TThi

9、s iis eviidenceed by the fact that the nnormall tax ratess are graduuated wheree the alterrnativve taxx is aa flatt 25% on thhe firrst $550,0000 of llong-tterm ccapitaal gaiins. IIf thee taxppayers nett longg-termm capiital ggain iis at leastt $50,000, the aalternnativee tax proceedure produuces aa

10、tax whichh is hhigherr thann the normaal taxx by $6,4800. EXHIBITT B $50,0000 of loong-teerm caapitall gainn at 225% $125000Tax on $50,0000-Scchedulle Y-1972 Tax RRate SScheduules $ 60200Increasse in Tax UUsing Alterrnativve Metthod $64800Also moodifieed by the TTax Reeform Act oof 19669 wass the ut

11、iliizatioon of net llong-tterm ccapitaal lossses (i.e. excesss lonng-terrm lossses oover sshort-term gainss) to offseet orddinaryy incoome. Basiccally, if aan inddividuual haas a nnet caapitall losss for the ccurrennt yeaar, hee may reducce hiss ordiinary incomme up to buut nott exceeedingg $1,0000.

12、 Net sshort-term capittal loosses are uused tto offfset oordinaary inncome on a dollaar-forr-dolllar baasis. Howevver, nnet loong-teerm loosses arisiing affter 11969, reducce orddinaryy incoome onn a twwo-forr-one basiss (i.ee. forrever $1 reeductiion aggainstt ordiinary incomme $2 of thhe lonng-ter

13、rm losss musst be used). It shoulld be notedd thatt in aapplyiing caapitall lossses too offsset orrdinarry inccome tthe shhort-tterm llossess are appliied fiirst. Moreoover, any llossess not used to reeduce ordinnary iincomee are carriied foorwardd to ffuturee yearrs rettaininng theeir chharactter a

14、ss eithher shhort-tterm oor lonng-terrm lossses. Indivvidualls whoo havee numeerous stockk trannsactiions sshouldd sepaaratelly commpute theirr stocck traansferr tax (geneerallyy showwn on the bbrokerrs addvice). Thiis taxx woulld be an ittemizeed dedductioon whiile inncreassing tthe neet prooceedss

15、 on tthe sttock ssale. Sincce thee tax has bbeen ddeductted frrom thhe nett preccedes itMust bee addeed bacck wheen claaimingg the tax aas a sseparaate deeductiion; ootherwwise iit wouuld bee deduucted twicee. In this manneer gaiins arre inccreaseed, loosses are rreduceed andd the indivviduall obtaa

16、ins aa fulll deduuctionn for the ttransffer taax at his nnormall tax brackket. TThe taax savvings achieeved bby thiis metthod iis surrprisiingly high. Tax plaanningg dicttates that a carreful analyysis oof thee taxppayers invvestmeent poortfollio iss madee to eensuree thatt the maximmum beenefitts a

17、ree achiieved when usingg the capittal gaains aand looss prrovisiions. Obvioously, the timinng of the ttaxpayyers sale of caapitall asseets beecomess cruccial.SHORT SSALES AGAINNST THHE BOXX-LONGG IN BBENEFIITS The sopphistiicatedd inveestor has bbeen aable tto utiilize the sshort-sale-againnst- tth

18、e-boox tecchniquue to contrrol thhe taxx timiing off capiital ggains. Althhough the iinvesttor, aat thee timee of tthe shhort ssale, has ffixed his ooveralll ecoonomicc gainn, thee taxaable ggain iis nott reallized untill the shortt salee is cclosedd out; thatt is, the ssecuriities are ddeliveered t

19、to thee purcchaserr. Morreoverr, priior too Auguust 19967 shhortinng agaainst the bbox waas alsso useed to circuumventt the wash-sale ruless. Cann thiss shorrt salle tecchniquue be furthher exxtendeed to complletelyy elimminatee capiital ggains on saales oof seccuritiies? HHere iis howw it wwould wo

20、rk. Mr. Smiith owwns 1000 shaares oof X CCo. whhich aare heeld byy his brokeer. Onn Septtemberr 1, 11973 hhe insstructts hiss brokker too selll thesse seccuritiies “sshort againnst thhe boxx. AAt thiis poiint Mrr. Smiith iss creddited with the pproceeeds off the sale, in aa shorrt acccount, whille s

21、tiill maaintaiining his llong ppositiion inn X Coo. Stoock. TThus, theree is nno taxxable eventt as yyet. NNormallly Mrr. Smiith woould tthen cclose out tthe shhort ssale iin Jannuary 1974, effeectiveely poostponning tthe reecogniition of caapitall gainn fromm 19733 to 11974. This is thhe staandardd

22、 trannsactiion. HHoweveer, Mrr. Smiith haas no intenntion of cllosingg out the ttransaactionn duriing hiis liffetimee sinccere ccan obbtain a subbstanttial aamountt of ccash iimmediiatelyy withhout iincurrring aany taax. TThe reesultss woulld be as foollowss: 1. DURIING HIIS LIFFETIMEE. No recoognit

23、iion off capiital ggain oon thee salee of 1100 shhares of X Co. Sincee the sale was nnot cllosed out. 2. MR.SSMITHS ESTTATE.The posssibillity oof no recoggnitioon of capittal gaain. TThe taax bassis off the 100 ssharess of tthe X Co., held in thhe lonng possitionn, wouuld taake onn a stteppedd-up ee

24、statee tax valuee. If thesee secuuritiees aree thenn usedd to cclose out tthe shhort ssale, the ssteppeed-up basiss woulld Thiis exccerpt on shhort ssales is reeprintted byy permmissioon froom Mr. Malaagas Shorrt Salles Aggainstt the Box-LLong iin bennefitss,” Coopyrigght 19969 byy the Ameriican IIn

25、stittute oof Cerrtifieed Pubblic AAccounntantss, REDDUCINGG AND AVOIDDING IINCOMEE TAXEES preesumabbly bee equaal to or grreaterr thann the origiinal pproceeeds reeceiveed, heence nno cappital gain. Althhough the eestatee mustt incllude tthe vaalue oof thee 100 sharees of X Co., helld in the llong p

26、positiion, iin thee grosss esttate iit alsso hass an oobligaation to deeliverr 100 sharees of X Co. to cclose out tthe shhort ppositiion annd to that extennt wouuld bee entiitled to ann estaate taax dedductioon undder Seectionn 20533(a) (4). FFurtheermoree, thee resuultingg taxxable estatte” woould

27、nnot bee affeected by thhe shoort saate aggainstt the box. 3. ESTTATESS INCOOME TAAX. The IRSS may take the ppositiion thhat thhe covveringg of tthe shhort ssale, by thhe esttate, is inncome in reespectt of tthe deecedennt (Seectionn 691). If this view can bbe subbstanttiatedd, whiich iss quesstiona

28、able, any gain on tthe shhort ssale wwould now bbe inccludedd in tthe esstates fidduciarry retturn. The ccomputtationn of tthis taxabble gaain rraisess the folloowing questtion: What is thhe bassis off thosse shaares ddeliveered tto cloose ouut thee shorrt salle? Prresumaably tthe IRRS possitionn wo

29、ulld be that such basiss is tthe deecedennts bbasis at thhe timme thee shorrt salle wass enteered iinto. Mr. Smiith haas gaiined eeconommicallly in this entirre traansacttion. He coould cconceiivablyy obtaain 900% of the pproceeeds onn the shortt salee in ccash, sincee onlyy a 100% marrgin rrequirre

30、mentt is iimposeed by the SSEC. Howeverr, thee conssensuss of tthose brokeers quueriedd indiicatedd thatt the invesstor ccould only obtaiin appproximmatelyy 20% in caash immmediaately, therreby mmaintaainingg the curreent maargin requiiremennt of 80%. In thhe altternattive, Mr. SSmith couldd leavve

31、thee procceeds from the sshort sale in hiis acccount and uutilizze theem to acquiire addditioonal ssecuriities. Since tthe inndividdual bbrokerrage ffirms have set uup theeir owwn reggulatiions rregardding aa shorrt salle agaainst the bbox, tthey sshouldd be qquestiioned as too the econoomics involl

32、ved pprior to ennterinng intto anyy propposed sale. Notee, howwever, thatt a shhort ssale oof stoock duuring the tthree year holdiing peeriod for sstock acquiired tthrouggh thee exerrcise of a qualiified stockk optiion iss a diisposiition and iis taxxed ass ordiinary incomme. TThis iis thee 1RS posi

33、ttion iin a rrecentt ruliing. (Rev. Rul. 73-992). SUBCHAPPTER SS CORPPORATIION Tax wisse, thhe Subbchaptter S Corpooratioon proovidess the ownerrs of a cloosely held compaany thhe meaans foor sollving certaain buusinesss prooblemss. Whaat is a Subbchaptter S Corpooratioon or what some tax ppractiiti

34、oneers caall a tax-ooptionn Corpporatiion? BBasicaally, it iss a coorporaation whichh may electt to hhave iits inncome taxedd direectly to itts shaarehollders avoidding, the ttax att the corpoorate levell. Inccome receiived bby thee sharreholdders aare taaxablee to tthem wwhen rreceivved whhile uund

35、isttributted coorporaate pprofitts aree taxeed to the sshare- holdders aas if they distrributeed on the llast dday off the corpooratioons ttaxablle yeaar.These pprofitts aree alloocatedd to tthe shharehoolderss on aa pro rata basiss in aaccorddance with theirr stocck ownnershiip on the llast dday of

36、f the corpooratioons ttaxablle yeaar. Hooweverr, thee compputatiion off a neet opeeratinng losss of the ccorporrationn whicch is allowwed too sharreholdders aas a ddeducttion iis morre commplex. Eveery inndividdual wwho waas a ssharehholderr AT AANY TIIME duuring the ttaxablle yeaar, inn whicch thee

37、 Subcchapteer S CCorporrationn susttainedd a looss, iis perrmitteed a ddeducttion ffrom ggross incomme forr his portiion off suchh losss. Thee sharreholdders portiion off suchh losss is tthe coorporaations daiily neet opeeratinng losss (neet opeeratinng losss divvided by thhe nummber oof dayys in th

38、e ccorporrationns taaxablee yearr) asssignedd on aa pro rata basiss to tthe sttock oowned by thhe shaarehollder oon eacch dayy of tthe taaxablee yearr. Butt in nno eveent shhall tthe deeductiion foor succh losss excceed tthe shharehoolders adjjustedd basiis of his sstock in thhe corrporattion pplus

39、aany inndebteednesss owedd him by thhe corrporattion. To quallify tto eleect thhe Subbchaptter S statuus, thhe folllowinng reqquiremments must be meet: 1. Thee corpporatiion muust bee a doomestiic corrporattion; that is onne orgganizeed undder thhe lawws of the UUnitedd Stattes. 2. The corpoorate ow

40、nerrship may NNOT exxceed 10 shharehoolderss. 3. The shareeholdeers muust onnly coonsistt of iindiviidualss or eestatees. 4. A noonresiident alienn may NOT bbe a ssharehholderr. 5. The capittal sttructuure off the corpooratioon musst connsist of onnly onne claass off stocck. Iff thesse reqquiremment

41、s can bbe mett thenn somee tax plannning ttechniiques may bbe empployedd, usiing thhe Subbchaptter S Corpooratioon, too achiieve ttax beenefitts. 1. Acccumulaated EEarninngs Taax Prooblem Under SSectioon 5311, corrporattions formeed or availled off for the ppurposse of avoidding tthe inndividdual ii

42、ncomee tax with respeect too its shareeholdeers arre subbject to thhe acccumulaated eearninngs taax. Thhis taax is 27 1/2% off the firstt $1000,000 of acccumullated taxabble inncome plus 38 1/2% onn any excesss acccumulaated ttaxablle inccome oover tthe fiirst $100,0000. TThese high ratess are used

43、as a deterrrent againnst acccumullatingg corpporatee incoome raather than distrributiing suuch inncome to shharehoolderss as aa diviidend. One excceptioon is that, duriing thhe perriod aa Subcchapteer S eelectiion iss in eeffectt, thee corpporatiion iss not subjeect too the accummulateed earrningss

44、tax. Undeer thee Subcchapteer S rrules all ttaxablle inccome iis “deeemed disttributted annd theereforre is not availled off for the ppurposse of avoidding tthe inndividdualREDUCINNG ANDD AVOIIDING INCOMME TAXXES One notte of cautiion iss neceessaryy howeever. If tthe coorporaation were estabblishee

45、d forr the speciific ppurposse of tax aavoidaance, the IIRS coould ddisreggard tthe enntire set-uup. AA valiid bussinesss purppose ffor crreatinng mulltiplee corpporatiions sshouldd be ssoughtt. Forr exammple, it maay be soundd busiiness acumeen to have separrate ssellinng andd manuufactuuring corpo

46、oratioons. Shiftinng of incomme amoong meemberss of aa famiily maay be accommplishhed thhroughh the utiliizatioon of the SSubchaapter S proovisioons. UUndisttributted taaxablee incoome off a Suubchappter SS corpporatiion iss alloocatedd to iits shharehoolderss on tthe laast daay of the ccorporration

47、ns taaxablee yearr. Theereforre, giifts oof stoock beefore the yyear-eend too low-brackket taaxpayeers wiithin the ffamilyy woulld shiift coorporaate prrofitss to tthe doomes. Bear in miind hooweverr, thaat thee IRS has tthe auuthoriity too alloocate incomme to a shaarehollder tto refflect the vvalu

48、e of hiis serrvicess to tthe coorporaation. Source: Stanleey Malagga,20006 “The Fine Art of Reeducinng andd Avoiiding Incomme Taxxes” . Journnal off the Acadeemy off Markketingg Scieence, vol. 1, noo.1, Januarry,pp. 34-422.譯文: 減少和避免所得得稅的藝術(shù)從1913年有有關(guān)稅法開始始,包括個人人所得稅后第第16修正案案得以采用,納納稅人必須試試圖竟可能的的減少說物的的負擔。不


50、稅收達35%(最高稅率率70%的一一半)。得到到短期資本收收益(即多余余的短期資金金的收益)卻卻仍然長期資資本虧損與普普通人納稅收收入相同。起起初,這重要要的稅金節(jié)約約額似乎可以以通過構(gòu)建有有利資本的銷銷售額從替換換稅中得到好好處。事實上上這只是虛幻幻。人們希望望能通過另一一種稅收程序序達到最大的的稅金節(jié)約額額只有5萬美美元。展示A最大稅務上得到到的長期資本本收益 35%最高稅額在長期期資本收益的的第一個5萬萬美元 25%差異 10%稅金節(jié)約額從屬屬于替換稅,也也許更有趣的的事實是對于于第一個5萬萬美元長期基基金收益*110% 50000美元如果納稅人的收收益僅僅遵守守替換稅程序序,將會產(chǎn)生生

51、比正常預算算更高的稅額額。這個事實實的證據(jù)是正正常稅額比率率在替換稅第第一個5萬美美元長期收益益基金是255%上是累進進的。如果納納稅人的凈長長期資本增值值至少5萬美美元,替代稅稅務程序產(chǎn)生生稅額高于正正常的稅務66,480美美元。展示B以25%為稅率率的5萬美元元收率長期資本本 125000美元使用Y計劃1972稅稅率計劃的550000美美元的應交稅稅額 60020美元運用替代方法增增加的稅額 64480美元同時1969年年稅收改革法法案改性的凈凈長期資本損損失(即多余的長長期過度短期期利益損失)利用普通收收入來抵消。基本上,如如果一個人有有一個當年凈凈資本損失,他他可能會減少少他的普通收收




55、會產(chǎn)生任何何即時交易稅稅的意圖的結(jié)結(jié)果將如下:1在他的一生生。 由于出售沒有結(jié)結(jié)束,因此沒有資資本對1000的X公司出出售股份獲得得認同。 2史密斯先生生的遺產(chǎn)。 對資本收益的不不承認的可能能性。該公司的XX 100股股的好倉舉行行,計稅依據(jù)據(jù)將采取階梯梯式房地產(chǎn)稅稅值。如果這些證證券,然后用用來關(guān)閉了短短期銷售,加加緊基礎將這這種對賣空摘摘錄轉(zhuǎn)載來自自馬拉加先生生的許可“反反對箱長短期期銷售收益,”11969年美美國版權(quán)協(xié)會會會計師,減減少和避免所所得稅大概等等于或大于原原來收到更大大的收益,因因此也沒有資資本利得。雖然房地產(chǎn)產(chǎn)必須包括對對X公司的1100股股票票的價值,在在長期職位,在在總地產(chǎn)


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